#!/usr/local/bin/python3 import os import requests import time import subprocess CHECKIN_URL = "https://www.mynodebtc.com/device_api/check_in.php" # Helper functions def unset_skipped_product_key(): os.system("rm -rf /home/bitcoin/.mynode/.product_key_skipped") os.system("rm -rf /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.product_key_skipped") def delete_product_key_error(): os.system("rm -rf /home/bitcoin/.mynode/.product_key_error") os.system("rm -rf /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.product_key_error") def get_current_version(): current_version = "0.0" try: with open("/usr/share/mynode/version", "r") as f: current_version = f.read().strip() except: current_version = "error" return current_version def get_device_type(): device = subprocess.check_output("mynode-get-device-type", shell=True).strip() return device def get_device_serial(): serial = subprocess.check_output("mynode-get-device-serial", shell=True).strip() return serial def skipped_product_key(): return os.path.isfile("/home/bitcoin/.mynode/.product_key_skipped") or \ os.path.isfile("/mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.product_key_skipped") def has_product_key(): return os.path.isfile("/home/bitcoin/.mynode/.product_key") def get_product_key(): product_key = "no_product_key" if skipped_product_key(): return "community_edition" if not has_product_key(): return "product_key_missing" try: with open("/home/bitcoin/.mynode/.product_key", "r") as f: product_key = f.read().strip() except: product_key = "product_key_error" return product_key # Checkin every 24 hours def check_in(): # Check in product_key = get_product_key() data = { "serial": get_device_serial(), "device_type": get_device_type(), "version": get_current_version(), "product_key": product_key } # Check for new version os.system("/usr/bin/mynode_get_latest_version.sh") # Setup tor proxy session = requests.session() session.proxies = {} session.proxies['http'] = 'socks5h://localhost:9050' session.proxies['https'] = 'socks5h://localhost:9050' # Check In fail_count = 0 check_in_success = False while not check_in_success: try: # Use tor for check in unless there have been tor 5 failures in a row r = None if (fail_count+1) % 5 == 0: r = requests.post(CHECKIN_URL, data=data, timeout=15) else: r = session.post(CHECKIN_URL, data=data, timeout=15) if r.status_code == 200: if r.text == "OK": os.system("printf \"%s | Check In Success: {} \\n\" \"$(date)\" >> /tmp/check_in_status".format(r.text)) if product_key != "community_edition": unset_skipped_product_key() delete_product_key_error() else: os.system("echo '{}' > /home/bitcoin/.mynode/.product_key_error".format(r.text)) os.system("printf \"%s | Check In Returned Error: {} \\n\" \"$(date)\" >> /tmp/check_in_status".format(r.text)) os.system("rm -f /tmp/check_in_error") check_in_success = True else: os.system("printf \"%s | Check In Failed. Retrying... Code {} \\n\" \"$(date)\" >> /tmp/check_in_status".format(r.status_code)) except Exception as e: os.system("printf \"%s | Check In Failed. Retrying... Exception {} \\n\" \"$(date)\" >> /tmp/check_in_status".format(e)) if not check_in_success: # Check in failed, try again in 3 minutes os.system("touch /tmp/check_in_error") time.sleep(120) fail_count = fail_count + 1 return True # Run check in every 24 hours if __name__ == "__main__": while True: check_in() time.sleep(60*60*24)