// jshint multistr:true (function (w, d) { 'use strict'; var TABLE_NAME = 'hljs-ln', LINE_NAME = 'hljs-ln-line', CODE_BLOCK_NAME = 'hljs-ln-code', NUMBERS_BLOCK_NAME = 'hljs-ln-numbers', NUMBER_LINE_NAME = 'hljs-ln-n', DATA_ATTR_NAME = 'data-line-number', BREAK_LINE_REGEXP = /\r\n|\r|\n/g; if (w.hljs) { w.hljs.initLineNumbersOnLoad = initLineNumbersOnLoad; w.hljs.lineNumbersBlock = lineNumbersBlock; w.hljs.lineNumbersValue = lineNumbersValue; addStyles(); } else { w.console.error('highlight.js not detected!'); } function isHljsLnCodeDescendant(domElt) { var curElt = domElt; while (curElt) { if (curElt.className && curElt.className.indexOf('hljs-ln-code') !== -1) { return true; } curElt = curElt.parentNode; } return false; } function getHljsLnTable(hljsLnDomElt) { var curElt = hljsLnDomElt; while (curElt.nodeName !== 'TABLE') { curElt = curElt.parentNode; } return curElt; } // Function to workaround a copy issue with Microsoft Edge. // Due to hljs-ln wrapping the lines of code inside a
element wrapping the first line of selected code var tdAnchor = selection.anchorNode; while (tdAnchor.nodeName !== 'TD') { tdAnchor = tdAnchor.parentNode; } // get the | element wrapping the last line of selected code var tdFocus = selection.focusNode; while (tdFocus.nodeName !== 'TD') { tdFocus = tdFocus.parentNode; } // extract line numbers var firstLineNumber = parseInt(tdAnchor.dataset.lineNumber); var lastLineNumber = parseInt(tdFocus.dataset.lineNumber); // multi-lines copied case if (firstLineNumber != lastLineNumber) { var firstLineText = tdAnchor.textContent; var lastLineText = tdFocus.textContent; // if the selection was made backward, swap values if (firstLineNumber > lastLineNumber) { var tmp = firstLineNumber; firstLineNumber = lastLineNumber; lastLineNumber = tmp; tmp = firstLineText; firstLineText = lastLineText; lastLineText = tmp; } // discard not copied characters in first line while (selectionText.indexOf(firstLineText) !== 0) { firstLineText = firstLineText.slice(1); } // discard not copied characters in last line while (selectionText.lastIndexOf(lastLineText) === -1) { lastLineText = lastLineText.slice(0, -1); } // reconstruct and return the real copied text var selectedText = firstLineText; var hljsLnTable = getHljsLnTable(tdAnchor); for (var i = firstLineNumber + 1 ; i < lastLineNumber ; ++i) { var codeLineSel = format('.{0}[{1}="{2}"]', [CODE_BLOCK_NAME, DATA_ATTR_NAME, i]); var codeLineElt = hljsLnTable.querySelector(codeLineSel); selectedText += '\n' + codeLineElt.textContent; } selectedText += '\n' + lastLineText; return selectedText; // single copied line case } else { return selectionText; } } // ensure consistent code copy/paste behavior across all browsers // (see https://github.com/wcoder/highlightjs-line-numbers.js/issues/51) document.addEventListener('copy', function(e) { // get current selection var selection = window.getSelection(); // override behavior when one wants to copy line of codes if (isHljsLnCodeDescendant(selection.anchorNode)) { var selectionText; // workaround an issue with Microsoft Edge as copied line breaks // are removed otherwise from the selection string if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge') !== -1) { selectionText = edgeGetSelectedCodeLines(selection); } else { // other browsers can directly use the selection string selectionText = selection.toString(); } e.clipboardData.setData( 'text/plain', selectionText .replace(/(^\t)/gm, '') ); e.preventDefault(); } }); function addStyles () { var css = d.createElement('style'); css.type = 'text/css'; css.innerHTML = format( '.{0}{border-collapse:collapse}' + '.{0} td{padding:0}' + '.{1}:before{content:attr({2})}', [ TABLE_NAME, NUMBER_LINE_NAME, DATA_ATTR_NAME ]); d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(css); } function initLineNumbersOnLoad (options) { if (d.readyState === 'interactive' || d.readyState === 'complete') { documentReady(options); } else { w.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { documentReady(options); }); } } function documentReady (options) { try { var blocks = d.querySelectorAll('code.hljs,code.nohighlight'); for (var i in blocks) { if (blocks.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (!isPluginDisabledForBlock(blocks[i])) { lineNumbersBlock(blocks[i], options); } } } } catch (e) { w.console.error('LineNumbers error: ', e); } } function isPluginDisabledForBlock(element) { return element.classList.contains('nohljsln'); } function lineNumbersBlock (element, options) { if (typeof element !== 'object') return; async(function () { element.innerHTML = lineNumbersInternal(element, options); }); } function lineNumbersValue (value, options) { if (typeof value !== 'string') return; var element = document.createElement('code') element.innerHTML = value return lineNumbersInternal(element, options); } function lineNumbersInternal (element, options) { var internalOptions = mapOptions(element, options); duplicateMultilineNodes(element); return addLineNumbersBlockFor(element.innerHTML, internalOptions); } function addLineNumbersBlockFor (inputHtml, options) { var lines = getLines(inputHtml); // if last line contains only carriage return remove it if (lines[lines.length-1].trim() === '') { lines.pop(); } if (lines.length > 1 || options.singleLine) { var html = ''; for (var i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++) { html += format( ' |
' + ' | ' + '' + '{6}' + ' | ' + '