
938 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import "pkg:/source/utils/misc.bs"
import "pkg:/source/utils/config.bs"
import "pkg:/source/api/baserequest.bs"
import "pkg:/source/api/Image.bs"
import "pkg:/source/utils/deviceCapabilities.bs"
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
sub setupNodes()
m.options = m.top.findNode("options")
m.itemGrid = m.top.findNode("itemGrid")
m.voiceBox = m.top.findNode("voiceBox")
m.backdrop = m.top.findNode("backdrop")
m.newBackdrop = m.top.findNode("backdropTransition")
m.emptyText = m.top.findNode("emptyText")
m.selectedMovieName = m.top.findNode("selectedMovieName")
m.selectedMovieOverview = m.top.findNode("selectedMovieOverview")
m.selectedMovieProductionYear = m.top.findNode("selectedMovieProductionYear")
m.selectedMovieOfficialRating = m.top.findNode("selectedMovieOfficialRating")
m.movieLogo = m.top.findNode("movieLogo")
m.swapAnimation = m.top.findNode("backroundSwapAnimation")
m.Alpha = m.top.findNode("AlphaMenu")
m.AlphaSelected = m.top.findNode("AlphaSelected")
m.micButton = m.top.findNode("micButton")
m.micButtonText = m.top.findNode("micButtonText")
m.communityRatingGroup = m.top.findNode("communityRatingGroup")
m.criticRatingIcon = m.top.findNode("criticRatingIcon")
m.criticRatingGroup = m.top.findNode("criticRatingGroup")
m.overhang = m.top.getScene().findNode("overhang")
m.genreList = m.top.findNode("genrelist")
m.infoGroup = m.top.findNode("infoGroup")
m.star = m.top.findNode("star")
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
end sub
sub init()
m.overhang.isVisible = false
m.showItemCount = m.global.session.user.settings["itemgrid.showItemCount"]
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.swapAnimation.observeField("state", "swapDone")
m.loadedRows = 0
m.loadedItems = 0
m.data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.itemGrid.content = m.data
m.genreData = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.genreList.observeField("itemSelected", "onGenreItemSelected")
m.genreList.content = m.genreData
m.itemGrid.observeField("itemFocused", "onItemFocused")
m.itemGrid.observeField("itemSelected", "onItemSelected")
m.itemGrid.observeField("alphaSelected", "onItemalphaSelected")
'Voice filter setup
m.voiceBox.voiceEnabled = true
m.voiceBox.active = true
m.voiceBox.observeField("text", "onvoiceFilter")
'set voice help text
m.voiceBox.hintText = tr("Use voice remote to search")
m.newBackdrop.observeField("loadStatus", "newBGLoaded")
'Background Image Queued for loading
m.queuedBGUri = ""
'Item sort - maybe load defaults from user prefs?
m.sortField = "SortName"
m.sortAscending = true
m.filter = "All"
m.filterOptions = {}
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.favorite = "Favorite"
m.loadItemsTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask2")
m.loadLogoTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask2")
m.getFiltersTask = createObject("roSGNode", "GetFiltersTask")
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
'set inital counts for overhang before content is loaded.
m.loadItemsTask.totalRecordCount = 0
'Get reset folder setting
m.resetGrid = m.global.session.user.settings["itemgrid.reset"]
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
'Hide voice search if device does not have voice remote
if m.global.device.hasVoiceRemote = false
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.micButton.visible = false
m.micButtonText.visible = false
end if
end sub
sub OnScreenHidden()
if not m.overhang.isVisible
m.overhang.disableMoveAnimation = true
m.overhang.isVisible = true
m.overhang.disableMoveAnimation = false
end if
end sub
sub OnScreenShown()
m.overhang.isVisible = false
if m.top.lastFocus <> invalid
end if
end sub
'Load initial set of Data
sub loadInitialItems()
m.loadItemsTask.control = "stop"
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
if m.top.parentItem.json.Type = "CollectionFolder"
m.top.HomeLibraryItem = m.top.parentItem.Id
end if
if m.top.parentItem.backdropUrl <> invalid
end if
m.sortField = m.global.session.user.settings["display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortField"]
m.filter = m.global.session.user.settings["display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".filter"]
m.filterOptions = m.global.session.user.settings["display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".filterOptions"]
m.view = m.global.session.user.settings["display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".landing"]
m.sortAscending = m.global.session.user.settings["display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortAscending"]
2022-12-17 00:23:32 +00:00
2022-12-20 02:03:35 +00:00
' If user has not set a preferred view for this folder, check if they've set a default view
2022-12-17 00:23:32 +00:00
if not isValid(m.view)
m.view = m.global.session.user.settings["itemgrid.movieDefaultView"]
2022-12-17 00:23:32 +00:00
end if
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
if not isValid(m.sortField) then m.sortField = "SortName"
if not isValid(m.filter) then m.filter = "All"
if not isValid(m.filterOptions) then m.filterOptions = "{}"
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
if not isValid(m.view) then m.view = "Movies"
if not isValid(m.sortAscending) then m.sortAscending = true
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.filterOptions = ParseJson(m.filterOptions)
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
if m.top.parentItem.json.type = "Studio"
m.loadItemsTask.studioIds = m.top.parentItem.id
m.loadItemsTask.itemId = m.top.parentItem.parentFolder
m.loadItemsTask.genreIds = ""
else if m.top.parentItem.json.type = "Genre"
m.loadItemsTask.genreIds = m.top.parentItem.id
m.loadItemsTask.itemId = m.top.parentItem.parentFolder
m.loadItemsTask.studioIds = ""
else if m.view = "Movies" or m.options.view = "Movies"
m.loadItemsTask.studioIds = ""
m.loadItemsTask.genreIds = ""
m.loadItemsTask.itemId = m.top.parentItem.Id
end if
m.loadItemsTask.nameStartsWith = m.top.alphaSelected
m.loadItemsTask.searchTerm = m.voiceBox.text
m.emptyText.visible = false
m.loadItemsTask.sortField = m.sortField
m.loadItemsTask.sortAscending = m.sortAscending
m.loadItemsTask.filter = m.filter
m.loadItemsTask.filterOptions = m.filterOptions
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.loadItemsTask.startIndex = 0
' Load Item Types
if getCollectionType() = "movies"
m.loadItemsTask.itemType = "Movie"
m.loadItemsTask.itemId = m.top.parentItem.Id
end if
' By default we load movies
m.loadItemsTask.studioIds = ""
m.loadItemsTask.view = "Movies"
m.itemGrid.translation = "[96, 650]"
2022-12-17 00:23:32 +00:00
m.itemGrid.itemSize = "[230, 310]"
m.itemGrid.rowHeights = "[310]"
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.itemGrid.numRows = "2"
m.selectedMovieOverview.visible = true
m.infoGroup.visible = true
2022-12-30 18:09:27 +00:00
m.top.showItemTitles = "hidealways"
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
if m.options.view = "Studios" or m.view = "Studios"
m.itemGrid.translation = "[96, 60]"
m.itemGrid.numRows = "3"
m.loadItemsTask.view = "Networks"
m.top.imageDisplayMode = "scaleToFit"
m.selectedMovieOverview.visible = false
m.infoGroup.visible = false
2022-12-17 00:23:32 +00:00
else if LCase(m.options.view) = "moviesgrid" or LCase(m.view) = "moviesgrid"
m.itemGrid.translation = "[96, 60]"
m.itemGrid.numRows = "3"
m.selectedMovieOverview.visible = false
m.infoGroup.visible = false
m.top.showItemTitles = m.global.session.user.settings["itemgrid.gridTitles"]
2022-12-30 18:09:27 +00:00
if LCase(m.top.showItemTitles) = "hidealways"
m.itemGrid.itemSize = "[230, 315]"
m.itemGrid.rowHeights = "[315]"
m.itemGrid.itemSize = "[230, 350]"
m.itemGrid.rowHeights = "[350]"
end if
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
else if m.options.view = "Genres" or m.view = "Genres"
m.loadItemsTask.StudioIds = m.top.parentItem.Id
m.loadItemsTask.view = "Genres"
m.movieLogo.visible = false
2022-11-11 13:38:07 +00:00
m.selectedMovieName.visible = false
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.selectedMovieOverview.visible = false
m.infoGroup.visible = false
end if
m.loadItemsTask.observeField("content", "ItemDataLoaded")
m.loadItemsTask.control = "RUN"
m.getFiltersTask.observeField("filters", "FilterDataLoaded")
m.getFiltersTask.params = {
userid: m.global.session.user.id,
parentid: m.top.parentItem.Id,
includeitemtypes: "Movie"
m.getFiltersTask.control = "RUN"
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
end sub
' Set Movies view, sort, and filter options
sub setMoviesOptions(options)
options.views = [
2022-12-17 00:23:32 +00:00
{ "Title": tr("Movies (Presentation)"), "Name": "Movies" },
{ "Title": tr("Movies (Grid)"), "Name": "MoviesGrid" },
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
{ "Title": tr("Studios"), "Name": "Studios" },
{ "Title": tr("Genres"), "Name": "Genres" }
if m.top.parentItem.json.type = "Genre"
options.views = [
2022-12-17 00:23:32 +00:00
{ "Title": tr("Movies (Presentation)"), "Name": "Movies" },
{ "Title": tr("Movies (Grid)"), "Name": "MoviesGrid" },
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
end if
options.sort = [
{ "Title": tr("TITLE"), "Name": "SortName" },
{ "Title": tr("IMDB_RATING"), "Name": "CommunityRating" },
{ "Title": tr("CRITIC_RATING"), "Name": "CriticRating" },
{ "Title": tr("DATE_ADDED"), "Name": "DateCreated" },
{ "Title": tr("DATE_PLAYED"), "Name": "DatePlayed" },
{ "Title": tr("OFFICIAL_RATING"), "Name": "OfficialRating" },
{ "Title": tr("PLAY_COUNT"), "Name": "PlayCount" },
{ "Title": tr("RELEASE_DATE"), "Name": "PremiereDate" },
{ "Title": tr("RUNTIME"), "Name": "Runtime" },
{ "Title": tr("Random"), "Name": "Random" },
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
options.filter = [
{ "Title": tr("All"), "Name": "All" },
2022-12-14 23:55:46 +00:00
{ "Title": tr("Favorites"), "Name": "Favorites" },
{ "Title": tr("Played"), "Name": "Played" },
2022-12-15 00:10:40 +00:00
{ "Title": tr("Unplayed"), "Name": "Unplayed" },
{ "Title": tr("Resumable"), "Name": "Resumable" }
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
if m.options.view = "Genres" or m.view = "Genres"
2022-12-30 16:11:19 +00:00
options.sort = [{ "Title": tr("TITLE"), "Name": "SortName" }]
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
options.filter = []
end if
if m.options.view = "Studios" or m.view = "Studios"
options.sort = [
{ "Title": tr("TITLE"), "Name": "SortName" },
{ "Title": tr("DATE_ADDED"), "Name": "DateCreated" }
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
2022-12-15 00:10:40 +00:00
options.filter = [
{ "Title": tr("All"), "Name": "All" },
{ "Title": tr("Favorites"), "Name": "Favorites" }
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
end if
end sub
' Return parent collection type
function getCollectionType() as string
if m.top.parentItem.collectionType = invalid
return m.top.parentItem.Type
return m.top.parentItem.CollectionType
end if
end function
' Search string array for search value. Return if it's found
function inStringArray(array, searchValue) as boolean
for each item in array
if lcase(item) = lcase(searchValue) then return true
end for
return false
end function
' Data to display when options button selected
sub setSelectedOptions(options)
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
' Set selected view option
for each o in options.views
if o.Name = m.view
o.Selected = true
o.Ascending = m.sortAscending
m.options.view = o.Name
end if
end for
' Set selected sort option
for each o in options.sort
if o.Name = m.sortField
o.Selected = true
o.Ascending = m.sortAscending
m.options.sortField = o.Name
end if
end for
' Set selected filter
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
for each o in options.filter
if o.Name = m.filter
o.Selected = true
m.options.filter = o.Name
end if
' Select selected filter options
if isValid(o.options) and isValid(m.filterOptions)
if o.options.Count() > 0 and m.filterOptions.Count() > 0
if LCase(o.Name) = LCase(m.filterOptions.keys()[0])
selectedFilterOptions = m.filterOptions[m.filterOptions.keys()[0]].split(o.delimiter)
checkedState = []
for each availableFilterOption in o.options
matchFound = false
for each selectedFilterOption in selectedFilterOptions
if LCase(toString(availableFilterOption).trim()) = LCase(selectedFilterOption.trim())
matchFound = true
end if
end for
end for
o.checkedState = checkedState
end if
end if
end if
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
end for
m.options.options = options
end sub
' Logo Image Loaded Event Handler
sub FilterDataLoaded(msg)
options = {}
options.filter = []
options.favorite = []
data = msg.GetData()
if not isValid(data) then return
' Add Movie filters from the API data
if LCase(m.loadItemsTask.view) = "movies"
if isValid(data.genres)
options.filter.push({ "Title": tr("Genres"), "Name": "Genres", "Options": data.genres, "Delimiter": "|", "CheckedState": [] })
end if
if isValid(data.OfficialRatings)
options.filter.push({ "Title": tr("Parental Ratings"), "Name": "OfficialRatings", "Options": data.OfficialRatings, "Delimiter": "|", "CheckedState": [] })
end if
if isValid(data.Years)
options.filter.push({ "Title": tr("Years"), "Name": "Years", "Options": data.Years, "Delimiter": ",", "CheckedState": [] })
end if
end if
m.options.options = options
end sub
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
' Logo Image Loaded Event Handler
sub LogoImageLoaded(msg)
data = msg.GetData()
m.loadLogoTask.content = []
if data.Count() > 0
m.movieLogo.uri = data[0]
m.movieLogo.visible = true
m.selectedMovieName.visible = true
end if
end sub
'Handle loaded data, and add to Grid
sub ItemDataLoaded(msg)
m.top.alphaActive = false
itemData = msg.GetData()
m.loadItemsTask.content = []
if itemData = invalid
m.Loading = false
end if
if m.loadItemsTask.view = "Genres"
' Reset genre list data
m.genreData.removeChildren(m.genreData.getChildren(-1, 0))
for each item in itemData
end for
m.itemGrid.opacity = "0"
m.genreList.opacity = "1"
m.loading = false
2022-12-28 16:52:31 +00:00
' Return focus to options menu if it was opened while library was loading
if m.options.visible
end if
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
end if
m.itemGrid.opacity = "1"
m.genreList.opacity = "0"
if m.data.getChildCount() = 0
m.itemGrid.jumpToItem = 0
end if
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
for each item in itemData
end for
'Update the stored counts
m.loadedItems = m.itemGrid.content.getChildCount()
m.loadedRows = m.loadedItems / m.itemGrid.numColumns
m.Loading = false
'If there are no items to display, show message
if m.loadedItems = 0
m.selectedMovieOverview.visible = false
m.infoGroup.visible = false
m.movieLogo.visible = false
m.movieLogo.uri = ""
m.selectedMovieName.visible = false
setFieldText("runtime", "")
setFieldText("communityRating", "")
setFieldText("criticRatingLabel", "")
m.criticRatingIcon.uri = ""
m.star.uri = ""
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.emptyText.text = tr("NO_ITEMS").Replace("%1", m.top.parentItem.Type)
m.emptyText.visible = true
end if
2022-12-28 16:52:31 +00:00
' Return focus to options menu if it was opened while library was loading
if m.options.visible
end if
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
end sub
'Set Selected Movie Name
sub SetName(movieName as string)
m.selectedMovieName.text = movieName
end sub
'Set Selected Movie Overview
sub SetOverview(movieOverview as string)
m.selectedMovieOverview.text = movieOverview
end sub
'Set Selected Movie OfficialRating
sub SetOfficialRating(movieOfficialRating as string)
m.selectedMovieOfficialRating.text = movieOfficialRating
end sub
'Set Selected Movie ProductionYear
sub SetProductionYear(movieProductionYear)
m.selectedMovieProductionYear.text = movieProductionYear
end sub
'Set Background Image
sub SetBackground(backgroundUri as string)
if backgroundUri = ""
m.backdrop.opacity = 0
end if
'If a new image is being loaded, or transitioned to, store URL to load next
if m.swapAnimation.state <> "stopped" or m.newBackdrop.loadStatus = "loading"
m.queuedBGUri = backgroundUri
end if
m.newBackdrop.uri = backgroundUri
end sub
'Handle new item being focused
sub onItemFocused()
focusedRow = m.itemGrid.currFocusRow
itemInt = m.itemGrid.itemFocused
' If no selected item, set background to parent backdrop
if itemInt = -1
end if
m.movieLogo.visible = false
m.selectedMovieName.visible = false
' Load more data if focus is within last 5 rows, and there are more items to load
if focusedRow >= m.loadedRows - 5 and m.loadeditems < m.loadItemsTask.totalRecordCount
end if
m.selectedFavoriteItem = getItemFocused()
m.communityRatingGroup.visible = false
m.criticRatingGroup.visible = false
2022-12-17 00:23:32 +00:00
if not isValid(m.selectedFavoriteItem)
end if
if LCase(m.options.view) = "studios" or LCase(m.view) = "studios"
else if LCase(m.options.view) = "moviesgrid" or LCase(m.view) = "moviesgrid"
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
end if
itemData = m.selectedFavoriteItem.json
m.star.uri = "pkg:/images/sharp_star_white_18dp.png"
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
if isValid(itemData.communityRating)
setFieldText("communityRating", int(itemData.communityRating * 10) / 10)
m.communityRatingGroup.visible = true
end if
if isValid(itemData.CriticRating)
setFieldText("criticRatingLabel", itemData.criticRating)
tomato = "pkg:/images/rotten.png"
if itemData.CriticRating > 60
tomato = "pkg:/images/fresh.png"
end if
m.criticRatingIcon.uri = tomato
m.criticRatingGroup.visible = true
end if
if isValid(itemData.Name)
end if
if isValid(itemData.Overview)
end if
if isValid(itemData.ProductionYear)
end if
if type(itemData.RunTimeTicks) = "LongInteger"
setFieldText("runtime", stri(getRuntime(itemData.RunTimeTicks)) + " mins")
setFieldText("runtime", "")
end if
if isValid(itemData.OfficialRating)
end if
m.loadLogoTask.itemId = itemData.id
m.loadLogoTask.itemType = "LogoImage"
m.loadLogoTask.observeField("content", "LogoImageLoaded")
m.loadLogoTask.control = "RUN"
' Set Background to item backdrop
end sub
function getRuntime(runTimeTicks) as integer
return round(runTimeTicks / 600000000.0)
end function
function round(f as float) as integer
' BrightScript only has a "floor" round
' This compares floor to floor + 1 to find which is closer
m = int(f)
n = m + 1
x = abs(f - m)
y = abs(f - n)
if y > x
return m
return n
end if
end function
sub setFieldText(field, value)
node = m.top.findNode(field)
if node = invalid or value = invalid then return
' Handle non strings... Which _shouldn't_ happen, but hey
if type(value) = "roInt" or type(value) = "Integer"
value = str(value)
else if type(value) = "roFloat" or type(value) = "Float"
value = str(value)
else if type(value) <> "roString" and type(value) <> "String"
value = ""
end if
node.text = value
end sub
'When Image Loading Status changes
sub newBGLoaded()
'If image load was sucessful, start the fade swap
if m.newBackdrop.loadStatus = "ready"
m.swapAnimation.control = "start"
end if
end sub
'Swap Complete
sub swapDone()
if m.swapAnimation.state = "stopped"
'Set main BG node image and hide transitioning node
m.backdrop.uri = m.newBackdrop.uri
m.backdrop.opacity = 1
m.newBackdrop.opacity = 0
'If there is another one to load
if m.newBackdrop.uri <> m.queuedBGUri and m.queuedBGUri <> ""
m.queuedBGUri = ""
end if
end if
end sub
'Load next set of items
sub loadMoreData()
if m.Loading = true then return
2023-12-04 14:21:21 +00:00
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.Loading = true
m.loadItemsTask.startIndex = m.loadedItems
m.loadItemsTask.observeField("content", "ItemDataLoaded")
m.loadItemsTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
'Item Selected
sub onItemSelected()
m.top.selectedItem = m.itemGrid.content.getChild(m.itemGrid.itemSelected)
end sub
'Returns Focused Item
function getItemFocused()
if m.itemGrid.isinFocusChain() and isValid(m.itemGrid.itemFocused)
return m.itemGrid.content.getChild(m.itemGrid.itemFocused)
else if m.genreList.isinFocusChain() and isValid(m.genreList.rowItemFocused)
return m.genreList.content.getChild(m.genreList.rowItemFocused[0]).getChild(m.genreList.rowItemFocused[1])
end if
return invalid
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
end function
'Genre Item Selected
sub onGenreItemSelected()
m.top.selectedItem = m.genreList.content.getChild(m.genreList.rowItemSelected[0]).getChild(m.genreList.rowItemSelected[1])
end sub
sub onItemalphaSelected()
if m.top.alphaSelected <> ""
m.loadedRows = 0
m.loadedItems = 0
m.data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.itemGrid.content = m.data
m.genreData = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.genreList.content = m.genreData
m.loadItemsTask.searchTerm = ""
m.VoiceBox.text = ""
m.loadItemsTask.nameStartsWith = m.alpha.itemAlphaSelected
end if
end sub
sub onvoiceFilter()
if m.VoiceBox.text <> ""
m.loadedRows = 0
m.loadedItems = 0
m.data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.itemGrid.content = m.data
m.top.alphaSelected = ""
m.loadItemsTask.NameStartsWith = " "
m.loadItemsTask.searchTerm = m.voiceBox.text
m.loadItemsTask.recursive = true
end if
end sub
'Check if options updated and any reloading required
sub optionsClosed()
reload = false
if m.options.sortField <> m.sortField or m.options.sortAscending <> m.sortAscending
m.sortField = m.options.sortField
m.sortAscending = m.options.sortAscending
reload = true
sortAscendingStr = "true"
'Store sort settings
if not m.sortAscending
sortAscendingStr = "false"
end if
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortField", m.sortField)
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortAscending", sortAscendingStr)
end if
if m.options.filter <> m.filter
m.filter = m.options.filter
reload = true
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".filter", m.options.filter)
end if
if not isValid(m.options.filterOptions)
m.filterOptions = {}
end if
if not AssocArrayEqual(m.options.filterOptions, m.filterOptions)
m.filterOptions = m.options.filterOptions
reload = true
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".filterOptions", FormatJson(m.options.filterOptions))
end if
m.view = m.global.session.user.settings["display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".landing"]
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
if m.options.view <> m.view
m.view = m.options.view
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".landing", m.view)
' Reset any filtering or search terms
m.top.alphaSelected = ""
m.loadItemsTask.NameStartsWith = " "
m.loadItemsTask.searchTerm = ""
m.filter = "All"
m.filterOptions = {}
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.sortField = "SortName"
m.sortAscending = true
' Reset view to defaults
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortField", m.sortField)
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".sortAscending", "true")
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".filter", m.filter)
set_user_setting("display." + m.top.parentItem.Id + ".filterOptions", FormatJson(m.filterOptions))
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
reload = true
end if
if reload
m.loadedRows = 0
m.loadedItems = 0
m.data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.itemGrid.content = m.data
end if
m.itemGrid.setFocus(m.itemGrid.opacity = 1)
m.genreList.setFocus(m.genreList.opacity = 1)
end sub
sub onChannelSelected(msg)
node = msg.getRoSGNode()
m.top.lastFocus = lastFocusedChild(node)
if node.watchChannel <> invalid
' Clone the node when it's reused/update in the TimeGrid it doesn't automatically start playing
m.top.selectedItem = node.watchChannel.clone(false)
end if
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
if not press then return false
if key = "left" and m.voiceBox.isinFocusChain()
m.itemGrid.setFocus(m.itemGrid.opacity = 1)
m.genreList.setFocus(m.genreList.opacity = 1)
end if
if key = "options"
if m.options.visible = true
m.options.visible = false
itemSelected = m.selectedFavoriteItem
if itemSelected <> invalid
m.options.selectedFavoriteItem = itemSelected
end if
m.options.visible = true
end if
return true
else if key = "back"
if m.options.visible = true
m.options.visible = false
return true
m.loadItemsTask.control = "stop"
return true
end if
else if key = "play"
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
itemToPlay = getItemFocused()
if itemToPlay <> invalid
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.top.quickPlayNode = itemToPlay
return true
end if
else if key = "left"
if m.itemGrid.isinFocusChain()
m.top.alphaActive = true
alpha = m.alpha.getChild(0).findNode("Alphamenu")
return true
else if m.genreList.isinFocusChain()
m.top.alphaActive = true
alpha = m.alpha.getChild(0).findNode("Alphamenu")
return true
end if
else if key = "right" and m.Alpha.isinFocusChain()
m.top.alphaActive = false
m.Alpha.visible = true
m.itemGrid.setFocus(m.itemGrid.opacity = 1)
m.genreList.setFocus(m.genreList.opacity = 1)
return true
else if key = "replay" and m.itemGrid.isinFocusChain()
if m.resetGrid = true
m.itemGrid.animateToItem = 0
m.itemGrid.jumpToItem = 0
end if
2022-12-20 12:46:15 +00:00
return true
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
else if key = "replay" and m.genreList.isinFocusChain()
if m.resetGrid = true
m.genreList.animateToItem = 0
m.genreList.jumpToItem = 0
end if
return true
end if
if key = "replay"
m.loadItemsTask.searchTerm = ""
m.loadItemsTask.nameStartsWith = ""
m.voiceBox.text = ""
m.top.alphaSelected = ""
m.loadItemsTask.filter = "All"
m.filter = "All"
m.filterOptions = {}
2022-09-24 00:16:52 +00:00
m.data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.itemGrid.content = m.data
return true
end if
return false
end function