diff --git a/components/ItemGrid/ItemGrid.brs b/components/ItemGrid/ItemGrid.brs
index a0cbbc1d..a7a58d8e 100644
--- a/components/ItemGrid/ItemGrid.brs
+++ b/components/ItemGrid/ItemGrid.brs
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ sub loadInitialItems()
end if
- else if m.top.parentItem.collectionType = "CollectionFolder" or m.top.parentItem.type = "CollectionFolder" or m.top.parentItem.collectionType = "boxsets" or m.top.parentItem.Type = "Folder" or m.top.parentItem.Type = "Channel"
+ else if m.top.parentItem.collectionType = "CollectionFolder" or m.top.parentItem.type = "CollectionFolder" or m.top.parentItem.collectionType = "boxsets" or m.top.parentItem.Type = "Boxset" or m.top.parentItem.Type = "Folder" or m.top.parentItem.Type = "Channel"
' Non-recursive, to not show subfolder contents
m.loadItemsTask.recursive = false
else if m.top.parentItem.collectionType = "Channel"
@@ -223,7 +223,11 @@ end sub
' Set Music view, sort, and filter options
sub setMusicOptions(options)
- options.views = [{ "Title": tr("Music"), "Name": "music" }]
+ options.views = [
+ { "Title": tr("Default"), "Name": "music-default" },
+ { "Title": tr("Artists"), "Name": "music-artist" },
+ { "Title": tr("Albums"), "Name": "music-album" },
+ ]
options.sort = [
{ "Title": tr("TITLE"), "Name": "SortName" },
{ "Title": tr("DATE_ADDED"), "Name": "DateCreated" },
@@ -259,7 +263,11 @@ end sub
' Return parent collection type
function getCollectionType() as string
- return m.top.parentItem.collectionType
+ if m.top.parentItem.collectionType = invalid
+ return m.top.parentItem.Type
+ else
+ return m.top.parentItem.CollectionType
+ end if
end function
' Search string array for search value. Return if it's found
@@ -276,10 +284,9 @@ sub SetUpOptions()
options = {}
options.filter = []
options.favorite = []
if getCollectionType() = "movies"
- else if getCollectionType() = "boxsets"
+ else if inStringArray(["boxsets", "Boxset"], getCollectionType())
else if getCollectionType() = "tvshows"
diff --git a/components/home/Home.brs b/components/home/Home.brs
index ea72fbca..bc951c1a 100644
--- a/components/home/Home.brs
+++ b/components/home/Home.brs
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
sub init()
m.top.overhangTitle = "Home"
m.top.optionsAvailable = true
+ if get_user_setting("ui.home.splashBackground") = "true"
+ m.backdrop = m.top.findNode("backdrop")
+ m.backdrop.uri = buildURL("/Branding/Splashscreen?format=jpg&foregroundLayer=0.15&fillWidth=1280&width=1280&fillHeight=720&height=720&tag=splash")
+ end if
end sub
sub refresh()
diff --git a/components/home/Home.xml b/components/home/Home.xml
index f0eb64c2..3909bb0c 100644
--- a/components/home/Home.xml
+++ b/components/home/Home.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
@@ -13,4 +14,6 @@
diff --git a/locale/en_GB/translations.ts b/locale/en_GB/translations.ts
index a1acc86b..32c18212 100644
--- a/locale/en_GB/translations.ts
+++ b/locale/en_GB/translations.ts
@@ -516,5 +516,218 @@
Save Credentials?
+ There was an error authenticating via Quick Connect.
+ (Dialogue will close automatically)
+ Here is your Quick Connect code:
+ Quick Connect
+ %1 of %2
+ Item position and count. %1 = current item. %2 = total number of items
+ Go to episode
+ Continue Watching Popup Menu - Navigate to the Episode Detail Page
+ Go to season
+ Continue Watching Popup Menu - Navigate to the Season Page
+ Go to series
+ Continue Watching Popup Menu - Navigate to the Series Detail Page
+ Set Watched
+ Button Text - When pressed, marks item as Warched
+ Set Favourite
+ Button Text - When pressed, sets item as Favorite
+ Show item count in the library, and index of the selected item.
+ Description for option in Setting Screen
+ Item Count
+ UI -> Media Grid -> Item Count in user setting screen.
+ Always show the titles below the poster images. (If disabled, title will be shown under highlighted item only)
+ Description for option in Setting Screen
+ Item Titles
+ UI -> Media Grid -> Item Title in user setting screen.
+ Media Grid Options
+ Media Grid
+ UI -> Media Grid section in user setting screen.
+ User Interface
+ Title for User Interface section in user setting screen.
+ Disabled
+ Enabled
+ Support direct play of MPEG 2 content (e.g. Live TV). This will prevent transcoding of MPEG 2 content but uses significantly more bandwidth
+ Settings Menu - Description for option
+ MPEG 2 Support
+ Settings Menu - Title for option
+ Playback
+ Title for Playback section in user setting screen.
+ Version
+ An error was encountered while playing this item. The server did not provide the required transcoding data.
+ Content of message box when trying to play an item which requires transcoding, and the server did not provide transcode url
+ Error Getting Playback Information
+ Dialog Title: Received error from server when trying to get information about the selected item for playback
+ …or enter server URL manually:
+ Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to manually enter a server URL
+ Pick a Jellyfin server from the local network
+ Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to pick a server from a list
+ Enter the server name or IP address
+ Title of KeyboardDialog when manually entering a server URL
+ Unknown
+ Title for a cast member for which we have no information for
+ Close
+ Cancel Series Recording
+ Cancel Recording
+ Record Series
+ Record
+ View Channel
+ TV Shows
+ Films
+ Press 'OK' to Close
+ Special Features
+ Press 'OK' to Close
+ More Like This
+ Cast & Crew
+ Age
+ Died
+ Born
+ On Now
+ Delete Saved
+ Save Credentials?
diff --git a/locale/en_US/translations.ts b/locale/en_US/translations.ts
index f60441e3..283a6a7c 100644
--- a/locale/en_US/translations.ts
+++ b/locale/en_US/translations.ts
@@ -600,6 +600,24 @@
Use generated splashscreen image as Jellyfin's screensaver background.
+ Design Elements
+ Options that alter the design of Jellyfin.
+ Description for Design Elements user settings.
+ Use Splashscreen as Home Background
+ Option Title in user setting screen
+ Use generated splashscreen image as Jellyfin home background. Jellyfin will need to be closed and reopened for change to take effect.Description for option in Setting Screen
diff --git a/locale/hu/translations.ts b/locale/hu/translations.ts
index e49292d5..a67c7b7d 100644
--- a/locale/hu/translations.ts
+++ b/locale/hu/translations.ts
@@ -3715,6 +3715,429 @@ elemeket
+ Sajátosságok
+ Nyomj 'OK' -t a bezáráshoz
+ Több hasonló
+ Szereplők & Stáb
+ Kor
+ Elhunyt
+ Született
+ Title of Tab for options to filter library content
+ Szűrő
+ Title of Tab for options to sort library content
+ Rendezés
+ Title of Tab for switching "views" when looking at a library
+ Nézet
+ Játékidő
+ Megjelenés dátuma
+ Lejátszások száma
+ Korhatár
+ Utoljára lejátszva
+ Hozzáadva
+ Kritikusok értékelése
+ IMDb Értékelés
+ Name or Title field of media item
+ Név
+ Message displayed in Item Grid when no item to display. %1 is container type (e.g. Boxset, Collection, Folder, etc)
+ Ez a(z) %1 nem tartalmaz elemeket
+ Nem lehet betölteni a csatornaadatokat a szerverről
+ Hiba történt a csatornaadatok betöltésekor
+ Csatornaadatok betöltése
+ Hiba történt az elem lejátszása közben.
+ Dialog detail when error occurs during playback
+ Hiba történt az elem(ek) betöltése során a szerverről.
+ Dialog detail when unable to load Content from Server
+ Hiba történt a lejátszás közben
+ Dialog title when error occurs during playback
+ Hiba a tartalom lekérésekor
+ Dialog title when unable to load Content from Server
+ Most
+ Mentettek Törlése
+ Hitelesítő adatok mentése?
+ A visszajátszás gombbal lassan lapozhatsz a mappa első elemére. (Ha le van tiltva, a mappa azonnal visszaáll az első elemre)
+ Description for option in Setting Screen
+ Vissza a tetejére
+ UI -> Media Grid -> Item Title in user setting screen.
+ Hiba történt a gyorscsatlakozás segítségével történő hitelesítés során.
+ (A párbeszédablak automatikusan bezárul)
+ Íme a gyorscsatlakozási kódod:
+ Gyorscsatlakozás
+ %1 a 2% -ból
+ Item position and count. %1 = current item. %2 = total number of items
+ Ugrás az epizódra
+ Continue Watching Popup Menu - Navigate to the Episode Detail Page
+ Ugrás az évadra
+ Continue Watching Popup Menu - Navigate to the Season Page
+ Ugrás a sorozatra
+ Continue Watching Popup Menu - Navigate to the Series Detail Page
+ Megnézve
+ Button Text - When pressed, marks item as Warched
+ Kedvenc hozzáadása
+ Button Text - When pressed, sets item as Favorite
+ Elemszám megjelenítése a könyvtárban.
+ Description for option in Setting Screen
+ Elemek száma
+ UI -> Media Grid -> Item Count in user setting screen.
+ Mindig mutasd a címeket a plakátképek alatt. (Ha le van tiltva, a cím csak a kiemelt elem alatt jelenik meg)
+ Description for option in Setting Screen
+ Fájl Címek
+ UI -> Media Grid -> Item Title in user setting screen.
+ Média Rács beállítások
+ Média Rács
+ UI -> Media Grid section in user setting screen.
+ Felhasználói felület
+ Title for User Interface section in user setting screen.
+ Kikapcsolva
+ Engedélyezve
+ Támogatja az MPEG 2 tartalom közvetlen lejátszását (pl. Élő TV). Ez megakadályozza az MPEG 2 tartalom átkódolását, de lényegesen nagyobb sávszélességet használ fel
+ Settings Menu - Description for option
+ MPEG 2 Támogatás
+ Settings Menu - Title for option
+ Lejátszás
+ Title for Playback section in user setting screen.
+ Verzió
+ Hiba történt az elem lejátszása közben. A szerver nem biztosította a szükséges transzkódolási adatokat.
+ Content of message box when trying to play an item which requires transcoding, and the server did not provide transcode url
+ Hiba a lejátszási információk lekérésekor
+ Dialog Title: Received error from server when trying to get information about the selected item for playback
+ …vagy add meg kézzel a szerver URL-jét:
+ Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to manually enter a server URL
+ Válassz ki egy Jellyfin szervert a helyi hálózatról
+ Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to pick a server from a list
+ Írd be a Szerver nevét vagy IP-címét
+ Title of KeyboardDialog when manually entering a server URL
+ A kért tartalom nem található a szerveren
+ Content of message box when the requested content is not found on the server
+ Ismeretlen
+ Title for a cast member for which we have no information for
+ Nem található
+ Title of message box when the requested content is not found on the server
+ Csatlakozás a szerverhez
+ Message to display to user while client is attempting to connect to the server
+ Bezárás
+ Sorozatfelvétel leállítása
+ Felvétel megállítása
+ Sorozat felvétele
+ Felvétel
+ Csatorna Megtekintése
+ Műsorújság
+ Menu option for showing Live TV Guide / Schedule
+ Csatornák
+ Menu option for showing Live TV Channel List
+ Ismétlés
+ If TV Shows has previously been broadcasted
+ Élő
+ If TV Show is being broadcast live (not pre-recorded)
+ Vége volt
+ (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program ended (e.g. Ended Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Vége lett
+ (Past Tense) For defining time when a program will ended (e.g. Ended at 08:00)
+ Kezdődni fog
+ (Future Tense) For defining a day and time when a program will start (e.g. Starts Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Kezdődik majd
+ (Future Tense) For defining time when a program will start today (e.g. Starts at 08:00)
+ Kezdődött
+ (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program started (e.g. Started Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Ekkor kezdődött
+ (Past Tense) For defining time when a program started today (e.g. Started at 08:00)
+ Szombat
+ Day of Week
+ Péntek
+ Day of Week
+ Csütörtök
+ Day of Week
+ Szerda
+ Day of Week
+ Kedd
+ Day of Week
+ Hétfő
+ Day of Week
+ Vasárnap
+ Day of Week
+ holnap
+ Next day
+ tegnap
+ Previous day
+ ma
+ Current day
+ TV Sorozatok
+ Filmek
+ Sajátosságok
diff --git a/locale/sk/translations.ts b/locale/sk/translations.ts
index c189ae46..532201f8 100644
--- a/locale/sk/translations.ts
+++ b/locale/sk/translations.ts
@@ -568,5 +568,96 @@
Uložiť prihlasovacie údaje?
+ Neznámy
+ Title for a cast member for which we have no information for
+ Nenájdené
+ Title of message box when the requested content is not found on the server
+ Pripájam sa k serveru
+ Message to display to user while client is attempting to connect to the server
+ Zrušiť Nahrávanie
+ Nahrávať sériu
+ Nahrávať
+ TV sprievodca
+ Menu option for showing Live TV Guide / Schedule
+ Kanály
+ Menu option for showing Live TV Channel List
+ Repríza
+ If TV Shows has previously been broadcasted
+ Naživo
+ If TV Show is being broadcast live (not pre-recorded)
+ Končí o
+ (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program ended (e.g. Ended Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Skončilo o
+ (Past Tense) For defining time when a program will ended (e.g. Ended at 08:00)
+ Začína
+ (Future Tense) For defining a day and time when a program will start (e.g. Starts Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Začína o
+ (Future Tense) For defining time when a program will start today (e.g. Starts at 08:00)
+ Začalo
+ (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program started (e.g. Started Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Začalo o
+ (Past Tense) For defining time when a program started today (e.g. Started at 08:00)
+ Sobota
+ Day of Week
+ Piatok
+ Day of Week
+ Navrhované
diff --git a/settings/settings.json b/settings/settings.json
index 304214b2..6851de25 100644
--- a/settings/settings.json
+++ b/settings/settings.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"title": "User Interface",
- "description": "Settings relating to how the how the applications looks",
+ "description": "Settings relating to how the how the application looks",
"children": [
"title": "Screensaver",
@@ -28,6 +28,19 @@
"default": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Design Elements",
+ "description": "Options that alter the design of Jellyfin.",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "title": "Use Splashscreen as Home Background",
+ "description": "Use generated splashscreen image as Jellyfin home background. Jellyfin will need to be closed and reopened for change to take effect.",
+ "settingName": "ui.home.splashBackground",
+ "type": "bool",
+ "default": "false"
+ }
+ ]
"title": "Media Grid",