
236 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
sub init()
' Max "Overview" lines to show in Preview and Detail
m.maxPreviewLines = 5
m.maxDetailLines = 14
m.detailsView = m.top.findNode("detailsView")
m.noInfoView = m.top.findNode("noInformation")
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
m.programName = m.top.findNode("programName")
m.episodeTitle = m.top.findNode("episodeTitle")
m.episodeNumber = m.top.findNode("episodeNumber")
m.overview = m.top.findNode("overview")
m.episodeDetailsGroup = m.top.findNode("episodeDetailsGroup")
m.isLiveGroup = m.top.findNode("isLive")
m.isRepeatGroup = m.top.findNode("isRepeat")
m.broadcastDetails = m.top.findNode("broadcastDetails")
m.duration = m.top.findNode("duration")
m.channelName = m.top.findNode("channelName")
m.image = m.top.findNode("image")
m.focusAnimationOpacity = m.top.findNode("focusAnimationOpacity")
m.focusAnimation = m.top.findNode("focusAnimation")
m.viewChannelButton = m.top.findNode("viewChannelButton")
m.focusAnimation.observeField("state", "onAnimationComplete")
end sub
' Set up Live and Repeat label sizes
sub setupLabels()
boundingRect = m.top.findNode("isLiveText").boundingRect()
isLiveBackground = m.top.findNode("isLiveBackground")
isLiveBackground.width = boundingRect.width + 16
isLiveBackground.height = boundingRect.height + 8
boundingRect = m.top.findNode("isRepeatText").boundingRect()
isRepeatBackground = m.top.findNode("isRepeatBackground")
isRepeatBackground.width = boundingRect.width + 16
isRepeatBackground.height = boundingRect.height + 8
boundingRect = m.viewChannelButton.boundingRect()
buttonBackground = m.top.findNode("viewChannelButtonBackground")
buttonBackground.width = boundingRect.width + 20
buttonBackground.height = boundingRect.height + 20
end sub
sub channelUpdated()
if m.top.channel = invalid
m.top.findNode("noInfoChannelName").text = ""
m.channelName.text = ""
m.top.findNode("noInfoChannelName").text = m.top.channel.Title
m.channelName.text= m.top.channel.Title
if m.top.programDetails = invalid then
m.image.uri = m.top.channel.posterURL
end if
end if
end sub
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
sub programUpdated()
m.top.watchSelectedChannel = false
m.overview.maxLines = m.maxDetailLines
prog = m.top.programDetails
' If no program selected, hide details view
if prog = invalid then
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
m.detailsView.visible = "false"
m.noInfoView.visible = "true"
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
end if
m.programName.text = prog.Title
m.overview.text = prog.description
m.episodeDetailsGroup.removeChildrenIndex(m.episodeDetailsGroup.getChildCount(), 0)
if prog.isLive then
else if prog.isRepeat then
end if
' Episode Number
if prog.seasonNumber > 0 and prog.episodeNumber > 0 then
m.episodeNumber.text = "S" + StrI(prog.seasonNumber).trim() + ":E" + StrI(prog.episodeNumber).trim()
if prog.episodeTitle <> "" then m.episodeNumber.text = m.episodeNumber.text + " -" ' Add a Dash if showing Episode Number and Title
end if
if prog.episodeTitle <> invalid and prog.episodeTitle <> "" then
m.episodeTitle.text = prog.episodeTitle
m.episodeTitle.visible = true
end if
m.duration.text = getDurationStringFromSeconds(prog.PlayDuration)
' Calculate Broadcast Details
now = createObject("roDateTime")
startDate = createObject("roDateTime")
endDate = createObject("roDateTime")
day = getRelativeDayName(startDate)
' Get Start Date in local timezone for display to user
localStartDate = createObject("roDateTime")
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
if startDate.AsSeconds() < now.AsSeconds() and endDate.AsSeconds() > now.AsSeconds() then
if day = "today" then
m.broadcastDetails.text = tr("Started at") + " " + formatTime(localStartDate)
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
m.broadcastDetails.text = tr("Started") + " " + tr(day) + ", " + formatTime(localStartDate)
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
end if
else if startDate.AsSeconds() > now.AsSeconds()
if day = "today" then
m.broadcastDetails.text = tr("Starts at") + " " + formatTime(localStartDate)
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
m.broadcastDetails.text = tr("Starts") + " " + tr(day) + ", " + formatTime(localStartDate)
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
end if
if day = "today" then
m.broadcastDetails.text = tr("Ended at") + " " + formatTime(localStartDate)
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
m.broadcastDetails.text = tr("Ended") + " " + tr(day) + ", " + formatTime(localStartDate)
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
end if
end if
m.image.uri = prog.PosterURL
m.detailsView.visible = "true"
m.noInfoView.visible = "false"
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
m.top.height = m.detailsView.boundingRect().height
m.overview.maxLines = m.maxPreviewLines
end sub
' Get relative date name for a date (yesterday, today, tomorrow, or otherwise weekday name )
function getRelativeDayName(date) as string
now = createObject("roDateTime")
' Check for Today
if now.AsDateString("short-date-dashes") = date.AsDateString("short-date-dashes") then
return "today"
end if
' Check for Yesterday
todayMidnight = now.AsSeconds() - (now.AsSeconds() MOD 86400)
dateMidnight = date.AsSeconds() - (date.AsSeconds() MOD 86400)
if todayMidnight - dateMidnight = 86400 then
return "yesterday"
end if
if dateMidnight - todayMidnight = 86400 then
return "tomorrow"
end if
return date.GetWeekday()
end function
' Get program duration string (e.g. 1h 20m)
2020-11-23 17:13:57 +00:00
function getDurationStringFromSeconds(seconds) as string
hours = 0
minutes = seconds / 60.0
if minutes > 60 then
hours = (minutes - (minutes MOD 60)) / 60
minutes = minutes MOD 60
end if
if hours > 0 then
return "%1h %2m".Replace("%1", StrI(hours).trim()).Replace("%2", StrI(minutes).trim())
return "%1m".Replace("%1", StrI(minutes).trim())
end if
end function
' Show view channel button when item has Focus
sub focusChanged()
if m.top.hasFocus = true then
m.overview.maxLines = m.maxDetailLines
m.focusAnimationOpacity.keyValue = [0, 1]
m.top.watchSelectedChannel = false
m.focusAnimationOpacity.keyValue = [1, 0]
end if
m.focusAnimation.control = "start"
end sub
sub onAnimationComplete()
if m.focusAnimation.state = "stopped" and m.top.hasFocus = false then
m.overview.maxLines = m.maxPreviewLines
end if
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
if not press then return false
if key = "OK" then
m.top.watchSelectedChannel = true
return true
end if
if key = "left" or key = "right" or key = "up" or key = "down" then
return true
end if
return false
end function