'************************************************************* '** Hello World example '** Copyright (c) 2015 Roku, Inc. All rights reserved. '** Use of the Roku Platform is subject to the Roku SDK Licence Agreement: '** https://docs.roku.com/doc/developersdk/en-us '************************************************************* sub Main() print "in showChannelSGScreen" 'Indicate this is a Roku SceneGraph application' screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen") m.port = CreateObject("roMessagePort") screen.setMessagePort(m.port) 'Create a scene and load a component' scene = screen.CreateScene("ServerSelect") screen.show() while(true) msg = wait(0, m.port) msgType = type(msg) if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent" if msg.isScreenClosed() then return end if end while end sub