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< h1 class = "page-title" > Source: components/data/SceneManager.brs< / h1 >
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class="sunlight-highlight-javascript linenums">import "pkg:/source/roku_modules/log/LogMixin.brs"
sub init()
m.log = log.Logger("SceneManager")
m.groups = []
m.scene = m.top.getScene()
m.content = m.scene.findNode("content")
m.overhang = m.scene.findNode("overhang")
end sub
' Push a new group onto the stack, replacing the existing group on the screen
sub pushScene(newGroup)
currentGroup = m.groups.peek()
if newGroup < > invalid
if currentGroup < > invalid
'Search through group and store off last focused item
if currentGroup.focusedChild < > invalid
focused = currentGroup.focusedChild
while focused.hasFocus() = false
focused = focused.focusedChild
end while
currentGroup.lastFocus = focused
end if
if currentGroup.isSubType("JFGroup")
end if
currentGroup.visible = false
if currentGroup.isSubType("JFScreen")
end if
end if
if currentGroup < > invalid
m.content.replaceChild(newGroup, 0)
end if
if newGroup.isSubType("JFScreen")
end if
'observe info about new group, set overhang title, etc.
if newGroup.isSubType("JFGroup")
' Some groups set focus to a specific component within init(), so we don't want to
' change if that is the case.
if newGroup.isInFocusChain() = false
end if
else if newGroup.isSubType("JFVideo")
newGroup.control = "play"
m.overhang.visible = false
end if
end if
end sub
' Remove the current group and load the last group from the stack
sub popScene()
group = m.groups.pop()
if group < > invalid
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if group.isSubType("JFGroup")
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2023-10-27 02:20:25 +00:00
else if group.isSubType("JFVideo")
2023-10-27 02:19:51 +00:00
' Stop video to make sure app communicates stop playstate to server
group.control = "stop"
end if
group.visible = false
2023-10-27 02:20:25 +00:00
if group.isSubType("JFScreen")
2023-10-27 02:19:51 +00:00
end if
' Exit app if for some reason we don't have anything on the stack
m.scene.exit = true
end if
group = m.groups.peek()
if group < > invalid
group.visible = true
m.content.replaceChild(group, 0)
if group.isSubType("JFScreen")
' Restore focus
if group.lastFocus < > invalid
if group.focusedChild < > invalid
end if
end if
end if
' Exit app if the stack is empty after removing group
m.scene.exit = true
end if
end sub
' Return group at top of stack without removing
function getActiveScene() as object
return m.groups.peek()
end function
' Clear all content from group stack
sub clearScenes()
if m.content < > invalid then m.content.removeChildrenIndex(m.content.getChildCount(), 0)
2023-11-11 00:30:32 +00:00
for each group in m.groups
if LCase(group.subtype()) = "jfscreen"
end if
end for
2023-10-27 02:19:51 +00:00
m.groups = []
end sub
' Clear previous scene from group stack
sub clearPreviousScene()
end sub
' Delete scene from group stack at passed index
sub deleteSceneAtIndex(index = 1)
end sub
' Display user/device settings screen
sub settings()
settingsScreen = createObject("roSGNode", "Settings")
end sub
' Register observers for overhang data
sub registerOverhangData(group)
if group.isSubType("JFGroup")
if group.overhangTitle < > invalid then m.overhang.title = group.overhangTitle
if group.optionsAvailable
m.overhang.showOptions = true
m.overhang.showOptions = false
end if
group.observeField("optionsAvailable", "updateOptions")
group.observeField("overhangTitle", "updateOverhangTitle")
if group.overhangVisible
m.overhang.visible = true
m.overhang.visible = false
end if
group.observeField("overhangVisible", "updateOverhangVisible")
else if group.isSubType("JFVideo")
m.overhang.visible = false
m.log.error("registerOverhangData(): Unexpected group type.", group, group.subtype())
end if
end sub
' Remove observers for overhang data
sub unregisterOverhangData(group)
end sub
' Update overhang title
sub updateOverhangTitle(msg)
m.overhang.title = msg.getData()
end sub
' Update options availability
sub updateOptions(msg)
m.overhang.showOptions = msg.getData()
end sub
' Update whether the overhang is visible or not
sub updateOverhangVisible(msg)
m.overhang.visible = msg.getData()
end sub
' Update username in overhang
sub updateUser()
' Passthrough to overhang
if m.overhang < > invalid then m.overhang.currentUser = m.top.currentUser
end sub
' Reset time
sub resetTime()
' Passthrough to overhang
end sub
' Display dialog to user with an OK button
sub userMessage(title as string, message as string)
dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "StandardMessageDialog")
dialog.title = title
dialog.message = message
dialog.buttons = [tr("OK")]
dialog.observeField("buttonSelected", "dismissDialog")
m.scene.dialog = dialog
end sub
' Display dialog to user with an OK button
sub standardDialog(title, message)
dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "StandardDialog")
dlgPalette = createObject("roSGNode", "RSGPalette")
dlgPalette.colors = {
DialogBackgroundColor: "0x262828FF",
DialogFocusColor: "0xcececeFF",
DialogFocusItemColor: "0x202020FF",
DialogSecondaryTextColor: "0xf8f8f8ff",
DialogSecondaryItemColor: "#00a4dcFF",
DialogTextColor: "0xeeeeeeFF"
dialog.palette = dlgPalette
dialog.observeField("buttonSelected", "dismissDialog")
dialog.title = title
dialog.contentData = message
dialog.buttons = [tr("OK")]
m.scene.dialog = dialog
end sub
' Display dialog to user with an OK button
sub radioDialog(title, message)
dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "RadioDialog")
dlgPalette = createObject("roSGNode", "RSGPalette")
dlgPalette.colors = {
DialogBackgroundColor: "0x262828FF",
DialogFocusColor: "0xcececeFF",
DialogFocusItemColor: "0x202020FF",
DialogSecondaryTextColor: "0xf8f8f8ff",
DialogSecondaryItemColor: "#00a4dcFF",
DialogTextColor: "0xeeeeeeFF"
dialog.palette = dlgPalette
dialog.observeField("buttonSelected", "dismissDialog")
dialog.title = title
dialog.contentData = message
dialog.buttons = [tr("OK")]
m.scene.dialog = dialog
end sub
' Display dialog to user with an OK button
sub optionDialog(title, message, buttons)
m.top.dataReturned = false
m.top.returnData = invalid
m.userselection = false
dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "StandardMessageDialog")
dlgPalette = createObject("roSGNode", "RSGPalette")
dlgPalette.colors = {
DialogBackgroundColor: "0x262828FF",
DialogFocusColor: "0xcececeFF",
DialogFocusItemColor: "0x202020FF",
DialogSecondaryTextColor: "0xf8f8f8ff",
DialogSecondaryItemColor: "#00a4dcFF",
DialogTextColor: "0xeeeeeeFF"
dialog.palette = dlgPalette
dialog.observeField("buttonSelected", "optionSelected")
dialog.observeField("wasClosed", "optionClosed")
dialog.title = title
dialog.message = message
dialog.buttons = buttons
m.scene.dialog = dialog
end sub
' Return button the user selected
sub optionClosed()
if m.userselection then return
m.top.returnData = {
indexSelected: -1,
buttonSelected: ""
m.top.dataReturned = true
end sub
' Return button the user selected
sub optionSelected()
m.userselection = true
m.top.returnData = {
indexSelected: m.scene.dialog.buttonSelected,
buttonSelected: m.scene.dialog.buttons[m.scene.dialog.buttonSelected]
m.top.dataReturned = true
end sub
' Close currently displayed dialog
sub dismissDialog()
m.scene.dialog.close = true
end sub
' Returns bool indicating if dialog is currently displayed
function isDialogOpen() as boolean
return m.scene.dialog < > invalid
end function
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