diff --git a/components/JFVideo.brs b/components/JFVideo.brs
index 1a851992..95ec2e04 100644
--- a/components/JFVideo.brs
+++ b/components/JFVideo.brs
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ sub init()
m.playbackTimer = m.top.findNode("playbackTimer")
m.bufferCheckTimer = m.top.findNode("bufferCheckTimer")
m.top.observeField("state", "onState")
- m.top.observeField("position", "onPositionChanged")
- m.top.trickPlayBar.observeField("visible", "onTrickPlayBarVisibilityChange")
m.playbackTimer.observeField("fire", "ReportPlayback")
m.bufferPercentage = 0 ' Track whether content is being loaded
m.playReported = false
@@ -14,112 +12,6 @@ sub init()
clockNode = findNodeBySubtype(m.top, "clock")
if clockNode[0] <> invalid then clockNode[0].parent.removeChild(clockNode[0].node)
end if
- ' Skip Intro Button
- m.skipIntroButton = m.top.findNode("skipIntro")
- m.skipIntroButton.text = tr("Skip Intro")
- m.introCompleted = false
- m.showskipIntroButtonAnimation = m.top.findNode("showskipIntroButton")
- m.hideskipIntroButtonAnimation = m.top.findNode("hideskipIntroButton")
- m.moveUpskipIntroButtonAnimation = m.top.findNode("moveUpskipIntroButton")
- m.moveDownskipIntroButtonAnimation = m.top.findNode("moveDownskipIntroButton")
-end sub
-' Checks if we have valid skip intro param data
-function haveSkipIntroParams() as boolean
- ' Intro data is invalid, skip
- if not isValid(m.top.skipIntroParams?.Valid)
- return false
- end if
- ' Returned intro data is not valid, return
- if not m.top.skipIntroParams.Valid
- return false
- end if
- return true
-end function
-' Handles showing / hiding the skip intro button
-sub handleSkipIntro()
- ' We've already shown the intro, return
- if m.introCompleted then return
- ' We don't have valid data, return
- if not haveSkipIntroParams() then return
- ' Check if it's time to hide the skip prompt
- if m.top.position >= m.top.skipIntroParams.HideSkipPromptAt
- if skipIntroButtonVisible()
- hideSkipIntro()
- end if
- return
- end if
- ' Check if it's time to show the skip prompt
- if m.top.position >= m.top.skipIntroParams.ShowSkipPromptAt
- if not skipIntroButtonVisible()
- showSkipIntro()
- end if
- return
- end if
-end sub
-' When Trick Playbar Visibility changes
-sub onTrickPlayBarVisibilityChange()
- ' Skip Intro button isn't visible, return
- if not skipIntroButtonVisible() then return
- ' Trick Playbar is visible, move the skip intro button up and fade it out
- if m.top.trickPlayBar.visible
- m.moveUpskipIntroButtonAnimation.control = "start"
- m.skipIntroButton.setFocus(false)
- m.top.setFocus(true)
- return
- end if
- ' Trick Playbar is not visible, move the skip intro button down and fade it in
- m.moveDownskipIntroButtonAnimation.control = "start"
- m.skipIntroButton.setFocus(true)
-end sub
-' When Video Player state changes
-sub onPositionChanged()
- ' Check if content is episode
- if m.top.content.contenttype = 4
- handleSkipIntro()
- end if
-end sub
-' Returns if skip intro button is currently visible
-function skipIntroButtonVisible() as boolean
- return m.skipIntroButton.opacity > 0
-end function
-' Runs skip intro button animation and sets focus to button
-sub showSkipIntro()
- m.showskipIntroButtonAnimation.control = "start"
- m.skipIntroButton.setFocus(true)
-end sub
-' Runs hide intro button animation and sets focus back to video
-sub hideSkipIntro()
- m.top.trickPlayBar.unobserveField("visible")
- m.hideskipIntroButtonAnimation.control = "start"
- m.introCompleted = true
- m.skipIntroButton.setFocus(false)
- m.top.setFocus(true)
end sub
@@ -237,16 +129,6 @@ end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
- if key = "OK"
- if not m.top.trickPlayBar.visible
- if m.skipIntroButton.hasFocus()
- m.top.seek = m.top.skipIntroParams.IntroEnd
- hideSkipIntro()
- return true
- end if
- end if
- end if
if not press then return false
if m.top.Subtitles.count() and key = "down"
diff --git a/components/JFVideo.xml b/components/JFVideo.xml
index ad1f8ccf..06dcd805 100644
--- a/components/JFVideo.xml
+++ b/components/JFVideo.xml
@@ -17,35 +17,16 @@
diff --git a/locale/en_US/translations.ts b/locale/en_US/translations.ts
index 2bc8497f..bba4a8eb 100644
--- a/locale/en_US/translations.ts
+++ b/locale/en_US/translations.ts
@@ -707,10 +707,6 @@
Hides all clocks in Jellyfin. Jellyfin will need to be closed and reopened for change to take effect.Settings Menu - Description for option
- Skip Intro
- Play Trailer
diff --git a/source/VideoPlayer.brs b/source/VideoPlayer.brs
index aad86829..1d6637eb 100644
--- a/source/VideoPlayer.brs
+++ b/source/VideoPlayer.brs
@@ -45,11 +45,6 @@ sub AddVideoContent(video, mediaSourceId, audio_stream_idx = 1, subtitle_idx = -
end if
end if
- if m.videotype = "Episode" or m.videotype = "Series"
- video.skipIntroParams = api_API().introskipper.get(video.id)
- video.content.contenttype = "episode"
- end if
video.content.title = meta.title
video.showID = meta.showID