Erwin de Haan ec1f5dc317 Mayor code cleanup
Add Argument*Exceptions now use proper nameof operators.

Added exception messages to quite a few Argument*Exceptions.

Fixed rethorwing to be proper syntax.

Added a ton of null checkes. (This is only a start, there are about 500 places that need proper null handling)

Added some TODOs to log certain exceptions.

Fix sln again.

Fixed all AssemblyInfo's and added proper copyright (where I could find them)

We live in *current year*.

Fixed the use of braces.

Fixed a ton of properties, and made a fair amount of functions static that should be and can be static.

Made more Methods that should be static static.

You can now use static to find bad functions!

Removed unused variable. And added one more proper XML comment.
2019-01-10 20:38:53 +01:00

416 lines
14 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Priority_Queue
/// <summary>
/// Credit:
/// A copy of StablePriorityQueue which also has generic priority-type
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TItem">The values in the queue. Must extend the GenericPriorityQueue class</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TPriority">The priority-type. Must extend IComparable&lt;TPriority&gt;</typeparam>
public sealed class GenericPriorityQueue<TItem, TPriority> : IFixedSizePriorityQueue<TItem, TPriority>
where TItem : GenericPriorityQueueNode<TPriority>
where TPriority : IComparable<TPriority>
private int _numNodes;
private TItem[] _nodes;
private long _numNodesEverEnqueued;
/// <summary>
/// Instantiate a new Priority Queue
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maxNodes">The max nodes ever allowed to be enqueued (going over this will cause undefined behavior)</param>
public GenericPriorityQueue(int maxNodes)
if (maxNodes <= 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("New queue size cannot be smaller than 1");
_numNodes = 0;
_nodes = new TItem[maxNodes + 1];
_numNodesEverEnqueued = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the number of nodes in the queue.
/// O(1)
/// </summary>
public int Count
return _numNodes;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the maximum number of items that can be enqueued at once in this queue. Once you hit this number (ie. once Count == MaxSize),
/// attempting to enqueue another item will cause undefined behavior. O(1)
/// </summary>
public int MaxSize
return _nodes.Length - 1;
/// <summary>
/// Removes every node from the queue.
/// O(n) (So, don't do this often!)
/// </summary>
public void Clear()
Array.Clear(_nodes, 1, _numNodes);
_numNodes = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Returns (in O(1)!) whether the given node is in the queue. O(1)
/// </summary>
public bool Contains(TItem node)
if (node == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
if (node.QueueIndex < 0 || node.QueueIndex >= _nodes.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException("node.QueueIndex has been corrupted. Did you change it manually? Or add this node to another queue?");
return (_nodes[node.QueueIndex] == node);
/// <summary>
/// Enqueue a node to the priority queue. Lower values are placed in front. Ties are broken by first-in-first-out.
/// If the queue is full, the result is undefined.
/// If the node is already enqueued, the result is undefined.
/// O(log n)
/// </summary>
public void Enqueue(TItem node, TPriority priority)
if (node == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
if (_numNodes >= _nodes.Length - 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Queue is full - node cannot be added: " + node);
if (Contains(node))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Node is already enqueued: " + node);
node.Priority = priority;
_nodes[_numNodes] = node;
node.QueueIndex = _numNodes;
node.InsertionIndex = _numNodesEverEnqueued++;
private void Swap(TItem node1, TItem node2)
//Swap the nodes
_nodes[node1.QueueIndex] = node2;
_nodes[node2.QueueIndex] = node1;
//Swap their indicies
int temp = node1.QueueIndex;
node1.QueueIndex = node2.QueueIndex;
node2.QueueIndex = temp;
//Performance appears to be slightly better when this is NOT inlined o_O
private void CascadeUp(TItem node)
//aka Heapify-up
int parent = node.QueueIndex / 2;
while (parent >= 1)
TItem parentNode = _nodes[parent];
if (HasHigherPriority(parentNode, node))
//Node has lower priority value, so move it up the heap
Swap(node, parentNode); //For some reason, this is faster with Swap() rather than (less..?) individual operations, like in CascadeDown()
parent = node.QueueIndex / 2;
private void CascadeDown(TItem node)
//aka Heapify-down
TItem newParent;
int finalQueueIndex = node.QueueIndex;
while (true)
newParent = node;
int childLeftIndex = 2 * finalQueueIndex;
//Check if the left-child is higher-priority than the current node
if (childLeftIndex > _numNodes)
//This could be placed outside the loop, but then we'd have to check newParent != node twice
node.QueueIndex = finalQueueIndex;
_nodes[finalQueueIndex] = node;
TItem childLeft = _nodes[childLeftIndex];
if (HasHigherPriority(childLeft, newParent))
newParent = childLeft;
//Check if the right-child is higher-priority than either the current node or the left child
int childRightIndex = childLeftIndex + 1;
if (childRightIndex <= _numNodes)
TItem childRight = _nodes[childRightIndex];
if (HasHigherPriority(childRight, newParent))
newParent = childRight;
//If either of the children has higher (smaller) priority, swap and continue cascading
if (newParent != node)
//Move new parent to its new index. node will be moved once, at the end
//Doing it this way is one less assignment operation than calling Swap()
_nodes[finalQueueIndex] = newParent;
int temp = newParent.QueueIndex;
newParent.QueueIndex = finalQueueIndex;
finalQueueIndex = temp;
//See note above
node.QueueIndex = finalQueueIndex;
_nodes[finalQueueIndex] = node;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if 'higher' has higher priority than 'lower', false otherwise.
/// Note that calling HasHigherPriority(node, node) (ie. both arguments the same node) will return false
/// </summary>
private bool HasHigherPriority(TItem higher, TItem lower)
var cmp = higher.Priority.CompareTo(lower.Priority);
return (cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && higher.InsertionIndex < lower.InsertionIndex));
/// <summary>
/// Removes the head of the queue (node with minimum priority; ties are broken by order of insertion), and returns it.
/// If queue is empty, result is undefined
/// O(log n)
/// </summary>
public bool TryDequeue(out TItem item)
if (_numNodes <= 0)
item = default(TItem);
return false;
if (!IsValidQueue())
throw new InvalidOperationException("Queue has been corrupted (Did you update a node priority manually instead of calling UpdatePriority()?" +
"Or add the same node to two different queues?)");
TItem returnMe = _nodes[1];
item = returnMe;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Resize the queue so it can accept more nodes. All currently enqueued nodes are remain.
/// Attempting to decrease the queue size to a size too small to hold the existing nodes results in undefined behavior
/// O(n)
/// </summary>
public void Resize(int maxNodes)
if (maxNodes <= 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Queue size cannot be smaller than 1");
if (maxNodes < _numNodes)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Called Resize(" + maxNodes + "), but current queue contains " + _numNodes + " nodes");
TItem[] newArray = new TItem[maxNodes + 1];
int highestIndexToCopy = Math.Min(maxNodes, _numNodes);
for (int i = 1; i <= highestIndexToCopy; i++)
newArray[i] = _nodes[i];
_nodes = newArray;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the head of the queue, without removing it (use Dequeue() for that).
/// If the queue is empty, behavior is undefined.
/// O(1)
/// </summary>
public TItem First
if (_numNodes <= 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot call .First on an empty queue");
return _nodes[1];
/// <summary>
/// This method must be called on a node every time its priority changes while it is in the queue.
/// <b>Forgetting to call this method will result in a corrupted queue!</b>
/// Calling this method on a node not in the queue results in undefined behavior
/// O(log n)
/// </summary>
public void UpdatePriority(TItem node, TPriority priority)
if (node == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
if (!Contains(node))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot call UpdatePriority() on a node which is not enqueued: " + node);
node.Priority = priority;
private void OnNodeUpdated(TItem node)
//Bubble the updated node up or down as appropriate
int parentIndex = node.QueueIndex / 2;
TItem parentNode = _nodes[parentIndex];
if (parentIndex > 0 && HasHigherPriority(node, parentNode))
//Note that CascadeDown will be called if parentNode == node (that is, node is the root)
/// <summary>
/// Removes a node from the queue. The node does not need to be the head of the queue.
/// If the node is not in the queue, the result is undefined. If unsure, check Contains() first
/// O(log n)
/// </summary>
public void Remove(TItem node)
if (node == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
if (!Contains(node))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot call Remove() on a node which is not enqueued: " + node);
//If the node is already the last node, we can remove it immediately
if (node.QueueIndex == _numNodes)
_nodes[_numNodes] = null;
//Swap the node with the last node
TItem formerLastNode = _nodes[_numNodes];
Swap(node, formerLastNode);
_nodes[_numNodes] = null;
//Now bubble formerLastNode (which is no longer the last node) up or down as appropriate
public IEnumerator<TItem> GetEnumerator()
for (int i = 1; i <= _numNodes; i++)
yield return _nodes[i];
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
/// <summary>
/// <b>Should not be called in production code.</b>
/// Checks to make sure the queue is still in a valid state. Used for testing/debugging the queue.
/// </summary>
public bool IsValidQueue()
for (int i = 1; i < _nodes.Length; i++)
if (_nodes[i] != null)
int childLeftIndex = 2 * i;
if (childLeftIndex < _nodes.Length && _nodes[childLeftIndex] != null && HasHigherPriority(_nodes[childLeftIndex], _nodes[i]))
return false;
int childRightIndex = childLeftIndex + 1;
if (childRightIndex < _nodes.Length && _nodes[childRightIndex] != null && HasHigherPriority(_nodes[childRightIndex], _nodes[i]))
return false;
return true;