using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.IO;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Library
public class ItemController
#region PreBeginResolvePath Event
/// Fires when a path is about to be resolved, but before child folders and files
/// have been collected from the file system.
/// This gives listeners a chance to cancel the operation and cause the path to be ignored.
public event EventHandler PreBeginResolvePath;
private bool OnPreBeginResolvePath(PreBeginResolveEventArgs args)
if (PreBeginResolvePath != null)
PreBeginResolvePath(this, args);
return !args.Cancel;
#region BeginResolvePath Event
/// Fires when a path is about to be resolved, but after child folders and files
/// have been collected from the file system.
/// This gives listeners a chance to cancel the operation and cause the path to be ignored.
public event EventHandler BeginResolvePath;
private bool OnBeginResolvePath(ItemResolveEventArgs args)
if (BeginResolvePath != null)
BeginResolvePath(this, args);
return !args.Cancel;
private BaseItem ResolveItem(ItemResolveEventArgs args)
// Try first priority resolvers
for (int i = 0; i < Kernel.Instance.EntityResolvers.Length; i++)
var item = Kernel.Instance.EntityResolvers[i].ResolvePath(args);
if (item != null)
return item;
return null;
/// Resolves a path into a BaseItem
public async Task GetItem(string path, Folder parent = null, WIN32_FIND_DATA? fileInfo = null, bool allowInternetProviders = true)
ItemResolveEventArgs args = new ItemResolveEventArgs()
FileInfo = fileInfo ?? FileData.GetFileData(path),
Parent = parent,
Cancel = false,
Path = path
if (!OnPreBeginResolvePath(args))
return null;
WIN32_FIND_DATA[] fileSystemChildren;
// Gather child folder and files
if (args.IsDirectory)
fileSystemChildren = FileData.GetFileSystemEntries(path, "*").ToArray();
bool isVirtualFolder = parent != null && parent.IsRoot;
fileSystemChildren = FilterChildFileSystemEntries(fileSystemChildren, isVirtualFolder);
fileSystemChildren = new WIN32_FIND_DATA[] { };
args.FileSystemChildren = fileSystemChildren;
// Fire BeginResolvePath to see if anyone wants to cancel this operation
if (!OnBeginResolvePath(args))
return null;
BaseItem item = ResolveItem(args);
if (item != null)
await Kernel.Instance.ExecuteMetadataProviders(item, args, allowInternetProviders: allowInternetProviders).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (item.IsFolder)
// If it's a folder look for child entities
(item as Folder).Children = (await Task.WhenAll(GetChildren(item as Folder, fileSystemChildren, allowInternetProviders)).ConfigureAwait(false))
.Where(i => i != null).OrderBy(f =>
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.SortName) ? f.Name : f.SortName;
return item;
/// Finds child BaseItems for a given Folder
private Task[] GetChildren(Folder folder, WIN32_FIND_DATA[] fileSystemChildren, bool allowInternetProviders)
Task[] tasks = new Task[fileSystemChildren.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < fileSystemChildren.Length; i++)
var child = fileSystemChildren[i];
tasks[i] = GetItem(child.Path, folder, child, allowInternetProviders: allowInternetProviders);
return tasks;
/// Transforms shortcuts into their actual paths
private WIN32_FIND_DATA[] FilterChildFileSystemEntries(WIN32_FIND_DATA[] fileSystemChildren, bool flattenShortcuts)
WIN32_FIND_DATA[] returnArray = new WIN32_FIND_DATA[fileSystemChildren.Length];
List resolvedShortcuts = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < fileSystemChildren.Length; i++)
WIN32_FIND_DATA file = fileSystemChildren[i];
// If it's a shortcut, resolve it
if (Shortcut.IsShortcut(file.Path))
string newPath = Shortcut.ResolveShortcut(file.Path);
WIN32_FIND_DATA newPathData = FileData.GetFileData(newPath);
// Find out if the shortcut is pointing to a directory or file
if (newPathData.IsDirectory)
// If we're flattening then get the shortcut's children
if (flattenShortcuts)
returnArray[i] = file;
WIN32_FIND_DATA[] newChildren = FileData.GetFileSystemEntries(newPath, "*").ToArray();
resolvedShortcuts.AddRange(FilterChildFileSystemEntries(newChildren, false));
returnArray[i] = newPathData;
returnArray[i] = newPathData;
returnArray[i] = file;
if (resolvedShortcuts.Count > 0)
resolvedShortcuts.InsertRange(0, returnArray);
return resolvedShortcuts.ToArray();
return returnArray;
/// Gets a Person
public Task GetPerson(string name)
return GetImagesByNameItem(Kernel.Instance.ApplicationPaths.PeoplePath, name);
/// Gets a Studio
public Task GetStudio(string name)
return GetImagesByNameItem(Kernel.Instance.ApplicationPaths.StudioPath, name);
/// Gets a Genre
public Task GetGenre(string name)
return GetImagesByNameItem(Kernel.Instance.ApplicationPaths.GenrePath, name);
/// Gets a Year
public Task GetYear(int value)
return GetImagesByNameItem(Kernel.Instance.ApplicationPaths.YearPath, value.ToString());
private ConcurrentDictionary ImagesByNameItemCache = new ConcurrentDictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
/// Generically retrieves an IBN item
private Task GetImagesByNameItem(string path, string name)
where T : BaseEntity, new()
name = FileData.GetValidFilename(name);
string key = Path.Combine(path, name);
// Look for it in the cache, if it's not there, create it
if (!ImagesByNameItemCache.ContainsKey(key))
ImagesByNameItemCache[key] = CreateImagesByNameItem(path, name);
return ImagesByNameItemCache[key] as Task;
/// Creates an IBN item based on a given path
private async Task CreateImagesByNameItem(string path, string name)
where T : BaseEntity, new()
T item = new T();
item.Name = name;
item.Id = Kernel.GetMD5(path);
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
item.DateCreated = Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc(path);
item.DateModified = Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(path);
ItemResolveEventArgs args = new ItemResolveEventArgs();
args.FileInfo = FileData.GetFileData(path);
args.FileSystemChildren = FileData.GetFileSystemEntries(path, "*").ToArray();
await Kernel.Instance.ExecuteMetadataProviders(item, args).ConfigureAwait(false);
return item;