using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Channels; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Configuration; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Dto; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library; using MediaBrowser.Controller.LiveTv; using MediaBrowser.Model.Channels; using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities; using MediaBrowser.Model.Globalization; using MediaBrowser.Model.Library; using MediaBrowser.Model.Querying; namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Library { public class UserViewManager : IUserViewManager { private readonly ILibraryManager _libraryManager; private readonly ILocalizationManager _localizationManager; private readonly IUserManager _userManager; private readonly IChannelManager _channelManager; private readonly ILiveTvManager _liveTvManager; private readonly IServerConfigurationManager _config; public UserViewManager(ILibraryManager libraryManager, ILocalizationManager localizationManager, IUserManager userManager, IChannelManager channelManager, ILiveTvManager liveTvManager, IServerConfigurationManager config) { _libraryManager = libraryManager; _localizationManager = localizationManager; _userManager = userManager; _channelManager = channelManager; _liveTvManager = liveTvManager; _config = config; } public Folder[] GetUserViews(UserViewQuery query) { var user = _userManager.GetUserById(query.UserId); if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentException("User Id does not exists.", nameof(query)); } var folders = _libraryManager.GetUserRootFolder() .GetChildren(user, true) .OfType() .ToList(); var groupedFolders = new List(); var list = new List(); foreach (var folder in folders) { var collectionFolder = folder as ICollectionFolder; var folderViewType = collectionFolder?.CollectionType; if (UserView.IsUserSpecific(folder)) { list.Add(_libraryManager.GetNamedView(user, folder.Name, folder.Id, folderViewType, null)); continue; } if (collectionFolder != null && UserView.IsEligibleForGrouping(folder) && user.IsFolderGrouped(folder.Id)) { groupedFolders.Add(collectionFolder); continue; } if (query.PresetViews.Contains(folderViewType ?? string.Empty, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { list.Add(GetUserView(folder, folderViewType, string.Empty)); } else { list.Add(folder); } } foreach (var viewType in new[] { CollectionType.Movies, CollectionType.TvShows }) { var parents = groupedFolders.Where(i => string.Equals(i.CollectionType, viewType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.CollectionType)) .ToList(); if (parents.Count > 0) { var localizationKey = string.Equals(viewType, CollectionType.TvShows, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "TvShows" : "Movies"; list.Add(GetUserView(parents, viewType, localizationKey, string.Empty, user, query.PresetViews)); } } if (_config.Configuration.EnableFolderView) { var name = _localizationManager.GetLocalizedString("Folders"); list.Add(_libraryManager.GetNamedView(name, CollectionType.Folders, string.Empty)); } if (query.IncludeExternalContent) { var channelResult = _channelManager.GetChannelsInternal(new ChannelQuery { UserId = query.UserId }); var channels = channelResult.Items; list.AddRange(channels); if (_liveTvManager.GetEnabledUsers().Select(i => i.Id).Contains(query.UserId)) { list.Add(_liveTvManager.GetInternalLiveTvFolder(CancellationToken.None)); } } if (!query.IncludeHidden) { list = list.Where(i => !user.Configuration.MyMediaExcludes.Contains(i.Id.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))).ToList(); } var sorted = _libraryManager.Sort(list, user, new[] { ItemSortBy.SortName }, SortOrder.Ascending).ToList(); var orders = user.Configuration.OrderedViews.ToList(); return list .OrderBy(i => { var index = orders.IndexOf(i.Id.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (index == -1 && i is UserView view && view.DisplayParentId != Guid.Empty) { index = orders.IndexOf(view.DisplayParentId.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } return index == -1 ? int.MaxValue : index; }) .ThenBy(sorted.IndexOf) .ThenBy(i => i.SortName) .ToArray(); } public UserView GetUserSubViewWithName(string name, Guid parentId, string type, string sortName) { var uniqueId = parentId + "subview" + type; return _libraryManager.GetNamedView(name, parentId, type, sortName, uniqueId); } public UserView GetUserSubView(Guid parentId, string type, string localizationKey, string sortName) { var name = _localizationManager.GetLocalizedString(localizationKey); return GetUserSubViewWithName(name, parentId, type, sortName); } private Folder GetUserView(List parents, string viewType, string localizationKey, string sortName, User user, string[] presetViews) { if (parents.Count == 1 && parents.All(i => string.Equals(i.CollectionType, viewType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { if (!presetViews.Contains(viewType, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return (Folder)parents[0]; } return GetUserView((Folder)parents[0], viewType, string.Empty); } var name = _localizationManager.GetLocalizedString(localizationKey); return _libraryManager.GetNamedView(user, name, viewType, sortName); } public UserView GetUserView(Folder parent, string viewType, string sortName) { return _libraryManager.GetShadowView(parent, viewType, sortName); } public List>> GetLatestItems(LatestItemsQuery request, DtoOptions options) { var user = _userManager.GetUserById(request.UserId); var libraryItems = GetItemsForLatestItems(user, request, options); var list = new List>>(); foreach (var item in libraryItems) { // Only grab the index container for media var container = item.IsFolder || !request.GroupItems ? null : item.LatestItemsIndexContainer; if (container == null) { list.Add(new Tuple>(null, new List { item })); } else { var current = list.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Item1 != null && i.Item1.Id == container.Id); if (current != null) { current.Item2.Add(item); } else { list.Add(new Tuple>(container, new List { item })); } } if (list.Count >= request.Limit) { break; } } return list; } private IReadOnlyList GetItemsForLatestItems(User user, LatestItemsQuery request, DtoOptions options) { var parentId = request.ParentId; var includeItemTypes = request.IncludeItemTypes; var limit = request.Limit ?? 10; var parents = new List(); if (!parentId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { var parentItem = _libraryManager.GetItemById(parentId); if (parentItem is Channel) { return _channelManager.GetLatestChannelItemsInternal( new InternalItemsQuery(user) { ChannelIds = new[] { parentId }, IsPlayed = request.IsPlayed, StartIndex = request.StartIndex, Limit = request.Limit, IncludeItemTypes = request.IncludeItemTypes, EnableTotalRecordCount = false }, CancellationToken.None).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Items; } if (parentItem is Folder parent) { parents.Add(parent); } } var isPlayed = request.IsPlayed; if (parents.OfType().Any(i => string.Equals(i.CollectionType, CollectionType.Music, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { isPlayed = null; } if (parents.Count == 0) { parents = _libraryManager.GetUserRootFolder().GetChildren(user, true) .Where(i => i is Folder) .Where(i => !user.Configuration.LatestItemsExcludes.Contains(i.Id.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))) .ToList(); } if (parents.Count == 0) { return new List(); } if (includeItemTypes.Length == 0) { // Handle situations with the grouping setting, e.g. movies showing up in tv, etc. // Thanks to mixed content libraries included in the UserView var hasCollectionType = parents.OfType().ToArray(); if (hasCollectionType.Length > 0) { if (hasCollectionType.All(i => string.Equals(i.CollectionType, CollectionType.Movies, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { includeItemTypes = new string[] { "Movie" }; } else if (hasCollectionType.All(i => string.Equals(i.CollectionType, CollectionType.TvShows, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { includeItemTypes = new string[] { "Episode" }; } } } var mediaTypes = new List(); if (includeItemTypes.Length == 0) { foreach (var parent in parents.OfType()) { switch (parent.CollectionType) { case CollectionType.Books: mediaTypes.Add(MediaType.Book); mediaTypes.Add(MediaType.Audio); break; case CollectionType.Music: mediaTypes.Add(MediaType.Audio); break; case CollectionType.Photos: mediaTypes.Add(MediaType.Photo); mediaTypes.Add(MediaType.Video); break; case CollectionType.HomeVideos: mediaTypes.Add(MediaType.Photo); mediaTypes.Add(MediaType.Video); break; default: mediaTypes.Add(MediaType.Video); break; } } mediaTypes = mediaTypes.Distinct().ToList(); } var excludeItemTypes = includeItemTypes.Length == 0 && mediaTypes.Count == 0 ? new[] { typeof(Person).Name, typeof(Studio).Name, typeof(Year).Name, typeof(MusicGenre).Name, typeof(Genre).Name } : Array.Empty(); var query = new InternalItemsQuery(user) { IncludeItemTypes = includeItemTypes, OrderBy = new[] { new ValueTuple(ItemSortBy.DateCreated, SortOrder.Descending) }, IsFolder = includeItemTypes.Length == 0 ? false : (bool?)null, ExcludeItemTypes = excludeItemTypes, IsVirtualItem = false, Limit = limit * 5, IsPlayed = isPlayed, DtoOptions = options, MediaTypes = mediaTypes.ToArray() }; if (parents.Count == 0) { return _libraryManager.GetItemList(query, false); } return _libraryManager.GetItemList(query, parents); } } }