name: "Create PR to bump version" on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: targetBranch: description: 'Target Branch' required: true type: choice options: - bugfix - master versionType: description: 'What Version to Bump' required: true type: choice options: - build - minor - major jobs: build: if: ${{ github.event.inputs.versionType == 'build' }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Setup - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4 - name: Install required packages uses: awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action@latest with: packages: jq - name: Save targetBranch to env if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch != 'bugfix' run: echo "targetBranch=${{ github.event.inputs.targetBranch }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Save old version - name: Find and save old major_version from manifest run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^major_version/ { print "oldMajor="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Find and save old minor_version from manifest run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^minor_version/ { print "oldMinor="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Find and save old build_version from manifest run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^build_version/ { print "oldBuild="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV # Bugfix branch - name: Save bugfix branch name if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' run: echo "bugfixBranch=${{ env.oldMajor }}.${{ env.oldMinor }}.z" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Update targetBranch with actual bugfix branch name if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' run: echo "targetBranch=${{ env.bugfixBranch }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Checkout bugfix branch if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4 with: ref: ${{ env.targetBranch }} # Save old version again if needed - name: Find and save old major_version from manifest if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^major_version/ { print "oldMajor="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Find and save old minor_version from manifest if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^minor_version/ { print "oldMinor="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Find and save old build_version from manifest if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^build_version/ { print "oldBuild="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV # Calculate new version - name: Calculate new build_version run: echo "newBuild=$((${{ env.oldBuild }} + 1))" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Save new version to env var run: echo "newVersion=${{ env.oldMajor }}.${{ env.oldMinor }}.${{ env.newBuild }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Save a copy of newVersion without periods to env var run: echo "newVersionSlug=${{ env.newVersion }}" | sed -e 's/\.//g' >> $GITHUB_ENV # Update files with new versions - name: Update manifest build_version run: sed -i "s/build_version=.*/build_version=${{ env.newBuild }}/g" manifest - name: Update package-lock.json version run: echo "$( jq '.version = "'"${{ env.newVersion }}"'"' package-lock.json )" > package-lock.json - name: Update package-lock.json version 2 run: echo "$( jq '.packages."".version = "'"${{ env.newVersion }}"'"' package-lock.json )" > package-lock.json - name: Update package.json version run: echo "$( jq '.version = "'"${{ env.newVersion }}"'"' package.json )" > package.json - name: Update Makefile version run: sed -i "s/VERSION := .*/VERSION := ${{ env.newVersion }}/g" Makefile # Create PR - name: Save new branch name to env run: echo "newBranch=bump-${{ github.event.inputs.targetBranch }}-to-${{ env.newVersionSlug }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Create PR with new version env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }} run: |- git config "jellyfin-bot" git config "" git checkout -b "${{ env.newBranch }}" git add . git commit -m "Bump ${{ github.event.inputs.versionType }} version" git push --set-upstream origin "${{ env.newBranch }}" gh pr create --title "Bump ${{ github.event.inputs.targetBranch }} branch to ${{ env.newVersion }}" --body "Bump version to prep for next release." --label ignore-changelog --base ${{ env.targetBranch }} minor: if: ${{ github.event.inputs.versionType == 'minor' }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Setup - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4 - name: Install jq to update json uses: awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action@latest with: packages: jq - name: Save targetBranch to env if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch != 'bugfix' run: echo "targetBranch=${{ github.event.inputs.targetBranch }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Save old version - name: Find and save old major_version from manifest run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^major_version/ { print "oldMajor="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Find and save old minor_version from manifest run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^minor_version/ { print "oldMinor="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Find and save old build_version from manifest run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^build_version/ { print "oldBuild="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV # Bugfix branch - name: Save bugfix branch name if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' run: echo "bugfixBranch=${{ env.oldMajor }}.${{ env.oldMinor }}.z" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Update targetBranch with actual bugfix branch name if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' run: echo "targetBranch=${{ env.bugfixBranch }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Checkout bugfix branch if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4 with: ref: ${{ env.targetBranch }} # Calculate new version - name: Calculate new build_version run: echo "newMinor=$((${{ env.oldMinor }} + 1))" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Save new version to env var run: echo "newVersion=${{ env.oldMajor }}.${{ env.newMinor }}.0" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Save a copy of newVersion without periods to env var run: echo "newVersionSlug=${{ env.newVersion }}" | sed -e 's/\.//g' >> $GITHUB_ENV # Update files with new versions - name: Update manifest minor_version run: sed -i "s/minor_version=.*/minor_version=${{ env.newMinor }}/g" manifest - name: Update manifest build_version run: sed -i "s/build_version=.*/build_version=0/g" manifest - name: Update package-lock.json version run: echo "$( jq '.version = "'"${{ env.newVersion }}"'"' package-lock.json )" > package-lock.json - name: Update package-lock.json version 2 run: echo "$( jq '.packages."".version = "'"${{ env.newVersion }}"'"' package-lock.json )" > package-lock.json - name: Update package.json version run: echo "$( jq '.version = "'"${{ env.newVersion }}"'"' package.json )" > package.json - name: Update Makefile version run: sed -i "s/VERSION := .*/VERSION := ${{ env.newVersion }}/g" Makefile # Create PR - name: Save new branch name to env run: echo "newBranch=bump-${{ github.event.inputs.targetBranch }}-to-${{ env.newVersionSlug }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Create PR with new version env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }} run: |- git config "jellyfin-bot" git config "" git checkout -b "${{ env.newBranch }}" git add . git commit -m "Bump ${{ github.event.inputs.versionType }} version" git push --set-upstream origin "${{ env.newBranch }}" gh pr create --title "Bump ${{ github.event.inputs.targetBranch }} branch to ${{ env.newVersion }}" --body "Bump version to prep for next release." --label ignore-changelog --base ${{ env.targetBranch }} major: if: ${{ github.event.inputs.versionType == 'major' }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Setup - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4 - name: Install jq to update json uses: awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action@latest with: packages: jq - name: Save targetBranch to env if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch != 'bugfix' run: echo "targetBranch=${{ github.event.inputs.targetBranch }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Save old version - name: Find and save old major_version from manifest run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^major_version/ { print "oldMajor="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Find and save old minor_version from manifest run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^minor_version/ { print "oldMinor="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Find and save old build_version from manifest run: awk 'BEGIN { FS="=" } /^build_version/ { print "oldBuild="$2; }' manifest >> $GITHUB_ENV # Bugfix branch - name: Save bugfix branch name if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' run: echo "bugfixBranch=${{ env.oldMajor }}.${{ env.oldMinor }}.z" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Update targetBranch with actual bugfix branch name if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' run: echo "targetBranch=${{ env.bugfixBranch }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Checkout bugfix branch if: github.event.inputs.targetBranch == 'bugfix' uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4 with: ref: ${{ env.targetBranch }} # Calculate new version - name: Calculate new build_version run: echo "newMajor=$((${{ env.oldMajor }} + 1))" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Save new version to env var run: echo "newVersion=${{ env.newMajor }}.0.0" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Save a copy of newVersion without periods to env var run: echo "newVersionSlug=${{ env.newVersion }}" | sed -e 's/\.//g' >> $GITHUB_ENV # Update files with new versions - name: Update manifest major_version run: sed -i "s/major_version=.*/major_version=${{ env.newMajor }}/g" manifest - name: Update manifest minor_version run: sed -i "s/minor_version=.*/minor_version=0/g" manifest - name: Update manifest build_version run: sed -i "s/build_version=.*/build_version=0/g" manifest - name: Update package-lock.json version run: echo "$( jq '.version = "'"${{ env.newVersion }}"'"' package-lock.json )" > package-lock.json - name: Update package-lock.json version 2 run: echo "$( jq '.packages."".version = "'"${{ env.newVersion }}"'"' package-lock.json )" > package-lock.json - name: Update package.json version run: echo "$( jq '.version = "'"${{ env.newVersion }}"'"' package.json )" > package.json - name: Update Makefile version run: sed -i "s/VERSION := .*/VERSION := ${{ env.newVersion }}/g" Makefile # Create PR - name: Save new branch name to env run: echo "newBranch=bump-${{ github.event.inputs.targetBranch }}-to-${{ env.newVersionSlug }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Create PR with new version env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }} run: |- git config "jellyfin-bot" git config "" git checkout -b "${{ env.newBranch }}" git add . git commit -m "Bump ${{ github.event.inputs.versionType }} version" git push --set-upstream origin "${{ env.newBranch }}" gh pr create --title "Bump ${{ github.event.inputs.targetBranch }} branch to ${{ env.newVersion }}" --body "Bump version to prep for next release." --label ignore-changelog --base ${{ env.targetBranch }}