sub Main() ' If the Rooibos files are included in deployment, run tests if (type(Rooibos__Init) = "Function") then Rooibos__Init() ' The main function that runs when the application is launched. m.screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen") m.port = CreateObject("roMessagePort") m.screen.setMessagePort(m.port) m.scene = m.screen.CreateScene("JFScene") m.overhang = CreateObject("roSGNode", "JFOverhang") m.scene.insertChild(m.overhang, 0) m.page_size = 50 app_start: m.overhang.title = "" ' First thing to do is validate the ability to use the API LoginFlow() ' load home page m.overhang.title = "Home" m.overhang.currentUser = m.user.Name group = CreateHomeGroup() m.scene.appendChild(group) m.scene.observeField("backPressed", m.port) m.scene.observeField("optionsPressed", m.port) m.scene.observeField("mutePressed", m.port) m.device = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo") m.device.SetMessagePort(m.port) ' This is the core logic loop. Mostly for transitioning between scenes ' This now only references m. fields so could be placed anywhere, in theory ' "group" is always "whats on the screen" ' m.scene's children is the "previous view" stack while(true) msg = wait(0, m.port) if type(msg) = "roSGScreenEvent" and msg.isScreenClosed() then print "CLOSING SCREEN" return else if isNodeEvent(msg, "backPressed") n = m.scene.getChildCount() - 1 if msg.getRoSGNode().focusedChild <> invalid and msg.getRoSGNode().focusedChild.isSubtype("JFVideo") stopPlayback() else if n = 1 then return RemoveCurrentGroup() end if group = m.scene.getChild(n-1) else if isNodeEvent(msg, "optionsPressed") group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild panel = group.findNode("options") panel.visible = true panel.findNode("panelList").setFocus(true) else if isNodeEvent(msg, "closeSidePanel") if group.lastFocus <> invalid group.lastFocus.setFocus(true) else group.setFocus(true) end if else if isNodeEvent(msg, "selectedItem") ' If you select a library from ANYWHERE, follow this flow selectedItem = msg.getData() if selectedItem.type = "CollectionFolder" AND selectedItem.collectionType = "movies" group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false m.overhang.title = group = CreateMovieListGroup(selectedItem.Id) group.overhangTitle = m.scene.appendChild(group) else if selectedItem.type = "CollectionFolder" AND selectedItem.collectionType = "tvshows" group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false m.overhang.title = group = CreateSeriesListGroup(selectedItem.Id) group.overhangTitle = m.scene.appendChild(group) else if selectedItem.type = "CollectionFolder" AND selectedItem.collectionType = "boxsets" group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false m.overhang.title = group = CreateCollectionsList(selectedItem.Id) group.overhangTitle = m.scene.appendChild(group) else if selectedItem.type = "Episode" then ' play episode ' todo: create an episode page to link here video_id = video = CreateVideoPlayerGroup(video_id) if video <> invalid then group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false group = video m.scene.appendChild(group) group.setFocus(true) group.control = "play" ReportPlayback(group, "start") m.overhang.visible = false end if else if selectedItem.type = "Series" then group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false m.overhang.title = selectedItem.title m.overhang.showOptions = false m.scene.unobserveField("optionsPressed") group = CreateSeriesDetailsGroup(selectedItem.json) group.overhangTitle = selectedItem.title m.scene.appendChild(group) else if selectedItem.type = "Movie" then ' open movie detail page group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false m.overhang.title = m.overhang.showOptions = false m.scene.unobserveField("optionsPressed") group = CreateMovieDetailsGroup(selectedItem) group.overhangTitle = m.scene.appendChild(group) else ' TODO - switch on more node types if selectedItem.type = "CollectionFolder" OR selectedItem.type = "UserView" then message_dialog("This library type is not yet implemented: " + selectedItem.collectionType + ".") else message_dialog("This library type is not yet implemented: " + selectedItem.type + ".") end if selectedItem = invalid end if else if isNodeEvent(msg, "collectionSelected") node = getMsgPicker(msg, "picker") group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false m.overhang.title = node.title group = CreateMovieListGroup(node) group.overhangTitle = node.title m.scene.appendChild(group) else if isNodeEvent(msg, "movieSelected") ' If you select a movie from ANYWHERE, follow this flow node = getMsgPicker(msg, "picker") group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false m.overhang.title = node.title m.overhang.showOptions = false m.scene.unobserveField("optionsPressed") group = CreateMovieDetailsGroup(node) group.overhangTitle = node.title m.scene.appendChild(group) else if isNodeEvent(msg, "seriesSelected") ' If you select a TV Series from ANYWHERE, follow this flow node = getMsgPicker(msg, "picker") group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false m.overhang.title = node.title m.overhang.showOptions = false m.scene.unobserveField("optionsPressed") group = CreateSeriesDetailsGroup(node) group.overhangTitle = node.title m.scene.appendChild(group) else if isNodeEvent(msg, "seasonSelected") ' If you select a TV Season from ANYWHERE, follow this flow ptr = msg.getData() ' ptr is for [row, col] of selected item... but we only have 1 row series = msg.getRoSGNode() node = series.seasonData.items[ptr[1]] group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false m.overhang.title = series.overhangTitle + " - " + node.title m.overhang.showOptions = false m.scene.unobserveField("optionsPressed") group = CreateSeasonDetailsGroup(series.itemContent, node) m.scene.appendChild(group) else if isNodeEvent(msg, "episodeSelected") ' If you select a TV Episode from ANYWHERE, follow this flow node = getMsgPicker(msg, "picker") video_id = video = CreateVideoPlayerGroup(video_id) if video <> invalid then group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false group = video m.scene.appendChild(group) group.setFocus(true) group.control = "play" ReportPlayback(group, "start") m.overhang.visible = false end if else if isNodeEvent(msg, "search_value") query = msg.getRoSGNode().search_value group.findNode("SearchBox").visible = false options = group.findNode("SearchSelect") options.visible = true options.setFocus(true) results = SearchMedia(query) options.itemData = results options.query = query else if isNodeEvent(msg, "pageSelected") group.pageNumber = msg.getRoSGNode().pageSelected collectionType = group.subType() if collectionType = "Movies" MovieLister(group, m.page_size) else if collectionType = "Collections" CollectionLister(group, m.page_size) else if collectionType = "TVShows" SeriesLister(group, m.page_size) end if ' TODO - abstract away the "picker" node group.findNode("picker").setFocus(true) else if isNodeEvent(msg, "itemSelected") ' Search item selected node = getMsgPicker(msg) group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false ' TODO - swap this based on target.mediatype ' types: [ Episode, Movie, Audio, Person, Studio, MusicArtist ] group = CreateMovieDetailsGroup(node) m.scene.appendChild(group) m.overhang.title = group.overhangTitle else if isNodeEvent(msg, "buttonSelected") ' If a button is selected, we have some determining to do btn = getButton(msg) if = "play-button" ' TODO - Do a better job of picking the last focus ' This is currently page layout Group, button Group, then button video_id = video = CreateVideoPlayerGroup(video_id) if video <> invalid then group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild.focusedChild.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false group = video m.scene.appendChild(group) group.setFocus(true) group.control = "play" ReportPlayback(group, "start") m.overhang.visible = false end if else if = "watched-button" movie = group.itemContent if movie.watched UnmarkItemWatched( else MarkItemWatched( end if movie.watched = not movie.watched else if = "favorite-button" movie = group.itemContent if movie.favorite UnmarkItemFavorite( else MarkItemFavorite( end if movie.favorite = not movie.favorite end if else if isNodeEvent(msg, "optionSelected") button = msg.getRoSGNode() if = "goto_search" ' Exit out of the side panel panel.visible = false if group.lastFocus <> invalid group.lastFocus.setFocus(true) else group.setFocus(true) end if group.lastFocus = group.focusedChild group.setFocus(false) group.visible = false group = CreateSearchPage() m.scene.appendChild(group) m.overhang.title = group.overhangTitle group.findNode("SearchBox").findNode("search-input").setFocus(true) group.findNode("SearchBox").findNode("search-input").active = true else if = "change_server" unset_setting("server") unset_setting("port") SignOut() wipe_groups() goto app_start else if = "sign_out" SignOut() wipe_groups() goto app_start else if = "add_user" unset_setting("active_user") unset_setting("server") unset_setting("port") wipe_groups() goto app_start end if else if isNodeEvent(msg, "position") video = msg.getRoSGNode() if video.position >= video.duration then stopPlayback() end if else if isNodeEvent(msg, "fire") ReportPlayback(group, "update") else if isNodeEvent(msg, "state") node = msg.getRoSGNode() if node.state = "finished" then stopPlayback() else if node.state = "playing" or node.state = "paused" then ReportPlayback(group, "update") end if else if type(msg) = "roDeviceInfoEvent" then event = msg.GetInfo() if event.appFocused <> invalid then child = m.scene.focusedChild if child <> invalid and child.isSubType("JFVideo") then child.systemOverlay = not event.appFocused if event.AppFocused = true then systemOverlayClosed() end if end if else if event.Mute <> invalid then m.mute = event.Mute child = m.scene.focusedChild if child <> invalid and child.isSubType("JFVideo") and areSubtitlesDisplayed() and child.systemOverlay = false then 'Event will be called on caption change which includes the current mute status, but we do not want to call until the overlay is closed reviewSubtitleDisplay() end if else print "Unhandled roDeviceInfoEvent:" print msg.GetInfo() end if else print type(msg) print msg end if end while end sub sub LoginFlow() 'Collect Jellyfin server and user information start_login: if get_setting("server") = invalid or ServerInfo() = invalid then print "Get server details" CreateServerGroup() end if if get_setting("active_user") = invalid then print "Get user login" CreateSigninGroup() end if m.user = AboutMe() if m.user = invalid or <> get_setting("active_user") print "Login failed, restart flow" unset_setting("active_user") goto start_login end if wipe_groups() end sub sub RunScreenSaver() print "Starting screensaver..." screen = createObject("roSGScreen") m.port = createObject("roMessagePort") screen.setMessagePort(m.port) scene = screen.createScene("Screensaver") screen.Show() while(true) msg = wait(8000, m.port) if (msg <> invalid) msgType = type(msg) if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent" if msg.isScreenClosed() then return end if end if end while end sub sub wipe_groups() ' The 1 remaining child should be the overhang while(m.scene.getChildCount() > 1) m.scene.removeChildIndex(1) end while end sub sub RemoveCurrentGroup() ' Pop a group off the stack and expose what's below n = m.scene.getChildCount() - 1 group = m.scene.focusedChild m.scene.removeChildIndex(n) prevOptionsAvailable = group.optionsAvailable group = m.scene.getChild(n - 1) m.overhang.title = group.overhangTitle m.overhang.showOptions = group.optionsAvailable if group.optionsAvailable <> prevOptionsAvailable then if group.optionsAvailable = false then m.scene.unobserveField("optionsPressed") else m.scene.observeField("optionsPressed", m.port) end if end if m.overhang.visible = true if group.lastFocus <> invalid print "lastfocus" group.lastfocus group.lastFocus.setFocus(true) else group.setFocus(true) end if group.visible = true end sub