diff --git a/.ci/azure-pipelines.yml b/.ci/azure-pipelines.yml index 992753623..7427190e6 100644 --- a/.ci/azure-pipelines.yml +++ b/.ci/azure-pipelines.yml @@ -141,54 +141,12 @@ jobs: !**\obj\** !**\xunit.runner.visualstudio.testadapter.dll !**\xunit.runner.visualstudio.dotnetcore.testadapter.dll - #testPlan: # Required when testSelector == TestPlan - #testSuite: # Required when testSelector == TestPlan - #testConfiguration: # Required when testSelector == TestPlan - #tcmTestRun: '$(test.RunId)' # Optional searchFolder: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)' - #testFiltercriteria: # Optional - #runOnlyImpactedTests: False # Optional - #runAllTestsAfterXBuilds: '50' # Optional - #uiTests: false # Optional - #vstestLocationMethod: 'version' # Optional. Options: version, location - #vsTestVersion: 'latest' # Optional. Options: latest, 16.0, 15.0, 14.0, toolsInstaller - #vstestLocation: # Optional - #runSettingsFile: # Optional - #overrideTestrunParameters: # Optional - #pathtoCustomTestAdapters: # Optional runInParallel: True # Optional runTestsInIsolation: True # Optional codeCoverageEnabled: True # Optional - #otherConsoleOptions: # Optional - #distributionBatchType: 'basedOnTestCases' # Optional. Options: basedOnTestCases, basedOnExecutionTime, basedOnAssembly - #batchingBasedOnAgentsOption: 'autoBatchSize' # Optional. Options: autoBatchSize, customBatchSize - #customBatchSizeValue: '10' # Required when distributionBatchType == BasedOnTestCases && BatchingBasedOnAgentsOption == CustomBatchSize - #batchingBasedOnExecutionTimeOption: 'autoBatchSize' # Optional. Options: autoBatchSize, customTimeBatchSize - #customRunTimePerBatchValue: '60' # Required when distributionBatchType == BasedOnExecutionTime && BatchingBasedOnExecutionTimeOption == CustomTimeBatchSize - #dontDistribute: False # Optional - #testRunTitle: # Optional - #platform: # Optional configuration: 'Debug' # Optional publishRunAttachments: true # Optional - #diagnosticsEnabled: false # Optional - #collectDumpOn: 'onAbortOnly' # Optional. Options: onAbortOnly, always, never - #rerunFailedTests: False # Optional - #rerunType: 'basedOnTestFailurePercentage' # Optional. Options: basedOnTestFailurePercentage, basedOnTestFailureCount - #rerunFailedThreshold: '30' # Optional - #rerunFailedTestCasesMaxLimit: '5' # Optional - #rerunMaxAttempts: '3' # Optional - - # - task: PublishTestResults@2 - # inputs: - # testResultsFormat: 'VSTest' # Options: JUnit, NUnit, VSTest, xUnit, cTest - # testResultsFiles: '**/*.trx' - # #searchFolder: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)' # Optional - # mergeTestResults: true # Optional - # #failTaskOnFailedTests: false # Optional - # #testRunTitle: # Optional - # #buildPlatform: # Optional - # #buildConfiguration: # Optional - # #publishRunAttachments: true # Optional - job: main_build_win displayName: Publish Windows @@ -252,11 +210,7 @@ jobs: targetType: 'filePath' # Optional. Options: filePath, inline filePath: ./deployment/windows/build-jellyfin.ps1 # Required when targetType == FilePath arguments: -InstallFFMPEG -InstallNSSM -MakeNSIS -InstallTrayApp -UXLocation $(Agent.TempDirectory)\jellyfin-ux -InstallLocation $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) - #script: '# Write your PowerShell commands here.Write-Host Hello World' # Required when targetType == Inline errorActionPreference: 'stop' # Optional. Options: stop, continue, silentlyContinue - #failOnStderr: false # Optional - #ignoreLASTEXITCODE: false # Optional - #pwsh: false # Optional workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory) # Optional - task: CopyFiles@2 @@ -304,16 +258,9 @@ jobs: displayName: Download the New Assembly Build Artifact inputs: source: 'current' # Options: current, specific - #preferTriggeringPipeline: false # Optional - #tags: # Optional artifact: '$(NugetPackageName)' # Optional - #patterns: '**' # Optional path: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/new-artifacts' - #project: # Required when source == Specific - #pipeline: # Required when source == Specific runVersion: 'latest' # Required when source == Specific. Options: latest, latestFromBranch, specific - #runBranch: 'refs/heads/master' # Required when source == Specific && runVersion == LatestFromBranch - #runId: # Required when source == Specific && runVersion == Specific - task: CopyFiles@2 displayName: Copy New Assembly to new-release folder @@ -329,16 +276,12 @@ jobs: displayName: Download the Reference Assembly Build Artifact inputs: source: 'specific' # Options: current, specific - #preferTriggeringPipeline: false # Optional - #tags: # Optional artifact: '$(NugetPackageName)' # Optional - #patterns: '**' # Optional path: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/current-artifacts' project: '$(System.TeamProjectId)' # Required when source == Specific pipeline: '$(System.DefinitionId)' # Required when source == Specific runVersion: 'latestFromBranch' # Required when source == Specific. Options: latest, latestFromBranch, specific runBranch: 'refs/heads/$(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)' # Required when source == Specific && runVersion == LatestFromBranch - #runId: # Required when source == Specific && runVersion == Specific - task: CopyFiles@2 displayName: Copy Reference Assembly to current-release folder @@ -356,7 +299,6 @@ jobs: connection: Jellyfin Release Download userRepository: EraYaN/dotnet-compatibility defaultVersionType: 'latest' # Options: latest, specificVersion, specificTag - #version: # Required when defaultVersionType != Latest itemPattern: '**-ci.zip' # Optional downloadPath: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)' @@ -371,5 +313,4 @@ jobs: displayName: Execute ABI compatibility check tool inputs: script: 'dotnet tools/CompatibilityCheckerCoreCLI.dll current-release/$(AssemblyFileName) new-release/$(AssemblyFileName) --azure-pipelines' - workingDirectory: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) # Optional - #failOnStderr: false # Optional + workingDirectory: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)