// This code is derived from jcifs smb client library // Ported by J. Arturo // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using SharpCifs.Smb; using SharpCifs.Util; using SharpCifs.Util.DbsHelper; using SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen; using Thread = SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen.Thread; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SharpCifs.Netbios { internal class NameServiceClient : IRunnable { internal const int DefaultSoTimeout = 5000; internal const int DefaultRcvBufSize = 576; internal const int DefaultSndBufSize = 576; internal const int NameServiceUdpPort = 137; internal const int DefaultRetryCount = 2; internal const int DefaultRetryTimeout = 3000; internal const int ResolverLmhosts = 1; internal const int ResolverBcast = 2; internal const int ResolverWins = 3; private static readonly int SndBufSize = Config.GetInt("jcifs.netbios.snd_buf_size", DefaultSndBufSize); private static readonly int RcvBufSize = Config.GetInt("jcifs.netbios.rcv_buf_size", DefaultRcvBufSize); private static readonly int SoTimeout = Config.GetInt("jcifs.netbios.soTimeout", DefaultSoTimeout); private static readonly int RetryCount = Config.GetInt("jcifs.netbios.retryCount", DefaultRetryCount); private static readonly int RetryTimeout = Config.GetInt("jcifs.netbios.retryTimeout", DefaultRetryTimeout); private static readonly int Lport = Config.GetInt("jcifs.netbios.lport", 137); private static readonly IPAddress Laddr = Config.GetInetAddress("jcifs.netbios.laddr", null); private static readonly string Ro = Config.GetProperty("jcifs.resolveOrder"); private static LogStream _log = LogStream.GetInstance(); private readonly object _lock = new object(); private int _lport; private int _closeTimeout; private byte[] _sndBuf; private byte[] _rcvBuf; private SocketEx _socketSender; private Hashtable _responseTable = new Hashtable(); private Thread _thread; private int _nextNameTrnId; private int[] _resolveOrder; private bool _waitResponse = true; private bool _isActive = false; private AutoResetEvent _autoResetWaitReceive; internal IPAddress laddr; internal IPAddress Baddr; public NameServiceClient() : this(Lport, Laddr) { } internal NameServiceClient(int lport, IPAddress laddr) { this._lport = lport; this.laddr = laddr ?? Config.GetLocalHost() ?? Extensions.GetLocalAddresses()?.FirstOrDefault(); if (this.laddr == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("IPAddress NOT found. if exec on localhost, set vallue to [jcifs.smb.client.laddr]"); try { Baddr = Config.GetInetAddress("jcifs.netbios.baddr", Extensions.GetAddressByName("")); } catch (Exception ex) { } _sndBuf = new byte[SndBufSize]; _rcvBuf = new byte[RcvBufSize]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Ro)) { if (NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress() == null) { _resolveOrder = new int[2]; _resolveOrder[0] = ResolverLmhosts; _resolveOrder[1] = ResolverBcast; } else { _resolveOrder = new int[3]; _resolveOrder[0] = ResolverLmhosts; _resolveOrder[1] = ResolverWins; _resolveOrder[2] = ResolverBcast; } } else { int[] tmp = new int[3]; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(Ro, ","); int i = 0; while (st.HasMoreTokens()) { string s = st.NextToken().Trim(); if (Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(s, "LMHOSTS")) { tmp[i++] = ResolverLmhosts; } else { if (Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(s, "WINS")) { if (NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress() == null) { if (_log.Level > 1) { _log.WriteLine("NetBIOS resolveOrder specifies WINS however the " + "jcifs.netbios.wins property has not been set"); } continue; } tmp[i++] = ResolverWins; } else { if (Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(s, "BCAST")) { tmp[i++] = ResolverBcast; } else { if (Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(s, "DNS")) { } else { // skip if (_log.Level > 1) { _log.WriteLine("unknown resolver method: " + s); } } } } } } _resolveOrder = new int[i]; Array.Copy(tmp, 0, _resolveOrder, 0, i); } } internal virtual int GetNextNameTrnId() { if ((++_nextNameTrnId & unchecked(0xFFFF)) == 0) { _nextNameTrnId = 1; } return _nextNameTrnId; } /// internal virtual void EnsureOpen(int timeout) { //Log.Out($"NameServiceClient.EnsureOpen"); _closeTimeout = 0; if (SoTimeout != 0) { _closeTimeout = Math.Max(SoTimeout, timeout); } var localPort = (SmbConstants.Lport == 0) ? _lport : SmbConstants.Lport; // If socket is still good, the new closeTimeout will // be ignored; see tryClose comment. if ( _socketSender == null || _socketSender.LocalEndPoint == null || _socketSender.GetLocalPort() != localPort || !IPAddress.Any.Equals(_socketSender.GetLocalInetAddress()) ) { if (_socketSender != null) { _socketSender.Dispose(); _socketSender = null; } _socketSender = new SocketEx(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); _socketSender.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, localPort)); if (_waitResponse) { if (_thread != null) { _thread.Cancel(true); _thread.Dispose(); } _thread = new Thread(this); _thread.SetDaemon(true); _thread.Start(true); } } } internal virtual void TryClose() { //Log.Out("NameSerciceClient.TryClose"); if (this._isActive) { //Log.Out("NameSerciceClient.TryClose - Now in Processing... Exit."); return; } lock (_lock) { if (_socketSender != null) { _socketSender.Dispose(); _socketSender = null; //Log.Out("NameSerciceClient.TryClose - _socketSender.Disposed"); } if (_thread != null) { _thread.Cancel(true); _thread.Dispose(); _thread = null; //Log.Out("NameSerciceClient.TryClose - _thread.Aborted"); } if (_waitResponse) { _responseTable.Clear(); } else { _autoResetWaitReceive.Set(); } } } private int _recievedLength = -1; public virtual void Run() { int nameTrnId; NameServicePacket response; try { while (Thread.CurrentThread().Equals(_thread)) { if (_thread.IsCanceled) break; var localPort = (SmbConstants.Lport == 0) ? _lport : SmbConstants.Lport; var sockEvArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs(); sockEvArg.RemoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, localPort); sockEvArg.SetBuffer(_rcvBuf, 0, RcvBufSize); sockEvArg.Completed += this.OnReceiveCompleted; _socketSender.SoTimeOut = _closeTimeout; this._recievedLength = -1; //Log.Out($"NameServiceClient.Run - Wait Recieve: {IPAddress.Any}: {localPort}"); _socketSender.ReceiveFromAsync(sockEvArg); while (this._recievedLength == -1) { if (_thread.IsCanceled) break; Task.Delay(300).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } sockEvArg?.Dispose(); if (_thread.IsCanceled) break; if (_log.Level > 3) { _log.WriteLine("NetBIOS: new data read from socket"); } nameTrnId = NameServicePacket.ReadNameTrnId(_rcvBuf, 0); response = (NameServicePacket)_responseTable.Get(nameTrnId); if (response == null || response.Received) { continue; } lock (response) { if (_thread.IsCanceled) break; response.ReadWireFormat(_rcvBuf, 0); if (_log.Level > 3) { _log.WriteLine(response); Hexdump.ToHexdump(_log, _rcvBuf, 0, this._recievedLength); } if (response.IsResponse) { response.Received = true; Runtime.Notify(response); } } } } catch (TimeoutException) { } catch (Exception ex) { if (_log.Level > 2) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ex, _log); } } finally { TryClose(); } } private void OnReceiveCompleted(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { //Log.Out("NameServiceClient.OnReceiveCompleted"); this._recievedLength = e.BytesTransferred; } /// internal virtual void Send(NameServicePacket request, NameServicePacket response, int timeout) { //Log.Out("NameSerciceClient.Send - Start"); int nid = 0; int max = NbtAddress.Nbns.Length; if (max == 0) { max = 1; } lock (response) { this._isActive = true; while (max-- > 0) { try { lock (_lock) { request.NameTrnId = GetNextNameTrnId(); nid = request.NameTrnId; response.Received = false; _responseTable.Put(nid, response); //Log.Out($"NameSerciceClient.Send - timeout = {timeout}"); EnsureOpen(timeout + 1000); int requestLenght = request.WriteWireFormat(_sndBuf, 0); byte[] msg = new byte[requestLenght]; Array.Copy(_sndBuf, msg, requestLenght); _socketSender.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.Broadcast, request.IsBroadcast ? 1 : 0); _socketSender.SendTo(msg, new IPEndPoint(request.Addr, _lport)); //Log.Out("NameSerciceClient.Send - Sended"); if (_log.Level > 3) { _log.WriteLine(request); Hexdump.ToHexdump(_log, _sndBuf, 0, requestLenght); } } if (_waitResponse) { long start = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); var isRecieved = false; var startTime = DateTime.Now; while (timeout > 0) { Runtime.Wait(response, timeout); if (response.Received && request.QuestionType == response.RecordType) { //return; isRecieved = true; break; } response.Received = false; timeout -= (int)(Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis() - start); //if (timeout <= 0) //{ // Log.Out($"NameSerciceClient.Send Timeout! - {(DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds} msec"); //} } if (isRecieved) break; } } catch (Exception ie) { if (_waitResponse) _responseTable.Remove(nid); //Log.Out("NameSerciceClient.Send - IOException"); throw new IOException(ie.Message); } finally { if (_waitResponse) _responseTable.Remove(nid); } if (_waitResponse) { lock (_lock) { if (NbtAddress.IsWins(request.Addr) == false) { break; } if (request.Addr == NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress()) { NbtAddress.SwitchWins(); } request.Addr = NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress(); } } } this._isActive = false; //Log.Out("NameSerciceClient.Send - Normaly Ended."); } } /// internal virtual NbtAddress[] GetAllByName(Name name, IPAddress addr) { //Log.Out("NameSerciceClient.GetAllByName"); int n; NameQueryRequest request = new NameQueryRequest(name); NameQueryResponse response = new NameQueryResponse(); request.Addr = addr ?? NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress(); request.IsBroadcast = (request.Addr == null || request.Addr.ToString() == Baddr.ToString()); if (request.IsBroadcast) { request.Addr = Baddr; n = RetryCount; } else { request.IsBroadcast = false; n = 1; } do { try { Send(request, response, RetryTimeout); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe, _log); } throw new UnknownHostException(ioe); } if (response.Received && response.ResultCode == 0) { return response.AddrEntry; } } while (--n > 0 && request.IsBroadcast); throw new UnknownHostException(); } /// internal virtual NbtAddress GetByName(Name name, IPAddress addr) { //Log.Out("NameSerciceClient.GetByName"); int n; NameQueryRequest request = new NameQueryRequest(name); NameQueryResponse response = new NameQueryResponse(); if (addr != null) { request.Addr = addr; request.IsBroadcast = (addr.GetAddressBytes()[3] == unchecked(unchecked(0xFF))); n = RetryCount; do { try { Send(request, response, RetryTimeout); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe, _log); } throw new UnknownHostException(ioe); } if (response.Received && response.ResultCode == 0 && response.IsResponse) { int last = response.AddrEntry.Length - 1; response.AddrEntry[last].HostName.SrcHashCode = addr.GetHashCode(); return response.AddrEntry[last]; } } while (--n > 0 && request.IsBroadcast); throw new UnknownHostException(); } for (int i = 0; i < _resolveOrder.Length; i++) { try { switch (_resolveOrder[i]) { case ResolverLmhosts: { NbtAddress ans = Lmhosts.GetByName(name); if (ans != null) { ans.HostName.SrcHashCode = 0; // just has to be different // from other methods return ans; } break; } case ResolverWins: case ResolverBcast: { if (_resolveOrder[i] == ResolverWins && name.name != NbtAddress.MasterBrowserName && name.HexCode != unchecked(0x1d)) { request.Addr = NbtAddress.GetWinsAddress(); request.IsBroadcast = false; } else { request.Addr = Baddr; request.IsBroadcast = true; } n = RetryCount; while (n-- > 0) { try { Send(request, response, RetryTimeout); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe, _log); } throw new UnknownHostException(ioe); } if (response.Received && response.ResultCode == 0 && response.IsResponse) { response.AddrEntry[0].HostName.SrcHashCode = request.Addr.GetHashCode(); return response.AddrEntry[0]; } if (_resolveOrder[i] == ResolverWins) { break; } } break; } } } catch (IOException) { } } throw new UnknownHostException(); } /// internal virtual NbtAddress[] GetNodeStatus(NbtAddress addr) { //Log.Out("NameSerciceClient.GetNodeStatus"); int n; int srcHashCode; NodeStatusRequest request; NodeStatusResponse response; response = new NodeStatusResponse(addr); request = new NodeStatusRequest(new Name(NbtAddress.AnyHostsName, unchecked(0x00), null)); request.Addr = addr.GetInetAddress(); n = RetryCount; while (n-- > 0) { try { Send(request, response, RetryTimeout); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe, _log); } throw new UnknownHostException(ioe); } if (response.Received && response.ResultCode == 0) { srcHashCode = request.Addr.GetHashCode(); for (int i = 0; i < response.AddressArray.Length; i++) { response.AddressArray[i].HostName.SrcHashCode = srcHashCode; } return response.AddressArray; } } throw new UnknownHostException(); } internal virtual NbtAddress[] GetHosts() { //Log.Out("NbtServiceClient.GetHosts"); try { _waitResponse = false; byte[] bAddrBytes = laddr.GetAddressBytes(); for (int i = 1; i <= 254; i++) { //Log.Out($"NbtServiceClient.GetHosts - {i}"); NodeStatusRequest request; NodeStatusResponse response; byte[] addrBytes = { bAddrBytes[0], bAddrBytes[1], bAddrBytes[2], (byte)i }; IPAddress addr = new IPAddress(addrBytes); response = new NodeStatusResponse( new NbtAddress(NbtAddress.UnknownName, BitConverter.ToInt32(addr.GetAddressBytes(), 0), false, 0x20) ); request = new NodeStatusRequest(new Name(NbtAddress.AnyHostsName, unchecked(0x20), null)) { Addr = addr }; Send(request, response, 0); } } catch (IOException ioe) { //Log.Out(ioe); if (_log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe, _log); } throw new UnknownHostException(ioe); } _autoResetWaitReceive = new AutoResetEvent(false); if (_thread != null) { _thread.Cancel(true); _thread.Dispose(); } _thread = new Thread(this); _thread.SetDaemon(true); _thread.Start(true); _autoResetWaitReceive.WaitOne(); var result = new List(); foreach (var key in _responseTable.Keys) { var resp = (NodeStatusResponse)_responseTable[key]; if (!resp.Received || resp.ResultCode != 0) continue; result.AddRange(resp.AddressArray .Where(entry => entry.HostName.HexCode == 0x20)); } _responseTable.Clear(); _waitResponse = true; return result.Count > 0 ? result.ToArray() : null; } } }