######################################################################### # common include file for application Makefiles # # Makefile Common Usage: # > make # > make install # > make remove # # By default, ZIP_EXCLUDE will exclude -x \*.pkg -x storeassets\* -x keys\* -x .\* # If you define ZIP_EXCLUDE in your Makefile, it will override the default setting. # # To exclude different files from being added to the zipfile during packaging # include a line like this:ZIP_EXCLUDE= -x keys\* # that will exclude any file who's name begins with 'keys' # to exclude using more than one pattern use additional '-x ' arguments # ZIP_EXCLUDE= -x \*.pkg -x storeassets\* # # Important Notes: # To use the "install" and "remove" targets to install your # application directly from the shell, you must do the following: # # 1) Make sure that you have the curl command line executable in your path # 2) Set the variable ROKU_DEV_TARGET in your environment to the IP # address of your Roku box. (e.g. export ROKU_DEV_TARGET= # Set in your this variable in your shell startup (e.g. .bashrc) # 3) Set the variable ROKU_DEV_PASSWORD in your environment for the password # associated with the rokudev account. ########################################################################## DISTREL = $(shell pwd)/out COMMONREL ?= $(shell pwd)/common SOURCEREL = $(shell pwd) ZIPREL = $(DISTREL)/apps STAGINGREL = $(DISTREL)/staging PKGREL = $(DISTREL)/packages APPSOURCEDIR = source IMPORTFILES = $(foreach f,$(IMPORTS),$(COMMONREL)/$f.brs) IMPORTCLEANUP = $(foreach f,$(IMPORTS),$(APPSOURCEDIR)/$f.brs) GITCOMMIT = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) BUILDDATE = $(shell date -u | awk '{ print $$2,$$3,$$6,$$4 }') BRANDING_ROOT = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-ux/master/branding/SVG ICON_SOURCE = icon-transparent.svg BANNER_SOURCE = banner-dark.svg OUTPUT_DIR = ./images ifdef ROKU_DEV_PASSWORD USERPASS = rokudev:$(ROKU_DEV_PASSWORD) else USERPASS = rokudev endif ifndef ZIP_EXCLUDE ZIP_EXCLUDE= -x \*.pkg -x storeassets\* -x keys\* -x \*/.\* endif HTTPSTATUS = $(shell curl --silent --write-out "\n%{http_code}\n" $(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)) ifeq "$(HTTPSTATUS)" " 401" CURLCMD = curl -S --connect-timeout 2 --max-time 30 --retry 5 else CURLCMD = curl -S --connect-timeout 2 --max-time 30 --retry 5 --user $(USERPASS) --digest endif home: @echo "Forcing roku to main menu screen $(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)..." curl -s -S -d '' http://$(ROKU_DEV_TARGET):8060/keypress/home sleep 2 prep_staging: @echo "*** Preparing Staging Area ***" @echo " >> removing old application zip $(ZIPREL)/$(APPNAME).zip" @if [ -e "$(ZIPREL)/$(APPNAME).zip" ]; \ then \ rm $(ZIPREL)/$(APPNAME).zip; \ fi @echo " >> creating destination directory $(ZIPREL)" @if [ ! -d $(ZIPREL) ]; \ then \ mkdir -p $(ZIPREL); \ fi @echo " >> setting directory permissions for $(ZIPREL)" @if [ ! -w $(ZIPREL) ]; \ then \ chmod 755 $(ZIPREL); \ fi @echo " >> creating destination directory $(STAGINGREL)" @if [ -d $(STAGINGREL) ]; \ then \ find $(STAGINGREL) -delete; \ fi; \ mkdir -p $(STAGINGREL); \ chmod -R 755 $(STAGINGREL); \ echo " >> moving application to $(STAGINGREL)" cp -r $(SOURCEREL)/source $(STAGINGREL) cp -r $(SOURCEREL)/components $(STAGINGREL) cp -r $(SOURCEREL)/images $(STAGINGREL) cp $(SOURCEREL)/manifest $(STAGINGREL)/manifest package: prep_staging @echo "*** Creating $(APPNAME).zip ***" @echo " >> copying imports" @if [ "$(IMPORTFILES)" ]; \ then \ mkdir $(APPSOURCEDIR)/common; \ cp -f -p -v $(IMPORTFILES) $(APPSOURCEDIR)/common/; \ fi \ @echo " >> generating build info file" mkdir -p $(STAGINGREL)/$(APPSOURCEDIR) @if [ -e "$(STAGINGREL)/$(APPSOURCEDIR)/buildinfo.brs" ]; \ then \ rm $(STAGINGREL)/$(APPSOURCEDIR)/buildinfo.brs; \ fi echo " >> generating build info file";\ echo "Function BuildDate()" >> $(STAGINGREL)/$(APPSOURCEDIR)/buildinfo.brs echo " return \"${BUILDDATE}\"" >> $(STAGINGREL)/$(APPSOURCEDIR)/buildinfo.brs echo "End Function" >> $(STAGINGREL)/$(APPSOURCEDIR)/buildinfo.brs echo "Function BuildCommit()" >> $(STAGINGREL)/$(APPSOURCEDIR)/buildinfo.brs echo " return \"${GITCOMMIT}\"" >> $(STAGINGREL)/$(APPSOURCEDIR)/buildinfo.brs echo "End Function" >> $(STAGINGREL)/$(APPSOURCEDIR)/buildinfo.brs # zip .png files without compression # do not zip up any files ending with '~' @echo " >> creating application zip $(STAGINGREL)/../apps/$(APPNAME).zip" @if [ -d $(STAGINGREL) ]; \ then \ cd $(STAGINGREL); \ (zip -0 -r "../apps/$(APPNAME).zip" . -i \*.png $(ZIP_EXCLUDE)); \ (zip -9 -r "../apps/$(APPNAME).zip" . -x \*~ -x \*.png $(ZIP_EXCLUDE)); \ cd $(SOURCEREL);\ else \ echo "Source for $(APPNAME) not found at $(STAGINGREL)"; \ fi @if [ "$(IMPORTCLEANUP)" ]; \ then \ echo " >> deleting imports";\ rm -r -f $(APPSOURCEDIR)/common; \ fi \ @echo "*** packaging $(APPNAME) complete ***" prep_tests: @mkdir -p $(STAGINGREL)/components/tests/; \ mkdir -p $(STAGINGREL)/source/tests/; \ cp -r $(SOURCEREL)/tests/components/* $(STAGINGREL)/components/tests/;\ cp -r $(SOURCEREL)/tests/source/* $(STAGINGREL)/source/tests/;\ ./node_modules/.bin/rooibos-cli i tests/.rooibosrc.json install: get_images prep_staging package home @echo "Installing $(APPNAME) to host $(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)" @$(CURLCMD) --user $(USERPASS) --digest -F "mysubmit=Install" -F "archive=@$(ZIPREL)/$(APPNAME).zip" -F "passwd=" http://$(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)/plugin_install | grep "//" | sed "s[[[" remove: @echo "Removing $(APPNAME) from host $(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)" @if [ "$(HTTPSTATUS)" == " 401" ]; \ then \ $(CURLCMD) --user $(USERPASS) --digest -F "mysubmit=Delete" -F "archive=" -F "passwd=" http://$(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)/plugin_install | grep "//" | sed "s[[[" ; \ else \ curl -s -S -F "mysubmit=Delete" -F "archive=" -F "passwd=" http://$(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)/plugin_install | grep "//" | sed "s[[[" ; \ fi get_images: @if [ ! -d $(OUTPUT_DIR) ]; \ then \ mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR); \ echo "Creating images folder"; \ fi @if [ -e $(ICON_SOURCE) ]; \ then \ echo "Images are already downloaded"; \ else \ echo "Downloading images from $(BRANDING_ROOT)"; \ wget $(BRANDING_ROOT)/$(ICON_SOURCE) > /dev/null ; \ wget $(BRANDING_ROOT)/$(BANNER_SOURCE) > /dev/null ; \ echo "Finished downloading images"; \ fi @convert -background "#000b25" -gravity center -scale 535x400 -extent 540x405 $(BANNER_SOURCE) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/channel-poster_fhd.png @convert -background "#000b25" -gravity center -scale 275x205 -extent 280x210 $(BANNER_SOURCE) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/channel-poster_hd.png @convert -background "#000b25" -gravity center -scale 182x135 -extent 187x140 $(BANNER_SOURCE) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/channel-poster_sd.png @convert -background none -gravity center -scale 1000x48 -extent 180x48 $(BANNER_SOURCE) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/logo.png @convert -background "#000b25" -gravity center -scale 540x540 -extent 1920x1080 $(BANNER_SOURCE) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/splash-screen_fhd.jpg @convert -background "#000b25" -gravity center -scale 360x360 -extent 1280x720 $(BANNER_SOURCE) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/splash-screen_hd.jpg @convert -background "#000b25" -gravity center -scale 240x240 -extent 720x480 $(BANNER_SOURCE) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/splash-screen_sd.jpg screenshot: SCREENSHOT_TIME=`date "+%s"`; \ curl -m 1 -o screenshot.jpg --user $(USERPASS) --digest "http://$(ROKU_DEV_TARGET)/pkgs/dev.jpg?time=$$SCREENSHOT_TIME" -H 'Accept: image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate'