Now modify the `.env` file with any settings you prefer and add a proper [funding source](./ by modifying the value of `LNBITS_BACKEND_WALLET_CLASS` and providing the extra information and credentials related to the chosen funding source.
You might also need to install additional packages or perform additional setup steps, depending on the chosen backend. See [the short guide](./ on each different funding source.
If you already have LNbits installed and running, on an SQLite database, we **HIGHLY** recommend you migrate to postgres!
There's a script included that can do the migration easy. You should have Postgres already installed and there should be a password for the user, check the guide above.
# STOP LNbits
# on the LNBits folder, locate and edit '' with the relevant credentials
# add the database connection string to .env 'nano .env' LNBITS_DATABASE_URL=
# postgres://<user>:<password>@<host>/<database> - alter line bellow with your user, password and db name
If you want to run LNbits on your Umbrel but want it to be reached through clearnet, _Uxellodunum_ made an extensive [guide]( on how to do it.
If you want to run LNbits on your Umbrel but want it to be reached through clearnet, _Uxellodunum_ made an extensive [guide]( on how to do it.