import "pkg:/source/utils/"
import "pkg:/source/utils/"

' @fileoverview Functions that update the registry based on the last run version and the currently running version


' Run all necessary registry mirations on the "global" Jellyfin registry section
sub runGlobalMigrations()
    appLastRunVersion =
    ' Global registry migrations
    if isValid(appLastRunVersion) and not versionChecker(appLastRunVersion, CLIENT_VERSION_REQUIRING_BASE_MIGRATION)
        ' last app version used < CLIENT_VERSION_REQUIRING_BASE_MIGRATION
        m.wasMigrated = true
        print `Running ${CLIENT_VERSION_REQUIRING_BASE_MIGRATION} global registry migrations`
        ' no longer saving raw password to registry
        ' auth token and username are now stored in user settings and not global settings

        ' enable remember me global setting for all devices whos last run version is < 2.0.0
        ' NOTE: remember me will be disabled for new installs
        rememberMe = registry_read("global.rememberme", "Jellyfin")
        if not isValid(rememberMe)
            ' don't overwrite users current setting (dev installs)
            set_setting("global.rememberme", "true")
        end if
        ' migrate saved credentials for "active_user" if found
        savedUserId = get_setting("active_user")
        if isValid(savedUserId)
            savedUsername = get_setting("username")
            if isValid(savedUsername)
                registry_write("username", savedUsername, savedUserId)
            end if

            savedToken = get_setting("token")
            if isValid(savedToken)
                registry_write("token", savedToken, savedUserId)
            end if
        end if
        ' remove settings from global "jellyfin" registry block
        ' remove any saved credentials found in saved_servers assocArray
        saved = get_setting("saved_servers")
        if isValid(saved)
            savedServers = ParseJson(saved)
            if isValid(savedServers.serverList) and savedServers.serverList.Count() > 0
                newServers = { serverList: [] }
                for each item in savedServers.serverList
                end for
                set_setting("saved_servers", FormatJson(newServers))
            end if
        end if
    end if
end sub

sub runRegistryUserMigrations()
    regSections = getRegistrySections()
    for each section in regSections
        if LCase(section) <> "jellyfin"
            reg = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
            if reg.exists("LastRunVersion")
                hasUserVersion = true
                lastRunVersion ="LastRunVersion")
                hasUserVersion = false
                ' app versions < 2.0.0 didn't save LastRunVersion at the user level
                ' fall back to using the apps lastRunVersion
                lastRunVersion =
                registry_write("LastRunVersion", lastRunVersion, section)
            end if

            ' BASE_MIGRATION
            if not versionChecker(lastRunVersion, CLIENT_VERSION_REQUIRING_BASE_MIGRATION)
                m.wasMigrated = true
                print `Running Registry Migration for ${CLIENT_VERSION_REQUIRING_BASE_MIGRATION} for userid: ${section}`

                ' If this is an existing user, set the useWebSectionArrangement setting to false
                ' This way the home view for upgrading users is not changed without them opting in
                if not hasUserVersion
                    print "useWebSectionArrangement set to false"
                    registry_write("ui.home.useWebSectionArrangement", "false", section)
                end if

                ' no longer saving password to registry
                registry_delete("password", section)
                ' av1 playback no longer hidden behind user setting
                registry_delete("playback.av1", section)
            end if
        end if
    end for
end sub