' needed for set_user_setting() and unset_user_setting()
import "pkg:/source/utils/"

' Read config tree from json config file and return
function GetConfigTree()
    return ParseJSON(ReadAsciiFile("pkg:/settings/settings.json"))
end function

' Generic registry accessors
function registry_read(key, section = invalid)
    if section = invalid then return invalid
    reg = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
    if reg.exists(key) then return
    return invalid
end function

sub registry_write(key, value, section = invalid)
    if section = invalid then return
    reg = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
    reg.write(key, value)
end sub

sub registry_delete(key, section = invalid)
    if section = invalid then return
    reg = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
end sub

' Return all data found inside a registry section
function RegistryReadAll(section as string) as dynamic
    if section = "" then return invalid

    registry = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
    regKeyList = registry.GetKeyList()
    registryData = {}
    for each item in regKeyList
        if registry.Exists(item)
            registryData.AddReplace(item, registry.Read(item))
        end if
    end for

    return registryData
end function

' Return an array of all the registry section keys
function getRegistrySections() as object
    registry = CreateObject("roRegistry")
    return registry.GetSectionList()
end function

' "Jellyfin" registry accessors for the default global settings
function get_setting(key, defaultValue = invalid)
    value = registry_read(key, "Jellyfin")
    if value = invalid then return defaultValue
    return value
end function

sub set_setting(key, value)
    registry_write(key, value, "Jellyfin")
end sub

sub unset_setting(key)
    registry_delete(key, "Jellyfin")
end sub

' User registry accessors for the currently active user
function get_user_setting(key as string) as dynamic
    if key = "" or = invalid then return invalid
    value = registry_read(key,
    return value
end function

sub set_user_setting(key as string, value as dynamic)
    if = invalid then return
    session.user.settings.Save(key, value)
    registry_write(key, value,
end sub

sub unset_user_setting(key as string)
    if = invalid then return
end sub

' Recursivly search the config tree for entry with settingname equal to key
function findConfigTreeKey(key as string, tree)
    for each item in tree
        if item.settingName <> invalid and item.settingName = key then return item

        if item.children <> invalid and item.children.Count() > 0
            result = findConfigTreeKey(key, item.children)
            if result <> invalid then return result
        end if
    end for

    return invalid
end function

' Returns an array of saved users from the registry
' that belong to the active server
function getSavedUsers() as object
    registrySections = getRegistrySections()

    savedUsers = []
    for each section in registrySections
        if LCase(section) <> "jellyfin"
        end if
    end for

    savedServerUsers = []
    for each userId in savedUsers
        userArray = {
            id: userId
        token = registry_read("token", userId)

        username = registry_read("username", userId)
        if username <> invalid
            userArray["username"] = username
        end if

        serverId = registry_read("serverId", userId)
        if serverId <> invalid
            userArray["serverId"] = serverId
        end if

        if username <> invalid and token <> invalid and serverId <> invalid and serverId =
        end if
    end for

    return savedServerUsers
end function