diff --git a/locale/it_IT/translations.ts b/locale/it_IT/translations.ts
index 367b7b4e..983d504f 100644
--- a/locale/it_IT/translations.ts
+++ b/locale/it_IT/translations.ts
@@ -1723,5 +1723,185 @@
È stato riscontrato un errore durante la riproduzione di questo oggetto.Dialog detail when error occurs during playback
+ Cast & Crew
+ Serie TV
+ Mercoledi
+ Day of Week
+ Giovedi
+ Day of Week
+ Iniziato
+ (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program started (e.g. Started Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Inizia
+ (Future Tense) For defining a day and time when a program will start (e.g. Starts Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Termina alle
+ (Past Tense) For defining a day and time when a program ended (e.g. Ended Wednesday, 08:00)
+ Guida TV
+ Menu option for showing Live TV Guide / Schedule
+ In Connessione al Server
+ Message to display to user while client is attempting to connect to the server
+ Il contenuto richiesto non esiste sul server
+ Content of message box when the requested content is not found on the server
+ Inserisci il nome o l'IP del server
+ Title of KeyboardDialog when manually entering a server URL
+ Scegli un server Jellyfin dalla rete locale
+ Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to pick a server from a list
+ Se il server non è nella lista, puoi anche inserire l'URL:
+ Instructions on initial app launch when the user is asked to manually enter a server URL
+ Errore nel recupero delle informazioni di riproduzione
+ Dialog Title: Received error from server when trying to get information about the selected item for playback
+ Martedi
+ Day of Week
+ oggi
+ Current day
+ Chiudi
+ Premi "OK" per Chiudere
+ Film
+ ieri
+ Previous day
+ domani
+ Next day
+ Domenica
+ Day of Week
+ Lunedi
+ Day of Week
+ Venerdi
+ Day of Week
+ Sabato
+ Day of Week
+ Iniziato il
+ (Past Tense) For defining time when a program started today (e.g. Started at 08:00)
+ Inizia il
+ (Future Tense) For defining time when a program will start today (e.g. Starts at 08:00)
+ Interrompi Registrazione
+ Interrompi Registrazione Seria
+ Non trovato
+ Title of message box when the requested content is not found on the server
+ Terminato alle
+ (Past Tense) For defining time when a program will ended (e.g. Ended at 08:00)
+ In diretta
+ If TV Show is being broadcast live (not pre-recorded)
+ Replica
+ If TV Shows has previously been broadcasted
+ Canali
+ Menu option for showing Live TV Channel List
+ Visione del Canale
+ Registra
+ Sconosciuto
+ Title for a cast member for which we have no information for
+ Controllo Parentale