UTF-8default192.168.1.100:8096 ali https://example.com/jellyfinPrekličiPoveži s strežnikomKonec ob %1Vnesite nastavitvePriljubljenNalaganje…Poskus prijave spodletel.OKMožnostiPredvajajProsimo prijavite seIščiStrežnika ni mogoče najti, ali je prižgan?PremešajPrijavaPošljiOgledanoZamenjaj strežnikOdjavaDodaj uporabnikaProfilMoja predstavnostNadaljuj ogledSlediNajnovejšeDomovVnesite svoje uporabniško imeVnesite gesloVnesite vrednost…Uredi poDodanoDatum izidaImeVrstni red urejanjaPadajočeNaraščajočeGesloUporabniško imeZvrstiRežiserVideoZvokStrežnikMessage displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc)Ta %1 ne vsebuje vsebinS strežnika ni bilo mogoče prenesti podatkov o programuNapaka pri nalaganju podatkov o programuNalaganje podatkov o programuPri predvajanju te vsebine je prišlo do napake.Dialog detail when error occurs during playbackPri pridobivanju podatkov za to vsebino s strežnika je prišlo do napake.Dialog detail when unable to load Content from ServerNapaka pri predvajanjuDialog title when error occurs during playbackNapaka pri pridobivanju vsebinDialog title when unable to load Content from ServerZahtevana vsebina ne obstaja na strežnikuContent of message box when the requested content is not found on the serverNi najdenoTitle of message box when the requested content is not found on the serverPovezovanje s strežnikomMessage to display to user while client is attempting to connect to the serverTV vodičMenu option for showing Live TV Guide / ScheduleKanaliMenu option for showing Live TV Channel ListPonovitevIf TV Shows has previously been broadcastedV živoIf TV Show is being broadcast live (not pre-recorded)Končano v(Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program ended (e.g. Ended Wednesday, 08:00) Končano ob(Past Tense) For defining time when a program will ended (e.g. Ended at 08:00) Prične v(Future Tense) For defining a day and time when a program will start (e.g. Starts Wednesday, 08:00) Prične ob(Future Tense) For defining time when a program will start today (e.g. Starts at 08:00) Pričelo v(Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program started (e.g. Started Wednesday, 08:00) Pričelo ob(Past Tense) For defining time when a program started today (e.g. Started at 08:00) SobotaDay of WeekPetekDay of WeekČetrtekDay of WeekSredaDay of WeekTorekDay of WeekPonedeljekDay of WeekNedeljaDay of WeekjutriNext dayvčerajPrevious daydanesCurrent dayTitle of Tab for options to filter library contentFilterTitle of Tab for options to sort library contentRazvrstiTitle of Tab for switching "views" when looking at a libraryPoglejČas trajanjaDatum izidaŠtevilo predvajanjOcena za staršeDatum predvajanjaDatum dodajanjaOcena kritikovIMDb ocenaName or Title field of media itemImeMessage displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc)Ta %1 ne vsebuje ničesarPodatkov o kanalu ni mogoče pridobiti s strežnikaNapaka pri nalaganju podatkov o kanaluNalaganje podatkov o kanaluPri predvajanju je prišlo do napake.Dialog detail when error occurs during playbackPri pridobivanju vsebine s strežnika je prišlo do napakeDialog detail when unable to load Content from ServerNapaka pri predvajanjuDialog title when error occurs during playbackNapaka pri pridobivanju vsebineDialog title when unable to load Content from ServerMessage displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc)Ta %1 ne vsebuje ničesarZahtevana vsebina ne obstaja na strežnikuContent of message box when the requested content is not found on the serverNi najdenoTitle of message box when the requested content is not found on the serverPovezovanje s strežnikomMessage to display to user while client is attempting to connect to the serverTV vodičMenu option for showing Live TV Guide / ScheduleKanaliMenu option for showing Live TV Channel ListPonovitevIf TV Shows has previously been broadcastedV živoIf TV Show is being broadcast live (not pre-recorded)Končano v(Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program ended (e.g. Ended Wednesday, 08:00) Končano ob(Past Tense) For defining time when a program will ended (e.g. Ended at 08:00) Prične v(Future Tense) For defining a day and time when a program will start (e.g. Starts Wednesday, 08:00) Prične ob(Future Tense) For defining time when a program will start today (e.g. Starts at 08:00) Pričelo v(Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program started (e.g. Started Wednesday, 08:00) Pričelo ob(Past Tense) For defining time when a program started today (e.g. Started at 08:00) SobotaDay of WeekPetekDay of WeekČetrtekDay of WeekSredaDay of WeekTorekDay of WeekPonedeljekDay of WeekNedeljaDay of WeekjutriNext dayvčerajPrevious daydanesCurrent dayTitle of Tab for options to filter library contentFilterTitle of Tab for options to sort library contentRazvrstiTitle of Tab for switching "views" when looking at a libraryPoglejČas trajanjaDatum izidaŠtevilo predvajanjOcena za staršeDatum predvajanjaDatum dodajanjaOcena kritikovIMDb ocenaName or Title field of media itemImePodatkov o kanalu ni mogoče pridobiti s strežnikaNapaka pri nalaganju podatkov o kanaluNalaganje podatkov o kanaluPri predvajanju je prišlo do napake.Dialog detail when error occurs during playbackPri pridobivanju vsebine s strežnika je prišlo do napakeDialog detail when unable to load Content from ServerNapaka pri predvajanjuDialog title when error occurs during playbackNapaka pri pridobivanju vsebineDialog title when unable to load Content from ServerPri pridobivanju vsebine s strežnika je prišlo do napake.Dialog detail when unable to load Content from ServerOcena kritikovPri predvajanju te vsebine je prišlo do napake. Strežnik ni poslal zahtevane prekodirane vsebine.Content of message box when trying to play an item which requires transcoding, and the server did not provide transcode urlNapaka pri pridobivanju informacij za predvajanjeDialog Title: Received error from server when trying to get information about the selected item for playback...ali ročno vnesite URL:Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to manually enter a server URLIzberite Jellyfin strežnik iz lokalnega omrežjaInstructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to pick a server from a listVnesite ime strežnika ali naslov IPTitle of KeyboardDialog when manually entering a server URLZahtevana vsebina ne obstaja na strežnikuContent of message box when the requested content is not found on the serverNi najdenoTitle of message box when the requested content is not found on the serverPovezovanje s strežnikomMessage to display to user while client is attempting to connect to the serverTV vodičMenu option for showing Live TV Guide / ScheduleKanaliMenu option for showing Live TV Channel ListPonovitevIf TV Shows has previously been broadcastedV živoIf TV Show is being broadcast live (not pre-recorded)Končano ob(Past Tense) For defining time when a program will ended (e.g. Ended at 08:00) Končano v(Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program ended (e.g. Ended Wednesday, 08:00) Začetek(Future Tense) For defining a day and time when a program will start (e.g. Starts Wednesday, 08:00) Začetek ob(Future Tense) For defining time when a program will start today (e.g. Starts at 08:00) Začetek(Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program started (e.g. Started Wednesday, 08:00) Začetek ob(Past Tense) For defining time when a program started today (e.g. Started at 08:00) SobotaDay of WeekPetekDay of WeekČetrtekDay of WeekSredaDay of WeekTorekDay of WeekPonedeljekDay of WeekNedeljaDay of WeekjutriNext dayvčerajPrevious daydanesCurrent dayTitle of Tab for options to filter library contentFilterTitle of Tab for options to sort library contentRazvrstiTitle of Tab for switching "views" when looking at a libraryPoglejČas trajanjaDatum izidaŠtevilo predvajanjOcena za staršeDatum predvajanjaDatum dodajanjaOcena kritikovIMDb ocenaName or Title field of media itemImeMessage displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc)Ta %1 ne vsebuje ničesarPodatkov o kanalu ni mogoče pridobiti s strežnikaNapaka pri nalaganju podatkov o kanaluNalaganje podatkov o kanaluPri predvajanju je prišlo do napake.Dialog detail when error occurs during playbackPri pridobivanju podatkov o tej vsebini s strežnika je prišlo do napake.Dialog detail when unable to load Content from ServerNapaka pri predvajanjuDialog title when error occurs during playbackNapaka pri pridobivanju vsebineDialog title when unable to load Content from ServerShranite poverilnice?