"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to sync, premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"MessagePlaybackErrorNoCompatibleStream":"No compatible streams are currently available. Please try again later or contact your system administrator for details.",
"MessageConfirmItemGrouping":"Emby apps will automatically choose the optimal version to play based on device and network performance. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPathHelp":"Browse or enter the path to use for storing channel cache files. The folder must be writeable.",
"LabelChapterDownloaders":"Chapter downloaders:",
"LabelChapterDownloadersHelp":"Enable and rank your preferred chapter downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"NewVersionOfSomethingAvailable":"A new version of {0} is available!",
"VersionXIsAvailableForDownload":"Version {0} is now available for download.",
"LabelVersionNumber":"Version {0}",
"LabelPlayMethodDirectStream":"Direct Streaming",
"LabelPlayMethodDirectPlay":"Direct Playing",
"LabelAudioCodec":"Audio: {0}",
"LabelVideoCodec":"Video: {0}",
"LabelLocalAccessUrl":"Local access: {0}",
"LabelRemoteAccessUrl":"Remote access: {0}",
"LabelRunningOnPort":"Running on http port {0}.",
"LabelRunningOnPorts":"Running on http port {0}, and https port {1}.",
"HeaderLatestFromChannel":"Latest from {0}",
"LabelUnknownLanaguage":"Unknown language",
"HeaderCurrentSubtitles":"Current Subtitles",
"MessageDownloadQueued":"The download has been queued.",
"MessageAreYouSureDeleteSubtitles":"Are you sure you wish to delete this subtitle file?",
"ButtonRemoteControl":"Remote Control",
"HeaderLatestTvRecordings":"Latest Recordings",
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Open in new tab",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Instant mix",
"HeaderAudioTracks":"Audio Tracks",
"HeaderVideoQuality":"Video Quality",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo":"There was an error playing the video.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner":"Please ensure there is an open tuner availalble.",
"ButtonMetadataManager":"Metadata Manager",
"HeaderAlbumArtist":"Album Artist",
"LabelAddedOnDate":"Added {0}",
"HeaderMediaFolders":"Media Folders",
"HeaderBlockItemsWithNoRating":"Block content with no rating information:",
"HeaderChangeFolderTypeHelp":"To change the type, please remove and rebuild the folder with the new type.",
"MessagePleaseRestart":"Please restart to finish updating.",
"MessagePleaseRefreshPage":"Please refresh this page to receive new updates from the server.",
"MessageSettingsSaved":"Settings saved.",
"ButtonSignOut":"Sign Out",
"ButtonMyProfile":"My Profile",
"ButtonMyPreferences":"My Preferences",
"MessageBrowserDoesNotSupportWebSockets":"This browser does not support web sockets. For a better experience, try a newer browser such as Chrome, Firefox, IE10+, Safari (iOS) or Opera.",
"LabelMetadataDownloadersHelp":"Enable and rank your preferred metadata downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"LabelMetadataSavers":"Metadata savers:",
"LabelMetadataSaversHelp":"Choose the file formats to save your metadata to.",
"LabelImageFetchers":"Image fetchers:",
"LabelImageFetchersHelp":"Enable and rank your preferred image fetchers in order of priority.",
"ButtonQueueAllFromHere":"Queue all from here",
"ButtonPlayAllFromHere":"Play all from here",
"LabelDynamicExternalId":"{0} Id:",
"HeaderIdentify":"Identify Item",
"LabelTitleDisplayOrder":"Title display order:",
"OptionSortName":"Sort name",
"OptionReleaseDate":"Release date",
"LabelSeasonNumber":"Season number:",
"LabelDiscNumber":"Disc number",
"LabelParentNumber":"Parent number",
"LabelEpisodeNumber":"Episode number:",
"LabelTrackNumber":"Track number:",
"LabelReleaseDate":"Release date:",
"LabelEndDate":"End date:",
"LabelDateOfBirth":"Date of birth:",
"LabelBirthYear":"Birth year:",
"LabelBirthDate":"Birth date:",
"LabelDeathDate":"Death date:",
"HeaderRemoveMediaLocation":"Remove Media Location",
"MessageConfirmRemoveMediaLocation":"Are you sure you wish to remove this location?",
"MessageTheFollowingLocationWillBeRemovedFromLibrary":"The following media locations will be removed from your library:",
"MessageAreYouSureYouWishToRemoveMediaFolder":"Are you sure you wish to remove this media folder?",
"ButtonChangeType":"Change type",
"HeaderMediaLocations":"Media Locations",
"LabelContentTypeValue":"Content type: {0}",
"LabelPathSubstitutionHelp":"Optional: Path substitution can map server paths to network shares that clients can access for direct playback.",
"FolderTypeUnset":"Unset (mixed content)",
"FolderTypeAdultVideos":"Adult videos",
"FolderTypeMusicVideos":"Music videos",
"FolderTypeHomeVideos":"Home videos",
"TabMusicVideos":"Music Videos",
"BirthPlaceValue":"Birth place: {0}",
"DeathDateValue":"Died: {0}",
"BirthDateValue":"Born: {0}",
"HeaderLatestReviews":"Latest Reviews",
"HeaderPluginInstallation":"Plugin Installation",
"MessageAlreadyInstalled":"This version is already installed.",
"ValueReviewCount":"{0} Reviews",
"MessageYouHaveVersionInstalled":"You currently have version {0} installed.",
"MessageTrialExpired":"The trial period for this feature has expired",
"MessageTrialWillExpireIn":"The trial period for this feature will expire in {0} day(s)",
"MessageInstallPluginFromApp":"This plugin must be installed from with in the app you intend to use it in.",
"ValuePriceUSD":"Price: {0} (USD)",
"MessageFeatureIncludedWithSupporter":"You are registered for this feature, and will be able to continue using it with an active supporter membership.",
"MessageChangeRecurringPlanConfirm":"After completing this transaction you will need to cancel your previous recurring donation from within your PayPal account. Thank you for supporting Emby.",
"MessageYouHaveALifetimeMembership":"You have a lifetime supporter membership. You can provide additional donations on a one-time or recurring basis using the options below. Thank you for supporting Emby.",
"MessageEmbyAccountAdded":"The Emby account has been added to this user.",
"MessagePendingEmbyAccountAdded":"The Emby account has been added to this user. An email will be sent to the owner of the account. The invitation will need to be confirmed by clicking a link within the email.",
"WebClientTourMySync":"Sync your personal media to your devices for offline viewing.",
"MessageEnjoyYourStay":"Enjoy your stay",
"DashboardTourDashboard":"The server dashboard allows you to monitor your server and your users. You'll always know who is doing what and where they are.",
"DashboardTourHelp":"In-app help provides easy buttons to open wiki pages relating to the on-screen content.",
"DashboardTourUsers":"Easily create user accounts for your friends and family, each with their own permissions, library access, parental controls and more.",
"DashboardTourCinemaMode":"Cinema mode brings the theater experience straight to your living room with the ability to play trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"DashboardTourChapters":"Enable chapter image generation for your videos for a more pleasing presentation while viewing.",
"DashboardTourSubtitles":"Automatically download subtitles for your videos in any language.",
"DashboardTourPlugins":"Install plugins such as internet video channels, live tv, metadata scanners, and more.",
"DashboardTourNotifications":"Automatically send notifications of server events to your mobile device, email and more.",
"DashboardTourScheduledTasks":"Easily manage long running operations with scheduled tasks. Decide when they run, and how often.",
"DashboardTourMobile":"The Emby Server dashboard works great on smartphones and tablets. Manage your server from the palm of your hand anytime, anywhere.",
"CancelSyncJobConfirmation":"Cancelling the sync job will remove synced media from the device during the next sync process. Are you sure you wish to proceed?",
"OptionSyncUnwatchedVideosOnlyHelp":"Only unwatched videos will be synced, and videos will be removed from the device as they are watched.",
"LabelItemLimit":"Item limit:",
"LabelItemLimitHelp":"Optional. Set a limit to the number of items that will be synced.",
"MessageBookPluginRequired":"Requires installation of the Bookshelf plugin",
"MessageGamePluginRequired":"Requires installation of the GameBrowser plugin",
"MessageUnsetContentHelp":"Content will be displayed as plain folders. For best results use the metadata manager to set the content types of sub-folders.",
"SyncJobItemStatusRemovedFromDevice":"Removed from device",