diff --git a/locale/sk/translations.ts b/locale/sk/translations.ts
index d69dd2f7..8e2024a2 100644
--- a/locale/sk/translations.ts
+++ b/locale/sk/translations.ts
@@ -675,5 +675,288 @@
Uložiť prihlasovacie údaje?
+ Pondelok
+ Day of Week
+ Začalo o
+ (Past Tense) For defining time when a program started today (e.g. Started at 08:00)
+ Zobraziť kanál
+ Séria nahrávok
+ Zrušiť nahrávanie série
+ Pripája sa k serveru
+ Message to display to user while client is attempting to connect to the server
+ Zadajte názov servera alebo IP adresu
+ Title of KeyboardDialog when manually entering a server URL
+ Chyba pri získavaní informácií o prehrávaní
+ Dialog Title: Received error from server when trying to get information about the selected item for playback
+ Pri prehrávaní tejto položky sa vyskytla chyba. Server neposkytol požadované údaje na prekódovanie.
+ Content of message box when trying to play an item which requires transcoding, and the server did not provide transcode url
+ Naživo
+ If TV Show is being broadcast live (not pre-recorded)
+ Piatok
+ Day of Week
+ Odstrániť uložené
+ Teraz
+ Dátum hrania
+ TV sprievodca
+ Menu option for showing Live TV Guide / Schedule
+ Narodený
+ Herci & štáb
+ Viac takých
+ Filmy
+ Utorok
+ Day of Week
+ Začína
+ (Future Tense) For defining a day and time when a program will start (e.g. Starts Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Skončil o
+ (Past Tense) For defining time when a program will ended (e.g. Ended at 08:00)
+ Požadovaný obsah na serveri neexistuje
+ Content of message box when the requested content is not found on the server
+ Name or Title field of media item
+ Meno
+ Počet prehrania
+ Zomrel
+ Vek
+ Špeciálne vlastnosti
+ Press 'OK' to Close
+ Zatvorte stlačením tlačidla „OK“
+ zajtra
+ Next day
+ Nedeľa
+ Day of Week
+ Streda
+ Day of Week
+ Sobota
+ Day of Week
+ Začalo
+ (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program started (e.g. Started Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Začne
+ (Future Tense) For defining time when a program will start today (e.g. Starts at 08:00)
+ Končí o
+ (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program ended (e.g. Ended Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Nenájdené
+ Title of message box when the requested content is not found on the server
+ Title of Tab for options to sort library content
+ Triediť
+ Beh programu
+ Verzia
+ Message displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc)
+ Tento %1 neobsahuje žiadne položky
+ IMDB hodnotenie
+ Dátum pridania
+ Rodičovské hodnotenie
+ Dátum vydania
+ Title of Tab for switching "views" when looking at a library
+ Vyhliadka
+ Title of Tab for options to filter library content
+ Filter
+ TV relácie
+ dnes
+ Current day
+ včera
+ Previous day
+ Štvrtok
+ Day of Week
+ Opakujte
+ If TV Shows has previously been broadcasted
+ Kanály
+ Menu option for showing Live TV Channel List
+ Záznam
+ Zrušiť nahrávanie
+ Zavrieť
+ Vyberte dostupný server Jellyfin z vašej lokálnej siete:
+ Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to pick a server from a list
+ Ak vyššie nie je uvedený žiadny server, adresu URL servera môžete zadať aj ručne:
+ Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to manually enter a server URL
+ Hodnotenie kritikov
+ Neznámy
+ Title for a cast member for which we have no information for
+ Prehrávanie
+ Title for Playback section in user setting screen.