sub init()"url", "fetchCaption") = [] = 0 m.captionTimer ="captionTimer") m.captionTimer.ObserveField("fire", "updateCaption") m.captionList = [] m.reader = createObject("roUrlTransfer") m.font = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Font") m.tags = CreateObject("roRegex", "{\\an\d*}|<.*?>|<.*?>", "s") ' Caption Style m.fontSizeDict = { "Default": 60, "Large": 60, "Extra Large": 70, "Medium": 50, "Small": 40 } m.percentageDict = { "Default": 1.0, "100%": 1.0, "75%": 0.75, "50%": 0.5, "25%": 0.25, "Off": 0 } m.textColorDict = { "Default": &HFFFFFFFF, "White": &HFFFFFFFF, "Black": &H000000FF, "Red": &HFF0000FF, "Green": &H008000FF, "Blue": &H0000FFFF, "Yellow": &HFFFF00FF, "Magenta": &HFF00FFFF, "Cyan": &H00FFFFFF } m.bgColorDict = { "Default": &H000000FF, "White": &HFFFFFFFF, "Black": &H000000FF, "Red": &HFF0000FF, "Green": &H008000FF, "Blue": &H0000FFFF, "Yellow": &HFFFF00FF, "Magenta": &HFF00FFFF, "Cyan": &H00FFFFFF } m.settings = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo") m.fontSize = m.fontSizeDict[m.settings.GetCaptionsOption("Text/Size")] m.textColor = m.textColorDict[m.settings.GetCaptionsOption("Text/Color")] m.textOpac = m.percentageDict[m.settings.GetCaptionsOption("Text/Opacity")] m.bgColor = m.bgColorDict[m.settings.GetCaptionsOption("Background/Color")] m.bgOpac = m.percentageDict[m.settings.GetCaptionsOption("Background/Opacity")] setFont() end sub sub setFont() fs = CreateObject("roFileSystem") if fs.Exists("tmp:/font") m.font.uri = "tmp:/font" m.font.size = m.fontSize else m.font = "font:LargeSystemFont" end if end sub sub fetchCaption() m.captionTimer.control = "stop" re = CreateObject("roRegex", "(http.*?\.vtt)", "s") url = re.match([0] if url <> invalid m.reader.setUrl(url) text = m.reader.GetToString() m.captionList = parseVTT(text) m.captionTimer.control = "start" else m.captionTimer.control = "stop" end if end sub function newlabel(txt) label = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Label") label.text = txt label.font = m.font label.font.size = m.fontSize label.color = m.textColor label.opacity = m.textOpac return label end function function newLayoutGroup(labels) newlg = CreateObject("roSGNode", "LayoutGroup") newlg.appendchildren(labels) newlg.horizalignment = "center" newlg.vertalignment = "bottom" return newlg end function function newRect(lg) rectLG = CreateObject("roSGNode", "LayoutGroup") rectxy = lg.BoundingRect() rect = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Rectangle") rect.color = m.bgColor rect.opacity = m.bgOpac rect.width = rectxy.width + 50 rect.height = rectxy.height if lg.getchildCount() = 0 rect.width = 0 rect.height = 0 end if rectLG.translation = [0, -rect.height / 2] rectLG.horizalignment = "center" rectLG.vertalignment = "center" rectLG.appendchild(rect) return rectLG end function sub updateCaption() = [] if LCase( = "playingon" = + 100 texts = [] for each entry in m.captionList if entry["start"] <= and < entry["end"] t = m.tags.replaceAll(entry["text"], "") texts.push(t) end if end for labels = [] for each text in texts labels.push(newlabel (text)) end for lines = newLayoutGroup(labels) rect = newRect(lines) = [rect, lines] else if LCase( = "w" = ( - 1) end if end sub function isTime(text) return text.right(1) = chr(31) end function function toMs(t) t = t.replace(".", ":") t = t.left(12) timestamp = t.tokenize(":") return 3600000 * timestamp[0].toint() + 60000 * timestamp[1].toint() + 1000 * timestamp[2].toint() + timestamp[3].toint() end function function parseVTT(lines) lines = lines.replace(" --> ", chr(31) + chr(10)) lines = lines.split(chr(10)) curStart = -1 curEnd = -1 entries = [] for i = 0 to lines.count() - 1 if isTime(lines[i]) curStart = toMs (lines[i]) curEnd = toMs (lines[i + 1]) i += 1 else if curStart <> -1 trimmed = lines[i].trim() if trimmed <> chr(0) entry = { "start": curStart, "end": curEnd, "text": trimmed } entries.push(entry) end if end if end for return entries end function