// This code is derived from jcifs smb client library // Ported by J. Arturo // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA using System; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using SharpCifs.Util; using SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen; using Extensions = SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen.Extensions; namespace SharpCifs.Netbios { /// This class represents a NetBIOS over TCP/IP address. /// /// This class represents a NetBIOS over TCP/IP address. Under normal /// conditions, users of jCIFS need not be concerned with this class as /// name resolution and session services are handled internally by the smb package. ///

Applications can use the methods getLocalHost, /// getByName, and /// getAllByAddress to create a new NbtAddress instance. This /// class is symmetric with /// System.Net.IPAddress /// . ///

About NetBIOS: The NetBIOS name /// service is a dynamic distributed service that allows hosts to resolve /// names by broadcasting a query, directing queries to a server such as /// Samba or WINS. NetBIOS is currently the primary networking layer for /// providing name service, datagram service, and session service to the /// Microsoft Windows platform. A NetBIOS name can be 15 characters long /// and hosts usually registers several names on the network. From a /// Windows command prompt you can see /// what names a host registers with the nbtstat command. ///

	/// C:\>nbtstat -a
	/// NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table
	/// Name               Type         Status
	/// ---------------------------------------------
	/// JMORRIS2        <00>  UNIQUE      Registered
	/// BILLING-NY      <00>  GROUP       Registered
	/// JMORRIS2        <03>  UNIQUE      Registered
	/// JMORRIS2        <20>  UNIQUE      Registered
	/// BILLING-NY      <1E>  GROUP       Registered
	/// JMORRIS         <03>  UNIQUE      Registered
	/// MAC Address = 00-B0-34-21-FA-3B

The hostname of this machine is JMORRIS2. It is /// a member of the group(a.k.a workgroup and domain) BILLING-NY. To /// obtain an /// System.Net.IPAddress /// for a host one might do: ///

	/// InetAddress addr = NbtAddress.getByName( "jmorris2" ).getInetAddress();

From a UNIX platform with Samba installed you can perform similar /// diagnostics using the nmblookup utility. /// /// Michael B. Allen /// System.Net.IPAddress /// jcifs-0.1 public sealed class NbtAddress { internal static readonly string AnyHostsName = "*\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000"; ///

/// This is a special name for querying the master browser that serves the /// list of hosts found in "Network Neighborhood". /// /// /// This is a special name for querying the master browser that serves the /// list of hosts found in "Network Neighborhood". /// public static readonly string MasterBrowserName = "\u0001\u0002__MSBROWSE__\u0002"; /// /// A special generic name specified when connecting to a host for which /// a name is not known. /// /// /// A special generic name specified when connecting to a host for which /// a name is not known. Not all servers respond to this name. /// public static readonly string SmbserverName = "*SMBSERVER "; /// A B node only broadcasts name queries. /// /// A B node only broadcasts name queries. This is the default if a /// nameserver such as WINS or Samba is not specified. /// public const int BNode = 0; /// /// A Point-to-Point node, or P node, unicasts queries to a nameserver /// only. /// /// /// A Point-to-Point node, or P node, unicasts queries to a nameserver /// only. Natrually the jcifs.netbios.nameserver property must /// be set. /// public const int PNode = 1; /// /// Try Broadcast queries first, then try to resolve the name using the /// nameserver. /// /// /// Try Broadcast queries first, then try to resolve the name using the /// nameserver. /// public const int MNode = 2; /// A Hybrid node tries to resolve a name using the nameserver first. /// /// A Hybrid node tries to resolve a name using the nameserver first. If /// that fails use the broadcast address. This is the default if a nameserver /// is provided. This is the behavior of Microsoft Windows machines. /// public const int HNode = 3; internal static readonly IPAddress[] Nbns = Config.GetInetAddressArray("jcifs.netbios.wins" , ",", new IPAddress[0]); private static readonly NameServiceClient Client = new NameServiceClient(); private const int DefaultCachePolicy = 30; private static readonly int CachePolicy = Config.GetInt("jcifs.netbios.cachePolicy" , DefaultCachePolicy); private const int Forever = -1; private static int _nbnsIndex; private static readonly Hashtable AddressCache = new Hashtable(); private static readonly Hashtable LookupTable = new Hashtable(); internal static readonly Name UnknownName = new Name("", unchecked(0x00), null); internal static readonly NbtAddress UnknownAddress = new NbtAddress (UnknownName, 0, false, BNode); internal static readonly byte[] UnknownMacAddress = { unchecked(unchecked(0x00)), unchecked(unchecked(0x00)), unchecked(unchecked(0x00)), unchecked(unchecked(0x00)), unchecked(unchecked(0x00)), unchecked(unchecked(0x00)) }; internal sealed class CacheEntry { internal Name HostName; internal NbtAddress Address; internal long Expiration; internal CacheEntry(Name hostName, NbtAddress address, long expiration) { this.HostName = hostName; this.Address = address; this.Expiration = expiration; } } internal static NbtAddress Localhost; static NbtAddress() { IPAddress localInetAddress; string localHostname; Name localName; AddressCache.Put(UnknownName, new CacheEntry(UnknownName, UnknownAddress , Forever)); localInetAddress = Client.laddr; if (localInetAddress == null) { try { localInetAddress = Extensions.GetAddressByName(""); } catch (UnknownHostException) { } } localHostname = Config.GetProperty("jcifs.netbios.hostname", null); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localHostname)) { byte[] addr = localInetAddress.GetAddressBytes(); /*localHostname = "JCIFS" + (addr[2] & unchecked((int)(0xFF))) + "_" + (addr[3] & unchecked( (int)(0xFF))) + "_" + Hexdump.ToHexString((int)(new Random().NextDouble() * (double)unchecked( (int)(0xFF))), 2);*/ localHostname = "JCIFS_127_0_0_1"; } localName = new Name(localHostname, unchecked(0x00), Config.GetProperty("jcifs.netbios.scope" , null)); Localhost = new NbtAddress(localName, localInetAddress.GetHashCode(), false, BNode , false, false, true, false, UnknownMacAddress); CacheAddress(localName, Localhost, Forever); } internal static void CacheAddress(Name hostName, NbtAddress addr) { if (CachePolicy == 0) { return; } long expiration = -1; if (CachePolicy != Forever) { expiration = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis() + CachePolicy * 1000; } CacheAddress(hostName, addr, expiration); } internal static void CacheAddress(Name hostName, NbtAddress addr, long expiration ) { if (CachePolicy == 0) { return; } lock (AddressCache) { CacheEntry entry = (CacheEntry)AddressCache.Get(hostName); if (entry == null) { entry = new CacheEntry(hostName, addr, expiration); AddressCache.Put(hostName, entry); } else { entry.Address = addr; entry.Expiration = expiration; } } } internal static void CacheAddressArray(NbtAddress[] addrs) { if (CachePolicy == 0) { return; } long expiration = -1; if (CachePolicy != Forever) { expiration = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis() + CachePolicy * 1000; } lock (AddressCache) { for (int i = 0; i < addrs.Length; i++) { CacheEntry entry = (CacheEntry)AddressCache.Get(addrs[i].HostName ); if (entry == null) { entry = new CacheEntry(addrs[i].HostName, addrs[i], expiration); AddressCache.Put(addrs[i].HostName, entry); } else { entry.Address = addrs[i]; entry.Expiration = expiration; } } } } internal static NbtAddress GetCachedAddress(Name hostName) { if (CachePolicy == 0) { return null; } lock (AddressCache) { CacheEntry entry = (CacheEntry)AddressCache.Get(hostName); if (entry != null && entry.Expiration < Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis() && entry.Expiration >= 0) { entry = null; } return entry != null ? entry.Address : null; } } /// internal static NbtAddress DoNameQuery(Name name, IPAddress svr) { NbtAddress addr; if (name.HexCode == unchecked(0x1d) && svr == null) { svr = Client.Baddr; } // bit of a hack but saves a lookup name.SrcHashCode = svr != null ? svr.GetHashCode() : 0; addr = GetCachedAddress(name); if (addr == null) { if ((addr = (NbtAddress)CheckLookupTable(name)) == null) { try { addr = Client.GetByName(name, svr); } catch (UnknownHostException) { addr = UnknownAddress; } finally { CacheAddress(name, addr); UpdateLookupTable(name); } } } if (addr == UnknownAddress) { throw new UnknownHostException(name.ToString()); } return addr; } private static object CheckLookupTable(Name name) { object obj; lock (LookupTable) { if (LookupTable.ContainsKey(name) == false) { LookupTable.Put(name, name); return null; } while (LookupTable.ContainsKey(name)) { try { Runtime.Wait(LookupTable); } catch (Exception) { } } } obj = GetCachedAddress(name); if (obj == null) { lock (LookupTable) { LookupTable.Put(name, name); } } return obj; } private static void UpdateLookupTable(Name name) { lock (LookupTable) { //Sharpen.Collections.Remove(LOOKUP_TABLE, name); LookupTable.Remove(name); Runtime.NotifyAll(LookupTable); } } /// Retrieves the local host address. /// Retrieves the local host address. /// /// This is not likely as the IP returned /// by InetAddress should be available /// public static NbtAddress GetLocalHost() { return Localhost; } public static NbtAddress[] GetHosts() { return new NameServiceClient().GetHosts(); } public static Name GetLocalName() { return Localhost.HostName; } /// Determines the address of a host given it's host name. /// /// Determines the address of a host given it's host name. The name can be a NetBIOS name like /// "freto" or an IP address like "". It cannot be a DNS name; /// the analygous /// Jcifs.UniAddress /// or /// System.Net.IPAddress /// getByName methods can be used for that. /// /// hostname to resolve /// if there is an error resolving the name /// public static NbtAddress GetByName(string host) { return GetByName(host, unchecked(0x00), null); } /// Determines the address of a host given it's host name. /// /// Determines the address of a host given it's host name. NetBIOS /// names also have a type. Types(aka Hex Codes) /// are used to distiquish the various services on a host. <a /// href="../../../nbtcodes.html">Here is /// a fairly complete list of NetBIOS hex codes. Scope is not used but is /// still functional in other NetBIOS products and so for completeness it has been /// implemented. A scope of null or "" /// signifies no scope. /// /// the name to resolve /// the hex code of the name /// the scope of the name /// if there is an error resolving the name /// public static NbtAddress GetByName(string host, int type, string scope) { return GetByName(host, type, scope, null); } /// public static NbtAddress GetByName(string host, int type, string scope, IPAddress svr) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(host)) { return GetLocalHost(); } if (!char.IsDigit(host[0])) { return DoNameQuery(new Name(host, type, scope), svr); } int ip = unchecked(0x00); int hitDots = 0; char[] data = host.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { char c = data[i]; if (c < 48 || c > 57) { return DoNameQuery(new Name(host, type, scope), svr); } int b = unchecked(0x00); while (c != '.') { if (c < 48 || c > 57) { return DoNameQuery(new Name(host, type, scope), svr); } b = b * 10 + c - '0'; if (++i >= data.Length) { break; } c = data[i]; } if (b > unchecked(0xFF)) { return DoNameQuery(new Name(host, type, scope), svr); } ip = (ip << 8) + b; hitDots++; } if (hitDots != 4 || host.EndsWith(".")) { return DoNameQuery(new Name(host, type, scope), svr); } return new NbtAddress(UnknownName, ip, false, BNode); } /// public static NbtAddress[] GetAllByName(string host, int type, string scope, IPAddress svr) { return Client.GetAllByName(new Name(host, type, scope), svr); } /// Retrieve all addresses of a host by it's address. /// /// Retrieve all addresses of a host by it's address. NetBIOS hosts can /// have many names for a given IP address. The name and IP address make the /// NetBIOS address. This provides a way to retrieve the other names for a /// host with the same IP address. /// /// hostname to lookup all addresses for /// if there is an error resolving the name /// public static NbtAddress[] GetAllByAddress(string host) { return GetAllByAddress(GetByName(host, unchecked(0x00), null)); } /// Retrieve all addresses of a host by it's address. /// /// Retrieve all addresses of a host by it's address. NetBIOS hosts can /// have many names for a given IP address. The name and IP address make /// the NetBIOS address. This provides a way to retrieve the other names /// for a host with the same IP address. See /// GetByName(string) /// for a description of type /// and scope. /// /// hostname to lookup all addresses for /// the hexcode of the name /// the scope of the name /// if there is an error resolving the name /// public static NbtAddress[] GetAllByAddress(string host, int type, string scope) { return GetAllByAddress(GetByName(host, type, scope)); } /// Retrieve all addresses of a host by it's address. /// /// Retrieve all addresses of a host by it's address. NetBIOS hosts can /// have many names for a given IP address. The name and IP address make the /// NetBIOS address. This provides a way to retrieve the other names for a /// host with the same IP address. /// /// the address to query /// if address cannot be resolved public static NbtAddress[] GetAllByAddress(NbtAddress addr) { try { NbtAddress[] addrs = Client.GetNodeStatus(addr); CacheAddressArray(addrs); return addrs; } catch (UnknownHostException) { throw new UnknownHostException("no name with type 0x" + Hexdump.ToHexString(addr. HostName.HexCode, 2) + (((addr.HostName.Scope == null) || (addr.HostName.Scope.Length == 0)) ? " with no scope" : " with scope " + addr.HostName.Scope) + " for host " + addr.GetHostAddress()); } } public static IPAddress GetWinsAddress() { return Nbns.Length == 0 ? null : Nbns[_nbnsIndex]; } public static bool IsWins(IPAddress svr) { for (int i = 0; svr != null && i < Nbns.Length; i++) { if (svr.GetHashCode() == Nbns[i].GetHashCode()) { return true; } } return false; } internal static IPAddress SwitchWins() { _nbnsIndex = (_nbnsIndex + 1) < Nbns.Length ? _nbnsIndex + 1 : 0; return Nbns.Length == 0 ? null : Nbns[_nbnsIndex]; } internal Name HostName; internal int Address; internal int NodeType; internal bool GroupName; internal bool isBeingDeleted; internal bool isInConflict; internal bool isActive; internal bool isPermanent; internal bool IsDataFromNodeStatus; internal byte[] MacAddress; internal string CalledName; internal NbtAddress(Name hostName, int address, bool groupName, int nodeType) { this.HostName = hostName; this.Address = address; this.GroupName = groupName; this.NodeType = nodeType; } internal NbtAddress(Name hostName, int address, bool groupName, int nodeType, bool isBeingDeleted, bool isInConflict, bool isActive, bool isPermanent, byte[] macAddress ) { this.HostName = hostName; this.Address = address; this.GroupName = groupName; this.NodeType = nodeType; this.isBeingDeleted = isBeingDeleted; this.isInConflict = isInConflict; this.isActive = isActive; this.isPermanent = isPermanent; this.MacAddress = macAddress; IsDataFromNodeStatus = true; } public string FirstCalledName() { CalledName = HostName.name; if (char.IsDigit(CalledName[0])) { int i; int len; int dots; char[] data; i = dots = 0; len = CalledName.Length; data = CalledName.ToCharArray(); while (i < len && char.IsDigit(data[i++])) { if (i == len && dots == 3) { // probably an IP address CalledName = SmbserverName; break; } if (i < len && data[i] == '.') { dots++; i++; } } } else { switch (HostName.HexCode) { case unchecked(0x1B): case unchecked(0x1C): case unchecked(0x1D): { CalledName = SmbserverName; break; } } } return CalledName; } public string NextCalledName() { if (CalledName == HostName.name) { CalledName = SmbserverName; } else { if (CalledName == SmbserverName) { NbtAddress[] addrs; try { addrs = Client.GetNodeStatus(this); if (HostName.HexCode == unchecked(0x1D)) { for (int i = 0; i < addrs.Length; i++) { if (addrs[i].HostName.HexCode == unchecked(0x20)) { return addrs[i].HostName.name; } } return null; } if (IsDataFromNodeStatus) { CalledName = null; return HostName.name; } } catch (UnknownHostException) { CalledName = null; } } else { CalledName = null; } } return CalledName; } /// internal void CheckData() { if (HostName == UnknownName) { GetAllByAddress(this); } } /// internal void CheckNodeStatusData() { if (IsDataFromNodeStatus == false) { GetAllByAddress(this); } } /// Determines if the address is a group address. /// /// Determines if the address is a group address. This is also /// known as a workgroup name or group name. /// /// if the host cannot be resolved to find out. /// public bool IsGroupAddress() { CheckData(); return GroupName; } /// Checks the node type of this address. /// Checks the node type of this address. /// /// /// B_NODE /// , /// P_NODE /// , /// M_NODE /// , /// H_NODE /// /// if the host cannot be resolved to find out. /// public int GetNodeType() { CheckData(); return NodeType; } /// Determines if this address in the process of being deleted. /// Determines if this address in the process of being deleted. /// if the host cannot be resolved to find out. /// public bool IsBeingDeleted() { CheckNodeStatusData(); return isBeingDeleted; } /// Determines if this address in conflict with another address. /// Determines if this address in conflict with another address. /// if the host cannot be resolved to find out. /// public bool IsInConflict() { CheckNodeStatusData(); return isInConflict; } /// Determines if this address is active. /// Determines if this address is active. /// if the host cannot be resolved to find out. /// public bool IsActive() { CheckNodeStatusData(); return isActive; } /// Determines if this address is set to be permanent. /// Determines if this address is set to be permanent. /// if the host cannot be resolved to find out. /// public bool IsPermanent() { CheckNodeStatusData(); return isPermanent; } /// Retrieves the MAC address of the remote network interface. /// Retrieves the MAC address of the remote network interface. Samba returns all zeros. /// /// the MAC address as an array of six bytes /// /// if the host cannot be resolved to /// determine the MAC address. /// public byte[] GetMacAddress() { CheckNodeStatusData(); return MacAddress; } /// The hostname of this address. /// /// The hostname of this address. If the hostname is null the local machines /// IP address is returned. /// /// the text representation of the hostname associated with this address public string GetHostName() { if (HostName == UnknownName) { return GetHostAddress(); } return HostName.name; } /// Returns the raw IP address of this NbtAddress. /// /// Returns the raw IP address of this NbtAddress. The result is in network /// byte order: the highest order byte of the address is in getAddress()[0]. /// /// a four byte array public byte[] GetAddress() { byte[] addr = new byte[4]; addr[0] = unchecked((byte)(((int)(((uint)Address) >> 24)) & unchecked(0xFF ))); addr[1] = unchecked((byte)(((int)(((uint)Address) >> 16)) & unchecked(0xFF ))); addr[2] = unchecked((byte)(((int)(((uint)Address) >> 8)) & unchecked(0xFF) )); addr[3] = unchecked((byte)(Address & unchecked(0xFF))); return addr; } /// To convert this address to an InetAddress. /// To convert this address to an InetAddress. /// /// the /// System.Net.IPAddress /// representation of this address. /// /// public IPAddress GetInetAddress() { return Extensions.GetAddressByName(GetHostAddress()); } /// /// Returns this IP adress as a /// string /// in the form "%d.%d.%d.%d". /// public string GetHostAddress() { return (((int)(((uint)Address) >> 24)) & unchecked(0xFF)) + "." + (((int)( ((uint)Address) >> 16)) & unchecked(0xFF)) + "." + (((int)(((uint)Address ) >> 8)) & unchecked(0xFF)) + "." + (((int)(((uint)Address) >> 0)) & unchecked( 0xFF)); } /// Returned the hex code associated with this name(e.g. /// Returned the hex code associated with this name(e.g. 0x20 is for the file service) /// public int GetNameType() { return HostName.HexCode; } /// Returns a hashcode for this IP address. /// /// Returns a hashcode for this IP address. The hashcode comes from the IP address /// and is not generated from the string representation. So because NetBIOS nodes /// can have many names, all names associated with an IP will have the same /// hashcode. /// public override int GetHashCode() { return Address; } /// Determines if this address is equal two another. /// /// Determines if this address is equal two another. Only the IP Addresses /// are compared. Similar to the /// GetHashCode() /// method, the comparison /// is based on the integer IP address and not the string representation. /// public override bool Equals(object obj) { return (obj != null) && (obj is NbtAddress) && (((NbtAddress)obj).Address == Address ); } /// /// Returns the /// string /// representaion of this address. /// public override string ToString() { return HostName + "/" + GetHostAddress(); } } }