UTF-8 default or https://example.com/jellyfin alebo https://example.com/jellyfin Cancel Zrušiť Connect to Server Pripojiť sa k serveru Ends at %1 Končí o %1 Enter Configuration Zadať konfiguráciu Favorite Obľúbený Loading... Načítavam… Login attempt failed. Pokus o prihlásenie zlyhal. OK OK Options Možnosti Play Prehrať Please sign in Prosím, prihláste sa Search Vyhľadať Server not found, is it online? Server nebol nájdený, je online? Shuffle Zamiešať Sign In Prihlásiť sa Submit Odoslať Watched Pozreté Change Server Zmeniť server Sign Out Odhlásiť sa Add User Pridať používateľa Profile Profil My Media Moje médiá Continue Watching Pokračovať v pozeraní Next Up Nasleduje Latest in Najnovšie v Home Domov Enter a username Zadajte používateľské meno Enter a password Zadajte heslo Enter a value... Zadajte hodnotu… Sort Field Zoradiť podľa Date Added Dátum pridania Release Date Dátum vydania Name Názov Sort Order Poradie zoraďovania Descending Zostupne Ascending Vzostupne Password Heslo Username Používateľské meno Genres Žánre Director Režisér Video Video Audio Zvuk Server Server Error Retrieving Content Chyba pri získavaní obsahu Dialog title when unable to load Content from Server Error During Playback Chyba pri prehrávaní Dialog title when error occurs during playback There was an error retrieving the data for this item from the server. Nastala chyba pri získavaní informácií o tejto položke zo servera. Dialog detail when unable to load Content from Server An error was encountered while playing this item. Nastala chyba pri prehrávaní tejto položky. Dialog detail when error occurs during playback Loading Channel Data Načítanie dát o kanále Error loading Channel Data Nastala chyba pri načítaní dát o kanále Unable to load Channel Data from the server Nie je možné načítať dáta o kanáli zo servera Message displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc) NO_ITEMS %1 neobsahuje žiadne položky Message displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc) NO_ITEMS %1 neobsahuje žiadne položky Message displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc) NO_ITEMS %1 neobsahuje žiadne položky Channels Kanály Menu option for showing Live TV Channel List Repeat Opakovať If TV Shows has previously been broadcasted Live Naživo If TV Show is being broadcast live (not pre-recorded) Saturday Sobota Day of Week Friday Piatok Day of Week Thursday Štvrtok Day of Week Wednesday Streda Day of Week Tuesday Utorok Day of Week Monday Pondelok Day of Week Sunday Nedeľa Day of Week tomorrow zajtra Next day yesterday včera Previous day today dnes Current day Title of Tab for options to filter library content TAB_FILTER Filter Title of Tab for options to sort library content TAB_SORT Zoradiť Title of Tab for switching "views" when looking at a library TAB_VIEW Zobrazenie RUNTIME Dĺžka RELEASE_DATE Dátum vydania PLAY_COUNT Počet prehraní OFFICIAL_RATING Rodičovské hodnotenie DATE_PLAYED Dátum prehrania DATE_ADDED Dátum pridania CRITIC_RATING Hodnotenie kritikov IMDB_RATING Hodnotenie IMDb Name or Title field of media item TITLE Meno An error was encountered while playing this item. Server did not provide required transcoding data. Nastala chyba pri prehrávaná tejto položky. Server neposkytol požadované dáta prekódovania. Content of message box when trying to play an item which requires transcoding, and the server did not provide transcode url Error Getting Playback Information Chyba počas získavania informácií o prehrávaní Dialog Title: Received error from server when trying to get information about the selected item for playback ...or enter server URL manually: …alebo zadajte URL serveru manuálne: Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to manually enter a server URL Pick a Jellyfin server from the local network Vyberte Jellyfin server z lokálnej siete Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to pick a server from a list Enter the server name or ip address Zadajte meno servera alebo ip adresu Title of KeyboardDialog when manually entering a server URL The requested content does not exist on the server Požadovaný obsah neexistuje na serveri Content of message box when the requested content is not found on the server Not found Nenájdené Title of message box when the requested content is not found on the server Connecting to Server Pripájam sa k serveru Message to display to user while client is attempting to connect to the server Cancel Series Recording Zrušiť nahrávanie série Cancel Recording Zrušiť nahrávanie Record Series Nahrávať sériu Record Nahrávať View Channel Zobraziť kanál TV Guide TV sprievodca Menu option for showing Live TV Guide / Schedule Channels Kanály Menu option for showing Live TV Channel List Repeat Opakovať If TV Shows has previously been broadcasted Live Naživo If TV Show is being broadcast live (not pre-recorded) Ends at Končí o (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program ended (e.g. Ended Wednesday, 08:00) Ended at Skončilo o (Past Tense) For defining time when a program will ended (e.g. Ended at 08:00) Starts Začína (Future Tense) For defining a day and time when a program will start (e.g. Starts Wednesday, 08:00) Starts at Začína o (Future Tense) For defining time when a program will start today (e.g. Starts at 08:00) Started Začalo (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program started (e.g. Started Wednesday, 08:00) Started at Začalo o (Past Tense) For defining time when a program started today (e.g. Started at 08:00) Saturday Sobota Day of Week Friday Piatok Day of Week Thursday Štvrtok Day of Week Wednesday Streda Day of Week Tuesday Utorok Day of Week Monday Pondelok Day of Week Sunday Nedeľa Day of Week tomorrow zajtra Next day yesterday včera Previous day today dnes Current day Title of Tab for options to filter library content TAB_FILTER Filter Title of Tab for options to sort library content TAB_SORT Zoradiť Title of Tab for switching "views" when looking at a library TAB_VIEW Zobraziť RUNTIME Dĺžka RELEASE_DATE Dátum vydania PLAY_COUNT Počet prehraní OFFICIAL_RATING Rodičovské hodnotenie DATE_PLAYED Dátum prehrania DATE_ADDED Dátum pridania CRITIC_RATING Hodnotenie kritikov IMDB_RATING IMDb hodnotenie Name or Title field of media item TITLE Meno Message displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc) NO_ITEMS %1 neobsahuje žiadne položky On Now Práve teraz Delete Saved Vymazať uložené Save Credentials? Uložiť prihlasovacie údaje? Unknown Neznámy Title for a cast member for which we have no information for Not found Nenájdené Title of message box when the requested content is not found on the server Connecting to Server Pripájam sa k serveru Message to display to user while client is attempting to connect to the server Cancel Recording Zrušiť Nahrávanie Record Series Nahrávať sériu Record Nahrávať TV Guide TV sprievodca Menu option for showing Live TV Guide / Schedule Channels Kanály Menu option for showing Live TV Channel List Repeat Repríza If TV Shows has previously been broadcasted Live Naživo If TV Show is being broadcast live (not pre-recorded) Ends at Končí o (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program ended (e.g. Ended Wednesday, 08:00) Ended at Skončilo o (Past Tense) For defining time when a program will ended (e.g. Ended at 08:00) Starts Začína (Future Tense) For defining a day and time when a program will start (e.g. Starts Wednesday, 08:00) Starts at Začína o (Future Tense) For defining time when a program will start today (e.g. Starts at 08:00) Started Začalo (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program started (e.g. Started Wednesday, 08:00) Started at Začalo o (Past Tense) For defining time when a program started today (e.g. Started at 08:00) Saturday Sobota Day of Week Friday Piatok Day of Week More Like This Navrhované Save Credentials? Uložiť poverenia? Save Credentials? Uložiť prihlasovacie údaje? Monday Pondelok Day of Week Started at Začalo o (Past Tense) For defining time when a program started today (e.g. Started at 08:00) View Channel Zobraziť kanál Record Series Séria nahrávok Cancel Series Recording Zrušiť nahrávanie série Connecting to Server Pripája sa k serveru Message to display to user while client is attempting to connect to the server Enter the server name or IP address Zadajte názov servera alebo IP adresu Title of KeyboardDialog when manually entering a server URL Error Getting Playback Information Chyba pri získavaní informácií o prehrávaní Dialog Title: Received error from server when trying to get information about the selected item for playback An error was encountered while playing this item. Server did not provide required transcoding data. Pri prehrávaní tejto položky sa vyskytla chyba. Server neposkytol požadované údaje na prekódovanie. Content of message box when trying to play an item which requires transcoding, and the server did not provide transcode url Live Naživo If TV Show is being broadcast live (not pre-recorded) Friday Piatok Day of Week Delete Saved Odstrániť uložené On Now Teraz DATE_PLAYED Dátum hrania TV Guide TV sprievodca Menu option for showing Live TV Guide / Schedule Born Narodený Cast & Crew Herci & štáb More Like This Viac takých Movies Filmy Tuesday Utorok Day of Week Starts Začína (Future Tense) For defining a day and time when a program will start (e.g. Starts Wednesday, 08:00) Ended at Skončil o (Past Tense) For defining time when a program will ended (e.g. Ended at 08:00) The requested content does not exist on the server Požadovaný obsah na serveri neexistuje Content of message box when the requested content is not found on the server Name or Title field of media item TITLE Meno PLAY_COUNT Počet prehrania Died Zomrel Age Vek Special Features Špeciálne vlastnosti Press 'OK' to Close Press 'OK' to Close Press 'OK' to Close Zatvorte stlačením tlačidla „OK“ tomorrow zajtra Next day Sunday Nedeľa Day of Week Wednesday Streda Day of Week Saturday Sobota Day of Week Started Začalo (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program started (e.g. Started Wednesday, 08:00) Starts at Začne (Future Tense) For defining time when a program will start today (e.g. Starts at 08:00) Ends at Končí o (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program ended (e.g. Ended Wednesday, 08:00) Not found Nenájdené Title of message box when the requested content is not found on the server Title of Tab for options to sort library content TAB_SORT Triediť RUNTIME Beh programu Version Verzia Message displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc) NO_ITEMS Tento %1 neobsahuje žiadne položky IMDB_RATING IMDB hodnotenie DATE_ADDED Dátum pridania OFFICIAL_RATING Rodičovské hodnotenie RELEASE_DATE Dátum vydania Title of Tab for switching "views" when looking at a library TAB_VIEW Vyhliadka Title of Tab for options to filter library content TAB_FILTER Filter TV Shows TV relácie today dnes Current day yesterday včera Previous day Thursday Štvrtok Day of Week Repeat Opakujte If TV Shows has previously been broadcasted Channels Kanály Menu option for showing Live TV Channel List Record Záznam Cancel Recording Zrušiť nahrávanie Close Zavrieť Pick a Jellyfin server from the local network Vyberte dostupný server Jellyfin z vašej lokálnej siete: Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to pick a server from a list ...or enter server URL manually: Ak vyššie nie je uvedený žiadny server, adresu URL servera môžete zadať aj ručne: Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to manually enter a server URL CRITIC_RATING Hodnotenie kritikov Unknown Neznámy Title for a cast member for which we have no information for Playback Prehrávanie Title for Playback section in user setting screen. Message displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc) NO_ITEMS Tento %1 neobsahuje žiadne položky Tuesday utorok Day of Week Friday piatok Day of Week IMDB_RATING Hodnotenie IMDb RELEASE_DATE Dátum vydania Title of Tab for switching "views" when looking at a library TAB_VIEW Zobrazenie Save Credentials? Uložiť prihlasovacie údaje? DATE_PLAYED Dátum prehrania Cast & Crew Obsadenie a štáb Movies Filmy Name or Title field of media item TITLE Meno Delete Saved Odstrániť uložené DATE_ADDED Dátum pridania OFFICIAL_RATING Rodičovské hodnotenie PLAY_COUNT Počet prehraní RUNTIME Dĺžka Title of Tab for options to sort library content TAB_SORT Zoradenie Title of Tab for options to filter library content TAB_FILTER Filter Born Dátum narodenia Died Dátum úmrtia Age Vek More Like This Viac podobných CRITIC_RATING Hodnotenie kritikov Press 'OK' to Close Zatvorte stlačením tlačidla 'OK' Special Features Špeciálne Funkcie Additional Parts Dodatočné Časti Additional parts of a video yesterday včera Previous day Sunday nedeľa Day of Week Monday pondelok Day of Week Wednesday streda Day of Week Thursday štvrtok Day of Week Saturday sobota Day of Week Movies (Presentation) Filmy (prezentácia) Movies (Grid) Filmy (mriežka) TV Shows TV Seriály today dnes Current day tomorrow zajtra Next day Save Credentials? Uložiť prihlasovacie údaje? Message displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc) NO_ITEMS Tento %1 neobsahuje žiadne položky IMDB_RATING Hodnotenie IMDb RELEASE_DATE Dátum vydania Title of Tab for switching "views" when looking at a library TAB_VIEW Zobrazenie On Now Teraz DATE_PLAYED Dátum prehrania Delete Saved Odstrániť uložené Age Vek Name or Title field of media item TITLE Meno DATE_ADDED Dátum pridania OFFICIAL_RATING Rodičovské hodnotenie PLAY_COUNT Počet prehraní RUNTIME Dĺžka Title of Tab for options to sort library content TAB_SORT Zoradenie Title of Tab for options to filter library content TAB_FILTER Filter Born Dátum narodenia Died Dátum úmrtia CRITIC_RATING Hodnotenie kritikov Save Credentials? Uložiť prihlasovacie údaje? Delete Saved Vymazať uložené On Now Práve teraz