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<h3 class="reference-title">
Braintree SDK Client Reference
<h3>Classes</h3><ul><li id="Logger-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html">Logger</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type="method" id="Logger-debug-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html#debug">debug</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Logger-decreaseIndent-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html#decreaseIndent">decreaseIndent</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Logger-error-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html#error">error</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Logger-increaseIndent-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html#increaseIndent">increaseIndent</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Logger-info-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html#info">info</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Logger-log-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html#log">log</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Logger-method-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html#method">method</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Logger-resetIndent-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html#resetIndent">resetIndent</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Logger-toString-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html#toString">toString</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Logger-verbose-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html#verbose">verbose</a></li><li data-type="method" id="Logger-warn-nav"><a href="module-log.Logger.html#warn">warn</a></li></ul></li></ul><h3>Modules</h3><ul><li id="AlbumData-nav"><a href="module-AlbumData.html">AlbumData</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type="method" id="AlbumData-setFields-nav"><a href="module-AlbumData.html#.setFields">setFields</a></li></ul></li><li id="AlbumGrid-nav"><a href="module-AlbumGrid.html">AlbumGrid</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type="method" id="AlbumGrid-getData-nav"><a href="module-AlbumGrid.html#.getData">getData</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumGrid-init-nav"><a href="module-AlbumGrid.html#.init">init</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumGrid-onKeyEvent-nav"><a href="module-AlbumGrid.html#.onKeyEvent">onKeyEvent</a></li></ul></li><li id="AlbumTrackList-nav"><a href="module-AlbumTrackList.html">AlbumTrackList</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type="method" id="AlbumTrackList-getData-nav"><a href="module-AlbumTrackList.html#.getData">getData</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumTrackList-init-nav"><a href="module-AlbumTrackList.html#.init">init</a></li></ul></li><li id="AlbumView-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html">AlbumView</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-OnScreenHidden-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.OnScreenHidden">OnScreenHidden</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-adjustScreenForNoOverview-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.adjustScreenForNoOverview">adjustScreenForNoOverview</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-createDialogPallete-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.createDialogPallete">createDialogPallete</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-createFullDscrDlg-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.createFullDscrDlg">createFullDscrDlg</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-init-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.init">init</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-onDoneLoading-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.onDoneLoading">onDoneLoading</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-onKeyEvent-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.onKeyEvent">onKeyEvent</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-pageContentChanged-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.pageContentChanged">pageContentChanged</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-setOnScreenTextValues-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.setOnScreenTextValues">setOnScreenTextValues</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-setPosterImage-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.setPosterImage">setPosterImage</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-setScreenTitle-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.setScreenTitle">setScreenTitle</a></li><li data-type="method" id="AlbumView-setupMainNode-nav"><a href="module-AlbumView.html#.setupMainNode">setupMainNode</a></li></ul></li><li id="Alpha-nav"><a href="module-Alpha.html">Alpha</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type="method" id="Alpha-init-nav"><a href="module-Alpha.html#.init">
<div id="main">
<h1 class="page-title">
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>import "pkg:/source/utils/misc.brs"
import "pkg:/source/api/baserequest.brs"
'Device Capabilities for Roku.
'This will likely need further tweaking
function getDeviceCapabilities() as object
return {
"PlayableMediaTypes": [
"SupportedCommands": [],
"SupportsPersistentIdentifier": true,
"SupportsMediaControl": false,
"SupportsContentUploading": false,
"SupportsSync": false,
"DeviceProfile": getDeviceProfile(),
"AppStoreUrl": "https://channelstore.roku.com/details/cc5e559d08d9ec87c5f30dcebdeebc12/jellyfin"
end function
' Send Device Profile information to server
sub PostDeviceProfile()
profile = getDeviceCapabilities()
req = APIRequest("/Sessions/Capabilities/Full")
print "profile =", profile
print "profile.DeviceProfile =", profile.DeviceProfile
print "profile.DeviceProfile.CodecProfiles ="
for each prof in profile.DeviceProfile.CodecProfiles
print prof
for each cond in prof.Conditions
print cond
end for
end for
print "profile.DeviceProfile.ContainerProfiles =", profile.DeviceProfile.ContainerProfiles
print "profile.DeviceProfile.DirectPlayProfiles ="
for each prof in profile.DeviceProfile.DirectPlayProfiles
print prof
end for
print "profile.DeviceProfile.SubtitleProfiles ="
for each prof in profile.DeviceProfile.SubtitleProfiles
print prof
end for
print "profile.DeviceProfile.TranscodingProfiles ="
for each prof in profile.DeviceProfile.TranscodingProfiles
print prof
if isValid(prof.Conditions)
for each condition in prof.Conditions
print condition
end for
end if
end for
print "profile.PlayableMediaTypes =", profile.PlayableMediaTypes
print "profile.SupportedCommands =", profile.SupportedCommands
postJson(req, FormatJson(profile))
end sub
function getDeviceProfile() as object
playMpeg2 = m.global.session.user.settings["playback.mpeg2"]
playAv1 = m.global.session.user.settings["playback.av1"]
di = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo")
' use strings to preserve order
mp4AudioCodecs = "aac"
mp4VideoCodecs = "h264"
tsAudioCodecs = "aac"
tsVideoCodecs = "h264"
' profileSupport["mp4"]["hevc"]["profile name"]["profile level"]
profileSupport = {
mp4: {},
ts: {}
' does the users setup support surround sound?
maxAudioChannels = "2" ' jellyfin expects this as a string
' in order of preference from left to right
audioCodecs = ["mp3", "vorbis", "opus", "flac", "alac", "ac4", "pcm", "wma", "wmapro"]
surroundSoundCodecs = ["eac3", "ac3", "dts"]
if m.global.session.user.settings["playback.forceDTS"] = true
surroundSoundCodecs = ["dts", "eac3", "ac3"]
end if
surroundSoundCodec = invalid
if di.GetAudioOutputChannel() = "5.1 surround"
maxAudioChannels = "6"
for each codec in surroundSoundCodecs
if di.CanDecodeAudio({ Codec: codec, ChCnt: 6 }).Result
surroundSoundCodec = codec
if di.CanDecodeAudio({ Codec: codec, ChCnt: 8 }).Result
maxAudioChannels = "8"
end if
exit for
end if
end for
end if
' AVC / h264 / MPEG4 AVC
h264Profiles = ["main", "high"]
h264Levels = ["4.1", "4.2"]
for each container in profileSupport
for each profile in h264Profiles
for each level in h264Levels
if di.CanDecodeVideo({ Codec: "h264", Container: container, Profile: profile, Level: level }).Result
profileSupport[container] = updateProfileArray(profileSupport[container], "h264", profile, level)
end if
if di.CanDecodeVideo({ Codec: "mpeg4 avc", Container: container, Profile: profile, Level: level }).Result
profileSupport[container] = updateProfileArray(profileSupport[container], "mpeg4 avc", profile, level)
if container = "mp4"
' check for codec string before adding it
if mp4VideoCodecs.Instr(0, ",mpeg4 avc") = -1
mp4VideoCodecs = mp4VideoCodecs + ",mpeg4 avc"
end if
else if container = "ts"
' check for codec string before adding it
if tsVideoCodecs.Instr(0, ",mpeg4 avc") = -1
tsVideoCodecs = tsVideoCodecs + ",mpeg4 avc"
end if
end if
end if
end for
end for
end for
addHevc = false
if m.global.session.user.settings["playback.compatibility.disablehevc"] = false
' HEVC / h265
hevcProfiles = ["main", "main 10"]
hevcLevels = ["4.1", "5.0", "5.1"]
for each container in profileSupport
for each profile in hevcProfiles
for each level in hevcLevels
if di.CanDecodeVideo({ Codec: "hevc", Container: container, Profile: profile, Level: level }).Result
addHevc = true
profileSupport[container] = updateProfileArray(profileSupport[container], "hevc", profile, level)
profileSupport[container] = updateProfileArray(profileSupport[container], "h265", profile, level)
if container = "mp4"
' check for codec string before adding it
if mp4VideoCodecs.Instr(0, "h265,") = -1
mp4VideoCodecs = "h265," + mp4VideoCodecs
end if
if mp4VideoCodecs.Instr(0, "hevc,") = -1
mp4VideoCodecs = "hevc," + mp4VideoCodecs
end if
else if container = "ts"
' check for codec string before adding it
if tsVideoCodecs.Instr(0, "h265,") = -1
tsVideoCodecs = "h265," + tsVideoCodecs
end if
if tsVideoCodecs.Instr(0, "hevc,") = -1
tsVideoCodecs = "hevc," + tsVideoCodecs
end if
end if
end if
end for
end for
end for
end if
' VP9
vp9Profiles = ["profile 0", "profile 2"]
addVp9 = false
for each container in profileSupport
for each profile in vp9Profiles
if di.CanDecodeAudio({ Codec: "vp9", Container: container, Profile: profile }).Result
addVp9 = true
profileSupport[container] = updateProfileArray(profileSupport[container], "vp9", profile)
if container = "mp4"
' check for codec string before adding it
if mp4VideoCodecs.Instr(0, ",vp9") = -1
mp4VideoCodecs = mp4VideoCodecs + ",vp9"
end if
else if container = "ts"
' check for codec string before adding it
if tsVideoCodecs.Instr(0, ",vp9") = -1
tsVideoCodecs = tsVideoCodecs + ",vp9"
end if
end if
end if
end for
end for
' mpeg2 uses levels with no profiles. see https://developer.roku.com/en-ca/docs/references/brightscript/interfaces/ifdeviceinfo.md#candecodevideovideo_format-as-object-as-object
' NOTE: the mpeg2 levels are being saved in the profileSupport array as if they were profiles
mpeg2Levels = ["main", "high"]
addMpeg2 = false
if playMpeg2
for each container in profileSupport
for each level in mpeg2Levels
if di.CanDecodeVideo({ Codec: "mpeg2", Container: container, Level: level }).Result
addMpeg2 = true
profileSupport[container] = updateProfileArray(profileSupport[container], "mpeg2", level)
if container = "mp4"
' check for codec string before adding it
if mp4VideoCodecs.Instr(0, ",mpeg2video") = -1
mp4VideoCodecs = mp4VideoCodecs + ",mpeg2video"
end if
else if container = "ts"
' check for codec string before adding it
if tsVideoCodecs.Instr(0, ",mpeg2video") = -1
tsVideoCodecs = tsVideoCodecs + ",mpeg2video"
end if
end if
end if
end for
end for
end if
' AV1
av1Profiles = ["main", "main 10"]
av1Levels = ["4.1", "5.0", "5.1"]
addAv1 = false
if playAv1
for each container in profileSupport
for each profile in av1Profiles
for each level in av1Levels
if di.CanDecodeVideo({ Codec: "av1", Container: container, Profile: profile, Level: level }).Result
addAv1 = true
profileSupport[container] = updateProfileArray(profileSupport[container], "av1", profile, level)
if container = "mp4"
' check for codec string before adding it
if mp4VideoCodecs.Instr(0, ",av1") = -1
mp4VideoCodecs = mp4VideoCodecs + ",av1"
end if
else if container = "ts"
' check for codec string before adding it
if tsVideoCodecs.Instr(0, ",av1") = -1
tsVideoCodecs = tsVideoCodecs + ",av1"
end if
end if
end if
end for
end for
end for
end if
for each container in profileSupport
for each codec in audioCodecs
if di.CanDecodeAudio({ Codec: codec, Container: container }).result
if container = "mp4"
mp4AudioCodecs = mp4AudioCodecs + "," + codec
else if container = "ts"
tsAudioCodecs = tsAudioCodecs + "," + codec
end if
end if
end for
end for
h264VideoRangeTypes = "SDR"
hevcVideoRangeTypes = "SDR"
vp9VideoRangeTypes = "SDR"
av1VideoRangeTypes = "SDR"
dp = di.GetDisplayProperties()
if dp.Hdr10
hevcVideoRangeTypes = hevcVideoRangeTypes + "|HDR10"
vp9VideoRangeTypes = vp9VideoRangeTypes + "|HDR10"
av1VideoRangeTypes = av1VideoRangeTypes + "|HDR10"
end if
if dp.Hdr10Plus
av1VideoRangeTypes = av1VideoRangeTypes + "|HDR10+"
end if
if dp.HLG
hevcVideoRangeTypes = hevcVideoRangeTypes + "|HLG"
vp9VideoRangeTypes = vp9VideoRangeTypes + "|HLG"
av1VideoRangeTypes = av1VideoRangeTypes + "|HLG"
end if
if dp.DolbyVision
h264VideoRangeTypes = h264VideoRangeTypes + "|DOVI"
hevcVideoRangeTypes = hevcVideoRangeTypes + "|DOVI"
'vp9VideoRangeTypes = vp9VideoRangeTypes + ",DOVI" no evidence that vp9 can hold DOVI
av1VideoRangeTypes = av1VideoRangeTypes + "|DOVI"
end if
DirectPlayProfile = GetDirectPlayProfiles()
deviceProfile = {
"Name": "Official Roku Client",
"Id": m.global.device.id,
"Identification": {
"FriendlyName": m.global.device.friendlyName,
"ModelNumber": m.global.device.model,
"SerialNumber": "string",
"ModelName": m.global.device.name,
"ModelDescription": "Type: " + m.global.device.modelType,
"Manufacturer": m.global.device.modelDetails.VendorName
"FriendlyName": m.global.device.friendlyName,
"Manufacturer": m.global.device.modelDetails.VendorName,
"ModelName": m.global.device.name,
"ModelDescription": "Type: " + m.global.device.modelType,
"ModelNumber": m.global.device.model,
"SerialNumber": m.global.device.serial,
"MaxStreamingBitrate": 120000000,
"MaxStaticBitrate": 100000000,
"MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate": 192000,
"DirectPlayProfiles": DirectPlayProfile,
"TranscodingProfiles": [],
"ContainerProfiles": [],
"CodecProfiles": [
"Type": "VideoAudio",
"Conditions": [
"Condition": "LessThanEqual",
"Property": "AudioChannels",
"Value": maxAudioChannels,
"IsRequired": false
"SubtitleProfiles": [
"Format": "vtt",
"Method": "External"
"Format": "srt",
"Method": "External"
"Format": "ttml",
"Method": "External"
"Format": "sub",
"Method": "External"
' build TranscodingProfiles
' max resolution
maxResSetting = m.global.session.user.settings["playback.resolution.max"]
maxResMode = m.global.session.user.settings["playback.resolution.mode"]
maxVideoHeight = maxResSetting
maxVideoWidth = invalid
if maxResSetting = "auto"
maxVideoHeight = m.global.device.videoHeight
maxVideoWidth = m.global.device.videoWidth
else if maxResSetting <> "off"
if maxResSetting = "360"
maxVideoWidth = "480"
else if maxResSetting = "480"
maxVideoWidth = "640"
else if maxResSetting = "720"
maxVideoWidth = "1280"
else if maxResSetting = "1080"
maxVideoWidth = "1920"
else if maxResSetting = "2160"
maxVideoWidth = "3840"
else if maxResSetting = "4320"
maxVideoWidth = "7680"
end if
end if
maxVideoHeightArray = {
"Condition": "LessThanEqual",
"Property": "Width",
"Value": maxVideoWidth,
"IsRequired": true
maxVideoWidthArray = {
"Condition": "LessThanEqual",
"Property": "Height",
"Value": maxVideoHeight,
"IsRequired": true
' add mp3 to TranscodingProfile for music
"Container": "mp3",
"Type": "Audio",
"AudioCodec": "mp3",
"Context": "Streaming",
"Protocol": "http",
"MaxAudioChannels": maxAudioChannels
"Container": "mp3",
"Type": "Audio",
"AudioCodec": "mp3",
"Context": "Static",
"Protocol": "http",
"MaxAudioChannels": maxAudioChannels
' add aac to TranscodingProfile for stereo audio
' NOTE: multichannel aac is not supported. only decode to stereo on some devices
"Container": "ts",
"Type": "Audio",
"AudioCodec": "aac",
"Context": "Streaming",
"Protocol": "http",
"MaxAudioChannels": "2"
"Container": "ts",
"Type": "Audio",
"AudioCodec": "aac",
"Context": "Static",
"Protocol": "http",
"MaxAudioChannels": "2"
tsArray = {
"Container": "ts",
"Context": "Streaming",
"Protocol": "hls",
"Type": "Video",
"AudioCodec": tsAudioCodecs,
"VideoCodec": tsVideoCodecs,
"MaxAudioChannels": maxAudioChannels,
"MinSegments": 1,
"BreakOnNonKeyFrames": false
mp4Array = {
"Container": "mp4",
"Context": "Streaming",
"Protocol": "hls",
"Type": "Video",
"AudioCodec": mp4AudioCodecs,
"VideoCodec": mp4VideoCodecs,
"MaxAudioChannels": maxAudioChannels,
"MinSegments": 1,
"BreakOnNonKeyFrames": false
' apply max res to transcoding profile
if maxResSetting <> "off"
tsArray.Conditions = [maxVideoHeightArray, maxVideoWidthArray]
mp4Array.Conditions = [maxVideoHeightArray, maxVideoWidthArray]
end if
' surround sound
if surroundSoundCodec <> invalid
' add preferred surround sound codec to TranscodingProfile
"Container": surroundSoundCodec,
"Type": "Audio",
"AudioCodec": surroundSoundCodec,
"Context": "Streaming",
"Protocol": "http",
"MaxAudioChannels": maxAudioChannels
"Container": surroundSoundCodec,
"Type": "Audio",
"AudioCodec": surroundSoundCodec,
"Context": "Static",
"Protocol": "http",
"MaxAudioChannels": maxAudioChannels
' put codec in front of AudioCodec string
if tsArray.AudioCodec = ""
tsArray.AudioCodec = surroundSoundCodec
tsArray.AudioCodec = surroundSoundCodec + "," + tsArray.AudioCodec
end if
if mp4Array.AudioCodec = ""
mp4Array.AudioCodec = surroundSoundCodec
mp4Array.AudioCodec = surroundSoundCodec + "," + mp4Array.AudioCodec
end if
end if
' Build CodecProfiles
' H264
h264Mp4LevelSupported = 0.0
h264TsLevelSupported = 0.0
h264AssProfiles = {}
h264LevelString = invalid
for each container in profileSupport
for each profile in profileSupport[container]["h264"]
h264AssProfiles.AddReplace(profile, true)
for each level in profileSupport[container]["h264"][profile]
levelFloat = level.ToFloat()
if container = "mp4"
if levelFloat > h264Mp4LevelSupported
h264Mp4LevelSupported = levelFloat
end if
else if container = "ts"
if levelFloat > h264TsLevelSupported
h264TsLevelSupported = levelFloat
end if
end if
end for
end for
end for
h264LevelString = h264Mp4LevelSupported
if h264TsLevelSupported > h264Mp4LevelSupported
h264LevelString = h264TsLevelSupported
end if
' convert to string
h264LevelString = h264LevelString.ToStr()
' remove decimals
h264LevelString = removeDecimals(h264LevelString)
codecProfileArray = {
"Type": "Video",
"Codec": "h264",
"Conditions": [
"Condition": "NotEquals",
"Property": "IsAnamorphic",
"Value": "true",
"IsRequired": false
"Condition": "EqualsAny",
"Property": "VideoProfile",
"Value": h264AssProfiles.Keys().join("|"),
"IsRequired": false
"Condition": "EqualsAny",
"Property": "VideoRangeType",
"Value": h264VideoRangeTypes,
"IsRequired": false
' set max resolution
if maxResMode = "everything" and maxResSetting <> "off"
end if
' check user setting before adding video level restrictions
if not m.global.session.user.settings["playback.tryDirect.h264ProfileLevel"]
"Condition": "LessThanEqual",
"Property": "VideoLevel",
"Value": h264LevelString,
"IsRequired": false
end if
' set bitrate restrictions based on user settings
bitRateArray = GetBitRateLimit("h264")
if bitRateArray.count() > 0
end if
' NOTE: the mpeg2 levels are being saved in the profileSupport array as if they were profiles
if addMpeg2
mpeg2Levels = []
for each container in profileSupport
for each level in profileSupport[container]["mpeg2"]
if not arrayHasValue(mpeg2Levels, level)
end if
end for
end for
codecProfileArray = {
"Type": "Video",
"Codec": "mpeg2",
"Conditions": [
"Condition": "EqualsAny",
"Property": "VideoLevel",
"Value": mpeg2Levels.join("|"),
"IsRequired": false
' set max resolution
if maxResMode = "everything" and maxResSetting <> "off"
end if
' set bitrate restrictions based on user settings
bitRateArray = GetBitRateLimit("mpeg2")
if bitRateArray.count() > 0
end if
end if
if addAv1
av1Mp4LevelSupported = 0.0
av1TsLevelSupported = 0.0
av1AssProfiles = []
av1HighestLevel = 0.0
for each container in profileSupport
for each profile in profileSupport[container]["av1"]
av1AssProfiles.AddReplace(profile, true)
for each level in profileSupport[container]["av1"][profile]
levelFloat = level.ToFloat()
if container = "mp4"
if levelFloat > av1Mp4LevelSupported
av1Mp4LevelSupported = levelFloat
end if
else if container = "ts"
if levelFloat > av1TsLevelSupported
av1TsLevelSupported = levelFloat
end if
end if
end for
end for
end for
av1HighestLevel = av1Mp4LevelSupported
if av1TsLevelSupported > av1Mp4LevelSupported
av1HighestLevel = av1TsLevelSupported
end if
codecProfileArray = {
"Type": "Video",
"Codec": "av1",
"Conditions": [
"Condition": "EqualsAny",
"Property": "VideoProfile",
"Value": av1AssProfiles.Keys().join("|"),
"IsRequired": false
"Condition": "EqualsAny",
"Property": "VideoRangeType",
"Value": av1VideoRangeTypes,
"IsRequired": false
"Condition": "LessThanEqual",
"Property": "VideoLevel",
"Value": (120 * av1HighestLevel).ToStr(),
"IsRequired": false
' set max resolution
if maxResMode = "everything" and maxResSetting <> "off"
end if
' set bitrate restrictions based on user settings
bitRateArray = GetBitRateLimit("av1")
if bitRateArray.count() > 0
end if
end if
if addHevc
hevcMp4LevelSupported = 0.0
hevcTsLevelSupported = 0.0
hevcAssProfiles = {}
hevcHighestLevel = 0.0
for each container in profileSupport
for each profile in profileSupport[container]["hevc"]
hevcAssProfiles.AddReplace(profile, true)
for each level in profileSupport[container]["hevc"][profile]
levelFloat = level.ToFloat()
if container = "mp4"
if levelFloat > hevcMp4LevelSupported
hevcMp4LevelSupported = levelFloat
end if
else if container = "ts"
if levelFloat > hevcTsLevelSupported
hevcTsLevelSupported = levelFloat
end if
end if
end for
end for
end for
hevcHighestLevel = hevcMp4LevelSupported
if hevcTsLevelSupported > hevcMp4LevelSupported
hevcHighestLevel = hevcTsLevelSupported
end if
hevcLevelString = "120"
if hevcHighestLevel = 5.1
hevcLevelString = "153"
end if
codecProfileArray = {
"Type": "Video",
"Codec": "hevc",
"Conditions": [
"Condition": "NotEquals",
"Property": "IsAnamorphic",
"Value": "true",
"IsRequired": false
"Condition": "EqualsAny",
"Property": "VideoProfile",
"Value": profileSupport["ts"]["hevc"].Keys().join("|"),
"IsRequired": false
"Condition": "EqualsAny",
"Property": "VideoRangeType",
"Value": hevcVideoRangeTypes,
"IsRequired": false
' set max resolution
if maxResMode = "everything" and maxResSetting <> "off"
end if
' check user setting before adding VideoLevel restrictions
if not m.global.session.user.settings["playback.tryDirect.hevcProfileLevel"]
"Condition": "LessThanEqual",
"Property": "VideoLevel",
"Value": hevcLevelString,
"IsRequired": false
end if
' set bitrate restrictions based on user settings
bitRateArray = GetBitRateLimit("h265")
if bitRateArray.count() > 0
end if
end if
if addVp9
vp9Profiles = []
for each container in profileSupport
for each profile in profileSupport[container]["vp9"]
if vp9Profiles[profile] = invalid
end if
end for
end for
codecProfileArray = {
"Type": "Video",
"Codec": "vp9",
"Conditions": [
"Condition": "EqualsAny",
"Property": "VideoLevel",
"Value": vp9Profiles.join("|"),
"IsRequired": false
"Condition": "EqualsAny",
"Property": "VideoRangeType",
"Value": vp9VideoRangeTypes,
"IsRequired": false
' set max resolution
if maxResMode = "everything" and maxResSetting <> "off"
end if
' set bitrate restrictions based on user settings
bitRateArray = GetBitRateLimit("vp9")
if bitRateArray.count() > 0
end if
end if
return deviceProfile
end function
function GetDirectPlayProfiles() as object
di = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo")
' all possible containers
supportedCodecs = {
mp4: {
audio: [],
video: []
hls: {
audio: [],
video: []
mkv: {
audio: [],
video: []
ism: {
audio: [],
video: []
dash: {
audio: [],
video: []
ts: {
audio: [],
video: []
' all possible codecs (besides those restricted by user settings)
videoCodecs = ["h264", "mpeg4 avc", "vp8", "vp9", "h263", "mpeg1"]
audioCodecs = ["mp3", "mp2", "pcm", "lpcm", "wav", "ac3", "ac4", "aiff", "wma", "flac", "alac", "aac", "opus", "dts", "wmapro", "vorbis", "eac3", "mpg123"]
' only try to direct play av1 if asked
if m.global.session.user.settings["playback.av1"]
end if
' check if hevc is disabled
if m.global.session.user.settings["playback.compatibility.disablehevc"] = false
end if
' check video codecs for each container
for each container in supportedCodecs
for each videoCodec in videoCodecs
if di.CanDecodeVideo({ Codec: videoCodec, Container: container }).Result
if videoCodec = "hevc"
' device profile string matches codec string
end if
end if
end for
end for
' user setting overrides
if m.global.session.user.settings["playback.mpeg4"]
for each container in supportedCodecs
end for
end if
if m.global.session.user.settings["playback.mpeg2"]
for each container in supportedCodecs
end for
end if
' check audio codecs for each container
for each container in supportedCodecs
for each audioCodec in audioCodecs
if di.CanDecodeAudio({ Codec: audioCodec, Container: container }).Result
end if
end for
end for
' check audio codecs with no container
supportedAudio = []
for each audioCodec in audioCodecs
if di.CanDecodeAudio({ Codec: audioCodec }).Result
end if
end for
' build return array
returnArray = []
for each container in supportedCodecs
videoCodecString = supportedCodecs[container]["video"].Join(",")
if videoCodecString <> ""
containerString = container
if container = "mp4"
containerString = "mp4,mov,m4v"
else if container = "mkv"
containerString = "mkv,webm"
end if
"Container": containerString,
"Type": "Video",
"VideoCodec": videoCodecString,
"AudioCodec": supportedCodecs[container]["audio"].Join(",")
end if
end for
"Container": supportedAudio.Join(","),
"Type": "Audio"
return returnArray
end function
function GetBitRateLimit(codec as string) as object
if m.global.session.user.settings["playback.bitrate.maxlimited"] = true
userSetLimit = m.global.session.user.settings["playback.bitrate.limit"].ToInt()
if isValid(userSetLimit) and type(userSetLimit) = "Integer" and userSetLimit > 0
userSetLimit *= 1000000
return {
"Condition": "LessThanEqual",
"Property": "VideoBitrate",
"Value": userSetLimit.ToStr(),
"IsRequired": true
codec = Lcase(codec)
' Some repeated values (e.g. same "40mbps" for several codecs)
' but this makes it easy to update in the future if the bitrates start to deviate.
if codec = "h264"
' Roku only supports h264 up to 10Mpbs
return {
"Condition": "LessThanEqual",
"Property": "VideoBitrate",
"Value": "10000000",
"IsRequired": true
else if codec = "av1"
' Roku only supports AV1 up to 40Mpbs
return {
"Condition": "LessThanEqual",
"Property": "VideoBitrate",
"Value": "40000000",
"IsRequired": true
else if codec = "h265"
' Roku only supports h265 up to 40Mpbs
return {
"Condition": "LessThanEqual",
"Property": "VideoBitrate",
"Value": "40000000",
"IsRequired": true
else if codec = "vp9"
' Roku only supports VP9 up to 40Mpbs
return {
"Condition": "LessThanEqual",
"Property": "VideoBitrate",
"Value": "40000000",
"IsRequired": true
end if
end if
end if
return {}
end function
' Recieves and returns an assArray of supported profiles and levels for each video codec
function updateProfileArray(profileArray as object, videoCodec as string, videoProfile as string, profileLevel = "" as string) as object
' validate params
if profileArray = invalid then return {}
if videoCodec = "" or videoProfile = "" then return profileArray
if profileArray[videoCodec] = invalid
profileArray[videoCodec] = {}
end if
if profileArray[videoCodec][videoProfile] = invalid
profileArray[videoCodec][videoProfile] = {}
end if
' add profileLevel if a value was provided
if profileLevel <> ""
if profileArray[videoCodec][videoProfile][profileLevel] = invalid
profileArray[videoCodec][videoProfile].AddReplace(profileLevel, true)
end if
end if
' profileSupport[container][codec][profile][level]
return profileArray
end function
' Remove all decimals from a string
function removeDecimals(value as string) as string
r = CreateObject("roRegex", "\.", "")
value = r.ReplaceAll(value, "")
return value
end function
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