lnd and lightning-loop resolve `localhost` to an IPv4 address when
creating RPC sockets.
Since NixOS 23.05, RTL (nodejs) resolves `localhost` to an IPv6
address when connecting to lnd and lightning-loop, which leads to
connection errors.
To fix these and other potential errors, replace all instances
of `localhost` with ``.
These scripts previously failed when called with syscalls like
`execve` (used by, e.g., Python's `subprocess.run`) that use no default
interpreter for scripts without a shebang.
This makes our list definitions mergeable with custom list values
set by users.
Previously, a module error ("value is a string while a list
was expected") was thrown instead.
This commit was partly auto-generated with this script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Dir["**/*.nix"].each do |file|
src = File.read(file)
fixed = src.gsub(/ReadWritePaths *= *(.*?);/) do
"ReadWritePaths = [ #{$1} ];"
File.write(file, fixed) if fixed != src
This enables generating module option documentation.
This commit was genereated by running the following script inside the
repo root dir:
def add_default_text(file)
src = File.read(file)
src2 = src.gsub(/( = mkOption\s+\{[^{]*?)(\n\s+default = )(.*?);$(.*?\})/m) do |str|
pre, defaultVar, default, post = Regexp.last_match.captures
replacement =
if !post.include?('defaultText =')
if default =~ /\bpkgs\b/
defaultText = default.lines.length == 1 ? default : "(See source)"
"#{pre}#{defaultVar}#{default};#{defaultVar.sub('default', 'defaultText')}#{defaultText.inspect};#{post}"
replacement or str
File.write(file, src2) if src2 != src
Dir["modules/**/*.nix"].each do |f|
next if File.basename(f) == "nix-bitcoin.nix"
add_default_text f
Split `enforceTor` into `tor.proxy` and `tor.enforce`.
By enabling `tor.proxy` without `tor.enforce`, a service can accept
incoming clearnet connections.
E.g., this allows setting up a Tor-proxied bitcoind node that accepts
RPC connections from LAN.
This greatly improves readability and makes it easier to discover options.
This commit was genereated by running the following script inside the
repo root dir:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
def transform(src)
return false if src.include?('inherit options;')
success = false
options = nil
src.sub!(/^ options.*?^ }.*?;/m) do |match|
options = match
" inherit options;"
return false if !options
src.sub!(/^with lib;\s*let\n+/m) do |match|
success = true
with lib;
Dir['modules/**/*.nix'].each do |f|
src = File.read(f)
if transform(src)
puts "Changed file #{f}"
File.write(f, src)
`generate-secrets` is no longer a monolithic script. Instead, it's
composed of the values of option `nix-bitcoin.generateSecretsCmds`.
This has the following advantages:
- generate-secrets is now extensible by users
- Only secrets of enabled services are generated
- RPC IPs in the `lnd` and `loop` certs are no longer hardcoded.
Secrets are no longer automatically generated when entering nix-shell.
Instead, they are generated before deployment (via `krops-deploy`)
because secrets generation is now dependant on the node configuration.