function VideoPlayer(id) ' Get video controls and UI video = CreateObject("roSGNode", "JFVideo") = id video = VideoContent(video) if video = invalid return invalid end if jellyfin_blue = "#00a4dcFF" video.retrievingBar.filledBarBlendColor = jellyfin_blue video.bufferingBar.filledBarBlendColor = jellyfin_blue video.trickPlayBar.filledBarBlendColor = jellyfin_blue return video end function function VideoContent(video) as object ' Get video stream video.content = createObject("RoSGNode", "ContentNode") params = {} meta = ItemMetaData( video.content.title = meta.Name container = getContainerType(meta) video.container = container ' If there is a last playback positon, ask user if they want to resume position = meta.json.UserData.PlaybackPositionTicks if position > 0 then dialogResult = startPlaybackOver(position) 'Dialog returns -1 when back pressed, 0 for resume, and 1 for start over if dialogResult = -1 then 'User pressed back, return invalid and don't load video return invalid else if dialogResult = 1 then 'Start Over selected, change position to 0 position = 0 end if end if video.content.BookmarkPosition = int(position/10000000) video.PlaySessionId = ItemGetSession(, position) transcodeParams = getTranscodeParameters(meta) transcodeParams.append({"PlaySessionId": video.PlaySessionId}) video.Subtitles = getSubtitles(,meta.json.MediaStreams) if video.Subtitles.count() > 0 then if video.Subtitles[0].IsTextSubtitleStream then video.content.SubtitleTracks = video.Subtitles[0].track else 'Watch to see if system overlay opened/closed to change transcoding if caption mode changed m.device.EnableAppFocusEvent(True) video.captionMode = video.globalCaptionMode if video.globalCaptionMode = "On" or (video.globalCaptionMode = "When mute" and m.mute = true) then 'Only transcode if subtitles are turned on transcodeParams.append({"SubtitleStreamIndex" : video.Subtitles[0].index }) end if end if end if video.directPlaySupported = directPlaySupported(meta) video.decodeAudioSupported = decodeAudioSupported(meta) video.transcodeParams = transcodeParams if video.directPlaySupported and video.decodeAudioSupported and transcodeParams.SubtitleStreamIndex = invalid then params.append({ "Static": "true", "Container": container "PlaySessionId": video.PlaySessionId }) video.content.url = buildURL(Substitute("Videos/{0}/stream",, params) video.content.streamformat = container video.content.switchingStrategy = "" video.isTranscode = False else video.content.url = buildURL(Substitute("Videos/{0}/master.m3u8",, transcodeParams) video.isTranscoded = true end if video.content = authorize_request(video.content) ' todo - audioFormat is read only video.content.audioFormat = getAudioFormat(meta) video.content.setCertificatesFile("common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt") return video end function function getTranscodeParameters(meta as object) if decodeAudioSupported(meta) then audioCodec = meta.json.MediaStreams[1].codec audioChannels = meta.json.MediaStreams[1].channels else audioCodec = "aac" audioChannels = 2 end if return { "VideoCodec": "h264", "AudioCodec": audioCodec, "MaxAudioChannels": audioChannels, "MediaSourceId":, "SegmentContainer": "ts", "MinSegments": 1, "BreakOnNonKeyFrames": "True", "h264-profile": "high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline", "RequireAvc": "false", } end function 'Checks available subtitle tracks and puts subtitles in preferred language at the top function getSubtitles(id as string, MediaStreams) tracks = [] devinfo = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo") 'Too many args for using substitute dashedid = id.left(8) + "-" + id.mid(8,4) + "-" + id.mid(12,4) + "-" + id.mid(16,4) + "-" + id.right(12) prefered_lang = devinfo.GetPreferredCaptionLanguage() for each stream in MediaStreams if stream.type = "Subtitle" then 'Documentation lists that srt, ttml, and dfxp can be sideloaded but only srt was working in my testing, 'forcing srt for all text subtitles url = Substitute("{0}/Videos/{1}/{2}/Subtitles/{3}/0/", get_url(), dashedid, id, stream.index.tostr()) url = url + Substitute("Stream.js?api_key={0}&format=srt", get_setting("active_user")) stream = { "Track": { "Language" : stream.language, "Description": stream.displaytitle , "TrackName": url }, "IsTextSubtitleStream": stream.IsTextSubtitleStream, "Index": stream.index } if prefered_lang = stream.language then tracks.unshift( stream ) else tracks.push( stream ) end if end if end for return tracks end function 'Opens dialog asking user if they want to resume video or start playback over function startPlayBackOver(time as LongInteger) as integer return option_dialog([ "Resume playing at " + ticksToHuman(time) + ".", "Start over from the beginning." ]) end function function directPlaySupported(meta as object) as boolean devinfo = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo") return devinfo.CanDecodeVideo({ Codec: meta.json.MediaStreams[0].codec }).result end function function decodeAudioSupported(meta as object) as boolean devinfo = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo") return devinfo.CanDecodeAudio({ Codec: meta.json.MediaStreams[1].codec, ChCnt: meta.json.MediaStreams[1].channels }).result end function function getContainerType(meta as object) as string ' Determine the file type of the video file source print type(meta) if meta.json.mediaSources = invalid then return "" container = meta.json.mediaSources[0].container if container = invalid container = "" else if container = "m4v" or container = "mov" container = "mp4" end if return container end function function getAudioFormat(meta as object) as string ' Determine the codec of the audio file source if meta.json.mediaSources = invalid then return "" audioInfo = getAudioInfo(meta) if audioInfo.count() = 0 then return "" return audioInfo[0].codec end function function getAudioInfo(meta as object) as object ' Return audio metadata for a given stream results = [] for each source in meta.json.mediaSources[0].mediaStreams if source["type"] = "Audio" results.push(source) end if end for return results end function function ReportPlayback(video, state = "update" as string) params = { "PlaySessionId": video.PlaySessionId, "PositionTicks": str(int(video.position)) + "0000000", "IsPaused": (video.state = "paused"), } PlaystateUpdate(, state, params) end function function StopPlayback() video = m.scene.focusedchild m.device.EnableAppFocusEvent(False) video.findNode("playbackTimer").control = "stop" video.control = "stop" video.visible = "false" if video.status = "finished" then MarkItemWatched( ReportPlayback(video, "stop") end function