Erwin de Haan 2f2010ce59 NSIS improvements (#1692)
* Much better, but still broken

It crashes with two custom pages after one another. (So when the service should be installed).

* Fixed the problems and finished the NSIS installer.

Also ignored some of the artifacts.

* Added changes to CI for setup building.

Consolidate building and fixed git error.

Small CI fixes.

Move UX repo to SourcesDirectory

Fix stupid checkout <> clone error.

Fix typo in PowerShell command.

Artifact publish tasks can not have wildcards.
2019-09-09 17:40:51 -04:00

25 lines
1.2 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This file was created by NSISDialogDesigner
Do not edit manually!
<Dialog Name="confirmation" Title="Confirmation Page" Subtitle="Please confirm your choices for Jellyfin Server installation" GenerateShowFunction="False">
<HeaderCustomScript>!include "helpers\StrSlash.nsh"</HeaderCustomScript>
<CreateFunctionCustomScript>${StrSlash} '$0' $INSTDIR
${StrSlash} '$1' $_JELLYFINDATADIR_
${NSD_SetText} $hCtl_confirmation_ConfirmRichText "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1043\viewkind4\uc1 \
\pard\widctlpar\sa160\sl252\slmult1\b The installer will proceed based on the following inputs gathered on earlier screens.\par \
Installation Folder:\b0 $0\line\b \
Service install:\b0 $_INSTALLSERVICE_\line\b \
Service start:\b0 $_SERVICESTART_\line\b \
Service account:\b0 $_SERVICEACCOUNTTYPE_\line\b \
Jellyfin Data Folder:\b0 $1\par \
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\f1\lang1043\par \
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