#!/bin/bash set -e set -x source /usr/share/mynode/mynode_config.sh # Verify FS is mounted as R/W if [ ! -w / ]; then touch /tmp/sd_rw_error mount -o remount,rw /; fi # Set sticky bit on /tmp chmod +t /tmp # Make sure resolv.conf is a symlink to so resolvconf works # if [ ! -h /etc/resolv.conf ]; then # rm -f /etc/resolv.conf # mkdir -p /etc/resolvconf/run/ # touch /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf # ln -s /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf # sync # reboot # sleep 10s # exit 1 # fi # Add some DNS servers to make domain lookup more likely echo '' >> /etc/resolv.conf echo '# Added at myNode startup' >> /etc/resolv.conf echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf # Disable autosuspend for USB drives if [ -d /sys/bus/usb/devices/ ]; then for dev in /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/control; do echo "on" > $dev; done fi # Verify SD card permissions and folders are OK mkdir -p /home/admin/.config/ chown -R admin:admin /home/admin/.config/ # Expand Root FS mkdir -p /var/lib/mynode if [ ! -f /var/lib/mynode/.expanded_rootfs ]; then if [ $IS_RASPI -eq 1 ]; then raspi-config --expand-rootfs touch /var/lib/mynode/.expanded_rootfs fi if [ $IS_ROCK64 = 1 ] || [ $IS_ROCKPRO64 = 1 ]; then /usr/lib/armbian/armbian-resize-filesystem start touch /var/lib/mynode/.expanded_rootfs fi fi # Customize logo for resellers if [ -f /opt/mynode/custom/logo_custom.png ]; then cp -f /opt/mynode/custom/logo_custom.png /var/www/mynode/static/images/logo_custom.png fi if [ -f /opt/mynode/custom/logo_dark_custom.png ]; then cp -f /opt/mynode/custom/logo_dark_custom.png /var/www/mynode/static/images/logo_dark_custom.png fi # Verify we are in a clean state if [ $IS_RASPI -eq 1 ] || [ $IS_ROCK64 -eq 1 ] || [ $IS_ROCKPRO64 -eq 1 ]; then dphys-swapfile swapoff || true dphys-swapfile uninstall || true fi umount /mnt/hdd || true # Check drive set +e if [ $IS_X86 = 0 ]; then touch /tmp/repairing_drive for d in /dev/sd*1; do echo "Repairing drive $d ..."; fsck -y $d > /tmp/fsck_results 2>&1 RC=$? echo "" >> /tmp/fsck_results echo "Code: $RC" >> /tmp/fsck_results if [ "$RC" -ne 0 ] && [ "$RC" -ne 8 ] ; then touch /tmp/fsck_error fi done fi rm -f /tmp/repairing_drive set -e # Mount HDD (format if necessary) while [ ! -f /mnt/hdd/.mynode ] do # Clear status rm -f $MYNODE_DIR/.mynode_status mount_drive.tcl || true sleep 5 done # Check for docker reset if [ -f /home/bitcoin/reset_docker ]; then rm -rf /mnt/hdd/mynode/docker rm /home/bitcoin/reset_docker sync reboot sleep 60s exit 0 fi # Setup Drive mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/.config mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/bitcoin mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/lnd mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/quicksync mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/redis mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/mongodb mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/electrs mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/docker mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/rtl mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/rtl_backup mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/whirlpool mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/lnbits mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter mkdir -p /tmp/flask_uploads echo "drive_mounted" > $MYNODE_DIR/.mynode_status chmod 777 $MYNODE_DIR/.mynode_status rm -rf $MYNODE_DIR/.mynode_bitcoind_synced # Setup SD Card (if necessary) mkdir -p /run/tor mkdir -p /var/run/tor mkdir -p /home/bitcoin/.mynode/ mkdir -p /home/admin/.bitcoin/ chown admin:admin /home/admin/.bitcoin/ rm -rf /etc/motd # Remove simple motd for update-motd.d # Sync product key (SD preferred) cp -f /home/bitcoin/.mynode/.product_key* /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/ || true cp -f /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.product_key* home/bitcoin/.mynode/ || true # Make any users we need to useradd -m -s /bin/bash pivpn || true # Regen SSH keys (check if force regen or keys are missing / empty) while [ ! -f /home/bitcoin/.mynode/.gensshkeys ] || [ ! -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub ] || [ ! -s /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub ] || [ ! -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub ] || [ ! -s /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub ] || [ ! -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub ] || [ ! -s /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub ] do sleep 10s rm -rf /etc/ssh/ssh_host_* dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server systemctl restart ssh touch /home/bitcoin/.mynode/.gensshkeys sync sleep 5s done # Gen RSA keys sudo -u admin mkdir -p /home/admin/.ssh chown -R admin:admin /home/admin/.ssh if [ ! -f /home/admin/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then sudo -u admin ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /home/admin/.ssh/id_rsa -N "" fi sudo -u admin touch /home/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys || true if [ ! -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa_btcpay ]; then sudo rm -rf /root/.ssh/id_rsa_btcpay ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa_btcpay -q -P "" -m PEM echo "# Key used by BTCPay Server" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa_btcpay.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys fi # Randomize RPC password while [ ! -f /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.btcrpcpw ] || [ ! -s /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.btcrpcpw ] do # Write random pw to .btcrpcpw sleep 10s < /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-24} > /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.btcrpcpw chown bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.btcrpcpw chmod 600 /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.btcrpcpw done # Default QuickSync if [ ! -f /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.setquicksyncdefault ]; then # Default x86 to no QuickSync if [ $IS_X86 = 1 ]; then touch /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/quicksync_disabled fi # Default RockPro64 to no QuickSync if [ $IS_ROCKPRO64 = 1 ]; then touch /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/quicksync_disabled fi # Default SSD to no QuickSync DRIVE=$(cat /tmp/.mynode_drive) HDD=$(lsblk $DRIVE -o ROTA | tail -n 1 | tr -d '[:space:]') if [ "$HDD" = "0" ]; then touch /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/quicksync_disabled fi # If there is a USB->SATA adapter, assume we have an SSD and default to no QS set +e lsusb | grep "SATA 6Gb/s bridge" RC=$? set -e if [ "$RC" = "0" ]; then touch /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/quicksync_disabled fi # Default small drives to no QuickSync DRIVE_SIZE=$(df /mnt/hdd | grep /dev | awk '{print $2}') if (( ${DRIVE_SIZE} <= 800000000 )); then touch /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/quicksync_disabled fi touch /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.setquicksyncdefault fi # BTC Config source /usr/bin/mynode_gen_bitcoin_config.sh # LND Config source /usr/bin/mynode_gen_lnd_config.sh # RTL config sudo -u bitcoin mkdir -p /opt/mynode/RTL sudo -u bitcoin mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/rtl chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/rtl chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/rtl_backup # If local settings file is not a symlink, delete and setup symlink to HDD if [ ! -L /opt/mynode/RTL/RTL-Config.json ]; then rm -f /opt/mynode/RTL/RTL-Config.json sudo -u bitcoin ln -s /mnt/hdd/mynode/rtl/RTL-Config.json /opt/mynode/RTL/RTL-Config.json fi # If config file on HDD does not exist, create it if [ ! -f /mnt/hdd/mynode/rtl/RTL-Config.json ]; then cp -f /usr/share/mynode/RTL-Config.json /mnt/hdd/mynode/rtl/RTL-Config.json fi # Update RTL config file to use mynode pw if [ -f /home/bitcoin/.mynode/.hashedpw ]; then HASH=$(cat /home/bitcoin/.mynode/.hashedpw) sed -i "s/\"multiPassHashed\":.*/\"multiPassHashed\": \"$HASH\",/g" /mnt/hdd/mynode/rtl/RTL-Config.json fi # BTC RPC Explorer Config cp /usr/share/mynode/btc_rpc_explorer_env /opt/mynode/btc-rpc-explorer/.env chown bitcoin:bitcoin /opt/mynode/btc-rpc-explorer/.env # LNBits Config if [ -d /opt/mynode/lnbits ]; then cp /usr/share/mynode/lnbits.env /opt/mynode/lnbits/.env chown bitcoin:bitcoin /opt/mynode/lnbits/.env fi # Setup Specter if [ -d /home/bitcoin/.specter ] && [ ! -L /home/bitcoin/.specter ] ; then # Migrate to HDD cp -r -f /home/bitcoin/.specter/* /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter/ chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter rm -rf /home/bitcoin/.specter sync fi if [ ! -L /home/bitcoin/.specter ]; then # Setup symlink to HDD sudo -u bitcoin ln -s /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter /home/bitcoin/.specter fi if [ -f /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter/config.json ]; then # Setup config file to point to local bitcoin instance BTCRPCPW=$(cat /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.btcrpcpw) sed -i "s#\"datadir\": .*#\"datadir\": \"/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin\",#g" /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter/config.json sed -i "s#\"user\": .*#\"user\": \"mynode\",#g" /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter/config.json sed -i "s#\"password\": .*#\"password\": \"$BTCRPCPW\",#g" /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter/config.json sed -i "s#\"port\": .*#\"port\": \"8332\",#g" /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter/config.json sed -i "s#\"host\": .*#\"host\": \"localhost\",#g" /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter/config.json sed -i "s#\"protocol\": .*#\"protocol\": \"http\"#g" /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter/config.json fi # Setup Thunderhub mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/mynode/thunderhub/ if [ ! -f /mnt/hdd/mynode/thunderhub/.env.local ]; then cp -f /usr/share/mynode/thunderhub.env /mnt/hdd/mynode/thunderhub/.env.local fi if [ ! -f /mnt/hdd/mynode/thunderhub/thub_config.yaml ]; then cp -f /usr/share/mynode/thub_config.yaml /mnt/hdd/mynode/thunderhub/thub_config.yaml fi if [ -f /mnt/hdd/mynode/thunderhub/thub_config.yaml ]; then if [ -f /home/bitcoin/.mynode/.hashedpw_bcrypt ]; then HASH_BCRYPT=$(cat /home/bitcoin/.mynode/.hashedpw_bcrypt) sed -i "s#masterPassword:.*#masterPassword: \"thunderhub-$HASH_BCRYPT\"#g" /mnt/hdd/mynode/thunderhub/thub_config.yaml fi fi chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/thunderhub # Setup udev chown root:root /etc/udev/rules.d/* || true udevadm trigger udevadm control --reload-rules groupadd plugdev || true sudo usermod -aG plugdev bitcoin # Update other files that need RPC password (needed if upgrades overwrite files) BTCRPCPW=$(cat /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.btcrpcpw) if [ -f /opt/mynode/LndHub/config.js ]; then cp -f /usr/share/mynode/lndhub-config.js /opt/mynode/LndHub/config.js sed -i "s/mynode:.*@/mynode:$BTCRPCPW@/g" /opt/mynode/LndHub/config.js chown bitcoin:bitcoin /opt/mynode/LndHub/config.js fi if [ -f /opt/mynode/btc-rpc-explorer/.env ]; then sed -i "s/BTCEXP_BITCOIND_PASS=.*/BTCEXP_BITCOIND_PASS=$BTCRPCPW/g" /opt/mynode/btc-rpc-explorer/.env fi echo "BTC_RPC_PASSWORD=$BTCRPCPW" > /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.btcrpc_environment chown bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/.btcrpc_environment if [ -f /mnt/hdd/mynode/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf ]; then sed -i "s/rpcauth=.*/$RPCAUTH/g" /mnt/hdd/mynode/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf fi cp -f /mnt/hdd/mynode/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf /home/admin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf chown admin:admin /home/admin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf # Reset BTCARGS echo "BTCARGS=" > /mnt/hdd/mynode/bitcoin/env # Set proper permissions on drive USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/quicksync) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/quicksync fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/.config) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/.config fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/bitcoin) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/bitcoin fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /home/bitcoin) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R --no-dereference bitcoin:bitcoin /home/bitcoin fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /home/bitcoin/.mynode) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.mynode fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/lnd) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/lnd fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/whirlpool) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/whirlpool fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/lnbits) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/lnbits fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/rtl) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/rtl fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/specter fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/redis) if [ "$USER" != "redis" ]; then chown -R redis:redis /mnt/hdd/mynode/redis fi chown -R redis:redis /etc/redis/ #USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/mongodb) #if [ "$USER" != "mongodb" ]; then # chown -R mongodb:mongodb /mnt/hdd/mynode/mongodb #fi USER=$(stat -c '%U' /mnt/hdd/mynode/electrs) if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/electrs fi chown bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/ chown bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/mynode/ # Setup swap on new HDD if [ ! -f /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/swap_size ]; then # Set defaults touch /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/swap_size echo "2" > /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/swap_size sed -i "s|CONF_SWAPSIZE=.*|CONF_SWAPSIZE=2048|" /etc/dphys-swapfile else # Update swap config file in case upgrade overwrote file SWAP=$(cat /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/swap_size) SWAP_MB=$(($SWAP * 1024)) sed -i "s|CONF_SWAPSIZE=.*|CONF_SWAPSIZE=$SWAP_MB|" /etc/dphys-swapfile fi if [ $IS_RASPI -eq 1 ] || [ $IS_ROCK64 -eq 1 ] || [ $IS_ROCKPRO64 -eq 1 ]; then SWAP=$(cat /mnt/hdd/mynode/settings/swap_size) if [ "$SWAP" -ne "0" ]; then dphys-swapfile install dphys-swapfile swapon fi fi # Make sure every enabled service is really enabled # This can happen from full-SD card upgrades STARTUP_MODIFIED=0 if [ -f $ELECTRS_ENABLED_FILE ]; then if systemctl status electrs | grep "disabled;"; then systemctl enable electrs STARTUP_MODIFIED=1 fi fi if [ -f $LNDHUB_ENABLED_FILE ]; then if systemctl status lndhub | grep "disabled;"; then systemctl enable lndhub STARTUP_MODIFIED=1 fi fi if [ -f $BTCRPCEXPLORER_ENABLED_FILE ]; then if systemctl status btc_rpc_explorer | grep "disabled;"; then systemctl enable btc_rpc_explorer STARTUP_MODIFIED=1 fi fi if [ -f $MEMPOOLSPACE_ENABLED_FILE ]; then if systemctl status mempoolspace | grep "disabled;"; then systemctl enable mempoolspace STARTUP_MODIFIED=1 fi fi if [ -f $BTCPAYSERVER_ENABLED_FILE ]; then if systemctl status btcpayserver | grep "disabled;"; then systemctl enable btcpayserver STARTUP_MODIFIED=1 fi fi if [ -f $VPN_ENABLED_FILE ]; then if systemctl status vpn | grep "disabled;"; then systemctl enable vpn systemctl enable openvpn || true STARTUP_MODIFIED=1 fi fi if [ $STARTUP_MODIFIED -eq 1 ]; then sync reboot exit 0 fi # Generate certificates echo "Generating certificates..." /usr/bin/mynode_gen_cert.sh https 825 /usr/bin/mynode_gen_cert_electrs.sh # Setup nginx HTTPS proxy mkdir -p /var/log/nginx || true mkdir -p /etc/nginx || true rm -f /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/50-mod-* || true # Remove unnecessary files /usr/bin/mynode_gen_dhparam.sh cp -f /usr/share/mynode/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf systemctl restart nginx || true # Weird hacks chmod +x /usr/bin/electrs || true # Once, a device didn't have the execute bit set for electrs timedatectl set-ntp True || true # Make sure NTP is enabled for Tor and Bitcoin rm -f /var/swap || true # Remove old swap file to save SD card space systemctl enable check_in || true # Check for new versions torify wget $LATEST_VERSION_URL -O /usr/share/mynode/latest_version || true torify wget $LATEST_BETA_VERSION_URL -O /usr/share/mynode/latest_beta_version || true # Update current state if [ -f $QUICKSYNC_DIR/.quicksync_complete ]; then echo "stable" > $MYNODE_DIR/.mynode_status fi