# Configuration file for Log2Ram (https://github.com/azlux/log2ram) under MIT license. # This configuration file is read by the log2ram service # Size for the ram folder, it defines the size the log folder will reserve into the RAM. # If it's not enough, log2ram will not be able to use ram. Check you /var/log size folder. # The default is 40M and is basically enough for a lot of applications. # You will need to increase it if you have a server and a lot of log for example. SIZE=100M # This variable can be set to true if you prefer "rsync" rather than "cp". # I use the command cp -u and rsync -X, so I don't copy the all folder every time for optimization. # You can choose which one you want. Be sure rsync is installed if you use it. USE_RSYNC=false # If there are some errors with available RAM space, a system mail will be send # Change it to false and you will have only a log if there is no place on RAM anymore. MAIL=true