diff --git a/components/data/ScheduleProgramData.brs b/components/data/ScheduleProgramData.brs index c11673e9..44973a02 100644 --- a/components/data/ScheduleProgramData.brs +++ b/components/data/ScheduleProgramData.brs @@ -28,27 +28,6 @@ sub setFields() end if end if - - ' m.top.id = json.id - ' m.top.Title = json.name - ' m.top.Description = json.overview - ' m.top.favorite = json.UserData.isFavorite - ' m.top.watched = json.UserData.played - ' m.top.Type = "Movie" - - ' if json.ProductionYear <> invalid then - ' m.top.SubTitle = json.ProductionYear - ' end if - - ' if json.OfficialRating <> invalid and json.OfficialRating <> "" then - ' m.top.Rating = json.OfficialRating - ' if m.top.SubTitle <> "" then - ' m.top.SubTitle = m.top.SubTitle + " - " + m.top.Rating - ' else - ' m.top.SubTitle = m.top.Rating - ' end if - ' end if - setPoster() end sub @@ -59,8 +38,6 @@ sub setFields() if m.top.json.ImageTags <> invalid and m.top.json.ImageTags.Thumb <> invalid then imgParams = { "maxHeight": 500, "maxWidth": 500, "Tag" : m.top.json.ImageTags.Thumb } m.top.posterURL = ImageURL(m.top.json.id, "Thumb", imgParams) - ' imgParams = { "maxHeight": 440, "maxWidth": 295, "Tag" : m.top.json.ImageTags.Primary } - ' m.top.posterURL = ImageURL(m.top.json.id, "Primary", imgParams) end if end if end sub