using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging; using ServiceStack.Web; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CommonIO; namespace MediaBrowser.Api.Playback.Progressive { public class ProgressiveStreamWriter : IStreamWriter, IHasOptions { private string Path { get; set; } private ILogger Logger { get; set; } private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem; private readonly TranscodingJob _job; /// /// The _options /// private readonly IDictionary _options = new Dictionary(); /// /// Gets the options. /// /// The options. public IDictionary Options { get { return _options; } } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The path. /// The logger. /// The file system. public ProgressiveStreamWriter(string path, ILogger logger, IFileSystem fileSystem, TranscodingJob job) { Path = path; Logger = logger; _fileSystem = fileSystem; _job = job; } /// /// Writes to. /// /// The response stream. public void WriteTo(Stream responseStream) { WriteToInternal(responseStream); } /// /// Writes to async. /// /// The response stream. /// Task. private void WriteToInternal(Stream responseStream) { try { var task = new ProgressiveFileCopier(_fileSystem, _job, Logger).StreamFile(Path, responseStream); Task.WaitAll(task); } catch (IOException) { // These error are always the same so don't dump the whole stack trace Logger.Error("Error streaming media. The client has most likely disconnected or transcoding has failed."); throw; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ErrorException("Error streaming media. The client has most likely disconnected or transcoding has failed.", ex); throw; } finally { if (_job != null) { ApiEntryPoint.Instance.OnTranscodeEndRequest(_job); } } } } public class ProgressiveFileCopier { private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem; private readonly TranscodingJob _job; private readonly ILogger _logger; // 256k private const int BufferSize = 262144; private long _bytesWritten = 0; public ProgressiveFileCopier(IFileSystem fileSystem, TranscodingJob job, ILogger logger) { _fileSystem = fileSystem; _job = job; _logger = logger; } public async Task StreamFile(string path, Stream outputStream) { var eofCount = 0; long position = 0; using (var fs = _fileSystem.GetFileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite, false)) { while (eofCount < 15) { CopyToInternal(fs, outputStream, BufferSize); var fsPosition = fs.Position; var bytesRead = fsPosition - position; //Logger.Debug("Streamed {0} bytes from file {1}", bytesRead, path); if (bytesRead == 0) { if (_job == null || _job.HasExited) { eofCount++; } await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { eofCount = 0; } position = fsPosition; } } } private void CopyToInternal(Stream source, Stream destination, int bufferSize) { var array = new byte[bufferSize]; int count; while ((count = source.Read(array, 0, array.Length)) != 0) { //if (_job != null) //{ // var didPause = false; // var totalPauseTime = 0; // if (_job.IsUserPaused) // { // _logger.Debug("Pausing writing to network stream while user has paused playback."); // while (_job.IsUserPaused && totalPauseTime < 30000) // { // didPause = true; // var pauseTime = 500; // totalPauseTime += pauseTime; // await Task.Delay(pauseTime).ConfigureAwait(false); // } // } // if (didPause) // { // _logger.Debug("Resuming writing to network stream due to user unpausing playback."); // } //} destination.Write(array, 0, count); _bytesWritten += count; if (_job != null) { _job.BytesDownloaded = Math.Max(_job.BytesDownloaded ?? _bytesWritten, _bytesWritten); } } } } }