sub Main() ' If the Rooibos files are included in deployment, run tests if (type(Rooibos__Init) = "Function") then Rooibos__Init() ' The main function that runs when the application is launched. keepalive = CreateObject("roSGScreen") app_start: ' First thing to do is validate the ability to use the API LoginFlow() ' Confirm the configured server and user work ShowLibrarySelect() ' Have a catch for exiting the library on sign-out if get_setting("active_user") = invalid goto app_start end if if getGlobal("user_change") = true ' Signal caught, reset setGlobal("user_change", false) goto app_start end if end sub sub LoginFlow() 'Collect Jellyfin server and user information start_login: if get_setting("server") = invalid then print "Get server details" ShowServerSelect() end if if get_setting("active_user") = invalid then print "Get user login" ShowSigninSelect() end if m.user = AboutMe() if m.user = invalid or <> get_setting("active_user") print "Login failed, restart flow" unset_setting("active_user") goto start_login end if end sub