' ' Task used to scan the network and find jellyfin servers that are broadcasting over the SSDP protocol ' sub init() m.top.functionName = "execute" end sub sub execute() m.top.content = GetServersViaSSDP() end sub function GetServersViaSSDP() 'brightscript can't escape characters in strings, so create a few vars here so we can use them in the strings below Q = Chr(34) CRLF = Chr(13) + Chr(10) port = CreateObject("roMessagePort") ssdpStr = "" ssdpStr = ssdpStr + "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1" + CRLF ssdpStr = ssdpStr + "HOST:" + CRLF ssdpStr = ssdpStr + "MAN: " + Q + "ssdp:discover" + Q + CRLF ssdpStr = ssdpStr + "ST:urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" + CRLF ssdpStr = ssdpStr + "MX: 2" + CRLF ssdpStr = ssdpStr + CRLF ssdpAddr = CreateObject("roSocketAddress") ssdpAddr.SetAddress("") ssdp = CreateObject("roDatagramSocket") ssdp.SetMessagePort(port) ssdp.SetSendToAddress(ssdpAddr) ssdp.NotifyReadable(True) ssdp.SendStr(ssdpStr) locationUrls = {} ut = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer") ut.SetPort(port) ts = CreateObject("roTimespan") 'wait for a maximum time maxTimeMs = 2200 while True elapsed = ts.TotalMilliseconds() if elapsed >= maxTimeMs exit while end if msg = Wait(maxTimeMs - elapsed, port) if Type (msg) = "roSocketEvent" and msg.GetSocketId() = ssdp.GetId() and ssdp.IsReadable() recvStr = ssdp.ReceiveStr(4096) match = CreateObject("roRegex", "\r\nLocation:\s*(.*?)\s*\r\n", "i").Match(recvStr) if match.Count() = 2 locationUrl = match[1] if not locationUrls.DoesExist(locationUrl) print "found network location: " + locationUrl locationUrls.AddReplace(locationUrl, 0) end if end if end if end while 'download each of the discovered locations and see if any of them are named "Jellfin Server" results = [] for each locationUrl in locationUrls http = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer") http.SetUrl(locationUrl) responseText = http.GetToString() xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement") 'if we successfully parsed the response, process it if xml.Parse(responseText) deviceNode = xml.GetNamedElementsCi("device")[0] manufacturer = deviceNode.GetNamedElementsCi("manufacturer").GetText() 'only process jellyfin servers if lcase(manufacturer) = "jellyfin" 'find the largest icon width = 0 result = invalid icons = deviceNode.GetNamedElementsCi("iconList")[0].GetNamedElementsCi("icon") for each iconNode in icons iconUrl = iconNode.GetNamedElementsCi("url").GetText() baseUrl = invalid match = CreateObject("roRegex", "(.*?)\/dlna\/", "i").Match(iconUrl) if match.Count() = 2 baseUrl = match[1] end if loopResult = { name: deviceNode.GetNamedElementsCi("friendlyName").GetText(), baseUrl: baseUrl, iconUrl: iconUrl, iconWidth: iconNode.GetNamedElementsCi("width")[0].GetText().ToInt(), iconHeight: iconNode.GetNamedElementsCi("height")[0].GetText().ToInt() } if baseUrl <> invalid and loopResult.iconWidth > width result = loopResult end if end for results.Push(result) end if end if end for return results end function