"ThisWizardWillGuideYou":"Ovaj pomo\u0107nik \u0107e Vas voditi kroz proces pode\u0161avanja. Za po\u010detak, odaberite \u017eeljeni jezik.",
"TellUsAboutYourself":"Recite nam ne\u0161to o sebi",
"ButtonQuickStartGuide":"Quick start guide",
"MoreUsersCanBeAddedLater":"Vi\u0161e korisnika mo\u017eete dodati naknadno preko nadzorne plo\u010de.",
"UserProfilesIntro":"Emby includes built-in support for user profiles, enabling each user to have their own display settings, playstate and parental controls.",
"LabelWindowsService":"Windows servis",
"AWindowsServiceHasBeenInstalled":"Windows servis je instaliran.",
"WindowsServiceIntro1":"Emby Server normally runs as a desktop application with a tray icon, but if you prefer to run it as a background service, it can be started from the windows services control panel instead.",
"WindowsServiceIntro2":"Ako koristite windows servis uslugu, imajte na umu da nemo\u017ee raditi u isto vrijeme kad i aplikacija na alatnoj traci. Stoga morate ugasiti aplikaciju na altanoj traci da bi mogli pokrenuti servis. Servis \u0107e te morati postaviti sa administrativnim dopu\u0161tenjima preko windows upravlja\u010dke plo\u010de. Tako\u0111er imajte na umu da se u ovom trenutku servis nemo\u017ee automatizirano nadograditi, ve\u0107 je za nove verzije potrebna interakcija korisnika.",
"WizardCompleted":"That's all we need for now. Emby has begun collecting information about your media library. Check out some of our apps, and then click <b>Finish<\/b> to view the <b>Server Dashboard<\/b>.",
"LabelEnableVideoImageExtraction":"Omogu\u0107i preuzimanje slika iz videa",
"VideoImageExtractionHelp":"Za videa koja jo\u0161 nemaju slike, i za koja nismo uspijeli na\u0107i slike na internetu ovo \u0107e dodati jo\u0161 malo vremena na po\u010detno skeniranje biblioteke ali \u0107e biti ugodnija prezentacija naslova.",
"LabelEnableChapterImageExtractionForMovies":"Izvuci slike poglavlja za Filmove",
"LabelChapterImageExtractionForMoviesHelp":"Extracting chapter images will allow clients to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, cpu-intensive and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs as a nightly scheduled task, although this is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMappingHelp":"UPnP omogu\u0107uje automatsku konfiguraciju usmjeriva\u010da (router \/ modem) za lak\u0161i pristup na daljinu. Ovo mo\u017eda ne\u0107e raditi sa nekim modelima usmjeriva\u010da.",
"HeaderTermsOfService":"Emby Terms of Service",
"MessagePleaseAcceptTermsOfService":"Please accept the terms of service and privacy policy before continuing.",
"OptionIAcceptTermsOfService":"I accept the terms of service",
"LabelDashboardSourcePathHelp":"If running the server from source, specify the path to the dashboard-ui folder. All web client files will be served from this location.",
"LabelAddConnectSupporterHelp":"To add a user who isn't listed, you'll need to first link their account to Emby Connect from their user profile page.",
"LabelPinCode":"Pin code:",
"OptionHideWatchedContentFromLatestMedia":"Hide watched content from latest media",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMedia":"Detect archive files as media",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMediaHelp":"If enabled, files with .rar and .zip extensions will be detected as media files.",
"LabelEnterConnectUserName":"Username or email:",
"LabelEnterConnectUserNameHelp":"This is your Emby online account username or password.",
"LabelEnableEnhancedMovies":"Enable enhanced movie displays",
"LabelEnableEnhancedMoviesHelp":"When enabled, movies will be displayed as folders to include trailers, extras, cast & crew, and other related content.",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadata":"Snimi ilustracije i metadata u medijske mape",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadataHelp":"Snimljene ilustracije i metadata u medijskim mapama \u0107e biti postavljene na lokaciju gdje \u0107e se mo\u0107i jednostavno mjenjati.",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadata":"Preuzmi ilustracije i metadata (opise) sa interneta",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadataHelp":"Emby Server can download information about your media to enable rich presentations.",
"TabLibraryAccess":"Pristup biblioteci",
"HeaderDeviceAccess":"Device Access",
"OptionEnableAccessFromAllDevices":"Enable access from all devices",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllChannels":"Enable access to all channels",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllLibraries":"Enable access to all libraries",
"DeviceAccessHelp":"This only applies to devices that can be uniquely identified and will not prevent browser access. Filtering user device access will prevent them from using new devices until they've been approved here.",
"LabelDisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons":"Prika\u017ei epizode koje nedostaju unutar sezone",
"LabelUnairedMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons":"Prika\u017ei epizode koje nisu emitirane unutar sezone",
"HeaderVideoPlaybackSettings":"Postavke video reprodukcije",
"MaxParentalRatingHelp":"Sadr\u017eaj sa vi\u0161om ocjenom \u0107e biti skriven od ovog korisnika.",
"LibraryAccessHelp":"Odaberite medijske mape za djeljenje sa ovim korisnikom. Administratori \u0107e mo\u0107i mjenjati sve mape preko Metadata menad\u017eera.",
"ChannelAccessHelp":"Odaberite kanale za dijeljenje sa ovim korisnikom. Administratori \u0107e mo\u0107i mijenjati sve kanale koriste\u0107i metadata menad\u017eer.",
"ButtonDeleteImage":"Izbri\u0161i sliku",
"LabelSelectUsers":"Odaberite korisnika:",
"HeaderUploadNewImage":"Dostavi novu sliku",
"LabelDropImageHere":"Ubaci sliku ovdje",
"ImageUploadAspectRatioHelp":"1:1 Omjer, preporu\u010damo. Samo JPG\/PNG.",
"MessageNothingHere":"Ni\u0161ta ovdje.",
"MessagePleaseEnsureInternetMetadata":"Molimo provjerite da je preuzimanje metadata sa interneta omogu\u0107eno.",
"DevBuildWarning":"Dev distribucije su klimave. \u010cesto se izbacuju, a nisu ni testirane. Aplikacija se mo\u017ee sru\u0161iti i mogu otkazati sve funkcije.",
"VisitProjectWebsiteLong":"Visit the Emby Web site to catch the latest news and keep up with the developer blog.",
"OptionHideUser":"Sakrij korisnika sa prozora prijave",
"OptionHideUserFromLoginHelp":"Useful for private or hidden administrator accounts. The user will need to sign in manually by entering their username and password.",
"OptionDisableUser":"Onemogu\u0107i ovog korisnika",
"OptionDisableUserHelp":"Ako je onemogu\u0107en server ne\u0107e dopustiti nikakve veze od ovog korisnika. Postoje\u0107e veze \u0107e odmah biti prekinute.",
"HeaderAdvancedControl":"Napredna kontrola",
"OptionAllowUserToManageServer":"Dopusti ovom korisniku da upravlja serverom",
"HeaderFeatureAccess":"Pristup opcijama",
"OptionAllowMediaPlayback":"Allow media playback",
"OptionAllowBrowsingLiveTv":"Allow Live TV access",
"OptionAllowDeleteLibraryContent":"Allow media deletion",
"OptionAllowManageLiveTv":"Allow Live TV recording management",
"OptionAllowRemoteControlOthers":"Allow remote control of other users",
"OptionAllowRemoteSharedDevices":"Allow remote control of shared devices",
"OptionAllowRemoteSharedDevicesHelp":"Dlna devices are considered shared until a user begins controlling it.",
"OptionAllowLinkSharing":"Allow social media sharing",
"OptionAllowLinkSharingHelp":"Only web pages containing media information are shared. Media files are never shared publicly. Shares are time-limited and will expire based on your server sharing settings.",
"LabelRunServerAtStartup":"Pokreni server pri pokretanju ra\u010dunala",
"LabelRunServerAtStartupHelp":"Ovo \u0107e pokrenuti aplikaciju na alatnoj traci prilikom startanja windowsa. Ako \u017eelite pokrenuti Media Browser kao uslugu servisa maknite kva\u010dicu i pokrenite servis iz windows kontrolne plo\u010de. Imajte na umu da nemo\u017eet imati pokrenuto oboje, stoga ugasite aplikaciju na alatnoj traci prije pokretanja servisa.",
"ButtonSelectDirectory":"Select Directory",
"LabelCustomPaths":"Specify custom paths where desired. Leave fields empty to use the defaults.",
"LabelCachePath":"Cache path:",
"LabelCachePathHelp":"Specify a custom location for server cache files, such as images.",
"LabelImagesByNamePath":"Images by name path:",
"LabelImagesByNamePathHelp":"Specify a custom location for downloaded actor, genre and studio images.",
"LabelMetadataPath":"Metadata path:",
"LabelMetadataPathHelp":"Specify a custom location for downloaded artwork and metadata, if not saving within media folders.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTmdb":"Enable automatic updates from TheMovieDB.org",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTvdb":"Enable automatic updates from TheTVDB.com",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesFanartHelp":"If enabled, new images will be downloaded automatically as they're added to fanart.tv. Existing images will not be replaced.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTmdbHelp":"If enabled, new images will be downloaded automatically as they're added to TheMovieDB.org. Existing images will not be replaced.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTvdbHelp":"If enabled, new images will be downloaded automatically as they're added to TheTVDB.com. Existing images will not be replaced.",
"LabelFanartApiKey":"Personal api key:",
"LabelFanartApiKeyHelp":"Requests to fanart without a personal API key return results that were approved over 7 days ago. With a personal API key that drops to 48 hours and if you are also a fanart VIP member that will further drop to around 10 minutes.",
"ExtractChapterImagesHelp":"Extracting chapter images will allow clients to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, cpu-intensive and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs when videos are discovered, and also as a nightly scheduled task. The schedule is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Emby recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDays":"Broj dana TV vodi\u010da za preuzet:",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDaysHelp":"Preuzimanje vi\u0161e dana TV vodi\u010da, omogu\u0107iti \u0107e vam zakazivanje snimanja dalje u budu\u0107nost , ali \u0107e i preuzimanje du\u017ee trajati. Automaski - odabir \u0107e se prilagoditi broju kanala.",
"LiveTvPluginRequired":"TV u\u017eivo usluga je obavezna ako \u017eelite nastaviti.",
"LiveTvPluginRequiredHelp":"Molimo instalirajte jedan od dostupnih dodataka, kaoo \u0161to su Next Pvr ili ServerWmc.",
"LabelCustomizeOptionsPerMediaType":"Customize for media type:",
"OptionDownloadBackImage":"Druga str.",
"HeaderFetchImages":"Dohvati slike:",
"HeaderImageSettings":"Postavke slike",
"LabelMaxBackdropsPerItem":"Maksimalni broj pozadina po stavci:",
"LabelMaxScreenshotsPerItem":"Maksimalni broj isje\u010daka po stavci:",
"LabelMinBackdropDownloadWidth":"Minimalna \u0161irina pozadine za preuzimanje:",
"LabelMinScreenshotDownloadWidth":"Minimalna \u0161irina isje\u010dka za preuzimanje:",
"ButtonAddScheduledTaskTrigger":"Add Trigger",
"HeaderAddScheduledTaskTrigger":"Add Trigger",
"LabelTriggerType":"Tip pokreta\u010da:",
"OptionOnInterval":"U intervalu",
"OptionOnAppStartup":"Kada se aplikacija pokrene",
"OptionAfterSystemEvent":"Nakon doga\u0111aja u sistemu",
"OptionWakeFromSleep":"Pokreni iz stanja mirovanja",
"PathSubstitutionHelp":"Zamjenske putanje se koriste za mapiranje putanja na serveru na putanje kojima \u0107e kljenti mo\u0107i pristupiti. Dupu\u0161taju\u0107i kljentima direktan pristup medijima na serveru imaju mogu\u0107nost izvoditi sadr\u017eaj direktno preko mre\u017ee i tako ne iskori\u0161tavati resurse servera za koverziju i reprodukciju istih.",
"LabelFromHelp":"Primjer: D:\\Filmovi (na serveru)",
"LabelToHelp":"Primjer: \\\\MojServer\\Filmovi (putanja kojoj kljent mo\u017ee pristupiti)",
"OptionEnableDebugTranscodingLogging":"Omogu\u0107i logiranje pogre\u0161aka prilikom konverzije",
"OptionEnableDebugTranscodingLoggingHelp":"Ovo \u0107e kreirati iznimno velike log datoteke i jedino se preporu\u010da koristiti u slu\u010daju problema sa konverzijom.",
"EditCollectionItemsHelp":"Dodaj ili ukloni bilo koje filmove, serije, albume, knjige ili igrice koje \u017eeli\u0161 grupirati u ovu kolekciju.",
"CustomDlnaProfilesHelp":"Kreiraj prilago\u0111eni profili za novi ure\u0111aj ili doradi neki od sistemskih profila.",
"SystemDlnaProfilesHelp":"Sistemski profili su samo za \u010ditanje. Bilo kakve izmjene na sistemskom profilu biti \u0107e snimljene kao novi prilago\u0111eni profil.",
"LabelFriendlyServerName":"Prijateljsko ime servera:",
"LabelFriendlyServerNameHelp":"Ovo ime \u0107e se koristiti za identifikaciju servera. Ako ostavite prazno, ime ra\u010dunala \u0107e se koristi kao identifikator.",
"LabelCustomCssHelp":"Apply your own custom css to the web interface.",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumber":"Local http port number:",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumberHelp":"The tcp port number that Emby's http server should bind to.",
"LabelPublicHttpPort":"Public http port number:",
"LabelPublicHttpPortHelp":"The public port number that should be mapped to the local http port.",
"LabelPublicHttpsPort":"Public https port number:",
"LabelPublicHttpsPortHelp":"The public port number that should be mapped to the local https port.",
"LabelEnableHttps":"Report https as external address",
"LabelEnableHttpsHelp":"If enabled, the server will report an https url to clients as it's external address.",
"LabelHttpsPort":"Local https port number:",
"LabelHttpsPortHelp":"The tcp port number that Emby's https server should bind to.",
"LabelWebSocketPortNumber":"Port Web priklju\u010dka:",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMap":"Enable automatic port mapping",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapHelp":"Attempt to automatically map the public port to the local port via UPnP. This may not work with some router models.",
"LabelExternalDDNS":"External WAN Address:",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"If you have a dynamic DNS enter it here. Emby apps will use it when connecting remotely. Leave empty for automatic detection.",
"TitleAppSettings":"Postavke aplikacije",
"LabelMinResumePercentage":"Minimalni postotak za nastavak:",
"LabelMaxResumePercentage":"Maksimalni postotak za nastavak:",
"LabelMinResumeDuration":"Minimalno trajanje za nastavak (sekunda):",
"LabelMinResumePercentageHelp":"Naslovi \u0107e biti ozna\u010deni kao ne reproducirani ako se zaustave prije ovog vremena",
"LabelMaxResumePercentageHelp":"Naslovi \u0107e biti ozna\u010deni kao pogledani ako budu zaustavljeni nakon ovog vremena",
"LabelMinResumeDurationHelp":"Naslovi kra\u0107i od ovog ne\u0107e imati mogu\u0107nost nastavka",
"LabelEndingEpisodeNumberHelp":"Potrebno samo za datoteke sa vi\u0161e epizoda",
"HeaderSupportTheTeam":"Support the Emby Team",
"LabelSupportAmount":"Iznos (USD)",
"HeaderSupportTheTeamHelp":"Pomozi donacijom i osiguraj daljnji razvoj ovog projekta. Dio donacija \u0107e biti preusmjereni za ostale besplatne alate o kojima ovisimo.",
"LabelCurrentEmailAddressHelp":"Trenutna e-mail adresa na koju je poslan novi klju\u010d.",
"HeaderForgotKey":"Zaboravili ste klju\u010d",
"LabelEmailAddress":"E-mail adresa",
"LabelSupporterEmailAddress":"E-mail adresa koja je kori\u0161tena za nabavku klju\u010da",
"ButtonRetrieveKey":"Dohvati klju\u010d",
"LabelSupporterKey":"Klju\u010d podr\u0161ke (zaljepi iz e-maila)",
"LabelSupporterKeyHelp":"Enter your supporter key to start enjoying additional benefits the community has developed for Emby.",
"MessageInvalidKey":"Klju\u010d podr\u0161ke nedostaje ili je neispravan.",
"ErrorMessageInvalidKey":"In order for any premium content to be registered, you must also be an Emby Supporter. Please donate and support the continued development of the core product. Thank you.",
"LabelBlastMessageIntervalHelp":"Odre\u0111uje trajanje u sekundama izme\u0111u svake poruke dostupnosti servera.",
"LabelDefaultUser":"Zadani korisnik:",
"LabelDefaultUserHelp":"Odre\u0111uje koja \u0107e biblioteka biti prikazana na spojenim ure\u0111ajima. Ovo se mo\u017ee zaobi\u0107i za svaki ure\u0111aj koriste\u0107i profile.",
"HeaderSendNotificationHelp":"By default, notifications are delivered to your dashboard inbox. Browse the plugin catalog to install additional notification options.",
"NotificationOptionServerRestartRequired":"Potrebno ponovo pokretanje servera",
"LabelNotificationEnabled":"Omogu\u0107i ovu obavijest",
"HeaderCodecProfileHelp":"Profili kodeka definiraju ograni\u010denja kada ure\u0111aji izvode sadr\u017eaj u specifi\u010dnom kodeku. Ako se ograni\u010denja podudaraju tada \u0107e sadr\u017eaj biti transkodiran, iako je kodek konfiguriran za direktno izvo\u0111enje.",
"HeaderContainerProfile":"Profil spremnika",
"HeaderContainerProfileHelp":"Profil spremnika definira ograni\u010denja za ure\u0111aje kada izvode specifi\u010dne formate. Ako se ograni\u010denja podudaraju tada \u0107e sadr\u017eaj biti transkodiran, iako je format konfiguriran za direktno izvo\u0111enje.",
"OptionProfileVideoAudio":"Video Audio",
"LabelUserLibrary":"Korisni\u010dka biblioteka:",
"LabelUserLibraryHelp":"Odaberite koju korisni\u010dku biblioteku \u0107e te prikazati ure\u0111aju. Ostavite prazno ako \u017eelite preuzeti definirane postavke.",
"OptionPlainStorageFolders":"Prika\u017ei sve mape kako jednostavne mape za skladi\u0161tenje",
"OptionPlainStorageFoldersHelp":"Ako je omogu\u0107eno, sve mape se prezentiraju u DIDL-u kao \"objekt.spremnik.skladi\u0161naMapa\" umjesto vi\u0161e specijaliziranog tipa kao \"objekt.spremnik.osoba.glazbaIzvo\u0111a\u010d\".",
"OptionPlainVideoItems":"Prika\u017ei sav video kao jednostavne video stavke.",
"OptionPlainVideoItemsHelp":"Ako je omogu\u0107eno, sav video se prezentira u DIDL-u kao \"objekt.stavka.videoStavka\" umjesto vi\u0161e specijaliziranog tipa kao \"objekt.stavka.videoStavka.film\".",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidl":"Ugradi grafike albuma u Didl",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidlHelp":"Neki ure\u0111aji podr\u017eavaju ovu metodu za prikaz grafike albuma. Drugi bi mogli imati problema sa ovom opcijom uklju\u010denom.",
"LabelAlbumArtPN":"Grafika albuma PN:",
"LabelAlbumArtHelp":"PN se koristi za grafiku albuma sa dlna:profilID atributom na upnp:albumGrafikaURI. Neki klijenti zahtijevaju specifi\u010dnu vrijednost bez obzira na veli\u010dinu slike.",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxWidth":"Album art max width:",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxWidthHelp":"Max resolution of album art exposed via upnp:albumArtURI.",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxHeight":"Album art max height:",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxHeightHelp":"Max resolution of album art exposed via upnp:albumArtURI.",
"LabelIconMaxWidth":"Icon max width:",
"LabelIconMaxWidthHelp":"Max resolution of icons exposed via upnp:icon.",
"LabelIconMaxHeight":"Icon max height:",
"LabelIconMaxHeightHelp":"Max resolution of icons exposed via upnp:icon.",
"LabelIdentificationFieldHelp":"A case-insensitive substring or regex expression.",
"OptionEnableM2tsModeHelp":"Enable m2ts mode when encoding to mpegts.",
"OptionEstimateContentLength":"Estimate content length when transcoding",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscoding":"Report that the server supports byte seeking when transcoding",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscodingHelp":"This is required for some devices that don't time seek very well.",
"HeaderSubtitleDownloadingHelp":"When Emby scans your video files it can search for missing subtitles, and download them using a subtitle provider such as OpenSubtitles.org.",
"MessageNoChapterProviders":"Install a chapter provider plugin such as ChapterDb to enable additional chapter options.",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresent":"Skip if the video already contains graphical subtitles",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresentHelp":"Keeping text versions of subtitles will result in more efficient delivery and decrease the likelihood of video transcoding.",
"HeaderChapterDownloadingHelp":"When Emby scans your video files it can download friendly chapter names from the internet using chapter plugins such as ChapterDb.",
"LabelPlayDefaultAudioTrack":"Play default audio track regardless of language",
"LabelSubtitlePlaybackMode":"Subtitle mode:",
"LabelDownloadLanguages":"Download languages:",
"LabelSkipIfAudioTrackPresent":"Skip if the default audio track matches the download language",
"LabelSkipIfAudioTrackPresentHelp":"Uncheck this to ensure all videos have subtitles, regardless of audio language.",
"HeaderSendMessage":"Send Message",
"LabelMessageText":"Message text:",
"MessageNoAvailablePlugins":"No available plugins.",
"HeaderBecomeProjectSupporter":"Become an Emby Supporter",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"MessageNoPlaylistItemsAvailable":"This playlist is currently empty.",
"ButtonEditOtherUserPreferences":"Edit this user's profile, image and personal preferences.",
"LabelChannelStreamQuality":"Preferred internet stream quality:",
"LabelChannelStreamQualityHelp":"In a low bandwidth environment, limiting quality can help ensure a smooth streaming experience.",
"LabelEnableChannelContentDownloadingForHelp":"Some channels support downloading content prior to viewing. Enable this in low bandwidth enviornments to download channel content during off hours. Content is downloaded as part of the channel download scheduled task.",
"LabelProtocolInfoHelp":"The value that will be used when responding to GetProtocolInfo requests from the device.",
"HeaderKodiMetadataHelp":"Emby includes native support for Nfo metadata files. To enable or disable Nfo metadata, use the Advanced tab to configure options for your media types.",
"LabelKodiMetadataUser":"Sync user watch data to nfo's for:",
"LabelKodiMetadataUserHelp":"Enable this to keep watch data in sync between Emby Server and Nfo files.",
"LabelKodiMetadataDateFormat":"Release date format:",
"LabelKodiMetadataDateFormatHelp":"All dates within nfo's will be read and written to using this format.",
"LabelKodiMetadataSaveImagePaths":"Save image paths within nfo files",
"LabelKodiMetadataSaveImagePathsHelp":"This is recommended if you have image file names that don't conform to Kodi guidelines.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"HeaderApiKeysHelp":"External applications are required to have an Api key in order to communicate with Emby Server. Keys are issued by logging in with an Emby account, or by manually granting the application a key.",
"LabelInNetworkSignInWithEasyPasswordHelp":"If enabled, you'll be able to use your easy pin code to sign in to Emby apps from inside your home network. Your regular password will only be needed away from home. If the pin code is left blank, you won't need a password within your home network.",
"OptionOneTimeDescription":"This is an additional donation to the team to show your support. It does not have any additional benefits and will not produce a supporter key.",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScan":"Extract chapter images during the library scan",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScanHelp":"If enabled, chapter images will be extracted when videos are imported during the library scan. If disabled they will be extracted during the chapter images scheduled task, allowing the regular library scan to complete faster.",
"LabelConnectGuestUserName":"Their Emby username or email address:",
"LabelConnectUserName":"Emby username\/email:",
"LabelConnectUserNameHelp":"Connect this user to an Emby account to enable easy sign-in access from any Emby app without having to know the server ip address.",
"ButtonLearnMoreAboutEmbyConnect":"Learn more about Emby Connect",
"LabelExternalPlayers":"External players:",
"LabelExternalPlayersHelp":"Display buttons to play content in external players. This is only available on devices that support url schemes, generally Android and iOS. With external players there is generally no support for remote control or resuming.",
"LabelNativeExternalPlayersHelp":"Display buttons to play content in external players.",
"LabelEnableItemPreviews":"Enable item previews",
"LabelEnableItemPreviewsHelp":"if enabled, sliding previews will appear when clicking items on certain screens.",
"HeaderSubtitleProfile":"Subtitle Profile",
"HeaderSubtitleProfiles":"Subtitle Profiles",
"HeaderSubtitleProfilesHelp":"Subtitle profiles describe the subtitle formats supported by the device.",
"CinemaModeConfigurationHelp":"Cinema mode brings the theater experience straight to your living room with the ability to play trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMovies":"Include trailers from movies in my library",
"OptionUpcomingMoviesInTheaters":"Include trailers from new and upcoming movies",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"LabelDateAddedBehaviorHelp":"If a metadata value is present it will always be used before either of these options.",
"LabelNumberTrailerToPlay":"Number of trailers to play:",
"TabCameraUpload":"Camera Upload",
"HeaderCameraUploadHelp":"Automatically upload photos and videos taken from your mobile devices into Emby.",
"MessageNoDevicesSupportCameraUpload":"You currently don't have any devices that support camera upload.",
"LabelCameraUploadPath":"Camera upload path:",
"LabelCameraUploadPathHelp":"Select a custom upload path, if desired. If unspecified a default folder will be used. If using a custom path it will also need to be added in the library setup area.",
"LabelCreateCameraUploadSubfolder":"Create a subfolder for each device",
"LabelCreateCameraUploadSubfolderHelp":"Specific folders can be assigned to a device by clicking on it from the Devices page.",
"LabelCustomDeviceDisplayName":"Display name:",
"LabelCustomDeviceDisplayNameHelp":"Supply a custom display name or leave empty to use the name reported by the device.",
"OptionDisableUserPreferences":"Disable access to user preferences",
"OptionDisableUserPreferencesHelp":"If enabled, only administrators will be able to configure user profile images, passwords, and language preferences.",
"HeaderSelectServer":"Select Server",
"MessageNoServersAvailableToConnect":"No servers are available to connect to. If you've been invited to share a server, make sure to accept it below or by clicking the link in the email.",
"TitleNewUser":"New User",
"ButtonConfigurePassword":"Configure Password",
"HeaderDashboardUserPassword":"User passwords are managed within each user's personal profile settings.",
"HeaderLibraryAccess":"Library Access",
"HeaderChannelAccess":"Channel Access",
"HeaderLatestItems":"Latest Items",
"LabelSelectLastestItemsFolders":"Include media from the following sections in Latest Items",
"HeaderShareMediaFolders":"Share Media Folders",
"MessageGuestSharingPermissionsHelp":"Most features are initially unavailable to guests but can be enabled as needed.",
"LabelBlockContentWithTags":"Block content with tags:",
"LabelEnableSingleImageInDidlLimit":"Limit to single embedded image",
"LabelEnableSingleImageInDidlLimitHelp":"Some devices will not render properly if multiple images are embedded within Didl.",
"OptionAllowSyncContent":"Allow Sync",
"OptionAllowContentDownloading":"Allow media downloading",
"NameSeasonUnknown":"Season Unknown",
"NameSeasonNumber":"Season {0}",
"LabelNewUserNameHelp":"Usernames can contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), dashes (-), underscores (_), apostrophes ('), and periods (.)",
"TabSyncJobs":"Sync Jobs",
"LabelTagFilterAllowModeHelp":"If allowed tags are used as part of a deeply nested folder structure, content that is tagged will require parent folders to be tagged as well.",
"HeaderThisUserIsCurrentlyDisabled":"This user is currently disabled",
"MessageReenableUser":"See below to reenable",
"LabelEnableInternetMetadataForTvPrograms":"Download internet metadata for:",
"OptionEnableTranscodingThrottleHelp":"Throttling will automatically adjust transcoding speed in order to minimize server cpu utilization during playback.",
"LabelRemoteClientBitrateLimitHelp":"An optional streaming bitrate limit for all remote clients. This is useful to prevent clients from requesting a higher bitrate than your connection can handle.",
"LabelConversionCpuCoreLimit":"CPU core limit:",
"LabelConversionCpuCoreLimitHelp":"Limit the number of CPU cores that will be used during sync conversion.",
"OptionEnableFullSpeedConversion":"Enable full speed conversion",
"OptionEnableFullSpeedConversionHelp":"By default, sync conversion is performed at a low speed to minimize resource consumption.",
"LabelSelectViewStylesHelp":"If enabled, views will be built with metadata to offer categories such as Suggestions, Latest, Genres, and more. If disabled, they'll be displayed with simple folders.",
"HeaderWelcomeToEmby":"Welcome to Emby",
"EmbyIntroMessage":"With Emby you can easily stream videos, music and photos to smart phones, tablets and other devices from your Emby Server.",
"TextConnectToServerManually":"Connect to server manually",
"ButtonSignInWithConnect":"Sign in with Emby Connect",
"LabelServerHostHelp":" or https:\/\/myserver.com",