
138 lines
3.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

sub init()
m.top.observeField("url", "fetchCaption")
m.top.currentCaption = []
m.top.currentPos = 0
m.captionTimer = m.top.findNode("captionTimer")
m.captionTimer.ObserveField("fire", "updateCaption")
m.captionList = []
m.reader = createObject("roUrlTransfer")
m.font = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Font")
m.tags = CreateObject("roRegex", "{\\an\d*}|&lt;.*?&gt;|<.*?>", "s")
end sub
sub setFont()
fs = CreateObject("roFileSystem")
fontlist = fs.Find("tmp:/", "font\.(otf|ttf)")
if fontlist.count() > 0
2023-02-03 00:27:20 +00:00
m.font.uri = "tmp:/" + fontlist[0]
m.font = "font:LargeBoldSystemFont"
end if
m.font.size = 60
end sub
sub fetchCaption()
m.captionTimer.control = "stop"
re = CreateObject("roRegex", "(http.*?\.vtt)", "s")
url = re.match(m.top.url)[0]
if url <> invalid
text = m.reader.GetToString()
m.captionList = parseVTT(text)
m.captionTimer.control = "start"
m.captionTimer.control = "stop"
end if
end sub
function newlabel(txt):
label = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Label")
label.text = txt
label.font = m.font
label.color = &H000000FF
label.height = 108
return label
end function
function newlayout(labels)
invis = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Label")
invis.visible = False
l = labels.count()
newlg = CreateObject("roSGNode", "LayoutGroup")
for i = 0 to 7 - l
end for
newlg.horizalignment = "center"
newlg.vertalignment = "bottom"
return newlg
end function
sub updateCaption ()
m.top.currentCaption = []
if m.top.playerState = "playingOn"
m.top.currentPos = m.top.currentPos + 100
texts = []
for each entry in m.captionList
if entry["start"] <= m.top.currentPos and m.top.currentPos < entry["end"]
t = m.tags.replaceAll(entry["text"], "")
end if
end for
labels = []
for each text in texts
labels.push(newlabel (text))
end for
lg = newlayout(labels)
lglist = []
coords = [[-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1], [0, -1], [0, 1], [1, -1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 0]]
for p = 0 to 8
lgg = lg.clone(True)
lgg.translation = [coords[p][0] * 5, coords[p][1] * 5]
end for
for q = 0 to 7
lglist[8].getchild(q).color = &HFFFFFFFF
end for
m.top.currentCaption = lglist
else if right(m.top.playerState, 4) = "Wait"
m.top.playerState = "playingOn"
m.top.currentCaption = []
end if
end sub
function ms(t) as integer
tt = t.tokenize(":")
return 3600000 * val(tt[0]) + 60000 * val(tt[1]) + 1000 * val(tt[2]) + val(t.right(3))
end function
function getstart(text)
return ms(text.left(12))
end function
function getend(text)
return ms(text)
end function
function isTime(text)
return text.mid(13, 3) = "-->"
end function
function parseVTT(text)
captionList = []
lines = text.tokenize(Chr(0))[0]
lines = lines.tokenize(Chr(10))
size = lines.count()
curStart = 0
curEnd = 0
for i = 0 to size - 1
if isTime(lines[i])
curStart = ms (lines[i].left(12))
curEnd = ms(lines[i].mid(17, 12))
entry = { "start": curStart, "end": curEnd, "text": lines[i].trim() }
end if
end for
return captionList
end function