from bitcoin_info import get_bitcoin_block_height from prometheus_client.parser import text_string_to_metric_families from systemctl_info import * from utilities import * import subprocess import requests import socket import json import os electrum_server_current_block = None electrs_active = False def get_electrum_server_current_block(): global electrum_server_current_block return electrum_server_current_block def update_electrs_info(): global electrum_server_current_block global electrs_active try: raw_data = requests.get("http://localhost:4224") prom_data = text_string_to_metric_families(raw_data.text) for family in prom_data: for sample in family.samples: if == "electrs_index_height": electrum_server_current_block = int(sample.value) elif == "index_height": electrum_server_current_block = int(sample.value) bitcoin_block_height = get_bitcoin_block_height() if electrum_server_current_block != None and bitcoin_block_height != None: if electrum_server_current_block > bitcoin_block_height - 2: touch("/tmp/electrs_up_to_date") electrs_active = True except: pass def is_electrs_active(): global electrs_active if not is_service_enabled("electrs"): return False return electrs_active def get_electrs_status(): global electrum_server_current_block global electrs_active if not is_service_enabled("electrs"): return "Disabled" bitcoin_block_height = get_bitcoin_block_height() log = "" try: log += to_string(subprocess.check_output("journalctl --unit=electrs --no-pager | tail -n 100", shell=True)) except: log += "" lines = log.splitlines() lines.reverse() for line in lines: # Electrs pre v9 if "left to index)" in line: break elif "Checking if Bitcoin is synced..." in line or "NetworkInfo {" in line or "BlockchainInfo {" in line: return "Starting..." elif "opening DB at" in line or "enabling auto-compactions" in line: return "Starting..." elif "downloading 100000 block headers" in line or "downloading new block headers" in line: return "Getting headers..." elif "starting full compaction" in line: return "Compressing..." elif "enabling auto-compactions" in line: break elif "RPC server running on" in line: break # Electrs v9+ elif "stopping Electrum RPC server" in line or "notified via SIG15" in line: return "Stopping..." elif "serving Electrum RPC on" in line: break elif "indexing 2000 blocks" in line: break elif "indexing 1 blocks" in line: break elif "starting config compaction" in line or "starting headers compaction" in line or "starting txid compaction" in line: return "Compressing..." elif "starting funding compaction" in line or "starting spending compaction" in line: return "Compressing..." elif "loading 12 blocks" in line: break if electrum_server_current_block != None and bitcoin_block_height != None: if electrum_server_current_block < bitcoin_block_height - 10: percent = 100.0 * (float(electrum_server_current_block) / bitcoin_block_height) return "Syncing... {:.2f}%".format(abs(percent)) else: electrs_active = True return "Running" return "" def get_electrs_db_size(is_testnet=False): size = "Unknown" try: folder = "/mnt/hdd/mynode/electrs/bitcoin" if is_testnet: folder = "/mnt/hdd/mynode/electrs/testnet" size = to_string(subprocess.check_output("du -h "+folder+" | head -n1 | awk '{print $1;}'", shell=True)) except Exception as e: size = "Error" return size def get_from_electrum(method, params=[]): params = [params] if type(params) is not list else params s = socket.create_connection(('', 50001)) s.send(json.dumps({"id": 0, "method": method, "params": params}).encode() + b'\n') return json.loads(s.recv(99999)[:-1].decode())