[ { "description": "Bug Fix: Rows on home view not refreshing when data has changed", "author": "1hitsong" }, { "description": "Bug Fix: Next up section does not populate correctly after watching a TV episode", "author": "1hitsong" }, { "description": "Bug Fix: Next episode button does not display consistently", "author": "1hitsong" }, { "description": "Bug Fix: Crash when fallback font API call fails", "author": "1hitsong" }, { "description": "Core: Fix Jellyfin links in readme", "author": "cewert" }, { "description": "Bug Fix: Music shuffle not working", "author": "1hitsong" }, { "description": "Updated View: Add current playback time and song length to the sides of the audio progress bar", "author": "1hitsong" }, { "description": "Bug Fix: Turn off loop mode when user manually changes song", "author": "1hitsong" }, { "description": "Core: Enable confirm partner button and setup RALE", "author": "cewert" }, { "description": "Bug Fix: Clock not displaying on login view", "author": "cewert" }, { "description": "Core: Add build badge and rework readme content", "author": "cewert" }, { "description": "Core: Adjust settings to follow latest guidelines", "author": "sevenrats" } ]