using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Threading; using MediaBrowser.Model.Cryptography; using MediaBrowser.Model.IO; using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging; using MediaBrowser.Model.Net; using MediaBrowser.Model.System; using MediaBrowser.Model.Text; using SocketHttpListener.Primitives; using ProtocolType = MediaBrowser.Model.Net.ProtocolType; using SocketType = MediaBrowser.Model.Net.SocketType; namespace SocketHttpListener.Net { sealed class EndPointListener { HttpListener listener; IPEndPoint endpoint; Socket sock; Dictionary prefixes; // Dictionary List unhandled; // List unhandled; host = '*' List all; // List all; host = '+' X509Certificate cert; bool secure; Dictionary unregistered; private readonly ILogger _logger; private bool _closed; private bool _enableDualMode; private readonly ICryptoProvider _cryptoProvider; private readonly ISocketFactory _socketFactory; private readonly ITextEncoding _textEncoding; private readonly IMemoryStreamFactory _memoryStreamFactory; private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem; private readonly IEnvironmentInfo _environment; public EndPointListener(HttpListener listener, IPAddress addr, int port, bool secure, X509Certificate cert, ILogger logger, ICryptoProvider cryptoProvider, ISocketFactory socketFactory, IMemoryStreamFactory memoryStreamFactory, ITextEncoding textEncoding, IFileSystem fileSystem, IEnvironmentInfo environment) { this.listener = listener; _logger = logger; _cryptoProvider = cryptoProvider; _socketFactory = socketFactory; _memoryStreamFactory = memoryStreamFactory; _textEncoding = textEncoding; _fileSystem = fileSystem; _environment = environment; = secure; this.cert = cert; _enableDualMode = addr.Equals(IPAddress.IPv6Any); endpoint = new IPEndPoint(addr, port); prefixes = new Dictionary(); unregistered = new Dictionary(); CreateSocket(); } internal HttpListener Listener { get { return listener; } } private void CreateSocket() { try { sock = CreateSocket(endpoint.Address.AddressFamily, _enableDualMode); } catch (SocketCreateException ex) { if (_enableDualMode && endpoint.Address.Equals(IPAddress.IPv6Any) && (string.Equals(ex.ErrorCode, "AddressFamilyNotSupported", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || // mono on bsd is throwing this string.Equals(ex.ErrorCode, "ProtocolNotSupported", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, endpoint.Port); _enableDualMode = false; sock = CreateSocket(endpoint.Address.AddressFamily, _enableDualMode); } else { throw; } } try { sock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true); } catch (SocketException) { // This is not supported on all operating systems (qnap) } sock.Bind(endpoint); // This is the number TcpListener uses. sock.Listen(2147483647); new SocketAcceptor(_logger, sock, ProcessAccept, () => _closed).StartAccept(); _closed = false; } private Socket CreateSocket(AddressFamily addressFamily, bool dualMode) { try { var socket = new Socket(addressFamily, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Stream, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Tcp); if (dualMode) { socket.DualMode = true; } return socket; } catch (SocketException ex) { throw new SocketCreateException(ex.SocketErrorCode.ToString(), ex); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { if (dualMode) { // Mono for BSD incorrectly throws ArgumentException instead of SocketException throw new SocketCreateException("AddressFamilyNotSupported", ex); } else { throw; } } } private async void ProcessAccept(Socket accepted) { try { var listener = this; if ( && listener.cert == null) { accepted.Close(); return; } HttpConnection conn = await HttpConnection.Create(_logger, accepted, listener,, listener.cert, _cryptoProvider, _memoryStreamFactory, _textEncoding, _fileSystem, _environment).ConfigureAwait(false); //_logger.Debug("Adding unregistered connection to {0}. Id: {1}", accepted.RemoteEndPoint, connectionId); lock (listener.unregistered) { listener.unregistered[conn] = conn; } conn.BeginReadRequest(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.ErrorException("Error in ProcessAccept", ex); } } internal void RemoveConnection(HttpConnection conn) { lock (unregistered) { unregistered.Remove(conn); } } public bool BindContext(HttpListenerContext context) { HttpListenerRequest req = context.Request; ListenerPrefix prefix; HttpListener listener = SearchListener(req.Url, out prefix); if (listener == null) return false; context.Connection.Prefix = prefix; return true; } public void UnbindContext(HttpListenerContext context) { if (context == null || context.Request == null) return; listener.UnregisterContext(context); } HttpListener SearchListener(Uri uri, out ListenerPrefix prefix) { prefix = null; if (uri == null) return null; string host = uri.Host; int port = uri.Port; string path = WebUtility.UrlDecode(uri.AbsolutePath); string path_slash = path[path.Length - 1] == '/' ? path : path + "/"; HttpListener best_match = null; int best_length = -1; if (host != null && host != "") { var p_ro = prefixes; foreach (ListenerPrefix p in p_ro.Keys) { string ppath = p.Path; if (ppath.Length < best_length) continue; if (p.Host != host || p.Port != port) continue; if (path.StartsWith(ppath) || path_slash.StartsWith(ppath)) { best_length = ppath.Length; best_match = (HttpListener)p_ro[p]; prefix = p; } } if (best_length != -1) return best_match; } List list = unhandled; best_match = MatchFromList(host, path, list, out prefix); if (path != path_slash && best_match == null) best_match = MatchFromList(host, path_slash, list, out prefix); if (best_match != null) return best_match; list = all; best_match = MatchFromList(host, path, list, out prefix); if (path != path_slash && best_match == null) best_match = MatchFromList(host, path_slash, list, out prefix); if (best_match != null) return best_match; return null; } HttpListener MatchFromList(string host, string path, List list, out ListenerPrefix prefix) { prefix = null; if (list == null) return null; HttpListener best_match = null; int best_length = -1; foreach (ListenerPrefix p in list) { string ppath = p.Path; if (ppath.Length < best_length) continue; if (path.StartsWith(ppath)) { best_length = ppath.Length; best_match = p.Listener; prefix = p; } } return best_match; } void AddSpecial(List coll, ListenerPrefix prefix) { if (coll == null) return; foreach (ListenerPrefix p in coll) { if (p.Path == prefix.Path) //TODO: code throw new HttpListenerException(400, "Prefix already in use."); } coll.Add(prefix); } bool RemoveSpecial(List coll, ListenerPrefix prefix) { if (coll == null) return false; int c = coll.Count; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { ListenerPrefix p = (ListenerPrefix)coll[i]; if (p.Path == prefix.Path) { coll.RemoveAt(i); return true; } } return false; } void CheckIfRemove() { if (prefixes.Count > 0) return; List list = unhandled; if (list != null && list.Count > 0) return; list = all; if (list != null && list.Count > 0) return; EndPointManager.RemoveEndPoint(this, endpoint); } public void Close() { _closed = true; sock.Close(); lock (unregistered) { // // Clone the list because RemoveConnection can be called from Close // var connections = new List(unregistered.Keys); foreach (HttpConnection c in connections) c.Close(true); unregistered.Clear(); } } public void AddPrefix(ListenerPrefix prefix, HttpListener listener) { List current; List future; if (prefix.Host == "*") { do { current = unhandled; future = (current != null) ? current.ToList() : new List(); prefix.Listener = listener; AddSpecial(future, prefix); } while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref unhandled, future, current) != current); return; } if (prefix.Host == "+") { do { current = all; future = (current != null) ? current.ToList() : new List(); prefix.Listener = listener; AddSpecial(future, prefix); } while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref all, future, current) != current); return; } Dictionary prefs; Dictionary p2; do { prefs = prefixes; if (prefs.ContainsKey(prefix)) { HttpListener other = (HttpListener)prefs[prefix]; if (other != listener) // TODO: code. throw new HttpListenerException(400, "There's another listener for " + prefix); return; } p2 = new Dictionary(prefs); p2[prefix] = listener; } while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref prefixes, p2, prefs) != prefs); } public void RemovePrefix(ListenerPrefix prefix, HttpListener listener) { List current; List future; if (prefix.Host == "*") { do { current = unhandled; future = (current != null) ? current.ToList() : new List(); if (!RemoveSpecial(future, prefix)) break; // Prefix not found } while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref unhandled, future, current) != current); CheckIfRemove(); return; } if (prefix.Host == "+") { do { current = all; future = (current != null) ? current.ToList() : new List(); if (!RemoveSpecial(future, prefix)) break; // Prefix not found } while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref all, future, current) != current); CheckIfRemove(); return; } Dictionary prefs; Dictionary p2; do { prefs = prefixes; if (!prefs.ContainsKey(prefix)) break; p2 = new Dictionary(prefs); p2.Remove(prefix); } while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref prefixes, p2, prefs) != prefs); CheckIfRemove(); } } }