2023-11-11 13:41:20 +00:00
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2023-11-11 02:08:52 +00:00
import "pkg:/source/utils/misc.bs"
import "pkg:/source/utils/deviceCapabilities.bs"
import "pkg:/source/api/baserequest.bs"
2023-10-06 03:18:36 +00:00
import "pkg:/source/api/sdk.bs"
sub init()
m.top.functionName = "getPlaybackInfoTask"
end sub
function ItemPostPlaybackInfo(id as string, mediaSourceId = "" as string, audioTrackIndex = -1 as integer, startTimeTicks = 0 as longinteger)
currentView = m.global.sceneManager.callFunc("getActiveScene")
currentItem = m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCurrentItem")
body = {
"DeviceProfile": getDeviceProfile()
params = {
"UserId": m.global.session.user.id,
"StartTimeTicks": currentItem.startingPoint,
"IsPlayback": true,
"AutoOpenLiveStream": true,
"MaxStreamingBitrate": "140000000",
"MaxStaticBitrate": "140000000",
"SubtitleStreamIndex": currentView.selectedSubtitle,
"MediaSourceId": currentItem.id,
"AudioStreamIndex": currentItem.selectedAudioStreamIndex
req = APIRequest(Substitute("Items/{0}/PlaybackInfo", id), params)
return postJson(req, FormatJson(body))
end function
' Returns an array of playback info to be displayed during playback.
' In the future, with a custom playback info view, we can return an associated array.
sub getPlaybackInfoTask()
2023-10-28 14:08:45 +00:00
sessions = api.sessions.Get({ "deviceId": m.global.device.serverDeviceName })
2023-10-06 03:18:36 +00:00
m.playbackInfo = ItemPostPlaybackInfo(m.top.videoID)
if isValid(sessions) and sessions.Count() > 0
m.top.data = { playbackInfo: GetTranscodingStats(sessions[0]) }
m.top.data = { playbackInfo: [tr("Unable to get playback information")] }
end if
end sub
function GetTranscodingStats(deviceSession)
sessionStats = { data: [] }
if isValid(deviceSession.TranscodingInfo) and deviceSession.TranscodingInfo.Count() > 0
transcodingReasons = deviceSession.TranscodingInfo.TranscodeReasons
videoCodec = deviceSession.TranscodingInfo.VideoCodec
audioCodec = deviceSession.TranscodingInfo.AudioCodec
totalBitrate = deviceSession.TranscodingInfo.Bitrate
audioChannels = deviceSession.TranscodingInfo.AudioChannels
if isValid(transcodingReasons) and transcodingReasons.Count() > 0
sessionStats.data.push("< header>" + tr("Transcoding Information") + "< /header>")
for each item in transcodingReasons
sessionStats.data.push("< b>• " + tr("Reason") + ":< /b> " + item)
end for
end if
if isValid(videoCodec)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Video Codec") + ":< /b> " + videoCodec
if deviceSession.TranscodingInfo.IsVideoDirect
data = data + " (" + tr("direct") + ")"
end if
end if
if isValid(audioCodec)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Audio Codec") + ":< /b> " + audioCodec
if deviceSession.TranscodingInfo.IsAudioDirect
data = data + " (" + tr("direct") + ")"
end if
end if
if isValid(totalBitrate)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Total Bitrate") + ":< /b> " + getDisplayBitrate(totalBitrate)
end if
if isValid(audioChannels)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Audio Channels") + ":< /b> " + Str(audioChannels)
end if
sessionStats.data.push("< header>" + tr("Direct playing") + "< /header>")
sessionStats.data.push("< b>" + tr("The source file is entirely compatible with this client and the session is receiving the file without modifications.") + "< /b>")
end if
if havePlaybackInfo()
stream = m.playbackInfo.mediaSources[0].MediaStreams[0]
sessionStats.data.push("< header>" + tr("Stream Information") + "< /header>")
if isValid(stream.Container)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Container") + ":< /b> " + stream.Container
end if
if isValid(stream.Size)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Size") + ":< /b> " + stream.Size
end if
if isValid(stream.BitRate)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Bit Rate") + ":< /b> " + getDisplayBitrate(stream.BitRate)
end if
if isValid(stream.Codec)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Codec") + ":< /b> " + stream.Codec
end if
if isValid(stream.CodecTag)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Codec Tag") + ":< /b> " + stream.CodecTag
end if
if isValid(stream.VideoRangeType)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Video range type") + ":< /b> " + stream.VideoRangeType
end if
if isValid(stream.PixelFormat)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Pixel format") + ":< /b> " + stream.PixelFormat
end if
if isValid(stream.Width) and isValid(stream.Height)
data = "< b>• " + tr("WxH") + ":< /b> " + Str(stream.Width) + " x " + Str(stream.Height)
end if
if isValid(stream.Level)
data = "< b>• " + tr("Level") + ":< /b> " + Str(stream.Level)
end if
end if
return sessionStats
end function
function havePlaybackInfo()
if not isValid(m.playbackInfo)
return false
end if
if not isValid(m.playbackInfo.mediaSources)
return false
end if
if m.playbackInfo.mediaSources.Count() < = 0
return false
end if
if not isValid(m.playbackInfo.mediaSources[0].MediaStreams)
return false
end if
if m.playbackInfo.mediaSources[0].MediaStreams.Count() < = 0
return false
end if
return true
end function
function getDisplayBitrate(bitrate)
if bitrate > 1000000
return Str(Fix(bitrate / 1000000)) + " Mbps"
return Str(Fix(bitrate / 1000)) + " Kbps"
end if
end function
2023-11-16 17:58:48 +00:00
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