2019-03-12 03:49:17 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="Pager" extends="LayoutGroup" >
<field id="currentPage" type="integer" onChange="recountPages" />
<field id="maxPages" type="integer" onChange="recountPages" />
<field id="pageFocused" type="node" />
<field id="pageSelected" type="node" />
<field id="escape" type="boolean" alwaysNotify="true" />
<script type="text/brightscript">
sub init()
m.top.currentPage = 0
m.top.maxPages = 0
m.top.layoutDirection = "horiz"
end sub
sub recountPages()
if m.top.currentPage = 0 or m.top.maxPages = 0
end if
while m.top.getChildCount() > 0
end while
currentPage = m.top.currentPage
maxPages = m.top.maxPages
minShown = 1
maxShown = maxPages
if currentPage > 1
minShown = currentPage - 3
end if
if minShown <= 0 then minShown = 1
if currentPage < maxPages then maxShown = currentPage + 3
if maxShown >= maxPages then maxShown = maxPages
for i=minShown to maxShown step 1
end for
if currentPage <> maxPages
end if
m.top.pageFocused = m.top.findNode(stri(currentPage).trim())
m.top.pageFocused.color = "#00ff00ff"
end sub
sub updateLayout()
dimensions = m.top.getScene().currentDesignResolution
width = m.top.getChildCount() * 50
2019-03-13 02:09:17 +00:00
m.top.translation = [(dimensions.width - width) / 2, dimensions.height - 83]
2019-03-12 03:49:17 +00:00
end sub
sub addPage(i)
p = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Label")
p.height = 50
p.width = 50
p.color = "#a1a1a1FF"
if type(i) = "roInt"
i = stri(i).trim()
end if
p.id = i
p.text = i
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
if not press then return false
if key = "OK"
m.top.pageSelected = m.top.focusedChild
return true
else if key = "left"
return true
else if key = "right"
return true
else if key = "up"
m.top.escape = true
return true
end if
return false
end function
sub focusNext()
i = getFocusIndex()
if (i + 1) = m.top.getChildCount() then return
m.top.pageFocused.color = "#a1a1a1FF"
m.top.pageFocused = m.top.getChild(i + 1)
m.top.pageFocused.color = "#00ff00ff"
end sub
sub focusPrev()
i = getFocusIndex()
if i = 0 then return
m.top.pageFocused.color = "#a1a1a1FF"
m.top.pageFocused = m.top.getChild(i - 1)
m.top.pageFocused.color = "#00ff00ff"
end sub
function getFocusIndex()
for i=0 to m.top.getChildCount() step 1
if m.top.getChild(i).id = m.top.pageFocused.id then return i
end for
return invalid
end function