2023-11-06 19:05:21 +00:00
import "pkg:/source/utils/misc.brs"
sub init()
m.videoControls = m.top.findNode("videoControls")
m.optionControls = m.top.findNode("optionControls")
m.inactivityTimer = m.top.findNode("inactivityTimer")
m.itemTitle = m.top.findNode("itemTitle")
m.videoPlayPause = m.top.findNode("videoPlayPause")
m.top.observeField("visible", "onVisibleChanged")
2023-11-07 01:46:18 +00:00
m.top.observeField("hasFocus", "onFocusChanged")
2023-11-06 19:05:21 +00:00
m.top.observeField("playbackState", "onPlaybackStateChanged")
m.top.observeField("itemTitleText", "onItemTitleTextChanged")
m.defaultButtonIndex = 1
m.focusedButtonIndex = 1
m.videoControls.getChild(m.defaultButtonIndex).focus = true
m.deviceInfo = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo")
end sub
' onPlaybackStateChanged: Handler for changes to m.top.playbackState param
sub onPlaybackStateChanged()
if LCase(m.top.playbackState) = "playing"
m.videoPlayPause.icon = "pkg:/images/icons/pause.png"
end if
m.videoPlayPause.icon = "pkg:/images/icons/play.png"
end sub
' onItemTitleTextChanged: Handler for changes to m.top.itemTitleText param.
sub onItemTitleTextChanged()
m.itemTitle.text = m.top.itemTitleText
end sub
' resetFocusToDefaultButton: Reset focus back to the default button
sub resetFocusToDefaultButton()
' Remove focus from previously selected button
for each child in m.videoControls.getChildren(-1, 0)
if isValid(child.focus)
child.focus = false
end if
end for
for each child in m.optionControls.getChildren(-1, 0)
if isValid(child.focus)
child.focus = false
end if
end for
' Set focus back to the default button
m.focusedButtonIndex = m.defaultButtonIndex
m.videoControls.getChild(m.defaultButtonIndex).focus = true
end sub
' onVisibleChanged: Handler for changes to the visibility of this pause menu.
sub onVisibleChanged()
if m.top.visible
m.inactivityTimer.observeField("fire", "inactiveCheck")
m.inactivityTimer.control = "start"
end if
m.inactivityTimer.control = "stop"
end sub
2023-11-07 01:46:18 +00:00
' onFocusChanged: Handler for changes to the focus of this pause menu.
sub onFocusChanged()
if m.top.hasfocus
focusedButton = m.optionControls.getChild(m.focusedButtonIndex)
if focusedButton.focus
end if
end if
end sub
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' inactiveCheck: Checks if the time since last keypress is greater than or equal to the allowed inactive time of the pause menu.
sub inactiveCheck()
if LCase(m.top.playbackState) <> "playing" then return
if m.deviceInfo.timeSinceLastKeypress() >= m.top.inactiveTimeout
m.top.action = "hide"
end if
end sub
' onButtonSelected: Handler for selection of buttons from the pause menu.
sub onButtonSelected()
if m.optionControls.isInFocusChain()
buttonGroup = m.optionControls
buttonGroup = m.videoControls
end if
selectedButton = buttonGroup.getChild(m.focusedButtonIndex)
if LCase(selectedButton.id) = "chapterlist"
m.top.showChapterList = not m.top.showChapterList
end if
m.top.action = selectedButton.id
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
if not press then return false
if key = "OK"
return true
end if
if key = "play"
m.top.action = "videoplaypause"
return true
end if
if key = "right"
if m.optionControls.isInFocusChain()
buttonGroup = m.optionControls
buttonGroup = m.videoControls
end if
if m.focusedButtonIndex + 1 >= buttonGroup.getChildCount()
return true
end if
focusedButton = buttonGroup.getChild(m.focusedButtonIndex)
focusedButton.focus = false
' Skip spacer elements until next button is found
for i = m.focusedButtonIndex + 1 to buttonGroup.getChildCount()
m.focusedButtonIndex = i
focusedButton = buttonGroup.getChild(m.focusedButtonIndex)
if isValid(focusedButton.focus)
focusedButton.focus = true
exit for
end if
end for
return true
end if
if key = "left"
if m.focusedButtonIndex = 0
return true
end if
if m.optionControls.isInFocusChain()
buttonGroup = m.optionControls
buttonGroup = m.videoControls
end if
focusedButton = buttonGroup.getChild(m.focusedButtonIndex)
focusedButton.focus = false
' Skip spacer elements until next button is found
for i = m.focusedButtonIndex - 1 to 0 step -1
m.focusedButtonIndex = i
focusedButton = buttonGroup.getChild(m.focusedButtonIndex)
if isValid(focusedButton.focus)
focusedButton.focus = true
exit for
end if
end for
return true
end if
if key = "up"
if m.videoControls.isInFocusChain()
focusedButton = m.videoControls.getChild(m.focusedButtonIndex)
focusedButton.focus = false
m.focusedButtonIndex = 2
focusedButton = m.optionControls.getChild(m.focusedButtonIndex)
focusedButton.focus = true
end if
return true
end if
if key = "down"
if m.optionControls.isInFocusChain()
focusedButton = m.optionControls.getChild(m.focusedButtonIndex)
focusedButton.focus = false
m.focusedButtonIndex = m.defaultButtonIndex
focusedButton = m.videoControls.getChild(m.defaultButtonIndex)
focusedButton.focus = true
end if
return true
end if
' All other keys hide the menu
m.top.action = "hide"
return true
end function