import "pkg:/source/api/baserequest.brs" namespace api namespace albums ' Creates an instant playlist based on a given album. function GetInstantMix(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/albums/{0}/instantmix", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets similar items. function GetSimilar(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/albums/{0}/similar", id), params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace artists ' Gets all artists from a given item, folder, or the entire library. function Get(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/artists", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets an artist by name. function GetByName(name as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/artists/{0}", name), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets all album artists from a given item, folder, or the entire library. function GetAlbumArtists(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/artists/albumartists", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get artist image by name. function GetImageURLByName(name as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("/artists/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", name, imagetype, imageindex.ToStr()), params) end function ' Get artist image by name. function HeadImageURLByName(name as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/artists/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", name, imagetype, imageindex.ToStr()), params) return headVoid(req) end function ' Creates an instant playlist based on a given artist. function GetInstantMix(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/artists/{0}/instantmix", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets similar items. function GetSimilar(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/artists/{0}/similar", id), params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace audio ' Gets an audio stream. function GetStreamURL(id as string, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("Audio/{0}/stream", id), params) end function ' Gets an audio stream. function HeadStreamURL(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("Audio/{0}/stream", id), params) return headVoid(req) end function ' Gets an audio stream. function GetStreamURLWithContainer(id as string, container as string, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("Audio/{0}/stream.{1}", id, container), params) end function ' Gets an audio stream. function HeadStreamURLWithContainer(id as string, container as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("Audio/{0}/stream.{1}", id, container), params) return headVoid(req) end function ' Gets an audio stream. function GetUniversalURL(id as string, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("Audio/{0}/universal", id), params) end function ' Gets an audio stream. sub HeadUniversalURL() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub end namespace namespace auth ' Get all keys. function GetKeys() req = APIRequest("/auth/keys") return getJson(req) end function ' Create a new api key. function PostKeys(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/auth/keys", params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Remove an api key. function DeleteKeys(key as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/auth/keys/{0}", key)) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Get all password reset providers. function GetPasswordResetProviders() req = APIRequest("/auth/passwordresetproviders") return getJson(req) end function ' Get all auth providers. function GetAuthProviders() req = APIRequest("/auth/providers") return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace branding ' Get user's splashscreen image function GetSplashScreen(params = {} as object) return buildURL("/branding/splashscreen", params) end function ' Uploads a custom splashscreen. sub PostSplashScreen() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Delete a custom splashscreen. function DeleteSplashScreen() req = APIRequest("/branding/splashscreen") return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Gets branding configuration. function GetConfiguration() req = APIRequest("/branding/configuration") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets branding css. function GetCSS() req = APIRequest("/branding/css") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets branding css. function GetCSSWithExtension() req = APIRequest("/branding/css.css") return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace channels ' Gets available channels. function Get(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/channels", params) return getJson(req) end function function GetFeatures(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/channels/{0}/features", id)) return getJson(req) end function function GetItems(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/channels/{0}/items", id), params) return getJson(req) end function function GetAllFeatures() req = APIRequest("/channels/features") return getJson(req) end function function GetLatestItems(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/channels/items/latest", params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace clientLog sub Document() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub end namespace namespace collections ' Creates a new collection. function Create(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/collections", params) return postJson(req) end function ' Adds items to a collection. function AddItems(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/collections/{0}/items", id), params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Removes items from a collection. function DeleteItems(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/collections/{0}/items", id), params) return deleteVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace devices ' Get Devices. function Get(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/devices", params) return getJson(req) end function function GetInfo(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/devices/info", params) return getJson(req) end function function GetOptions(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/devices/options", params) return getJson(req) end function function UpdateOptions(params = {} as object, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/devices/options", params) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function function Delete(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/devices", params) return deleteVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace displayPreferences ' Get Display Preferences. ' m.api.displaypreferences.get("usersettings", { ' "userid": "bde7e54f2d7f45d79525265640239c03", ' "client": "roku" '}) function Get(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/displaypreferences/{0}", id), params) return getJson(req) end function function Update(id, params = {} as object, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/displaypreferences/{0}", id), params) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function end namespace namespace dlna ' Get profile infos. function GetProfileInfos() req = APIRequest("/dlna/profileinfos") return getJson(req) end function ' Creates a profile. function CreateProfile(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/dlna/profiles") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Updates a profile. sub UpdateProfile() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Gets a single profile. function GetProfileByID(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/dlna/profiles/{0}", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Deletes a profile. function DeleteProfile(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/dlna/profiles/{0}", id)) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Gets the default profile. function GetDefaultProfile() req = APIRequest("/dlna/profiles/default") return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace environment ' Get Default directory browser. function GetDefaultDirectoryBrowser() req = APIRequest("/environment/defaultdirectorybrowser") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets the contents of a given directory in the file system. function GetDirectoryContents(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/environment/directorycontents", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets the parent path of a given path. function GetParentPath(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/environment/parentpath", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets available drives from the server's file system. function GetDrives() req = APIRequest("/environment/drives") return getJson(req) end function ' Validates path. function ValidatePath(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/environment/validatepath") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function end namespace namespace fallbackFont ' Gets a list of available fallback font files. function GetFonts() req = APIRequest("/fallbackfont/fonts") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a fallback font file. function GetFontURL(name as string) return buildURL(Substitute("/fallbackfont/fonts/{0}", name)) end function end namespace namespace getUTCTime ' Get profile info. function Get() req = APIRequest("/getutctime") return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace genres ' Gets all genres from a given item, folder, or the entire library. function Get(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/genres", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a genre, by name. function GetByName(name as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/genres/{0}", name), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get genre image by name. function GetImageURLByName(name as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("/genres/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", name, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) end function ' Get genre image by name. function HeadImageURLByName(name as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/genres/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", name, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) return headVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace images ' Get all general images. function GetGeneral() req = APIRequest("/images/general") return getJson(req) end function ' Get General Image. function GetGeneralURLByName(name as string, imagetype = "primary" as string) return buildURL(Substitute("/images/general/{0}/{1}", name, imagetype)) end function ' Get all media info images. function GetMediaInfo() req = APIRequest("/images/mediainfo") return getJson(req) end function ' Get media info image. function GetMediaInfoURL(theme as string, name as string) return buildURL(Substitute("/images/mediainfo/{0}/{1}", theme, name)) end function ' Get all general images. function GetRatings() req = APIRequest("/images/ratings") return getJson(req) end function ' Get rating image. function GetRatingsURL(theme as string, name as string) return buildURL(Substitute("/images/ratings/{0}/{1}", theme, name)) end function end namespace namespace items ' Gets legacy query filters. function GetFilters(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/filters", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets query filters. function GetFilters2(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/filters2", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get item image infos. function GetImages(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/images", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Delete an item's image. sub DeleteImage() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Set item image. sub PostImage() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Gets the item's image. function GetImageURL(id as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("/items/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", id, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) end function ' Gets the item's image. function HeadImageURLByName(id as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", id, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) return headVoid(req) end function ' Delete an item's image. sub DeleteImageByIndex() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Updates the index for an item image. function UpdateImageIndex(id as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/images/{1}/{2}/index", id, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Creates an instant playlist based on a given item. function GetInstantMix(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/instantmix", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get the item's external id info. function GetExternalIDInfos(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/externalidinfos", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Applies search criteria to an item and refreshes metadata. sub ApplySearchResult() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Get book remote search. function GetBookRemoteSearch(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/remotesearch/book") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Get box set remote search. function GetBoxsetRemoteSearch(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/remotesearch/boxset") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Get movie remote search. function GetMovieRemoteSearch(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/remotesearch/movie") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Get music album remote search. function GetMusicAlbumRemoteSearch(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/remotesearch/musicalbum") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Get music artist remote search. function GetMusicArtistRemoteSearch(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/remotesearch/musicartist") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Get music video remote search. function GetMusicVideoRemoteSearch(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/remotesearch/musicvideo") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Get person remote search. function GetPersonRemoteSearch(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/remotesearch/person") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Get series remote search. function GetSeriesRemoteSearch(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/remotesearch/series") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Get trailer remote search. function GetTrailerRemoteSearch(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/remotesearch/trailer") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Refreshes metadata for an item. function RefreshMetaData(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/refresh", id), params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Gets items based on a query. ' requires userid passed in params function GetByQuery(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Deletes items from the library and filesystem. function Delete(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/", params) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Deletes an item from the library and filesystem. function DeleteByID(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}", id)) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Gets all parents of an item. function GetAncestors(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/ancestors", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Downloads item media. sub GetDownload() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Get the original file of an item. function GetOriginalFile(id as string) return buildURL(Substitute("/items/{0}/file", id)) end function ' Gets similar items. function GetSimilar(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/similar", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get theme songs and videos for an item. function GetThemeMedia(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/thememedia", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get theme songs for an item. function GetThemeSongs(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/themesongs", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get theme videos for an item. function GetThemeVideos(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/themevideos", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get item counts. function GetCounts(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/items/counts", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Updates an item. function Update(id as string, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Updates an item's content type. function UpdateContentType(id as string, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/contenttype", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets metadata editor info for an item. function GetMedaDataEditor(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/metadataeditor", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets live playback media info for an item. function GetPlaybackInfo(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/playbackinfo", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets live playback media info for an item. function PostPlayBackInfo(id as string, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/playbackinfo", id)) return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets available remote images for an item. function GetRemoteImages(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/remoteimages", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets available remote image providers for an item. function GetRemoteImageProviders(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/remoteimages/providers", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Downloads a remote image for an item. sub DownloadRemoteImages() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Search remote subtitles. function SearchRemoteSubtitles(id as string, language as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/items/{0}/remotesearch/subtitles/{1}", id, language), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Downloads a remote subtitle. sub DownloadRemoteSubtitles() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub end namespace namespace libraries ' Gets the library options info. function GetAvailableOptions(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/libraries/availableoptions", params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace library ' Reports that new movies have been added by an external source. sub ReportMediaUpdated() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Gets all user media folders. function GetMediaFolders(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/library/mediafolders", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Reports that new movies have been added by an external source. sub ReportMoviesAdded() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Reports that new movies have been added by an external source. sub ReportMoviesUpdated() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Gets a list of physical paths from virtual folders. function GetPhysicalPaths() req = APIRequest("/library/physicalpaths") return getJson(req) end function ' Starts a library scan. function Refresh() req = APIRequest("/library/refresh") return postVoid(req) end function ' Reports that new episodes of a series have been added by an external source. sub ReportTVSeriesAdded() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Reports that new episodes of a series have been added by an external source. sub ReportTVSeriesUpdated() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Gets all virtual folders. function GetVirtualFolders() req = APIRequest("/library/virtualfolders") return getJson(req) end function ' Adds a virtual folder. function AddVirtualFolder(params as object, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/library/virtualfolders", params) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Removes a virtual folder. function DeleteVirtualFolder(params as object) req = APIRequest("/library/virtualfolders", params) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Update library options. function UpdateOptions(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/library/virtualfolders/libraryoptions") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Renames a virtual folder. function RenameVirtualFolder(params as object) req = APIRequest("/library/virtualfolders/name", params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Add a media path to a library. function AddPath(params as object, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/library/virtualfolders/paths", params) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Remove a media path. function DeletePath(params as object) req = APIRequest("/library/virtualfolders/paths", params) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Updates a media path. function UpdatePath(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/library/virtualfolders/paths/update") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function end namespace namespace livestreams ' Opens a media source. function Open(params = {} as object, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livestreams/open", params) return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Closes a media source. function Close(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livestreams/close", params) return postVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace liveTV ' Get channel mapping options function GetChannelMappingOptions(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/channelmappingoptions", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Set channel mappings function SetChannelMappings(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("livetv/channelmappings") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets available live tv channels function GetChannels(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/channels", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a live tv channel function GetChannelByID(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/livetv/channels/{0}", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get guide info. function GetGuideInfo() req = APIRequest("/livetv/guideinfo") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets available live tv services. function GetInfo() req = APIRequest("/livetv/info") return getJson(req) end function ' Adds a listings provider function AddListingProvider(params = {} as object, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/listingproviders", params) return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Delete listing provider function DeleteListingProvider(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("livetv/listingproviders", id)) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Gets default listings provider info. function GetDefaultListingProvider() req = APIRequest("/livetv/listingproviders/default") return getJson(req) end function 'Gets available lineups. function GetLineups(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/listingproviders/lineups", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets available countries. function GetCountries() req = APIRequest("/livetv/listingproviders/schedulesdirect/countries") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a live tv recording stream. function GetRecordingStream(id as string) return buildURL(Substitute("/livetv/listingproviders/{0}/stream", id)) end function ' Gets a live tv channel stream. function GetChannelStream(id as string, container as string) return buildURL(Substitute("/livetv/livestreamfiles/{0}/stream.{1}", id, container)) end function ' Gets available live tv epgs. function GetPrograms(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/programs", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets available live tv epgs. function PostPrograms(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/programs") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets a live tv program. function PostProgramByID(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/livetv/programs/{0}", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets recommended live tv epgs. function GetRecommendedPrograms(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/programs/recommended", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets live tv recordings. function GetRecordings(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/recordings", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a live tv recording. function GetRecordingByID(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/livetv/recordings/{0}", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Deletes a live tv recording. function DeleteRecordingByID(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/livetv/recordings/{0}", id)) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Gets recording folders. function GetRecordingsFolders(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/recordings/folders", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets live tv series timers. function GetSeriesTimers(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/seriestimers", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Creates a live tv series timer. function CreateSeriesTimer(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/seriestimers") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets a live tv series timer. function GetSeriesTimerByID(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/livetv/seriestimers/{0}", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Cancels a live tv series timer. function DeleteSeriesTimer(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/livetv/seriestimers/{0}", id)) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Updates a live tv series timer. function UpdateSeriesTimer(id as string, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/livetv/seriestimers/{0}", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets the live tv timers. function GetTimers(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/timers", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Creates a live tv timer. function CreateTimer(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/timers") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets a timer. function GetTimerByID(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/livetv/timers/{0}", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Cancels a live tv timer. function DeleteTimer(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/livetv/timers/{0}", id)) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Updates a live tv timer. function UpdateTimer(id as string, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/livetv/timers/{0}", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets the default values for a new timer. function GetTimerDefaults() req = APIRequest("/livetv/timers/defaults") return getJson(req) end function ' Adds a tuner host. function AddTunerHost(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/tunerhosts") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Deletes a tuner host. function DeleteTunerHost(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/tunerhosts", params) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Get tuner host types. function GetTunerHostTypes() req = APIRequest("/livetv/tunerhosts/types") return getJson(req) end function ' Resets a tv tuner. function ResetTunerHost(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/livetv/tuners/{0}/reset", id)) return postVoid(req) end function ' Discover tuners. function GetTunersDiscover(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/tuners/discover", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Discvover tuners :D function GetTunersDiscvover(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/livetv/tuners/discvover", params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace localization ' Gets known countries. function GetCountries() req = APIRequest("/localization/countries") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets known cultures. function GetCultures() req = APIRequest("/localization/cultures") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets localization options. function GetOptions() req = APIRequest("/localization/options") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets known parental ratings. function GetParentalRatings() req = APIRequest("/localization/parentalratings") return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace movies ' Gets similar items. function GetSimilar(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/movies/{0}/similar", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets movie recommendations. ' Requires userid passed in params function GetRecommendations(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/movies/recommendations", params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace musicGenres ' Get music genre image by name. function GetImageURLByName(name as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("/musicgenres/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", name, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) end function ' Get music genre image by name. function HeadImageURLByName(name as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/musicgenres/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", name, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) return headVoid(req) end function ' Creates an instant playlist based on a given genre. function GetInstantMix(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/musicgenres/instantmix", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a music genre, by name. function GetByName(name as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/musicgenres/{0}", name), params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace notifications ' Gets a user's notifications. function Get(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/notifications/{0}", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Sets notifications as read. function MarkRead(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/notifications/{0}/read", id)) return postVoid(req) end function ' Gets a user's notification summary. function GetSummary(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/notifications/{0}/summary", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Sets notifications as unread. function MarkUnread(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/notifications/{0}/unread", id)) return postVoid(req) end function ' Sends a notification to all admins. function NotifyAdmins(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/notifications/admin") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets notification services. function GetServices() req = APIRequest("/notifications/services") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets notification types. function GetTypes() req = APIRequest("/notifications/types") return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace packages ' Gets available packages. function Get() req = APIRequest("/packages") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a package by name or assembly GUID. function GetByName(name as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/packages/{0}", name), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Installs a package. function Install(name as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/packages/installed/{0}", name), params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Cancels a package installation. function CancelInstall(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/packages/installing/{0}", id)) return deleteVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace persons ' Get person image by name. function GetImageURLByName(name as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("/persons/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", name, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) end function ' Get person image by name. function HeadImageURLByName(name as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/persons/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", name, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) return headVoid(req) end function ' Gets all persons. function Get(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/persons", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get person by name. function GetByName(name as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/persons/{0}", name), params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace playback ' Tests the network with a request with the size of the bitrate. function BitrateTest(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/playback/bitratetest", params) return getVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace playlists ' Creates an instant playlist based on a given playlist. function GetInstantMix(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/playlists/{0}/instantmix", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Creates a new playlist. function Create(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/playlists") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Adds items to a playlist. function Add(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/playlists/{0}/items", id), params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Removes items from a playlist. function Remove(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/playlists/{0}/items", id), params) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Gets the original items of a playlist. function GetItems(playlistID as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/playlists/{0}/items", playlistID), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Moves a playlist item. function Move(playlistid as string, itemid as string, newindex as integer) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/playlists/{0}/items/{1}/move/{2}", playlistid, itemid, newindex)) return postVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace plugins ' Gets a list of currently installed plugins. function Get() req = APIRequest("/plugins") return getJson(req) end function ' Uninstalls a plugin by version. sub Uninstall() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Disable a plugin. function Disable(id as string, version as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/plugins/{0}/{1}/disable", id, version)) return postVoid(req) end function ' Enables a disabled plugin. function Enable(id as string, version as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/plugins/{0}/{1}/enable", id, version)) return postVoid(req) end function ' Gets a plugin's image. function GetImage(id as string, version as string) return buildURL(Substitute("/plugins/{0}/{1}/image", id, version)) end function ' Gets plugin configuration. function GetConfiguration(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/plugins/{0}/configuration", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Updates plugin configuration. function UpdateConfiguration(id as string, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/plugins/{0}/configuration", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets a plugin's manifest. function GetManifest(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/plugins/{0}/manifest", id)) return postJson(req) end function end namespace namespace providers ' Gets the remote subtitles. function GetRemoteSubtitles(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/providers/subtitles/subtitles/{0}", id)) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace quickConnect ' Authorizes a pending quick connect request. function Authorize(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/quickconnect/authorize", params) return postString(req) end function ' Attempts to retrieve authentication information. function Connect() req = APIRequest("/quickconnect/connect") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets the current quick connect state. function IsEnabled() req = APIRequest("/quickconnect/enabled") return getString(req) end function ' Initiate a new quick connect request. function Initiate() req = APIRequest("/quickconnect/initiate") return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace repositories ' Gets all package repositories. function Get() req = APIRequest("/repositories") return getJson(req) end function ' Sets the enabled and existing package repositories. function Set(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/repositories") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function end namespace namespace scheduledTasks ' Get tasks. function Get(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/scheduledtasks", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get task by id. function GetByID(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/scheduledtasks/{0}", id)) return getJson(req) end function ' Update specified task triggers. function UpdateTriggers(id as string, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/scheduledtasks/{0}/triggers", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Start specified task. function Start(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/scheduledtasks/running/{0}", id)) return postVoid(req) end function ' Stop specified task. function stop(id as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/scheduledtasks/running/{0}", id)) return deleteVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace search ' Gets the search hint result. function GetHints(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/search/hints", params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace sessions ' Reports playback has started within a session. function Playing(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/sessions/playing") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Pings a playback session. function Ping(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/sessions/playing/ping", params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Reports playback progress within a session. function PostProgress(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/sessions/playing/progress") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Reports playback has stopped within a session. function PostStopped(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/sessions/playing/stopped") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets a list of sessions. function Get(params = { "deviceId": } as object) req = APIRequest("/sessions", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Issues a full general command to a client. function PostFullCommand(id as string, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/sessions/{0}/command", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Issues a general command to a client. function PostCommand(id as string, command as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/sessions/{0}/command/{1}", id, command)) return postVoid(req) end function ' Issues a command to a client to display a message to the user. function PostMessage(id as string, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/sessions/{0}/message", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Instructs a session to play an item. function Play(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/sessions/{0}/playing", id), params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Issues a playstate command to a client. function PlayCommand(id as string, command as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/sessions/{0}/playing/{1}", id, command)) return postVoid(req) end function ' Issues a system command to a client. function SystemCommand(id as string, command as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/sessions/{0}/system/{1}", id, command)) return postVoid(req) end function ' Adds an additional user to a session. function AddUser(id as string, userid as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/sessions/{0}/user/{1}", id, userid)) return postVoid(req) end function ' Removes an additional user from a session. function RemoveUser(id as string, userid as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/sessions/{0}/user/{1}", id, userid)) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Instructs a session to browse to an item or view. function BrowseTo(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/sessions/{0}/viewing", id), params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Updates capabilities for a device. function PostCapabilities(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/sessions/capabilities", params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Updates capabilities for a device. function PostFullCapabilities(params = {} as object, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/sessions/capabilities/full", params) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Reports that a session has ended. function Logout() req = APIRequest("/sessions/logout") return postVoid(req) end function ' Reports that a session is viewing an item. function PostViewing(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/sessions/viewing", params) return postVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace shows ' Gets similar items. function GetSimilar(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/shows/{0}/similar", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets episodes for a tv season. function GetEpisodes(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/shows/{0}/episodes", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets seasons for a tv series. function GetSeasons(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/shows/{0}/seasons", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a list of next up episodes. function GetNextUp(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/shows/nextup", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a list of upcoming episodes. function GetUpcoming(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/shows/upcoming", params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace songs ' Creates an instant playlist based on a given song. function GetInstantMix(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/songs/{0}/instantmix", id), params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace startup ' Completes the startup wizard. function Complete() req = APIRequest("/startup/complete") return postVoid(req) end function ' Gets the initial startup wizard configuration. function GetConfiguration() req = APIRequest("/startup/configuration") return getJson(req) end function ' Sets the initial startup wizard configuration. function PostConfiguration(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/startup/configuration") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets the first user. function GetFirstUser() req = APIRequest("/startup/firstuser") return getJson(req) end function ' Sets remote access and UPnP. function PostRemoteAccess(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/startup/remoteaccess") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets the first user. function GetUser() req = APIRequest("/startup/user") return getJson(req) end function ' Sets the user name and password. function PostUser(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/startup/user") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function end namespace namespace studios ' Gets all studios from a given item, folder, or the entire library. function Get(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/studios", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a studio by name. function GetByName(name as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/studios/{0}", name), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Get studio image by name. function GetImageURLByName(name as string, imagetype = "thumb" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("/studios/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", name, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) end function ' Get studio image by name. function HeadImageURLByName(name as string, imagetype = "thumb" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/studios/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", name, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) return headVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace syncPlay ' Notify SyncPlay group that member is buffering. function Buffering(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/buffering") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Join an existing SyncPlay group. function Join(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/join") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Leave the joined SyncPlay group. function Leave(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/leave") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets all SyncPlay groups. function GetList() req = APIRequest("/syncplay/list") return getJson(req) end function ' Request to move an item in the playlist in SyncPlay group. function MovePlaylistItem(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/moveplaylistitem") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Create a new SyncPlay group. function New(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/new") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request next item in SyncPlay group. function NextItem(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/nextitem") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request next item in SyncPlay group. function Pause() req = APIRequest("/syncplay/pause") return postVoid(req) end function ' Update session ping. function Ping(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/ping") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request previous item in SyncPlay group. function Previous(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/previousitem") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request to queue items to the playlist of a SyncPlay group. function Queue(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/queue") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Notify SyncPlay group that member is ready for playback. function Ready(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/ready") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request to remove items from the playlist in SyncPlay group. function RemoveFromPlaylist(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/removefromplaylist") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request seek in SyncPlay group. function Seek(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/seek") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request SyncPlay group to ignore member during group-wait. function SetIgnoreWait(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/setignorewait") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request to set new playlist in SyncPlay group. function SetNewQueue(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/setnewqueue") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request to change playlist item in SyncPlay group. function SetPlaylistItem(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/setplaylistitem") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request to set repeat mode in SyncPlay group. function SetRepeatMode(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/setrepeatmode") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request to set shuffle mode in SyncPlay group. function SetShuffleMode(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/syncplay/setshufflemode") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Request stop in SyncPlay group. function stop() req = APIRequest("/syncplay/stop") return postVoid(req) end function ' Request unpause in SyncPlay group. function Unpause() req = APIRequest("/syncplay/unpause") return postVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace system ' Gets activity log entries. function GetActivityLogEntries(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/system/activitylog/entries", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets application configuration. function GetConfiguration() req = APIRequest("/system/configuration") return getJson(req) end function ' Updates application configuration. function UpdateConfiguration(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/system/configuration") return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Gets a named configuration. function GetConfigurationByName(name as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/system/configuration/{0}", name)) return getJson(req) end function ' Updates named configuration. sub UpdateConfigurationByName() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Gets a default MetadataOptions object. function GetDefaultMetaDataOptions() req = APIRequest("/system/configuration/metadataoptions/default") return getJson(req) end function ' Updates the path to the media encoder. sub UpdateMediaEncoderPath() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Gets information about the request endpoint. function GetEndpoint() req = APIRequest("/system/endpoint") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets information about the server. function GetInfo() req = APIRequest("/system/info") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets public information about the server. function GetPublicInfo() req = APIRequest("/system/info/public") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a list of available server log files. function GetLogs() req = APIRequest("/system/logs") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a log file. function GetLog(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/system/logs/log", params) return getString(req) end function ' Pings the system. function GetPing() req = APIRequest("/system/ping") return getString(req) end function ' Pings the system. function PostPing() req = APIRequest("/system/ping") return postString(req) end function ' Restarts the application. function Restart() req = APIRequest("/system/restart") return postVoid(req) end function ' Shuts down the application. function Shutdown() req = APIRequest("/system/shutdown") return postVoid(req) end function end namespace namespace tmdb ' Gets the TMDb image configuration options. function GetClientConfiguration() req = APIRequest("/tmdb/clientconfiguration") return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace trailers ' Gets similar items. function GetSimilar(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/trailers/{0}/similar", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Finds movies and trailers similar to a given trailer. function Get(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/trailers/", params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace users ' Gets a list of users. ' If id is passed, gets a user by Id. function Get(id = "") url = "/users" if id <> "" url = url + "/" + id end if req = APIRequest(url) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets the user based on auth token. function GetMe() req = APIRequest("/users/me") return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a list of publicly visible users for display on a login screen. function GetPublic() resp = APIRequest("/users/public") return getJson(resp) end function ' Creates a user. function Create(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/users/new") return postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Deletes a user. function Delete(id) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}", id)) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Updates a user. function Update(id, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Updates a user configuration. function UpdateConfiguration(id, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/configuration", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Updates a user's easy password. function UpdateEasyPassword(id, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/easypassword", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Updates a user's password. function UpdatePassword(id, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/password", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Updates a user's policy. function UpdatePolicy(id, body = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/policy", id)) return postVoid(req, FormatJson(body)) end function ' Authenticates a user. function AuthenticateByName(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("users/authenticatebyname") json = postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) return json end function ' Authenticates a user with quick connect. sub AuthenticateWithQuickConnect() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Initiates the forgot password process for a local user. function ForgotPassword(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("users/forgotpassword") json = postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) return json end function ' Redeems a forgot password pin. function ForgotPasswordPin(body = {} as object) req = APIRequest("users/forgotpassword/pin") json = postJson(req, FormatJson(body)) return json end function ' Sets the user image. sub UpdateImage() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Delete the user's image. sub DeleteImage() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Get user profile image. function GetImageURL(id as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("/users/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", id, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) end function ' Get music genre image by name. function HeadImageURL(id as string, imagetype = "primary" as string, imageindex = 0 as integer, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/images/{1}/{2}", id, imagetype, imageindex.toStr()), params) return headVoid(req) end function ' Gets items based on a query. function GetItemsByQuery(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/items", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets items based on a query. function GetResumeItemsByQuery(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/items/resume", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets suggestions. function GetSuggestions(id as string, params = {} as object) resp = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/suggestions", id), params) return getJson(resp) end function ' Get user view grouping options. function GetGroupingOptions(id as string) resp = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/groupingoptions", id)) return getJson(resp) end function ' Get user views. function GetViews(id as string, params = {} as object) resp = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/views", id), params) return getJson(resp) end function ' Marks an item as a favorite. function MarkFavorite(userid as string, itemid as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("users/{0}/favoriteitems/{1}", userid, itemid)) json = postJson(req) return json end function ' Unmarks item as a favorite. function UnmarkFavorite(userid as string, itemid as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("users/{0}/favoriteitems/{1}", userid, itemid)) json = deleteVoid(req) return json end function ' Gets an item from a user's library. function GetItem(userid as string, itemid as string) resp = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/items/{1}", userid, itemid)) return getJson(resp) end function ' Gets intros to play before the main media item plays. function GetIntros(userid as string, itemid as string) resp = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/items/{1}/intros", userid, itemid)) return getJson(resp) end function ' Gets local trailers for an item. function GetLocalTrailers(userid as string, itemid as string) resp = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/items/{1}/localtrailers", userid, itemid)) return getJson(resp) end function ' Deletes a user's saved personal rating for an item. function DeleteRating(userid as string, itemid as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("users/{0}/items/{1}/rating", userid, itemid)) json = deleteVoid(req) return json end function ' Updates a user's rating for an item. function UpdateRating(userid as string, itemid as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("users/{0}/items/{1}/rating", userid, itemid), params) json = postJson(req) return json end function ' Gets special features for an item. function GetSpecialFeatures(userid as string, itemid as string) resp = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/items/{1}/specialfeatures", userid, itemid)) return getJson(resp) end function ' Gets latest media. function GetLatestMedia(userid as string, params = {} as object) resp = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/items/latest", userid), params) return getJson(resp) end function ' Gets the root folder from a user's library. function GetRoot(userid as string) resp = APIRequest(Substitute("/users/{0}/items/root", userid)) return getJson(resp) end function ' Marks an item as played for user. function MarkPlayed(userid as string, itemid as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("users/{0}/playeditems/{1}", userid, itemid), params) return postJson(req) end function ' Marks an item as unplayed for user. function UnmarkPlayed(userid as string, itemid as string) req = APIRequest(Substitute("users/{0}/playeditems/{1}", userid, itemid)) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Reports that a user has begun playing an item. function MarkPlaying(userid as string, itemid as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("users/{0}/playingitems/{1}", userid, itemid), params) return postJson(req) end function ' Reports that a user has stopped playing an item. function MarkStoppedPlaying(userid as string, itemid as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("users/{0}/playingitems/{1}", userid, itemid), params) return deleteVoid(req) end function ' Reports a user's playback progress. function ReportPlayProgress(userid as string, itemid as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("users/{0}/playingitems/{1}/progress", userid, itemid), params) return postJson(req) end function end namespace namespace videos ' Gets additional parts for a video. function GetAdditionalParts(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/videos/{0}/additionalparts", id), params) return getJson(req) end function ' Removes alternate video sources. sub DeleteAdditionalParts() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Gets a video stream. function GetStreamURL(id as string, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("/videos/{0}/stream", id), params) end function ' Gets a video stream. function HeadStreamURL(id as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("videos/{0}/stream", id), params) return headVoid(req) end function ' Gets an video stream. function GetStreamURLWithContainer(id as string, container as string, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("videos/{0}/stream.{1}", id, container), params) end function ' Gets an video stream. function HeadStreamURLWithContainer(id as string, container as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("videos/{0}/stream.{1}", id, container), params) return headVoid(req) end function ' Merges videos into a single record. function MergeVersions(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("videos/mergeversions", params) return postVoid(req) end function ' Get video attachment. sub GetAttachments() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Gets an HLS subtitle playlist. function GetHLSSubtitlePlaylistURL(id as string, streamindex as integer, mediasourceid as string, params = {} as object) return buildURL(Substitute("/videos/{0}/{1}/subtitles/{2}/subtitles.m3u8", id, streamindex, mediasourceid), params) end function ' Upload an external subtitle file. sub UploadSubtitle() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Deletes an external subtitle file. sub DeleteSubtitle() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Gets subtitles in a specified format. function GetSubtitlesWithStartPosition(routeitemid as string, routemediasourceid as string, routeindex as integer, routestartpositionticks as integer, routeformat as string, params = {} as object) ' We maxed out params for substitute() so we must manually add the routeformat value return buildURL(Substitute("/videos/{0}/{1}/subtitles/{2}/{3}/stream." + routeformat, routeitemid, routemediasourceid, routeindex, routestartpositionticks), params) end function ' Gets subtitles in a specified format. function GetSubtitles(routeitemid as string, routemediasourceid as string, routeindex as integer, routestartpositionticks as integer, routeformat as string, params = {} as object) ' We maxed out params for substitute() so we must manually add the routeformat value return buildURL(Substitute("/videos/{0}/{1}/subtitles/{2}/{3}/stream." + routeformat, routeitemid, routemediasourceid, routeindex, routestartpositionticks), params) end function end namespace namespace web ' Gets a dashboard configuration page. sub GetConfigurationPage() throw "System.NotImplementedException: The function is not implemented." end sub ' Gets the configuration pages. function GetConfigurationPages() req = APIRequest("/web/configurationpages") return getJson(req) end function end namespace namespace years ' Gets years function Get(params = {} as object) req = APIRequest("/years", params) return getJson(req) end function ' Gets a year. function GetYear(year as string, params = {} as object) req = APIRequest(Substitute("/years/{0}", year), params) return getJson(req) end function end namespace end namespace