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2023-11-11 13:41:20 +00:00
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en" style="font-size:16px"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><title>Source: source/utils/quickplay.bs</title><!--[if lt IE 9]>
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2023-12-05 16:56:00 +00:00
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2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
namespace quickplay
' Takes an array of items and adds to global queue.
' Also shuffles the playlist if asked
sub pushToQueue(queueArray as object, shufflePlay = false as boolean)
if isValidAndNotEmpty(queueArray)
' load everything
for each item in queueArray
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("push", item)
end for
' shuffle the playlist if asked
if shufflePlay and m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCount") > 1
end if
end if
end sub
' A single video file.
sub video(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) or not isValid(itemNode.json) then return
' attempt to play video file. resume if possible
if isValid(itemNode.selectedVideoStreamId)
itemNode.id = itemNode.selectedVideoStreamId
end if
audio_stream_idx = 0
if isValid(itemNode.selectedAudioStreamIndex) and itemNode.selectedAudioStreamIndex > 0
audio_stream_idx = itemNode.selectedAudioStreamIndex
end if
itemNode.selectedAudioStreamIndex = audio_stream_idx
playbackPosition = 0
if isValid(itemNode.json.userdata) and isValid(itemNode.json.userdata.PlaybackPositionTicks)
playbackPosition = itemNode.json.userdata.PlaybackPositionTicks
end if
itemNode.startingPoint = playbackPosition
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("push", itemNode)
end sub
' A single audio file.
sub audio(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("push", itemNode)
end sub
' A single music video file.
sub musicVideo(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) or not isValid(itemNode.json) then return
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("push", itemNode)
end sub
2023-11-15 00:22:33 +00:00
' A single photo.
sub photo(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
photoPlayer = CreateObject("roSgNode", "PhotoDetails")
photoPlayer.itemsNode = itemNode
photoPlayer.itemIndex = 0
m.global.sceneManager.callfunc("pushScene", photoPlayer)
end sub
' A photo album.
sub photoAlbum(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
' grab all photos inside photo album
photoAlbumData = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": itemNode.id,
"includeItemTypes": "Photo",
"sortBy": "Random",
"Recursive": true
print "photoAlbumData=", photoAlbumData
if isValid(photoAlbumData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(photoAlbumData.items)
photoPlayer = CreateObject("roSgNode", "PhotoDetails")
photoPlayer.isSlideshow = true
photoPlayer.isRandom = false
photoPlayer.itemsArray = photoAlbumData.items
photoPlayer.itemIndex = 0
m.global.sceneManager.callfunc("pushScene", photoPlayer)
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-11-15 00:22:33 +00:00
end if
end sub
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
' A music album.
' Play the entire album starting with track 1.
sub album(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
' grab list of songs in the album
albumSongs = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": itemNode.id,
"imageTypeLimit": 1,
"sortBy": "SortName",
"limit": 2000,
"enableUserData": false,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
if isValid(albumSongs) and isValidAndNotEmpty(albumSongs.items)
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
end sub
' A music artist.
' Shuffle play all songs by artist.
sub artist(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
' get all songs by artist
artistSongs = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"artistIds": itemNode.id,
"includeItemTypes": "Audio",
"sortBy": "Album",
"limit": 2000,
"imageTypeLimit": 1,
"Recursive": true,
"enableUserData": false,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
print "artistSongs=", artistSongs
if isValid(artistSongs) and isValidAndNotEmpty(artistSongs.items)
quickplay.pushToQueue(artistSongs.items, true)
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
end sub
' A boxset.
' Play all items inside.
sub boxset(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
data = api.items.GetByQuery({
"userid": m.global.session.user.id,
"parentid": itemNode.id,
"limit": 2000,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
if isValid(data) and isValidAndNotEmpty(data.Items)
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
end sub
' A TV Show Series.
' Play the first unwatched episode.
' If none, shuffle play the whole series.
sub series(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
data = api.shows.GetNextUp({
"seriesId": itemNode.id,
"recursive": true,
"SortBy": "DatePlayed",
"SortOrder": "Descending",
"ImageTypeLimit": 1,
"UserId": m.global.session.user.id,
"EnableRewatching": false,
"DisableFirstEpisode": false,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
if isValid(data) and isValidAndNotEmpty(data.Items)
' there are unwatched episodes
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("push", data.Items[0])
' next up check was empty
' check for a resumable episode
data = api.users.GetResumeItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": itemNode.id,
"userid": m.global.session.user.id,
"SortBy": "DatePlayed",
"recursive": true,
"SortOrder": "Descending",
"Filters": "IsResumable",
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
print "resumeitems data=", data
if isValid(data) and isValidAndNotEmpty(data.Items)
' play the resumable episode
if isValid(data.Items[0].UserData) and isValid(data.Items[0].UserData.PlaybackPositionTicks)
data.Items[0].startingPoint = data.Items[0].userdata.PlaybackPositionTicks
end if
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("push", data.Items[0])
' shuffle all episodes
data = api.shows.GetEpisodes(itemNode.id, {
"userid": m.global.session.user.id,
"SortBy": "Random",
"limit": 2000,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
if isValid(data) and isValidAndNotEmpty(data.Items)
' add all episodes found to a playlist
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
end if
end if
end sub
' More than one TV Show Series.
' Shuffle play all watched episodes
sub multipleSeries(itemNodes as object)
if isValidAndNotEmpty(itemNodes)
numTotal = 0
numLimit = 2000
for each tvshow in itemNodes
' grab all watched episodes for each series
showData = api.shows.GetEpisodes(tvshow.id, {
"userId": m.global.session.user.id,
"SortBy": "Random",
"imageTypeLimit": 0,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false,
"enableImages": false
if isValid(showData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(showData.items)
playedEpisodes = []
' add all played episodes to queue
for each episode in showData.items
if isValid(episode.userdata) and isValid(episode.userdata.Played)
if episode.userdata.Played
end if
end if
end for
' keep track of how many items we've seen
numTotal = numTotal + showData.items.count()
if numTotal >= numLimit
' stop grabbing more items if we hit our limit
exit for
end if
end if
end for
if m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCount") > 1
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
end if
end sub
2023-11-30 03:26:14 +00:00
' A container with some kind of videos inside of it
sub videoContainer(itemNode as object)
print "itemNode=", itemNode
collectionType = Lcase(itemNode.collectionType)
if collectionType = "movies"
' get randomized list of videos inside
data = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": itemNode.id,
"sortBy": "Random",
"recursive": true,
"includeItemTypes": "Movie,Video",
"limit": 2000
print "data=", data
if isValid(data) and isValidAndNotEmpty(data.items)
videoList = []
' add each item to the queue
for each item in data.Items
print "data.Item=", item
' only add videos we're not currently watching
if isValid(item.userdata) and isValid(item.userdata.PlaybackPositionTicks)
if item.userdata.PlaybackPositionTicks = 0
end if
end if
end for
end if
else if collectionType = "tvshows" or collectionType = "collectionfolder"
' get list of tv shows inside
tvshowsData = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": itemNode.id,
"sortBy": "Random",
"recursive": true,
"excludeItemTypes": "Season",
"imageTypeLimit": 0,
"enableUserData": false,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false,
"enableImages": false
print "tvshowsData=", tvshowsData
if isValid(tvshowsData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(tvshowsData.items)
' the type of media returned from api may change.
if tvshowsData.items[0].Type = "Series"
' if first item is not a series, then assume they are all videos and/or episodes
end if
end if
print "Quick Play videoContainer WARNING: Unknown collection type"
end if
end sub
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
' A TV Show Season.
' Play the first unwatched episode.
' If none, play the whole season starting with episode 1.
sub season(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
unwatchedData = api.shows.GetEpisodes(itemNode.json.SeriesId, {
"seasonId": itemNode.id,
"userid": m.global.session.user.id,
"limit": 2000,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
if isValid(unwatchedData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(unwatchedData.Items)
' find the first unwatched episode
firstUnwatchedEpisodeIndex = invalid
for each item in unwatchedData.Items
if isValid(item.UserData)
if isValid(item.UserData.Played) and item.UserData.Played = false
2023-11-30 03:26:14 +00:00
firstUnwatchedEpisodeIndex = isValid(item.IndexNumber) ? item.IndexNumber - 1 : 0
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
if isValid(item.UserData.PlaybackPositionTicks)
item.startingPoint = item.UserData.PlaybackPositionTicks
end if
exit for
end if
end if
end for
if isValid(firstUnwatchedEpisodeIndex)
' add the first unwatched episode and the rest of the season to a playlist
for i = firstUnwatchedEpisodeIndex to unwatchedData.Items.count() - 1
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("push", unwatchedData.Items[i])
end for
' try to find a "continue watching" episode
continueData = api.users.GetResumeItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": itemNode.id,
"userid": m.global.session.user.id,
"SortBy": "DatePlayed",
"recursive": true,
"SortOrder": "Descending",
"Filters": "IsResumable",
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
if isValid(continueData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(continueData.Items)
' play the resumable episode
for each item in continueData.Items
if isValid(item.UserData) and isValid(item.UserData.PlaybackPositionTicks)
item.startingPoint = item.userdata.PlaybackPositionTicks
end if
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("push", item)
end for
' play the whole season in order
if isValid(unwatchedData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(unwatchedData.Items)
' add all episodes found to a playlist
end if
end if
end if
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
end sub
' Quick Play A Person.
' Shuffle play all videos found
sub person(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
' get movies and videos by the person
personMovies = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"personIds": itemNode.id,
"includeItemTypes": "Movie,Video",
"excludeItemTypes": "Season,Series",
"recursive": true,
"limit": 2000
print "personMovies=", personMovies
if isValid(personMovies) and isValidAndNotEmpty(personMovies.Items)
' add each item to the queue
end if
' get watched episodes by the person
personEpisodes = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"personIds": itemNode.id,
"includeItemTypes": "Episode",
"isPlayed": true,
"excludeItemTypes": "Season,Series",
"recursive": true,
"limit": 2000
print "personEpisodes=", personEpisodes
if isValid(personEpisodes) and isValidAndNotEmpty(personEpisodes.Items)
' add each item to the queue
end if
if m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCount") > 1
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
end sub
' Quick Play A TVChannel
sub tvChannel(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
group = CreateVideoPlayerGroup(itemNode.id)
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
m.global.sceneManager.callFunc("pushScene", group)
end sub
' Quick Play A Live Program
sub program(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.json) or not isValid(itemNode.json.ChannelId) then return
group = CreateVideoPlayerGroup(itemNode.json.ChannelId)
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
m.global.sceneManager.callFunc("pushScene", group)
end sub
' Quick Play A Playlist.
' Play the first unwatched episode.
' If none, play the whole season starting with episode 1.
sub playlist(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
' get playlist items
myPlaylist = api.playlists.GetItems(itemNode.id, {
"userId": m.global.session.user.id,
"limit": 2000
if isValid(myPlaylist) and isValidAndNotEmpty(myPlaylist.Items)
' add each item to the queue
if m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCount") > 1
end if
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
end sub
' Quick Play A folder.
' Shuffle play all items found
sub folder(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
paramArray = {
"includeItemTypes": ["Episode", "Movie", "Video"],
"videoTypes": "VideoFile",
"sortBy": "Random",
"limit": 2000,
"imageTypeLimit": 1,
"Recursive": true,
"enableUserData": false,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
' modify api query based on folder type
folderType = Lcase(itemNode.json.type)
2023-11-15 00:22:33 +00:00
print "folderType=", folderType
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
if folderType = "studio"
paramArray["studioIds"] = itemNode.id
else if folderType = "genre"
paramArray["genreIds"] = itemNode.id
if isValid(itemNode.json.MovieCount) and itemNode.json.MovieCount > 0
paramArray["includeItemTypes"] = "Movie"
end if
else if folderType = "musicgenre"
paramArray["genreIds"] = itemNode.id
paramArray["includeItemTypes"] = "Audio"
2023-11-15 00:22:33 +00:00
else if folderType = "photoalbum"
paramArray["parentId"] = itemNode.id
paramArray["includeItemTypes"] = "Photo"
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
paramArray["parentId"] = itemNode.id
end if
' look for tv series instead of video files
if isValid(itemNode.json.SeriesCount) and itemNode.json.SeriesCount > 0
paramArray["includeItemTypes"] = "Series"
end if
' get folder items
folderData = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, paramArray)
print "folderData=", folderData
if isValid(folderData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(folderData.items)
if isValid(itemNode.json.SeriesCount) and itemNode.json.SeriesCount > 0
if itemNode.json.SeriesCount = 1
end if
2023-11-15 00:22:33 +00:00
if folderType = "photoalbum"
photoPlayer = CreateObject("roSgNode", "PhotoDetails")
photoPlayer.isSlideshow = true
photoPlayer.isRandom = false
photoPlayer.itemsArray = folderData.items
photoPlayer.itemIndex = 0
m.global.sceneManager.callfunc("pushScene", photoPlayer)
quickplay.pushToQueue(folderData.items, true)
end if
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
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end if
end sub
' Quick Play A CollectionFolder.
' Shuffle play the items inside
' with some differences based on collectionType.
sub collectionFolder(itemNode as object)
if not isValid(itemNode) or not isValid(itemNode.id) then return
' play depends on the kind of files inside the collectionfolder
print "attempting to quickplay a collection folder"
collectionType = LCase(itemNode.collectionType)
print "collectionType=", collectionType
if collectionType = "movies"
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2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
else if collectionType = "music"
' get audio files from under this collection
' sort songs by album then artist
songsData = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": itemNode.id,
"includeItemTypes": "Audio",
"sortBy": "Album",
"Recursive": true,
"limit": 2000,
"imageTypeLimit": 1,
"enableUserData": false,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
print "songsData=", songsData
if isValid(songsData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(songsData.items)
quickplay.pushToQueue(songsData.Items, true)
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2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
else if collectionType = "boxsets"
' get list of all boxsets inside
boxsetData = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": itemNode.id,
"limit": 2000,
"imageTypeLimit": 0,
"enableUserData": false,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false,
"enableImages": false
print "boxsetData=", boxsetData
if isValid(boxsetData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(boxsetData.items)
' pick a random boxset
arrayIndex = Rnd(boxsetData.items.count()) - 1
myBoxset = boxsetData.items[arrayIndex]
' grab list of items from boxset
print "myBoxset=", myBoxset
boxsetData = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": myBoxset.id,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
if isValid(boxsetData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(boxsetData.items)
' add all boxset items to queue
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
end if
else if collectionType = "tvshows" or collectionType = "collectionfolder"
2023-11-30 03:26:14 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
else if collectionType = "musicvideos"
' get randomized list of videos inside
data = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": itemNode.id,
"includeItemTypes": "MusicVideo",
"sortBy": "Random",
"Recursive": true,
"limit": 2000,
"imageTypeLimit": 1,
"enableUserData": false,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false
print "data=", data
if isValid(data) and isValidAndNotEmpty(data.items)
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
2023-11-15 00:22:33 +00:00
else if collectionType = "homevideos"
' Photo library - items can be type video, photo, or photoAlbum
' grab all photos inside library
folderData = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": itemNode.id,
"includeItemTypes": "Photo",
"sortBy": "Random",
"Recursive": true
print "folderData=", folderData
if isValid(folderData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(folderData.items)
photoPlayer = CreateObject("roSgNode", "PhotoDetails")
photoPlayer.isSlideshow = true
photoPlayer.isRandom = false
photoPlayer.itemsArray = folderData.items
photoPlayer.itemIndex = 0
m.global.sceneManager.callfunc("pushScene", photoPlayer)
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-11-15 00:22:33 +00:00
end if
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
print "Quick Play WARNING: Unknown collection type"
end if
end sub
' Quick Play A UserView.
' Play logic depends on "collectionType".
sub userView(itemNode as object)
' play depends on the kind of files inside the collectionfolder
collectionType = LCase(itemNode.collectionType)
print "collectionType=", collectionType
if collectionType = "playlists"
' get list of all playlists inside
playlistData = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"parentId": itemNode.id,
"imageTypeLimit": 0,
"enableUserData": false,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false,
"enableImages": false
print "playlistData=", playlistData
if isValid(playlistData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(playlistData.items)
' pick a random playlist
arrayIndex = Rnd(playlistData.items.count()) - 1
myPlaylist = playlistData.items[arrayIndex]
' grab list of items from playlist
print "myPlaylist=", myPlaylist
playlistItems = api.playlists.GetItems(myPlaylist.id, {
"userId": m.global.session.user.id,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false,
"limit": 2000
' validate api results
if isValid(playlistItems) and isValidAndNotEmpty(playlistItems.items)
quickplay.pushToQueue(playlistItems.items, true)
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
end if
else if collectionType = "livetv"
' get list of all tv channels
channelData = api.users.GetItemsByQuery(m.global.session.user.id, {
"includeItemTypes": "TVChannel",
"sortBy": "Random",
"Recursive": true,
"imageTypeLimit": 0,
"enableUserData": false,
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false,
"enableImages": false
print "channelData=", channelData
if isValid(channelData) and isValidAndNotEmpty(channelData.items)
' pick a random channel
arrayIndex = Rnd(channelData.items.count()) - 1
myChannel = channelData.items[arrayIndex]
print "myChannel=", myChannel
' play channel
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
end if
2023-11-30 03:26:14 +00:00
else if collectionType = "movies"
else if collectionType = "tvshows"
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
2023-11-30 01:22:26 +00:00
2023-10-28 21:26:12 +00:00
print "Quick Play CollectionFolder WARNING: Unknown collection type"
end if
end sub
end namespace
2023-12-05 16:56:00 +00:00
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