
140 lines
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sub init()
m.itemGrid = m.top.findNode("itemGrid")
m.backdrop = m.top.findNode("backdrop")
m.newBackdrop = m.top.findNode("backdropTransition")
m.swapAnimation = m.top.findNode("backroundSwapAnimation")
m.swapAnimation.observeField("state", "swapDone")
m.loadedRows = 0
m.loadedItems = 0
m.data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.itemGrid.content = m.data
m.itemGrid.observeField("itemFocused", "onItemFocused")
m.itemGrid.observeField("itemSelected", "onItemSelected")
m.newBackdrop.observeField("loadStatus", "newBGLoaded")
'Background Image Queued for loading
m.queuedBGUri = ""
m.loadItemsTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask2")
end sub
'Load initial set of Data
sub loadInitialItems()
2020-06-15 16:05:48 +00:00
m.loadItemsTask.itemId = m.top.parentItem.Id
m.loadItemsTask.observeField("content", "ItemDataLoaded")
2020-06-15 16:05:48 +00:00
if m.top.parentItem.collectionType = "movies" then
m.loadItemsTask.itemType = "Movie"
else if m.top.parentItem.collectionType = "tvshows" then
m.loadItemsTask.itemType = "Series"
end if
m.loadItemsTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
'Handle loaded data, and add to Grid
sub ItemDataLoaded(msg)
itemData = msg.GetData()
data = msg.getField()
if itemData = invalid then
m.Loading = false
end if
for each item in itemData
end for
'Update the stored counts
m.loadedItems = m.itemGrid.content.getChildCount()
m.loadedRows = m.loadedItems / m.itemGrid.numColumns
m.Loading = false
end sub
'Set Background Image
sub SetBackground(backgroundUri as string)
'If a new image is being loaded, or transitioned to, store URL to load next
if m.swapAnimation.state <> "stopped" or m.newBackdrop.loadStatus = "loading" then
m.queuedBGUri = backgroundUri
end if
m.newBackdrop.uri = backgroundUri
end sub
'Handle new item being focused
sub onItemFocused()
focusedRow = CInt(m.itemGrid.itemFocused / m.itemGrid.numColumns) + 1
' Set Background
itemInt = m.itemGrid.itemFocused
' Load more data if focus is within last 3 rows, and there are more items to load
if focusedRow >= m.loadedRows - 3 and m.loadeditems < m.loadItemsTask.totalRecordCount then
end if
end sub
'When Image Loading Status changes
sub newBGLoaded()
'If image load was sucessful, start the fade swap
if m.newBackdrop.loadStatus = "ready"
m.swapAnimation.control = "start"
end if
end sub
'Swap Complete
sub swapDone()
if m.swapAnimation.state = "stopped" then
'Set main BG node image and hide transitioning node
m.backdrop.uri = m.newBackdrop.uri
m.backdrop.opacity = 0.25
m.newBackdrop.opacity = 0
'If there is another one to load
if m.newBackdrop.uri <> m.queuedBGUri and m.queuedBGUri <> "" then
m.queuedBGUri = ""
end if
end if
end sub
'Load next set of items
sub loadMoreData()
if m.Loading = true then return
m.Loading = true
m.loadItemsTask.startIndex = m.loadedItems
m.loadItemsTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
'Item Selected
sub onItemSelected()
m.top.selectedItem = m.itemGrid.content.getChild(m.itemGrid.itemSelected)
end sub