function selectSubtitleTrack(tracks, current = -1) video = m.scene.focusedChild trackSelected = selectSubtitleTrackDialog(video.Subtitles, video.SelectedSubtitle) if trackSelected = -1 then return invalid else return trackSelected - 1 end if end function function selectSubtitleTrackDialog(tracks, currentTrack = -1) iso6392 = getSubtitleLanguages() options = ["None"] for each item in tracks forced = "" default = "" if item.IsForced then forced = " [Forced]" if item.IsDefault then default = " - Default" if item.Track.Language <> invalid then language = iso6392.lookup(item.Track.Language) if language = invalid then language = item.Track.Language else language = "Undefined" end if options.push(language + forced + default) end for return option_dialog(options, "Select a subtitle track", currentTrack + 1) end function sub changeSubtitleDuringPlayback(newid) if newid = invalid then return if newid = -1 then turnoffSubtitles() return end if video = m.scene.focusedChild oldTrack = video.Subtitles[video.SelectedSubtitle] newTrack = video.Subtitles[newid] video.captionMode = video.globalCaptionMode m.device.EnableAppFocusEvent(not newTrack.IsTextSubtitleStream) video.SelectedSubtitle = newid if newTrack.IsTextSubtitleStream then if video.content.PlayStart > video.position 'User has rewinded to before playback was initiated. The Roku never loaded this portion of the text subtitle 'Changing the track will cause plaback to jump to initial bookmark position. video.suppressCaptions = true rebuildURL(false) end if video.subtitleTrack = video.availableSubtitleTracks[newTrack.TextIndex].TrackName video.suppressCaptions = false else video.suppressCaptions = true end if 'Rebuild URL if subtitle track is video or if changed from video subtitle to text subtitle. if not newTrack.IsTextSubtitleStream then rebuildURL(true) else if oldTrack <> invalid and not oldTrack.IsTextSubtitleStream then rebuildURL(false) if newTrack.TextIndex > 0 then video.subtitleTrack = video.availableSubtitleTracks[newTrack.TextIndex].TrackName end if end sub function turnoffSubtitles() video = m.scene.focusedChild current = video.SelectedSubtitle video.SelectedSubtitle = -1 video.suppressCaptions = true m.device.EnableAppFocusEvent(false) if current > -1 and not video.Subtitles[current].IsTextSubtitleStream then rebuildURL(false) end if end function function systemOverlayClosed() video = m.scene.focusedChild if video.globalCaptionMode <> video.captionMode then video.captionMode = video.globalCaptionMode reviewSubtitleDisplay() end if end function function reviewSubtitleDisplay() 'TODO handle changing subtitles tracks during playback displayed = areSubtitlesDisplayed() needed = areSubtitlesNeeded() print "displayed: " displayed " needed: " needed if areSubtitlesNeeded() and (not areSubtitlesDisplayed()) then rebuildURL(true) else if areSubtitlesDisplayed() and (not areSubtitlesNeeded()) then rebuildURL(false) end if end function function areSubtitlesDisplayed() index = m.scene.focusedChild.transcodeParams.lookup("SubtitleStreamIndex") if index <> invalid and index <> -1 then return true else return false end if end function function areSubtitlesNeeded() captions = m.scene.focusedChild.globalCaptionMode if captions = "On" return true else if captions = "Off" return false else if captions = "When mute" return m.mute else if captions = "Instant replay" 'Unsupported. Do we want to do this? Is it worth transcoding for rewinded content and then untranscoding? return false end if end function sub rebuildURL(captions as boolean) playBackBuffer = -5 video = m.scene.focusedChild video.control = "pause" tmpParams = video.transcodeParams if captions = false then tmpParams.delete("SubtitleStreamIndex") else if video.Subtitles[video.SelectedSubtitle] <> invalid then tmpParams.addreplace("SubtitleStreamIndex", int(video.Subtitles[video.SelectedSubtitle].Index)) end if end if if video.isTranscoded then deleteTranscode(video.PlaySessionId) end if video.PlaySessionId = ItemGetPlaybackInfo(, int(video.position) + playBackBuffer).PlaySessionId tmpParams.PlaySessionId = video.PlaySessionId video.transcodeParams = tmpParams if video.directPlaySupported and video.decodeAudioSupported and not captions then 'Captions are off and we do not need to transcode video or audo base = Substitute("Videos/{0}/stream", params = { "Static": "true", "Container": video.container "PlaySessionId": video.PlaySessionId } video.isTranscoded = false video.content.streamformat = video.container else 'Captions are on or we need to transcode for any other reason video.content.streamformat = "hls" base = Substitute("Videos/{0}/master.m3u8", video.isTranscoded = true params = video.transcodeParams end if video.content.url = buildURL(base, params) video.content.PlayStart = int(video.position + playBackBuffer) video.control = "play" end sub