2868 lines
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2868 lines
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'* Roku Unit Testing Framework
'* Automating test suites for Roku channels.
'* Build Version: 2.1.1
'* Build Date: 05/06/2019
'* Public Documentation is avaliable on GitHub:
'* https://github.com/rokudev/unit-testing-framework
'* Copyright Roku 2011-2019
'* All Rights Reserved
' Functions in this file:
' BaseTestSuite
' BTS__AddTest
' BTS__CreateTest
' BTS__Fail
' BTS__AssertFalse
' BTS__AssertTrue
' BTS__AssertEqual
' BTS__AssertNotEqual
' BTS__AssertInvalid
' BTS__AssertNotInvalid
' BTS__AssertAAHasKey
' BTS__AssertAANotHasKey
' BTS__AssertAAHasKeys
' BTS__AssertAANotHasKeys
' BTS__AssertArrayContains
' BTS__AssertArrayNotContains
' BTS__AssertArrayContainsSubset
' BTS__AssertArrayNotContainsSubset
' BTS__AssertArrayCount
' BTS__AssertArrayNotCount
' BTS__AssertEmpty
' BTS__AssertNotEmpty
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Main function. Create BaseTestSuite object.
' @return A BaseTestSuite object.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BaseTestSuite()
this = {}
this.Name = "BaseTestSuite"
' Test Cases methods
this.testCases = []
this.IS_NEW_APPROACH = false
this.addTest = BTS__AddTest
this.createTest = BTS__CreateTest
this.StorePerformanceData = BTS__StorePerformanceData
' Assertion methods which determine test failure or skipping
this.skip = BTS__Skip
this.fail = BTS__Fail
this.assertFalse = BTS__AssertFalse
this.assertTrue = BTS__AssertTrue
this.assertEqual = BTS__AssertEqual
this.assertNotEqual = BTS__AssertNotEqual
this.assertInvalid = BTS__AssertInvalid
this.assertNotInvalid = BTS__AssertNotInvalid
this.assertAAHasKey = BTS__AssertAAHasKey
this.assertAANotHasKey = BTS__AssertAANotHasKey
this.assertAAHasKeys = BTS__AssertAAHasKeys
this.assertAANotHasKeys = BTS__AssertAANotHasKeys
this.assertArrayContains = BTS__AssertArrayContains
this.assertArrayNotContains = BTS__AssertArrayNotContains
this.assertArrayContainsSubset = BTS__AssertArrayContainsSubset
this.assertArrayNotContainsSubset = BTS__AssertArrayNotContainsSubset
this.assertArrayCount = BTS__AssertArrayCount
this.assertArrayNotCount = BTS__AssertArrayNotCount
this.assertEmpty = BTS__AssertEmpty
this.assertNotEmpty = BTS__AssertNotEmpty
' Type Comparison Functionality
this.eqValues = TF_Utils__EqValues
this.eqAssocArrays = TF_Utils__EqAssocArray
this.eqArrays = TF_Utils__EqArray
this.baseComparator = TF_Utils__BaseComparator
return this
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Add a test to a suite's test cases array.
' @param name (string) A test name.
' @param func (object) A pointer to test function.
' @param setup (object) A pointer to setup function.
' @param teardown (object) A pointer to teardown function.
' @param arg (dynamic) A test function arguments.
' @param hasArgs (boolean) True if test function has parameters.
' @param skip (boolean) Skip test run.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub BTS__AddTest(name as string, func as object, setup = invalid as object, teardown = invalid as object, arg = invalid as dynamic, hasArgs = false as boolean, skip = false as boolean)
m.testCases.Push(m.createTest(name, func, setup, teardown, arg, hasArgs, skip))
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Create a test object.
' @param name (string) A test name.
' @param func (object) A pointer to test function.
' @param setup (object) A pointer to setup function.
' @param teardown (object) A pointer to teardown function.
' @param arg (dynamic) A test function arguments.
' @param hasArgs (boolean) True if test function has parameters.
' @param skip (boolean) Skip test run.
' @return TestCase object.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__CreateTest(name as string, func as object, setup = invalid as object, teardown = invalid as object, arg = invalid as dynamic, hasArgs = false as boolean, skip = false as boolean) as object
return {
Name: name
Func: func
SetUp: setup
TearDown: teardown
perfData: {}
hasArguments: hasArgs
arg: arg
skip: skip
end function
' Store performance data to current test instance.
' @param name (string) A property name.
' @param value (Object) A value of data.
sub BTS__StorePerformanceData(name as string, value as object)
timestamp = StrI(CreateObject("roDateTime").AsSeconds())
name: {
"value": value
"timestamp": timestamp
' print performance data to console
? "PERF_DATA: " + m.testInstance.Name + ": " + timestamp + ": " + name + "|" + TF_Utils__AsString(value)
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Assertion methods which determine test failure or skipping
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Should be used to skip test cases. To skip test you must return the result of this method invocation.
' @param message (string) Optional skip message.
' Default value: "".
' @return A skip message, with a specific prefix added, in order to runner know that this test should be skipped.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__Skip(message = "" as string) as string
' add prefix so we know that this test is skipped, but not failed
return m.SKIP_TEST_MESSAGE_PREFIX + message
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail immediately, with the given message
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: "Error".
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__Fail(msg = "Error" as string) as string
return msg
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail the test if the expression is true.
' @param expr (dynamic) An expression to evaluate.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: "Expression evaluates to true"
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertFalse(expr as dynamic, msg = "Expression evaluates to true" as string) as string
if not TF_Utils__IsBoolean(expr) or expr
return BTS__Fail(msg)
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail the test unless the expression is true.
' @param expr (dynamic) An expression to evaluate.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: "Expression evaluates to false"
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertTrue(expr as dynamic, msg = "Expression evaluates to false" as string) as string
if not TF_Utils__IsBoolean(expr) or not expr then
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by the '<>' operator.
' @param first (dynamic) A first object to compare.
' @param second (dynamic) A second object to compare.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertEqual(first as dynamic, second as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if not TF_Utils__EqValues(first, second)
if msg = ""
first_as_string = TF_Utils__AsString(first)
second_as_string = TF_Utils__AsString(second)
msg = first_as_string + " != " + second_as_string
end if
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by the '=' operator.
' @param first (dynamic) A first object to compare.
' @param second (dynamic) A second object to compare.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertNotEqual(first as dynamic, second as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if TF_Utils__EqValues(first, second)
if msg = ""
first_as_string = TF_Utils__AsString(first)
second_as_string = TF_Utils__AsString(second)
msg = first_as_string + " == " + second_as_string
end if
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the value is not invalid.
' @param value (dynamic) A value to check.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertInvalid(value as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if TF_Utils__IsValid(value)
if msg = ""
expr_as_string = TF_Utils__AsString(value)
msg = expr_as_string + " <> Invalid"
end if
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the value is invalid.
' @param value (dynamic) A value to check.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertNotInvalid(value as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if not TF_Utils__IsValid(value)
if msg = ""
if LCase(Type(value)) = "<uninitialized>" then value = invalid
expr_as_string = TF_Utils__AsString(value)
msg = expr_as_string + " = Invalid"
end if
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the array doesn't have the key.
' @param array (dynamic) A target array.
' @param key (string) A key name.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertAAHasKey(array as dynamic, key as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if not TF_Utils__IsString(key)
return "Key value has invalid type."
end if
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array)
if not array.DoesExist(key)
if msg = ""
msg = "Array doesn't have the '" + key + "' key."
end if
return msg
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Associative Array."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the array has the key.
' @param array (dynamic) A target array.
' @param key (string) A key name.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertAANotHasKey(array as dynamic, key as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if not TF_Utils__IsString(key)
return "Key value has invalid type."
end if
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array)
if array.DoesExist(key)
if msg = ""
msg = "Array has the '" + key + "' key."
end if
return msg
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Associative Array."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the array doesn't have the keys list.
' @param array (dynamic) A target associative array.
' @param keys (object) A key names array.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertAAHasKeys(array as dynamic, keys as object, msg = "" as string) as string
if not TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array)
return "Input value is not an Associative Array."
end if
if not TF_Utils__IsArray(keys) or keys.Count() = 0
return "Keys value is not an Array or is empty."
end if
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array) and TF_Utils__IsArray(keys)
for each key in keys
if not TF_Utils__IsString(key)
return "Key value has invalid type."
end if
if not array.DoesExist(key)
if msg = ""
msg = "Array doesn't have the '" + key + "' key."
end if
return msg
end if
end for
msg = "Input value is not an Associative Array."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the array has the keys list.
' @param array (dynamic) A target associative array.
' @param keys (object) A key names array.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertAANotHasKeys(array as dynamic, keys as object, msg = "" as string) as string
if not TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array)
return "Input value is not an Associative Array."
end if
if not TF_Utils__IsArray(keys) or keys.Count() = 0
return "Keys value is not an Array or is empty."
end if
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array) and TF_Utils__IsArray(keys)
for each key in keys
if not TF_Utils__IsString(key)
return "Key value has invalid type."
end if
if array.DoesExist(key)
if msg = ""
msg = "Array has the '" + key + "' key."
end if
return msg
end if
end for
msg = "Input value is not an Associative Array."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the array doesn't have the item.
' @param array (dynamic) A target array.
' @param value (dynamic) A value to check.
' @param key (object) A key name for associative array.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertArrayContains(array as dynamic, value as dynamic, key = invalid as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if key <> invalid and not TF_Utils__IsString(key)
return "Key value has invalid type."
end if
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array) or TF_Utils__IsArray(array)
if not TF_Utils__ArrayContains(array, value, key)
msg = "Array doesn't have the '" + TF_Utils__AsString(value) + "' value."
return msg
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the array has the item.
' @param array (dynamic) A target array.
' @param value (dynamic) A value to check.
' @param key (object) A key name for associative array.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertArrayNotContains(array as dynamic, value as dynamic, key = invalid as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if key <> invalid and not TF_Utils__IsString(key)
return "Key value has invalid type."
end if
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array) or TF_Utils__IsArray(array)
if TF_Utils__ArrayContains(array, value, key)
msg = "Array has the '" + TF_Utils__AsString(value) + "' value."
return msg
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the array doesn't have the item subset.
' @param array (dynamic) A target array.
' @param subset (dynamic) An items array to check.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertArrayContainsSubset(array as dynamic, subset as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if (TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array) and TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(subset)) or (TF_Utils__IsArray(array) and TF_Utils__IsArray(subset))
isAA = TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(subset)
for each item in subset
key = invalid
value = item
if isAA
key = item
value = subset[key]
end if
if not TF_Utils__ArrayContains(array, value, key)
msg = "Array doesn't have the '" + TF_Utils__AsString(value) + "' value."
return msg
end if
end for
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the array have the item from subset.
' @param array (dynamic) A target array.
' @param subset (dynamic) A items array to check.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertArrayNotContainsSubset(array as dynamic, subset as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if (TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array) and TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(subset)) or (TF_Utils__IsArray(array) and TF_Utils__IsArray(subset))
isAA = TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(subset)
for each item in subset
key = invalid
value = item
if isAA
key = item
value = subset[key]
end if
if TF_Utils__ArrayContains(array, value, key)
msg = "Array has the '" + TF_Utils__AsString(value) + "' value."
return msg
end if
end for
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the array items count <> expected count
' @param array (dynamic) A target array.
' @param count (integer) An expected array items count.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertArrayCount(array as dynamic, count as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if not TF_Utils__IsInteger(count)
return "Count value should be an integer."
end if
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array) or TF_Utils__IsArray(array)
if array.Count() <> count
msg = "Array items count <> " + TF_Utils__AsString(count) + "."
return msg
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the array items count = expected count.
' @param array (dynamic) A target array.
' @param count (integer) An expected array items count.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertArrayNotCount(array as dynamic, count as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if not TF_Utils__IsInteger(count)
return "Count value should be an integer."
end if
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(array) or TF_Utils__IsArray(array)
if array.Count() = count
msg = "Array items count = " + TF_Utils__AsString(count) + "."
return msg
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the item is not empty array or string.
' @param item (dynamic) An array or string to check.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertEmpty(item as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(item) or TF_Utils__IsArray(item)
if item.Count() > 0
msg = "Array is not empty."
return msg
end if
else if TF_Utils__IsString(item)
if Len(item) <> 0
msg = "Input value is not empty."
return msg
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Array, AssociativeArray or String."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Fail if the item is empty array or string.
' @param item (dynamic) An array or string to check.
' @param msg (string) An error message.
' Default value: ""
' @return An error message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function BTS__AssertNotEmpty(item as dynamic, msg = "" as string) as string
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(item) or TF_Utils__IsArray(item)
if item.Count() = 0
msg = "Array is empty."
return msg
end if
else if TF_Utils__IsString(item)
if Len(item) = 0
msg = "Input value is empty."
return msg
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Array, AssociativeArray or String."
return msg
end if
return ""
end function
'* Copyright Roku 2011-2019
'* All Rights Reserved
' Functions in this file:
' ItemGenerator
' IG_GetItem
' IG_GetAssocArray
' IG_GetArray
' IG_GetSimpleType
' IG_GetBoolean
' IG_GetInteger
' IG_GetFloat
' IG_GetString
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Main function to generate object according to specified scheme.
' @param scheme (object) A scheme with desired object structure. Can be
' any simple type, array of types or associative array in form
' { propertyName1 : "propertyType1"
' propertyName2 : "propertyType2"
' ...
' propertyNameN : "propertyTypeN" }
' @return An object according to specified scheme or invalid,
' if scheme is not valid.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function ItemGenerator(scheme as object) as object
this = {}
this.getItem = IG_GetItem
this.getAssocArray = IG_GetAssocArray
this.getArray = IG_GetArray
this.getSimpleType = IG_GetSimpleType
this.getInteger = IG_GetInteger
this.getFloat = IG_GetFloat
this.getString = IG_GetString
this.getBoolean = IG_GetBoolean
if not TF_Utils__IsValid(scheme)
return invalid
end if
return this.getItem(scheme)
end function
' TODO: Create IG_GetInvalidItem function with random type fields
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Generate object according to specified scheme.
' @param scheme (object) A scheme with desired object structure.
' Can be any simple type, array of types or associative array.
' @return An object according to specified scheme or invalid,
' if scheme is not one of simple type, array or
' associative array.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function IG_GetItem(scheme as object) as object
item = invalid
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(scheme)
item = IG_GetAssocArray(scheme)
else if TF_Utils__IsArray(scheme)
item = IG_GetArray(scheme)
else if TF_Utils__IsString(scheme)
item = IG_GetSimpleType(LCase(scheme))
end if
return item
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Generates associative array according to specified scheme.
' @param scheme (object) An associative array with desired
' object structure in form
' { propertyName1 : "propertyType1"
' propertyName2 : "propertyType2"
' ...
' propertyNameN : "propertyTypeN" }
' @return An associative array according to specified scheme.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function IG_GetAssocArray(scheme as object) as object
item = {}
for each key in scheme
if not item.DoesExist(key)
item[key] = IG_GetItem(scheme[key])
end if
end for
return item
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Generates array according to specified scheme.
' @param scheme (object) An array with desired object types.
' @return An array according to specified scheme.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function IG_GetArray(scheme as object) as object
item = []
for each key in scheme
end for
return item
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Generates random value of specified type.
' @param typeStr (string) A name of desired object type.
' @return A simple type object or invalid if type is not supported.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function IG_GetSimpleType(typeStr as string) as object
item = invalid
if typeStr = "integer" or typeStr = "int" or typeStr = "roint"
item = IG_GetInteger()
else if typeStr = "float" or typeStr = "rofloat"
item = IG_GetFloat()
else if typeStr = "string" or typeStr = "rostring"
item = IG_GetString(10)
else if typeStr = "boolean" or typeStr = "roboolean"
item = IG_GetBoolean()
end if
return item
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Generates random boolean value.
' @return A random boolean value.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function IG_GetBoolean() as boolean
return TF_Utils__AsBoolean(Rnd(2) \ Rnd(2))
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Generates random integer value from 1 to specified seed value.
' @param seed (integer) A seed value for Rnd function.
' Default value: 100.
' @return A random integer value.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function IG_GetInteger(seed = 100 as integer) as integer
return Rnd(seed)
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Generates random float value.
' @return A random float value.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function IG_GetFloat() as float
return Rnd(0)
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Generates random string with specified length.
' @param seed (integer) A string length.
' @return A random string value or empty string if seed is 0.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function IG_GetString(seed as integer) as string
item = ""
if seed > 0
stringLength = Rnd(seed)
for i = 0 to stringLength
chType = Rnd(3)
if chType = 1 ' Chr(48-57) - numbers
chNumber = 47 + Rnd(10)
else if chType = 2 ' Chr(65-90) - Uppercase Letters
chNumber = 64 + Rnd(26)
else ' Chr(97-122) - Lowercase Letters
chNumber = 96 + Rnd(26)
end if
item = item + Chr(chNumber)
end for
end if
return item
end function
'* Copyright Roku 2011-2019
'* All Rights Reserved
' Functions in this file:
' Logger
' Logger__SetVerbosity
' Logger__SetEcho
' Logger__SetServerURL
' Logger__PrintStatistic
' Logger__SendToServer
' Logger__CreateTotalStatistic
' Logger__CreateSuiteStatistic
' Logger__CreateTestStatistic
' Logger__AppendSuiteStatistic
' Logger__AppendTestStatistic
' Logger__PrintSuiteStatistic
' Logger__PrintTestStatistic
' Logger__PrintStart
' Logger__PrintEnd
' Logger__PrintSuiteSetUp
' Logger__PrintSuiteStart
' Logger__PrintSuiteEnd
' Logger__PrintSuiteTearDown
' Logger__PrintTestSetUp
' Logger__PrintTestStart
' Logger__PrintTestEnd
' Logger__PrintTestTearDown
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Main function. Create Logger object.
' @return A Logger object.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function Logger() as object
this = {}
this.verbosityLevel = {
basic: 0
normal: 1
verboseFailed: 2
verbose: 3
' Internal properties
this.verbosity = this.verbosityLevel.normal
this.echoEnabled = false
this.serverURL = ""
this.jUnitEnabled = false
' Interface
this.SetVerbosity = Logger__SetVerbosity
this.SetEcho = Logger__SetEcho
this.SetJUnit = Logger__SetJUnit
this.SetServer = Logger__SetServer
this.SetServerURL = Logger__SetServerURL ' Deprecated. Use Logger__SetServer instead.
this.PrintStatistic = Logger__PrintStatistic
this.SendToServer = Logger__SendToServer
this.CreateTotalStatistic = Logger__CreateTotalStatistic
this.CreateSuiteStatistic = Logger__CreateSuiteStatistic
this.CreateTestStatistic = Logger__CreateTestStatistic
this.AppendSuiteStatistic = Logger__AppendSuiteStatistic
this.AppendTestStatistic = Logger__AppendTestStatistic
' Internal functions
this.PrintSuiteStatistic = Logger__PrintSuiteStatistic
this.PrintTestStatistic = Logger__PrintTestStatistic
this.PrintStart = Logger__PrintStart
this.PrintEnd = Logger__PrintEnd
this.PrintSuiteSetUp = Logger__PrintSuiteSetUp
this.PrintSuiteStart = Logger__PrintSuiteStart
this.PrintSuiteEnd = Logger__PrintSuiteEnd
this.PrintSuiteTearDown = Logger__PrintSuiteTearDown
this.PrintTestSetUp = Logger__PrintTestSetUp
this.PrintTestStart = Logger__PrintTestStart
this.PrintTestEnd = Logger__PrintTestEnd
this.PrintTestTearDown = Logger__PrintTestTearDown
this.PrintJUnitFormat = Logger__PrintJUnitFormat
return this
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Set logging verbosity parameter.
' @param verbosity (integer) A verbosity level.
' Posible values:
' 0 - basic
' 1 - normal
' 2 - verbose failed tests
' 3 - verbose
' Default level: 1
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__SetVerbosity(verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.normal as integer)
if verbosity >= m.verbosityLevel.basic and verbosity <= m.verbosityLevel.verbose
m.verbosity = verbosity
end if
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Set logging echo parameter.
' @param enable (boolean) A echo trigger.
' Posible values: true or false
' Default value: false
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__SetEcho(enable = false as boolean)
m.echoEnabled = enable
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Set logging JUnit output parameter.
' @param enable (boolean) A JUnit output trigger.
' Posible values: true or false
' Default value: false
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__SetJUnit(enable = false as boolean)
m.jUnitEnabled = enable
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Set storage server parameters.
' @param url (string) Storage server host.
' Default value: ""
' @param port (string) Storage server port.
' Default value: ""
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__SetServer(host = "" as string, port = "" as string)
if TF_Utils__IsNotEmptyString(host)
if TF_Utils__IsNotEmptyString(port)
m.serverURL = "http://" + host + ":" + port
m.serverURL = "http://" + host
end if
end if
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Set storage server URL parameter.
' @param url (string) A storage server URL.
' Default value: ""
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__SetServerURL(url = "" as string)
? "This function is deprecated. Please use Logger__SetServer(host, port)"
end sub
' Send test results as a POST json payload.
' @param statObj (object) stats of the test run.
' Default value: invalid
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__SendToServer(statObj as object)
if TF_Utils__IsNotEmptyString(m.serverURL) and TF_Utils__IsValid(statObj)
? "***"
? "*** Sending statsObj to server: "; m.serverURL
request = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
statString = FormatJson(statObj)
? "*** Response: "; request.postFromString(statString)
? "***"
? "******************************************************************"
end if
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print statistic object with specified verbosity.
' @param statObj (object) A statistic object to print.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintStatistic(statObj as object)
if not m.echoEnabled
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.normal or m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verboseFailed
for each testSuite in statObj.Suites
for each testCase in testSuite.Tests
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verboseFailed and testCase.result = "Fail"
? "*** "; testSuite.Name; ": "; testCase.Name; " - "; testCase.Result
end if
end for
end for
else if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
for each testSuite in statObj.Suites
end for
end if
end if
? "***"
? "*** Total = "; TF_Utils__AsString(statObj.Total); " ; Passed = "; statObj.Correct; " ; Failed = "; statObj.Fail; " ; Skipped = "; statObj.skipped; " ; Crashes = "; statObj.Crash;
? "*** Time spent: "; statObj.Time; "ms"
? "***"
if m.jUnitEnabled
end if
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Create an empty statistic object for totals in output log.
' @return An empty statistic object.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function Logger__CreateTotalStatistic() as object
statTotalItem = {
Suites: []
Time: 0
Total: 0
Correct: 0
Fail: 0
Skipped: 0
Crash: 0
if m.echoEnabled
end if
return statTotalItem
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Create an empty statistic object for test suite with specified name.
' @param name (string) A test suite name for statistic object.
' @return An empty statistic object for test suite.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function Logger__CreateSuiteStatistic(name as string) as object
statSuiteItem = {
Name: name
Tests: []
Time: 0
Total: 0
Correct: 0
Fail: 0
Skipped: 0
Crash: 0
if m.echoEnabled
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
end if
end if
return statSuiteItem
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Create statistic object for test with specified name.
' @param name (string) A test name.
' @param result (string) A result of test running.
' Posible values: "Success", "Fail".
' Default value: "Success"
' @param time (integer) A test running time.
' Default value: 0
' @param errorCode (integer) An error code for failed test.
' Posible values:
' 252 (&hFC) : ERR_NORMAL_END
' 226 (&hE2) : ERR_VALUE_RETURN
' 233 (&hE9) : ERR_USE_OF_UNINIT_VAR
' 020 (&h14) : ERR_DIV_ZERO
' 024 (&h18) : ERR_TM
' 244 (&hF4) : ERR_RO2
' 236 (&hEC) : ERR_RO4
' 002 (&h02) : ERR_SYNTAX
' 241 (&hF1) : ERR_WRONG_NUM_PARAM
' Default value: 0
' @param errorMessage (string) An error message for failed test.
' @return A statistic object for test.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function Logger__CreateTestStatistic(name as string, result = "Success" as string, time = 0 as integer, errorCode = 0 as integer, errorMessage = "" as string, isInit = false as boolean) as object
statTestItem = {
Name: name
Result: result
Time: time
PerfData: {}
Error: {
Code: errorCode
Message: errorMessage
if m.echoEnabled and not isInit
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
end if
end if
return statTestItem
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Append test statistic to test suite statistic.
' @param statSuiteObj (object) A target test suite object.
' @param statTestObj (object) A test statistic to append.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__AppendTestStatistic(statSuiteObj as object, statTestObj as object)
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(statSuiteObj) and TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(statTestObj)
if TF_Utils__IsInteger(statTestObj.time)
statSuiteObj.Time = statSuiteObj.Time + statTestObj.Time
end if
statSuiteObj.Total = statSuiteObj.Total + 1
if LCase(statTestObj.Result) = "success"
statSuiteObj.Correct = statSuiteObj.Correct + 1
else if LCase(statTestObj.result) = "fail"
statSuiteObj.Fail = statSuiteObj.Fail + 1
else if LCase(statTestObj.result) = "skipped"
statSuiteObj.crash = statSuiteObj.crash + 1
end if
if m.echoEnabled
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.normal
? "*** "; statSuiteObj.Name; ": "; statTestObj.Name; " - "; statTestObj.Result
else if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
end if
end if
end if
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Append suite statistic to total statistic object.
' @param statTotalObj (object) A target total statistic object.
' @param statSuiteObj (object) A test suite statistic object to append.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__AppendSuiteStatistic(statTotalObj as object, statSuiteObj as object)
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(statTotalObj) and TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(statSuiteObj)
statTotalObj.Time = statTotalObj.Time + statSuiteObj.Time
if TF_Utils__IsInteger(statSuiteObj.Total)
statTotalObj.Total = statTotalObj.Total + statSuiteObj.Total
end if
if TF_Utils__IsInteger(statSuiteObj.Correct)
statTotalObj.Correct = statTotalObj.Correct + statSuiteObj.Correct
end if
if TF_Utils__IsInteger(statSuiteObj.Fail)
statTotalObj.Fail = statTotalObj.Fail + statSuiteObj.Fail
end if
if TF_Utils__IsInteger(statSuiteObj.skipped)
statTotalObj.skipped += statSuiteObj.skipped
end if
if TF_Utils__IsInteger(statSuiteObj.Crash)
statTotalObj.Crash = statTotalObj.Crash + statSuiteObj.Crash
end if
if m.echoEnabled
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
end if
end if
end if
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print test suite statistic.
' @param statSuiteObj (object) A target test suite object to print.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintSuiteStatistic(statSuiteObj as object)
if not m.echoEnabled
for each testCase in statSuiteObj.Tests
end for
end if
? "==="
? "=== Total = "; TF_Utils__AsString(statSuiteObj.Total); " ; Passed = "; statSuiteObj.Correct; " ; Failed = "; statSuiteObj.Fail; " ; Skipped = "; statSuiteObj.skipped; " ; Crashes = "; statSuiteObj.Crash;
? " Time spent: "; statSuiteObj.Time; "ms"
? "==="
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print test statistic.
' @param statTestObj (object) A target test object to print.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintTestStatistic(statTestObj as object)
if not m.echoEnabled
end if
? "--- Result: "; statTestObj.Result
? "--- Time: "; statTestObj.Time
if LCase(statTestObj.result) = "skipped"
if Len(statTestObj.message) > 0
? "--- Message: "; statTestObj.message
end if
else if LCase(statTestObj.Result) <> "success"
? "--- Error Code: "; statTestObj.Error.Code
? "--- Error Message: "; statTestObj.Error.Message
end if
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print testting start message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintStart()
? ""
? "******************************************************************"
? "******************************************************************"
? "************* Start testing *************"
? "******************************************************************"
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print testing end message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintEnd()
? "******************************************************************"
? "************* End testing *************"
? "******************************************************************"
? "******************************************************************"
? ""
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print test suite SetUp message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintSuiteSetUp(sName as string)
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
? "================================================================="
? "=== SetUp "; sName; " suite."
? "================================================================="
end if
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print test suite start message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintSuiteStart(sName as string)
? "================================================================="
? "=== Start "; sName; " suite:"
? "==="
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print test suite end message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintSuiteEnd(sName as string)
? "==="
? "=== End "; sName; " suite."
? "================================================================="
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print test suite TearDown message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintSuiteTearDown(sName as string)
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
? "================================================================="
? "=== TearDown "; sName; " suite."
? "================================================================="
end if
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print test setUp message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintTestSetUp(tName as string)
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
? "----------------------------------------------------------------"
? "--- SetUp "; tName; " test."
? "----------------------------------------------------------------"
end if
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print test start message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintTestStart(tName as string)
? "----------------------------------------------------------------"
? "--- Start "; tName; " test:"
? "---"
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print test end message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintTestEnd(tName as string)
? "---"
? "--- End "; tName; " test."
? "----------------------------------------------------------------"
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Print test TearDown message.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub Logger__PrintTestTearDown(tName as string)
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
? "----------------------------------------------------------------"
? "--- TearDown "; tName; " test."
? "----------------------------------------------------------------"
end if
end sub
sub Logger__PrintJUnitFormat(statObj as object)
' TODO finish report
xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement")
for each testSuiteAA in statObj.suites
testSuite = xml.AddElement("testsuite")
' name="FeatureManagerTest" time="13.923" tests="2" errors="0" skipped="0" failures="0"
testSuite.AddAttribute("name", testSuiteAA.name)
testSuite.AddAttribute("time", testSuiteAA.time.toStr())
testSuite.AddAttribute("tests", testSuiteAA.Tests.count().toStr())
skippedNum = 0
failedNum = 0
for each testAA in testSuiteAA.Tests
test = testSuite.AddElement("testcase")
test.AddAttribute("name", testAA.name)
test.AddAttribute("time", testAA.time.toStr())
if LCase(testAA.result) = "skipped" then
else if LCase(testAA.Result) <> "success"
failure = test.AddElement("failure")
failure.AddAttribute("message", testAA.error.message)
failure.AddAttribute("type", testAA.error.code.tostr())
end if
end for
testSuite.AddAttribute("errors", failedNum.tostr())
testSuite.AddAttribute("skipped", skippedNum.tostr())
end for
? xml.GenXML(true)
end sub
'* Copyright Roku 2011-2019
'* All Rights Reserved
' Functions in this file:
' TestRunner
' TestRunner__Run
' TestRunner__SetTestsDirectory
' TestRunner__SetTestFilePrefix
' TestRunner__SetTestSuitePrefix
' TestRunner__SetTestSuiteName
' TestRunner__SetTestCaseName
' TestRunner__SetFailFast
' TestRunner__GetTestSuitesList
' TestRunner__GetTestSuiteNamesList
' TestRunner__GetTestFilesList
' TestRunner__GetTestNodesList
' TestFramework__RunNodeTests
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Main function. Create TestRunner object.
' @return A TestRunner object.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function TestRunner() as object
this = {}
GetGlobalAA().globalErrorsList = []
this.isNodeMode = GetGlobalAA().top <> invalid
this.Logger = Logger()
' Internal properties
this.nodesTestDirectory = "pkg:/components/tests"
if this.isNodeMode
this.testsDirectory = this.nodesTestDirectory
this.testFilePrefix = m.top.subtype()
this.testsDirectory = "pkg:/source/tests"
this.testFilePrefix = "Test__"
end if
this.testSuitePrefix = "TestSuite__"
this.testSuiteName = ""
this.testCaseName = ""
this.failFast = false
' Interface
this.Run = TestRunner__Run
this.SetTestsDirectory = TestRunner__SetTestsDirectory
this.SetTestFilePrefix = TestRunner__SetTestFilePrefix
this.SetTestSuitePrefix = TestRunner__SetTestSuitePrefix
this.SetTestSuiteName = TestRunner__SetTestSuiteName ' Obsolete, will be removed in next versions
this.SetTestCaseName = TestRunner__SetTestCaseName ' Obsolete, will be removed in next versions
this.SetFailFast = TestRunner__SetFailFast
this.SetFunctions = TestRunner__SetFunctions
this.SetIncludeFilter = TestRunner__SetIncludeFilter
this.SetExcludeFilter = TestRunner__SetExcludeFilter
' Internal functions
this.GetTestFilesList = TestRunner__GetTestFilesList
this.GetTestSuitesList = TestRunner__GetTestSuitesList
this.GetTestNodesList = TestRunner__GetTestNodesList
this.GetTestSuiteNamesList = TestRunner__GetTestSuiteNamesList
this.GetIncludeFilter = TestRunner__GetIncludeFilter
this.GetExcludeFilter = TestRunner__GetExcludeFilter
return this
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Run main test loop.
' @param statObj (object, optional) statistic object to be used in tests
' @param testSuiteNamesList (array, optional) array of test suite function names to be used in tests
' @return Statistic object if run in node mode, invalid otherwise
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function TestRunner__Run(statObj = m.Logger.CreateTotalStatistic() as object, testSuiteNamesList = [] as object) as object
alltestCount = 0
totalStatObj = statObj
testSuitesList = m.GetTestSuitesList(testSuiteNamesList)
globalErrorsList = GetGlobalAA().globalErrorsList
for each testSuite in testSuitesList
testCases = testSuite.testCases
testCount = testCases.Count()
alltestCount = alltestCount + testCount
' create dedicated env for each test, so that they will have not global m and don't rely on m.that is set in another suite
env = {}
if TF_Utils__IsFunction(testSuite.SetUp)
env.functionToCall = testSuite.SetUp
end if
end if
suiteStatObj = m.Logger.CreateSuiteStatistic(testSuite.Name)
' Initiate empty test statistics object to print results if no tests was run
testStatObj = m.Logger.CreateTestStatistic("", "Success", 0, 0, "", true)
for each testCase in testCases
' clear all existing errors
if m.testCaseName = "" or (m.testCaseName <> "" and LCase(testCase.Name) = LCase(m.testCaseName))
skipTest = TF_Utils__AsBoolean(testCase.skip)
if TF_Utils__IsFunction(testCase.SetUp) and not skipTest
env.functionToCall = testCase.SetUp
end if
end if
testTimer = CreateObject("roTimespan")
testStatObj = m.Logger.CreateTestStatistic(testCase.Name)
if skipTest
runResult = m.SKIP_TEST_MESSAGE_PREFIX + "Test was skipped according to specified filters"
testSuite.testInstance = testCase
testSuite.testCase = testCase.Func
runResult = ""
env.functionToCall = testCase.Func
if GetInterface(env.functionToCall, "ifFunction") <> invalid
if testCase.hasArguments then
end if
UTF_fail("Failed to execute test """ + testCase.Name + """ function pointer not found")
end if
runResult = testSuite.testCase()
end if
end if
if TF_Utils__IsFunction(testCase.TearDown) and not skipTest
env.functionToCall = testCase.TearDown
end if
end if
if globalErrorsList.count() > 0
for each error in globalErrorsList
runResult += error + Chr(10) + string(10, "-") + Chr(10)
end for
end if
end if
if runResult <> ""
if InStr(0, runResult, m.SKIP_TEST_MESSAGE_PREFIX) = 1
testStatObj.result = "Skipped"
testStatObj.message = runResult.Mid(Len(m.SKIP_TEST_MESSAGE_PREFIX)) ' remove prefix from the message
testStatObj.Result = "Fail"
testStatObj.Error.Code = 1
testStatObj.Error.Message = runResult
end if
testStatObj.Result = "Success"
end if
testStatObj.Time = testTimer.TotalMilliseconds()
m.Logger.AppendTestStatistic(suiteStatObj, testStatObj)
if testStatObj.Result = "Fail" and m.failFast
suiteStatObj.Result = "Fail"
exit for
end if
end if
end for
m.Logger.AppendSuiteStatistic(totalStatObj, suiteStatObj)
if TF_Utils__IsFunction(testSuite.TearDown)
end if
if suiteStatObj.Result = "Fail" and m.failFast
exit for
end if
end for
gthis = GetGlobalAA()
msg = ""
if gthis.notFoundFunctionPointerList <> invalid then
msg = Chr(10) + string(40, "---") + Chr(10)
if m.isNodeMode
fileNamesString = ""
for each testSuiteObject in testSuiteNamesList
if GetInterface(testSuiteObject, "ifString") <> invalid then
fileNamesString += testSuiteObject + ".brs, "
else if GetInterface(testSuiteObject, "ifAssociativeArray") <> invalid then
if testSuiteObject.filePath <> invalid then
fileNamesString += testSuiteObject.filePath + ", "
end if
end if
end for
msg += Chr(10) + "Create this function below in one of these files"
msg += Chr(10) + fileNamesString + Chr(10)
msg += Chr(10) + "sub init()"
end if
msg += Chr(10) + "Runner.SetFunctions([" + Chr(10) + " testCase" + Chr(10) + "])"
msg += Chr(10) + "For example we think this might resolve your issue"
msg += Chr(10) + "Runner = TestRunner()"
msg += Chr(10) + "Runner.SetFunctions(["
tmpMap = {}
for each functionName in gthis.notFoundFunctionPointerList
if tmpMap[functionName] = invalid then
tmpMap[functionName] = ""
msg += Chr(10) + " " + functionName
end if
end for
msg += Chr(10) + "])"
if m.isNodeMode then
msg += Chr(10) + "end sub"
msg += Chr(10) + "Runner.Run()"
end if
end if
if m.isNodeMode
if msg.Len() > 0 then
if totalStatObj.notFoundFunctionsMessage = invalid then totalStatObj.notFoundFunctionsMessage = ""
totalStatObj.notFoundFunctionsMessage += msg
end if
return totalStatObj
testNodes = m.getTestNodesList()
for each testNodeName in testNodes
testNode = CreateObject("roSGNode", testNodeName)
if testNode <> invalid
testSuiteNamesList = m.GetTestSuiteNamesList(testNodeName)
if CreateObject("roSGScreen").CreateScene(testNodeName) <> invalid
? "WARNING: Test cases cannot be run in main scene."
for each testSuiteName in testSuiteNamesList
suiteStatObj = m.Logger.CreateSuiteStatistic(testSuiteName)
suiteStatObj.fail = 1
suiteStatObj.total = 1
m.Logger.AppendSuiteStatistic(totalStatObj, suiteStatObj)
end for
params = [m, totalStatObj, testSuiteNamesList, m.GetIncludeFilter(), m.GetExcludeFilter()]
tmp = testNode.callFunc("TestFramework__RunNodeTests", params)
if tmp <> invalid then
totalStatObj = tmp
end if
end if
end if
end for
end if
if msg.Len() > 0 or totalStatObj.notFoundFunctionsMessage <> invalid then
title = ""
title += Chr(10) + "NOTE: If some your tests haven't been executed this might be due to outdated list of functions"
title += Chr(10) + "To resolve this issue please execute" + Chr(10) + Chr(10)
title += msg
if totalStatObj.notFoundFunctionsMessage <> invalid then
title += totalStatObj.notFoundFunctionsMessage
end if
? title
end if
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Set testsDirectory property.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub TestRunner__SetTestsDirectory(testsDirectory as string)
m.testsDirectory = testsDirectory
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Set testFilePrefix property.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub TestRunner__SetTestFilePrefix(testFilePrefix as string)
m.testFilePrefix = testFilePrefix
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Set testSuitePrefix property.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub TestRunner__SetTestSuitePrefix(testSuitePrefix as string)
m.testSuitePrefix = testSuitePrefix
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Set testSuiteName property.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub TestRunner__SetTestSuiteName(testSuiteName as string)
m.testSuiteName = testSuiteName
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Set testCaseName property.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub TestRunner__SetTestCaseName(testCaseName as string)
m.testCaseName = testCaseName
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Set failFast property.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub TestRunner__SetFailFast(failFast = false as boolean)
m.failFast = failFast
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Builds an array of test suite objects.
' @param testSuiteNamesList (string, optional) array of names of test suite functions. If not passed, scans all test files for test suites
' @return An array of test suites.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function TestRunner__GetTestSuitesList(testSuiteNamesList = [] as object) as object
result = []
if testSuiteNamesList.count() > 0
for each value in testSuiteNamesList
if TF_Utils__IsString(value) then
tmpTestSuiteFunction = TestFramework__getFunctionPointer(value)
if tmpTestSuiteFunction <> invalid then
testSuite = tmpTestSuiteFunction()
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(testSuite)
end if
end if
' also we can get AA that will give source code and filePath
' Please be aware this is executed in render thread
else if GetInterface(value, "ifAssociativeArray") <> invalid then
' try to use new approach
testSuite = ScanFileForNewTests(value.code, value.filePath)
if testSuite <> invalid then
end if
else if GetInterface(value, "ifFunction") <> invalid then
end if
end for
testSuiteRegex = CreateObject("roRegex", "^(function|sub)\s(" + m.testSuitePrefix + m.testSuiteName + "[0-9a-z\_]*)\s*\(", "i")
testFilesList = m.GetTestFilesList()
for each filePath in testFilesList
code = TF_Utils__AsString(ReadAsciiFile(filePath))
if code <> ""
foundTestSuite = false
for each line in code.Tokenize(Chr(10))
if testSuiteRegex.IsMatch(line)
testSuite = invalid
functionName = testSuiteRegex.Match(line).Peek()
tmpTestSuiteFunction = TestFramework__getFunctionPointer(functionName)
if tmpTestSuiteFunction <> invalid then
testSuite = tmpTestSuiteFunction()
if TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(testSuite)
foundTestSuite = true
' TODO check if we need this
' using new mode
' testSuite = ScanFileForNewTests(code, filePath)
' exit for
end if
end if
end if
end for
if not foundTestSuite then
testSuite = ScanFileForNewTests(code, filePath)
if testSuite <> invalid then
end if
end if
end if
end for
end if
return result
end function
function ScanFileForNewTests(souceCode, filePath)
foundAnyTest = false
testSuite = BaseTestSuite()
allowedAnnotationsRegex = CreateObject("roRegex", "^'\s*@(test|beforeall|beforeeach|afterall|aftereach|repeatedtest|parameterizedtest|methodsource|ignore)\s*|\n", "i")
voidFunctionRegex = CreateObject("roRegex", "^(function|sub)\s([a-z0-9A-Z_]*)\(\)", "i")
anyArgsFunctionRegex = CreateObject("roRegex", "^(function|sub)\s([a-z0-9A-Z_]*)\(", "i")
processors = {
testSuite: testSuite
filePath: filePath
currentLine: ""
annotations: {}
functionName: ""
tests: []
beforeEachFunc: invalid
beforeAllFunc: invalid
AfterEachFunc: invalid
AfterAllFunc: invalid
isParameterizedTest: false
MethodForArguments: ""
executedParametrizedAdding: false
test: sub()
skipTest = m.doSkipTest(m.functionName)
funcPointer = m.getFunctionPointer(m.functionName)
m.tests.push({ name: m.functionName, pointer: funcPointer, skip: skipTest })
end sub
repeatedtest: sub()
allowedAnnotationsRegex = CreateObject("roRegex", "^'\s*@(repeatedtest)\((\d*)\)", "i")
annotationLine = m.annotations["repeatedtest"].line
if allowedAnnotationsRegex.IsMatch(annotationLine)
groups = allowedAnnotationsRegex.Match(annotationLine)
numberOfLoops = groups[2]
if numberOfLoops <> invalid and TF_Utils__AsInteger(numberOfLoops) > 0 then
numberOfLoops = TF_Utils__AsInteger(numberOfLoops)
funcPointer = m.getFunctionPointer(m.functionName)
for index = 1 to numberOfLoops
skipTest = m.doSkipTest(m.functionName)
text = " " + index.tostr() + " of " + numberOfLoops.tostr()
m.tests.push({ name: m.functionName + text, pointer: funcPointer, skip: skipTest })
end for
end if
? "WARNING: Wrong format of repeatedTest(numberOfRuns) "annotationLine
end if
end sub
parameterizedTest: sub()
end sub
methodSource: sub()
end sub
processParameterizedTests: sub()
' add test if it was not added already
if not m.executedParametrizedAdding
if m.annotations.methodSource <> invalid and m.annotations.parameterizedTest <> invalid then
methodAnottation = m.annotations.methodSource.line
allowedAnnotationsRegex = CreateObject("roRegex", "^'\s*@(methodsource)\(" + Chr(34) + "([A-Za-z0-9_]*)" + Chr(34) + "\)", "i")
if allowedAnnotationsRegex.IsMatch(methodAnottation)
groups = allowedAnnotationsRegex.Match(methodAnottation)
providerFunction = groups[2]
providerFunctionPointer = m.getFunctionPointer(providerFunction)
if providerFunctionPointer <> invalid then
funcPointer = m.getFunctionPointer(m.functionName)
args = providerFunctionPointer()
index = 1
for each arg in args
skipTest = m.doSkipTest(m.functionName)
text = " " + index.tostr() + " of " + args.count().tostr()
m.tests.push({ name: m.functionName + text, pointer: funcPointer, arg: arg, hasArgs: true, skip: skipTest })
end for
? "WARNING: Cannot find function [" providerFunction "]"
end if
end if
? "WARNING: Wrong format of @ParameterizedTest \n @MethodSource(providerFunctionName)"
? "m.executedParametrizedAdding = "m.executedParametrizedAdding
? "m.annotations.methodSource = "m.annotations.methodSource
? "m.annotations.parameterizedTest = "m.annotations.parameterizedTest
? ""
end if
end if
end sub
beforeEach: sub()
m.beforeEachFunc = m.getFunctionPointer(m.functionName)
end sub
beforeAll: sub()
m.beforeAllFunc = m.getFunctionPointer(m.functionName)
end sub
AfterEach: sub()
m.AfterEachFunc = m.getFunctionPointer(m.functionName)
end sub
AfterAll: sub()
m.AfterAllFunc = m.getFunctionPointer(m.functionName)
end sub
ignore: sub()
funcPointer = m.getFunctionPointer(m.functionName)
m.tests.push({ name: m.functionName, pointer: funcPointer, skip: true })
end sub
doSkipTest: function(name as string)
includeFilter = []
excludeFilter = []
gthis = GetGlobalAA()
if gthis.IncludeFilter <> invalid then includeFilter.append(gthis.IncludeFilter)
if gthis.ExcludeFilter <> invalid then excludeFilter.append(gthis.ExcludeFilter)
' apply test filters
skipTest = false
' skip test if it is found in exclude filter
for each testName in excludeFilter
if TF_Utils__IsNotEmptyString(testName) and LCase(testName.Trim()) = LCase(name.Trim())
skipTest = true
exit for
end if
end for
' skip test if it is not found in include filter
if not skipTest and includeFilter.Count() > 0
foundInIncludeFilter = false
for each testName in includeFilter
if TF_Utils__IsNotEmptyString(testName) and LCase(testName) = LCase(name)
foundInIncludeFilter = true
exit for
end if
end for
skipTest = not foundInIncludeFilter
end if
return skipTest
end function
buildTests: sub()
testSuite = m.testSuite
testSuite.Name = m.filePath
if m.beforeAllFunc <> invalid then testSuite.SetUp = m.beforeAllFunc
if m.AfterAllFunc <> invalid then testSuite.TearDown = m.AfterAllFunc
testSuite.IS_NEW_APPROACH = true
for each test in m.tests
' Add tests to suite's tests collection
arg = invalid
hasArgs = false
if test.hasArgs <> invalid then
arg = test.arg
hasArgs = true
end if
testSuite.addTest(test.name, test.pointer, m.beforeEachFunc, m.AfterEachFunc, arg, hasArgs, test.skip)
end for
end sub
getFunctionPointer: TestFramework__getFunctionPointer
currentAnottations = []
index = 0
for each line in souceCode.Tokenize(Chr(10))
line = line.Trim()
if line <> "" ' skipping empty lines
if allowedAnnotationsRegex.IsMatch(line)
groups = allowedAnnotationsRegex.Match(line)
anottationType = groups[1]
if anottationType <> invalid and processors[anottationType] <> invalid then
processors.annotations[anottationType] = { line: line, lineIndex: index }
end if
if currentAnottations.count() > 0 then
isParametrized = anyArgsFunctionRegex.IsMatch(line)
properMap = { parameterizedtest: "", methodsource: "" }
for each availableAnottation in currentAnottations
isParametrized = isParametrized or properMap[availableAnottation] <> invalid
end for
if voidFunctionRegex.IsMatch(line) or isParametrized then
groups = voidFunctionRegex.Match(line)
if isParametrized then
groups = anyArgsFunctionRegex.Match(line)
end if
if groups[2] <> invalid then
processors.functionName = groups[2]
processors.currentLine = line
' process all handlers
if isParametrized then processors.executedParametrizedAdding = false
for each availableAnottation in currentAnottations
if isParametrized then processors.executedParametrizedAdding = true
end for
currentAnottations = []
processors.annotations = {}
foundAnyTest = true
end if
' invalidating annotation
' TODO print message here that we skipped annotation
? "WARNING: annotation " currentAnottations " isparametrized=" isParametrized " skipped at line " index ":[" line "]"
processors.annotations = {}
currentAnottations = []
end if
end if
end if
end if
end for
if not foundAnyTest then
testSuite = invalid
end if
return testSuite
end function
function TestFramework__getFunctionPointer(functionName as string) as dynamic
result = invalid
gthis = GetGlobalAA()
if gthis.FunctionsList <> invalid then
for each value in gthis.FunctionsList
if Type(value) <> "" and LCase(Type(value)) <> "<uninitialized>" and GetInterface(value, "ifFunction") <> invalid and LCase(value.tostr()) = "function: " + LCase(functionName) then
result = value
exit for
end if
end for
end if
if LCase(Type(result)) = "<uninitialized>" then result = invalid
if result = invalid then
if gthis.notFoundFunctionPointerList = invalid then gthis.notFoundFunctionPointerList = []
end if
return result
end function
sub TestRunner__SetFunctions(listOfFunctions as dynamic)
gthis = GetGlobalAA()
if gthis.FunctionsList = invalid then
gthis.FunctionsList = []
end if
end sub
sub TestRunner__SetIncludeFilter(listOfFunctions as dynamic)
gthis = GetGlobalAA()
if gthis.IncludeFilter = invalid
gthis.IncludeFilter = []
end if
if TF_Utils__IsArray(listOfFunctions)
else if TF_Utils__IsNotEmptyString(listOfFunctions)
? "WARNING: Could not parse input parameters for Include Filter. Filter wont be applied."
end if
end sub
function TestRunner__GetIncludeFilter()
gthis = GetGlobalAA()
if gthis.IncludeFilter = invalid
gthis.IncludeFilter = []
end if
return gthis.IncludeFilter
end function
sub TestRunner__SetExcludeFilter(listOfFunctions as dynamic)
gthis = GetGlobalAA()
if gthis.ExcludeFilter = invalid
gthis.ExcludeFilter = []
end if
if TF_Utils__IsArray(listOfFunctions)
else if TF_Utils__IsNotEmptyString(listOfFunctions)
? "WARNING: Could not parse input parameters for Exclude Filter. Filter wont be applied."
end if
end sub
function TestRunner__GetExcludeFilter()
gthis = GetGlobalAA()
if gthis.ExcludeFilter = invalid
gthis.ExcludeFilter = []
end if
return gthis.ExcludeFilter
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Scans all test files for test suite function names for a given test node.
' @param testNodeName (string) name of a test node, test suites for which are needed
' @return An array of test suite names.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function TestRunner__GetTestSuiteNamesList(testNodeName as string) as object
result = []
testSuiteRegex = CreateObject("roRegex", "^(function|sub)\s(" + m.testSuitePrefix + m.testSuiteName + "[0-9a-z\_]*)\s*\(", "i")
testFilesList = m.GetTestFilesList(m.nodesTestDirectory, testNodeName)
for each filePath in testFilesList
code = TF_Utils__AsString(ReadAsciiFile(filePath))
if code <> ""
foundTestSuite = false
for each line in code.Tokenize(Chr(10))
if testSuiteRegex.IsMatch(line)
functionName = testSuiteRegex.Match(line).Peek()
foundTestSuite = true
end if
end for
if not foundTestSuite then
' we cannot scan for new tests as we are not in proper scope
' so we need to pass some data so this can be executed in render thread
result.push({ filePath: filePath, code: code })
end if
end if
end for
return result
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Scan testsDirectory and all subdirectories for test files.
' @param testsDirectory (string, optional) A target directory with test files.
' @param testFilePrefix (string, optional) prefix, used by test files
' @return An array of test files.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function TestRunner__GetTestFilesList(testsDirectory = m.testsDirectory as string, testFilePrefix = m.testFilePrefix as string) as object
result = []
testsFileRegex = CreateObject("roRegex", "^(" + testFilePrefix + ")[0-9a-z\_]*\.brs$", "i")
if testsDirectory <> ""
fileSystem = CreateObject("roFileSystem")
if m.isNodeMode
? string(2, Chr(10))
? string(10, "!!!")
? "Note if you crash here this means that we are in render thread and searching for tests"
? "Problem is that file naming is wrong"
? "check brs file name they should match pattern ""Test_ExactComponentName_anything.brs"""
? "In this case we were looking for "testFilePrefix
? string(10, "!!!") string(2, Chr(10))
end if
listing = fileSystem.GetDirectoryListing(testsDirectory)
for each item in listing
itemPath = testsDirectory + "/" + item
itemStat = fileSystem.Stat(itemPath)
if itemStat.type = "directory" then
result.Append(m.getTestFilesList(itemPath, testFilePrefix))
else if testsFileRegex.IsMatch(item) then
end if
end for
end if
return result
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Scan nodesTestDirectory and all subdirectories for test nodes.
' @param nodesTestDirectory (string, optional) A target directory with test nodes.
' @return An array of test node names.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function TestRunner__GetTestNodesList(testsDirectory = m.nodesTestDirectory as string) as object
result = []
testsFileRegex = CreateObject("roRegex", "^(" + m.testFilePrefix + ")[0-9a-z\_]*\.xml$", "i")
if testsDirectory <> ""
fileSystem = CreateObject("roFileSystem")
listing = fileSystem.GetDirectoryListing(testsDirectory)
for each item in listing
itemPath = testsDirectory + "/" + item
itemStat = fileSystem.Stat(itemPath)
if itemStat.type = "directory" then
else if testsFileRegex.IsMatch(item) then
result.Push(item.replace(".xml", ""))
end if
end for
end if
return result
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Creates and runs test runner. Should be used ONLY within a node.
' @param params (array) parameters, passed from main thread, used to setup new test runner
' @return statistic object.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function TestFramework__RunNodeTests(params as object) as object
this = params[0]
statObj = params[1]
testSuiteNamesList = params[2]
Runner = TestRunner()
return Runner.Run(statObj, testSuiteNamesList)
end function
function UTF_skip(msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__Skip(msg))
end function
function UTF_fail(msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__Fail(msg))
end function
function UTF_assertFalse(expr, msg = "Expression evaluates to true")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertFalse(expr, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertTrue(expr, msg = "Expression evaluates to false")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertTrue(expr, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertEqual(first, second, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertEqual(first, second, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertNotEqual(first, second, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertNotEqual(first, second, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertInvalid(value, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertInvalid(value, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertNotInvalid(value, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertNotInvalid(value, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertAAHasKey(array, key, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertAAHasKey(array, key, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertAANotHasKey(array, key, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertAANotHasKey(array, key, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertAAHasKeys(array, keys, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertAAHasKeys(array, keys, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertAANotHasKeys(array, keys, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertAANotHasKeys(array, keys, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertArrayContains(array, value, key = invalid, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertArrayContains(array, value, key, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertArrayNotContains(array, value, key = invalid, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertArrayNotContains(array, value, key, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertArrayContainsSubset(array, subset, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertArrayContainsSubset(array, subset, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertArrayNotContainsSubset(array, subset, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertArrayNotContainsSubset(array, subset, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertArrayCount(array, count, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertArrayCount(array, count, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertArrayNotCount(array, count, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertArrayNotCount(array, count, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertEmpty(item, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertEmpty(item, msg))
end function
function UTF_assertNotEmpty(item, msg = "")
return UTF_PushErrorMessage(BTS__AssertNotEmpty(item, msg))
end function
function UTF_PushErrorMessage(message as string) as boolean
result = Len(message) <= 0
if not result then
end if
return result
end function'*****************************************************************
'* Copyright Roku 2011-2019
'* All Rights Reserved
' Common framework utility functions
' *****************************************************************
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsXmlElement - check if value contains XMLElement interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains XMLElement interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsXmlElement(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifXMLElement") <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsFunction - check if value contains Function interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains Function interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsFunction(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifFunction") <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsBoolean - check if value contains Boolean interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains Boolean interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsBoolean(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifBoolean") <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsInteger - check if value type equals Integer
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value type equals Integer, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsInteger(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifInt") <> invalid and (Type(value) = "roInt" or Type(value) = "roInteger" or Type(value) = "Integer")
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsFloat - check if value contains Float interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains Float interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsFloat(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifFloat") <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsDouble - check if value contains Double interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains Double interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsDouble(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifDouble") <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsLongInteger - check if value contains LongInteger interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains LongInteger interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsLongInteger(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifLongInt") <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsNumber - check if value contains LongInteger or Integer or Double or Float interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value is number, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsNumber(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsLongInteger(value) or TF_Utils__IsDouble(value) or TF_Utils__IsInteger(value) or TF_Utils__IsFloat(value)
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsList - check if value contains List interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains List interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsList(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifList") <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsArray - check if value contains Array interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains Array interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsArray(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifArray") <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray - check if value contains AssociativeArray interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains AssociativeArray interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifAssociativeArray") <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsSGNode - check if value contains SGNodeChildren interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains SGNodeChildren interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsSGNode(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifSGNodeChildren") <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsString - check if value contains String interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains String interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsString(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifString") <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsNotEmptyString - check if value contains String interface and length more 0
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains String interface and length more 0, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsNotEmptyString(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsString(value) and Len(value) > 0
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsDateTime - check if value contains DateTime interface
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value contains DateTime interface, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsDateTime(value as dynamic) as boolean
return TF_Utils__IsValid(value) and (GetInterface(value, "ifDateTime") <> invalid or Type(value) = "roDateTime")
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsValid - check if value initialized and not equal invalid
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value initialized and not equal invalid, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsValid(value as dynamic) as boolean
return Type(value) <> "<uninitialized>" and value <> invalid
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__ValidStr - return value if his contains String interface else return empty string
' @param value As Object
' @return As String - value if his contains String interface else return empty string
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__ValidStr(obj as object) as string
if obj <> invalid and GetInterface(obj, "ifString") <> invalid
return obj
return ""
end if
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__AsString - convert input to String if this possible, else return empty string
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As String - return converted string
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__AsString(input as dynamic) as string
if TF_Utils__IsValid(input) = false
return ""
else if TF_Utils__IsString(input)
return input
else if TF_Utils__IsInteger(input) or TF_Utils__IsLongInteger(input) or TF_Utils__IsBoolean(input)
return input.ToStr()
else if TF_Utils__IsFloat(input) or TF_Utils__IsDouble(input)
return Str(input).Trim()
return ""
end if
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__AsInteger - convert input to Integer if this possible, else return 0
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As Integer - return converted Integer
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__AsInteger(input as dynamic) as integer
if TF_Utils__IsValid(input) = false
return 0
else if TF_Utils__IsString(input)
return input.ToInt()
else if TF_Utils__IsInteger(input)
return input
else if TF_Utils__IsFloat(input) or TF_Utils__IsDouble(input) or TF_Utils__IsLongInteger(input)
return Int(input)
return 0
end if
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__AsLongInteger - convert input to LongInteger if this possible, else return 0
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As Integer - return converted LongInteger
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__AsLongInteger(input as dynamic) as longinteger
if TF_Utils__IsValid(input) = false
return 0
else if TF_Utils__IsString(input)
return TF_Utils__AsInteger(input)
else if TF_Utils__IsLongInteger(input) or TF_Utils__IsFloat(input) or TF_Utils__IsDouble(input) or TF_Utils__IsInteger(input)
return input
return 0
end if
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__AsFloat - convert input to Float if this possible, else return 0.0
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As Float - return converted Float
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__AsFloat(input as dynamic) as float
if TF_Utils__IsValid(input) = false
return 0.0
else if TF_Utils__IsString(input)
return input.ToFloat()
else if TF_Utils__IsInteger(input)
return (input / 1)
else if TF_Utils__IsFloat(input) or TF_Utils__IsDouble(input) or TF_Utils__IsLongInteger(input)
return input
return 0.0
end if
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__AsDouble - convert input to Double if this possible, else return 0.0
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As Float - return converted Double
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__AsDouble(input as dynamic) as double
if TF_Utils__IsValid(input) = false
return 0.0
else if TF_Utils__IsString(input)
return TF_Utils__AsFloat(input)
else if TF_Utils__IsInteger(input) or TF_Utils__IsLongInteger(input) or TF_Utils__IsFloat(input) or TF_Utils__IsDouble(input)
return input
return 0.0
end if
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__AsBoolean - convert input to Boolean if this possible, else return False
' @param input As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__AsBoolean(input as dynamic) as boolean
if TF_Utils__IsValid(input) = false
return false
else if TF_Utils__IsString(input)
return LCase(input) = "true"
else if TF_Utils__IsInteger(input) or TF_Utils__IsFloat(input)
return input <> 0
else if TF_Utils__IsBoolean(input)
return input
return false
end if
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__AsArray - if type of value equals array return value, else return array with one element [value]
' @param value As Object
' @return As Object - roArray
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__AsArray(value as object) as object
if TF_Utils__IsValid(value)
if not TF_Utils__IsArray(value)
return [value]
return value
end if
end if
return []
end function
' =====================
' Strings
' =====================
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__IsNullOrEmpty - check if value is invalid or empty
' @param value As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if value is null or empty string, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__IsNullOrEmpty(value as dynamic) as boolean
if TF_Utils__IsString(value)
return Len(value) = 0
return not TF_Utils__IsValid(value)
end if
end function
' =====================
' Arrays
' =====================
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__FindElementIndexInArray - find an element index in array
' @param array As Object
' @param value As Object
' @param compareAttribute As Dynamic
' @param caseSensitive As Boolean
' @return As Integer - element index if array contains a value, else return -1
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__FindElementIndexInArray(array as object, value as object, compareAttribute = invalid as dynamic, caseSensitive = false as boolean) as integer
if TF_Utils__IsArray(array)
for i = 0 to TF_Utils__AsArray(array).Count() - 1
compareValue = array[i]
if compareAttribute <> invalid and TF_Utils__IsAssociativeArray(compareValue) and compareValue.DoesExist(compareAttribute)
compareValue = compareValue.LookupCI(compareAttribute)
end if
if TF_Utils__IsString(compareValue) and TF_Utils__IsString(value) and not caseSensitive
if LCase(compareValue) = LCase(value)
return i
end if
else if TF_Utils__BaseComparator(compareValue, value)
return i
end if
item = array[i]
end if
return -1
end function
' *************************************************
' TF_Utils__ArrayContains - check if array contains specified value
' @param array As Object
' @param value As Object
' @param compareAttribute As Dynamic
' @return As Boolean - true if array contains a value, else return false
' *************************************************
function TF_Utils__ArrayContains(array as object, value as object, compareAttribute = invalid as dynamic) as boolean
return (TF_Utils__FindElementIndexInArray(array, value, compareAttribute) > -1)
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Type Comparison Functionality
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Compare two arbitrary values to each other.
' @param Value1 (dynamic) A first item to compare.
' @param Value2 (dynamic) A second item to compare.
' @param comparator (Function, optional) Function, to compare 2 values. Should take in 2 parameters and return either true or false.
' @return True if values are equal or False in other case.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function TF_Utils__EqValues(Value1 as dynamic, Value2 as dynamic, comparator = invalid as object) as boolean
if comparator = invalid
return TF_Utils__BaseComparator(value1, value2)
return comparator(value1, value2)
end if
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Base comparator for comparing two values.
' @param Value1 (dynamic) A first item to compare.
' @param Value2 (dynamic) A second item to compare.
' @return True if values are equal or False in other case.
function TF_Utils__BaseComparator(value1 as dynamic, value2 as dynamic) as boolean
value1Type = Type(value1)
value2Type = Type(value2)
if (value1Type = "roList" or value1Type = "roArray") and (value2Type = "roList" or value2Type = "roArray")
return TF_Utils__EqArray(value1, value2)
else if value1Type = "roAssociativeArray" and value2Type = "roAssociativeArray"
return TF_Utils__EqAssocArray(value1, value2)
else if Type(box(value1), 3) = Type(box(value2), 3)
return value1 = value2
return false
end if
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Compare two roAssociativeArray objects for equality.
' @param Value1 (object) A first associative array.
' @param Value2 (object) A second associative array.
' @return True if arrays are equal or False in other case.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function TF_Utils__EqAssocArray(Value1 as object, Value2 as object) as boolean
l1 = Value1.Count()
l2 = Value2.Count()
if not l1 = l2
return false
for each k in Value1
if not Value2.DoesExist(k)
return false
v1 = Value1[k]
v2 = Value2[k]
if not TF_Utils__EqValues(v1, v2)
return false
end if
end if
end for
return true
end if
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Compare two roArray objects for equality.
' @param Value1 (object) A first array.
' @param Value2 (object) A second array.
' @return True if arrays are equal or False in other case.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
function TF_Utils__EqArray(Value1 as object, Value2 as object) as boolean
l1 = Value1.Count()
l2 = Value2.Count()
if not l1 = l2
return false
for i = 0 to l1 - 1
v1 = Value1[i]
v2 = Value2[i]
if not TF_Utils__EqValues(v1, v2) then
return false
end if
end for
return true
end if
end function