function isNodeEvent(msg, field as string) as boolean return type(msg) = "roSGNodeEvent" and msg.getField() = field end function function getMsgPicker(msg, subnode = "" as string) as object node = msg.getRoSGNode() ' Subnode allows for handling alias messages if subnode <> "" node = node.findNode(subnode) end if coords = node.rowItemSelected target = node.content.getChild(coords[0]).getChild(coords[1]) return target end function function getButton(msg, subnode = "buttons" as string) as object buttons = msg.getRoSGNode().findNode(subnode) if buttons = invalid return invalid active_button = buttons.focusedChild return active_button end function function leftPad(base as string, fill as string, length as integer) as string while len(base) < length base = fill + base end while return base end function function ticksToHuman(ticks as longinteger) as string totalSeconds = int(ticks / 10000000) hours = stri(int(totalSeconds / 3600)).trim() minutes = stri(int((totalSeconds - (val(hours)*3600))/60)).trim() seconds = stri(totalSeconds - (val(hours)*3600) - (val(minutes)*60)).trim() if val(hours) > 0 and val(minutes) < 10 then minutes = "0" + minutes if val(seconds) < 10 then seconds = "0" + seconds r="" if val(hours) > 0 then r = hours + ":" r = r + minutes + ":" + seconds return r end function ' Format time as 12 or 24 hour format based on system clock setting function formatTime(time) as string hours = time.getHours() minHourDigits = 1 di = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo") if di.GetClockFormat() = "12h" then meridian = "AM" if hours = 0 hours = 12 meridian = "AM" else if hours = 12 hours = 12 meridian = "PM" else if hours > 12 hours = hours - 12 meridian = "PM" end if else ' For 24hr Clock, no meridian and pad hours to 2 digits minHourDigits = 2 meridian = "" end if return Substitute("{0}:{1} {2}", leftPad(stri(hours).trim(), "0", minHourDigits), leftPad(stri(time.getMinutes()).trim(), "0", 2), meridian) end function function div_ceiling(a as integer, b as integer) as integer if a < b then return 1 if int(a/b) = a/b then return a/b end if return a/b + 1 end function 'Returns the item selected or -1 on backpress or other unhandled closure of dialog. function get_dialog_result(dialog, port) while dialog <> invalid msg = wait(0, port) if isNodeEvent(msg, "backPressed") then return -1 else if isNodeEvent(msg, "itemSelected") return dialog.findNode("optionList").itemSelected end if end while 'Dialog has closed outside of this loop, return -1 for failure return -1 end function function lastFocusedChild(obj as object) as object child = obj for i = 0 to obj.getChildCount() if obj.focusedChild <> invalid then child = child.focusedChild end if end for return child end function function show_dialog(message as string, options = [], defaultSelection = 0) as integer group = m.scene.focusedChild lastFocus = lastFocusedChild(m.scene) 'We want to handle backPressed instead of the main loop m.scene.unobserveField("backPressed") dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "JFMessageDialog") if options.count() then dialog.options = options if message.len() > 0 then reg = CreateObject("roFontRegistry") font = reg.GetDefaultFont() dialog.fontHeight = font.GetOneLineHeight() dialog.fontWidth = font.GetOneLineWidth(message, 999999999) dialog.message = message end if if defaultSelection > 0 then dialog.findNode("optionList").jumpToItem = defaultSelection end if dialog.visible = true m.scene.appendChild(dialog) dialog.setFocus(true) port = CreateObject("roMessagePort") dialog.observeField("backPressed", port) dialog.findNode("optionList").observeField("itemSelected", port) result = get_dialog_result(dialog, port) m.scene.removeChildIndex(m.scene.getChildCount() - 1) lastFocus.setFocus(true) m.scene.observeField("backPressed", m.port) return result end function function message_dialog(message = "" as string) return show_dialog(message,["OK"]) end function function option_dialog(options, message = "", defaultSelection = 0) as integer return show_dialog(message, options, defaultSelection) end function